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Happy April Everyone!!!!!!!

Pat - It's so good to have you back with us. Sorry you were sick, sounds like it was perty yummy. (The phlem part) LOL

Rene - Yeah, I can make some perty yummy health drinks. I am sitting here sipping on a chocolate soy milk w/strawberries n cream Protein Shake as we speak.

Darcy - Thanks again for the compliment on my hair. You're too kind. Sounds like you had wonderful times up at the cabin too. I wish I had a little place like that to retreat to. Maybe one day when I'm old and decrepid I will. LOL

Betty - Good to see you back. Sorry about the nice boss having to leave. Hopefully the next one will be equally nice, if not even more so. Take it easy and I wish you many happy and peaceful ZZZZZZZ's.

Cindy - I was fighting off a migrane all flippin day again today, so I am seriously feeling your pain. I am sitting here sipping a Protein Drink in hopes that it will help. I know that I haven't been getting my Protein in this week since being filled, and I honestly believe that's the root of my problem. Usually an adjustment at the chiro's takes care of the problem, but I realized that I've been so limited on my intake with very little protein (or much of anything for that matter), that that's probably what my problem is. The shakes pack a 50 grams of protein per shake, so I'm going to have to make one a day the rule from now on I guess.

The night went by fast at work, and now I get two off - THANK YOU JESUS! LOL But then I work seven in a row after that. *And the punishment never ends* LOL

Never in my life did I think that I'd be able to eat so little and be content, or have trouble getting enough liquids in each day. It is really taking a lot of concentration and effort to get used to my new stomach, but I'm not complaining. This is wonderful compared to being able to hork it on down like I did before. I am still so greatful for this fill. It has already meant the world to me, and the words "sweet spot" begin to have meaning in my life.

Well, off to beddie bye I go. Everyone have a great one, and I'll check back in on you chickies tomorrow.

Mega Lovins

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What kind of protien shake do you use??? I am new at this and I want to get a good one, none of the ones I've looked at come close to 50g per shake.< /p>

Any info would be appreciated.


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Hi Jana

I use Zero Carb Isopure. It is designed especially for us WLS patients and can be purchased from GNC or other health food stores, or right here online. It comes in many different flavors and does give the 50 grams of Protein per serving. It's low in calories too, which is another reason why I chose this particular one.

Hope this helps you. If you need anymore help or have any other questions feel free to hunt me down on here via PM or right here is fine too.

Feel free to join us here for some good conversation as well. We are a small lot, but very friendly and close.

All my best, Kelly

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Good Morning :)

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, we were so busy at work my head was spinning, I mean I didn't even think about surfing the web....now thats busy. We are having an inspection next week and its a biggie, so we all had our heads burried in our work lol.

I finally got to read up on you all :) Trish I PM'd you darling.

Pat, glad your feeling better.... did you get my email from work?

Darcy, we bought an almost condemmed house and knocked it down and built it up ourselves... no contractors what so ever. Just me, DH and his brother. I mean we tore it down to the foundation (that was sooo gross b/c everything was rotted) and then only kept part of that. It took us 3 1/2 years before we could move in and thats only in living conditions, then it took us another 6 1/2 to finish it....I had no closets for over 7 years in that house, imagine living out of boxes for that long lolol. I'll have to post b/4 and after pictures some day. Thats why my back is shot. We did everything from the foundation on up. I can lay subflooring, plumbing, siding, french drains, you should see me on a tractor LOL, ohhh how I hate painting LOL. Then we tackled the landscaping, it was a nightmare. We did our driveway and walk ways (patio too) with paving stones...gosh that was hard work. We could not afford to live here without doing what we did, so for 10+ years we didn't go to dinners, no birthday or christmas presents, etc... thats why we had DD late in life...... but we now have a house :eek:

Lets seeeeeee plans for today.... we got our pool installed on Monday and its beautiful, can't wait to swim in it. The Water trucks are coming today at 8 am to fill it. We have Well Water and to fill this pool would be to much of a strain on it, so its cheaper to buy water than to replace the well if something happens. Then my DD has a birthday party at 12 to go to. But inbetween its cleaning and laundry.

I'm doing crapy with my eating.... I'm allowing myself chocolate and lots of it lately.... dunno why? Not one piece but lots. I gotta get my ass moving with this weight loss, I have the tool and I'm not using it :( WTF.

How are you all this fine APRIL FOOLS day lol :eek:

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Happy April Fools day...

Marcus just went into the bedroom and woke up Dad - telling him that his (damn) dog just got out of the yard, and was running down the street.

Darn, I hate that it was a joke. :devious

Pat, sorry to hear you werent feeling well. Pleeeeaaaase keep your "bug" on that side of the earth! :eek:

Kelly, hows the new fill??? bet you can see the weightloss already! woohoo! and I absolutely L O V E your new avator pic!

Eileen, I think its ONLY fair that come summer you invite us to "test" that new pool. You know, thats what friends are for! :biggrin1: BTW: we need some pics!

Cindy, migranes are from HELL. My cousin (she's a RN) seldom has those things - and when it gets REALLY bad, she goes to the ER for a shot in the bum. ((hugs))

Darcy, 1 request. Next time your livin' it up at your cabin... sitting outside smelling/hearing/seeing/enjoying nature.

My 1 request: say a prayer for me.

Anne, please do tell... whats up with the house plans?! Mikes parents bought an old farmhouse (15 yrs ago) and completely re-did it. In the attic they found a ledger from where the house was used as a store during the CIVIL WAR! How cool! (kinda spooky too) Those old houses have lots of ttales! Good luck!

BTW: where the heck is your avator?

Betty, hows the garage cleaning going? you know, all that rain you had - we had a little sprinkle the next day. thats it.

Doc, Rene, thanks for Welcoming me here in the past. Cant say Ill report in often, but when I do - y'all are always ready to pour me a cup of hot coffee! Thanks!

:wave: :wave: :wave:

Its 8am. Marcus just called my mom and told her that Max (hubbys damn dog) was hit by a car lastnight (April fools joke). My mom started cheering. :tired wish it was true.

While she and I were talking, my sister (who had spent the night over there) told her that my dad had just slipped and fallin down outside - hurt his arm.

Another April fools joke (but they "got us" on that one)

Its gonna be a long day.

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Good morning everyone!

No more news on the farmhouse. At this point we're waiting to hear back from our realtor (who happens to be my mommy) to find out if the bank is willing to negotiate the price. The house needs at least 100K in work, so we need a serious price reduction to make it a feasible move. The guy who lost the house to the bank was a builder, so he has already done a lot of the work. DH and I both grew up in do-it-yourself homes (I don't remember ever once having a contractor in the house). That said, we don't do a thing ourselves now, lol! BUT, we have decided that that is going to change if we buy this house.

Paula, my avatar is gone because I hated the picture. I looked for a replacement, but DH never takes my pic! I'll get one taken soon.

Kelly, enjoy your weekend off! So glad you've hit your sweet spot! You're going to need a whole new wardrobe this summer. :eek:

Eilene, all I can say is wow. I can't imagine taking a house down to the foundation and rebuilding it. I wanna see the before and after pics!!

Today is my son's school fundraiser. They're doing a silent auction and the kids will be singing and telling jokes. He's really excited! Every other year he's spotted us in the audience and come to sit with us, but I think he's finally old enough to stay up there with the big kids.

A few days ago I was thinking that maybe I wouldn't need a fill to get restriction and I could just keep losing weight. Reality check! The hunger is back. I ate all day yesterday trying to make up for lost time. I'm hoping the doc will give me a tiny fill when I go in for the post surgery appt in two weeks. He'll probably want me to wait the 6 weeks though...

My sister and my SIL are coming over this afternoon for an egg stuffing party (for my Easter egg hunt in 2 weeks). Should be fun!

Happy Saturday!

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Happy April Everyone!

I haven't logged on for 2 days because something was wrong with

my server :eek:.

I think I missed a few things... need to go back and read. Just wanted to let my friends know that I didn't pass on or anything.

Kids are with me this weekend.... haircuts, errands and working on a B-day party(sorta).

I just completed ALL my dietician appointments -- YEAH! Now all I need to do are those psych visits.... need to find a new one.

Thats all folks!

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Hello, everyone!

We're back from the TWU Science Fair; DD received an honorable mention. We are happy with that!

Okay, so this is the 4th day of headaches...I agree they are from HELL. Can't wait to see my doc on Monday.

Kelly, love the new picture, and glad you are doing well with your new fill!

Eileen, congrats on the pool...we could actually swim today, it's so hot and humid!

Pat, sorry you were sick...I sure hope you are feeling better!

Darcy, hope you are having a relaxing weekend!

I'm reading and catching up on everything, but with these headaches, I'm not able to hang out on the computer as long as usual....sorry.

Everyone have a great April Fool's Day!


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Good evening,

Question: Has anyone here read the book Laproscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding by Jessie Ahroni

When I spoke to my dietician she recommened it. I kinda think all my information is from you guys.... but I love to read.

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Today was such a great day. Relaxing, intriguing, and time well spent with my son. He has been such a sweet boy today.

I had some chicken tonight for dinner, along with some carrots. I was afraid to eat real meat (I get the boca burgers and mostly eat those) because I wasn't sure how my stomach would handle it. I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to eat it with no problems - but I made sure that I cut it up really fine and chew chew chewed. I had a faux riblet earlier today, and I could only manage about half of it, and that was with nothing else to eat either.

I'm still so excited over my new tum tum. It can be so hard to get my mind around the fact that a 1/2 faux riblet now fills me to the gills, when I used to be able to eat 2 of them no with no problems. So weird, but wonderful all at the same time.

I am still having a hard time getting enough liquids in too, but am sitting here forcing myself to drink as much as my stomach will take. I don't want to become dehydrated and pass out again. That would not be cool. (Sipping on an orange smoothie - made with orange juice - right now. YUM!)

Well, hubby is heading to bed and I should too. We have church in the morning, and I definately need my beauty sleep. LOL

Have a good one ladies!

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April Fools everyone!!! I never think of anything good as a joke.....

Anyway,...I am up way to late... I hear hubby snorring in the room next door. I am hanging in there.. I want my new band so bad it makes me sick.. lol you know.... i failed at my band and now i failed at school... but you know I am trying to keep my head up...

Dang I had to many drinks tonight... sleepy time for me..

night night


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Good Morning,

Happy April 2nd :P

Paula you are soooooooo welcomed to come to my house and go swimming, its an above ground pool, nothing fancy but fun nonetheless ;) but we can only go chunky dunking (thats my version of skinny dipping) after the sun goes down... don't wanna scare the neighbors.

Kelly glad you were able to enjoy your chicken, I think I would really miss it if I couldn't have it. And I'm so happy your happy with your fill. Enjoy your day today ;)

Dianne, how ya feeling little chicklet?

Patty I've never read that book, I came here, and talked to a few folks who had gastric bypass. Thats where I got my info from too. Its hard for me to sit down with a book.... the brain does not want to do it. I'll wait for them to come out with the movie LOL :)

Cindy love, hope you feel better today. I'm glad your going to the doctor tomorrow, let us know what he says. Could it be food related ? I know my friend at work gets them all the time and she can be sick for days but lately she seems to be doing great.

Anne, hang in there waiting for the fill. I waited 4 months... *$&% doctor. Good luck on the house :D and yes, I will scan some pictures some for you. This house was infested with silver fish and all sorts of gross stuff and ME, the biggest baby when it comes to bugs was running around screaming like a fool lol, it was really gross, so it was nice when we just tore it down and I knew it would be all new w/minimal bugs lol. I remember cussing in my brain at my DH because every holiday we would be at the house working and all I kept thinking was...shoot I could be at my Moms eating a nice hot turkey dinner but noooooooo I'm her building a house like a man eating a bologna sandwich. I never told him because the entire time we were building, not once did my DH complain, he always had a smile on his face....... The only time I said I wouldn't work was when we were doing the last 20 feet of walk way with paving stones, it was a hot sticky july day and I had just got my period... I was fit to be tied and sick to my stomach. I cried and said I couldn't do no more boooh hooo lolol.

Trish darling, things will turn around for you, just remember things happen in Gods time, not ours. Maybe this is the time you need to think about things or maybe to count your blessings. We can't always understand why things go the way they do, but thats not our job, enjoy where you are for now and know that your gonna get a new band and that your gonna do better with your schooling.. hang in there sweetie, it will be so worth it...you'll see.

Well since I did 0 cleaning yesterday b/c the Water man came at 7:30 and didn't leave until 11:15....I have to do it today. Only 1/2 a day and then its outside for me... fresh warm air aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah LOVE IT!!!

Betty, Pat, Doc, Sherry, Darcy, Zan, Beanie :kiss2:

Have a wonderful blessed Sunday everyone...enjoy :)

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Hmm so the advanced reply isn't working so I'm on my own here ;)

Already I'm not going to do well with my replies...won't be able to do personals for sure hahaha

Eilene - Congrats on the pool. We have an above ground too and I love it. I love the term Chunkin Dunkin hahahah I need to have my hubby shoot out the street light so we'll have some privacy hahaha. Definately is different with a bathing suit versus no bathing suit hahaha. The girls just love it cept they kept punchin me in the chin hahaha

Pat...I do hope you're feeling better. Seems that same bug is flying around here in Mass too. I had 3 employees all go home sick last week. UGH.

Cindy....Ohhh dear I suffer from Migraines too and they just aren't pretty. I hate how it totally immobilizes you sometimes. I've used Excedrin in the past but we're not suppose to now. I did have to ask my surgeon if I could take it because after two days with it I had to do something. I didn't want to lose yet another day out of work. They told me I could take it but drink lots and lots of Water. It ended up dulling my Migraine enough to a bad headache but, then my stomach felt sick. UGH. I do hope your doc can give you something to help you. I have heard that pinching the skin between your thumb and forefinger helps but, it didn't help me that much. Usually I end up at the chiro too. She had to adjust my neck again.

Yesterday was a fun day. I went to the New England Fishing Convention with my hubby at the RI Convention Center. We were there for about 3 hours. He had fun shopping of course and I had fun people watching hahaha. Ohhh baby there were booths with are handsome military folks in them...hubba hubba. lmao My friend Donna went with us..she is a hot ticket. She whispered in my ear while looking at them....Baby is that a lure in your pocket or are you happy to see me hahaha. She was a riot and hubby said to her THATS not what you were thinking you were thinking! lol Too funny. I just loved seeing my husband having fun and enjoying himself. I think it's great that we both do things like this for each other. He'll even go to Craft Fairs or stores for me but, he'll let me know he's had enough versus me keeping my mouth closed and enjoying him enjoying his time. Eh....I just tell him he can wait in the car if he wants cause I'm not done looking hahaha. Usually I find him snoring in the car lol

After the fishing show we came home and Donna showed us our wedding pictures. FINALLY we have them back. She was worried about the large picture because when they took out the "sparkle" from my crystal necklace she felt they blurred the picture a bit in that area to do it. I didn't think it was noticable enough to have to worry about. Hell...who's going to look that closely at the dang thing lol. I will have to scan some of the pics though. ONE THING....I kinda felt proud of myself. Although I've stopped losing weight at 22 pounds (yeap freaking 3 pounds came back even though I haven't cheated grrrr cept I'm not changing my ticker. I refuse to lol Let it lie to me and I promise to believe lol)..anyway I looked at my wedding pictures and though OMG Girl you have lost weight or shifted it lol. As much as I loved that wedding day and enjoyed it totally...I hate the pictures because to me I'm a blob. I hate seeing how big I am there when I just don't feel that big. I'm a slimmer person stuck in a fat body...help help ! lol

Anyone else feel like that? Like....you really don't realize how big you are because you do so much and move ok etc but, then you catch yourself in the reflective doors at a mall or shop window and thing HOLY HELL what happened? So sad.

Well...after all that I watched the movie DH and I rented from On Demand with my friend Donna. "Just like heaven" OMG It was great even the 2nd time around. I highly recommend it. DH has was snoring so he didn't mind us watching it lol. When he woke up we rented the movie "Mr & Mrs Smith" that was really good too but definately NOT a kids flick. Lots of killing for no reason given. Good plot though.

Oh well I've kept ya busy enough with the reading. Off to do laundry, chores and probably a trip to Walmart for weekly things. Maybe I can come back tonight and catch up again lol

Hugs to you all and Happy Sunday!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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