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Good Morning :)

Sherry, yes, its amazing what goes down nicely. Bending down with that golfball in your chest makes it feel like your heads gonna blow off LOL. I would snatch up those size 16's from your mom because I'm sure you will be there before you know it. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh 16's :eekB: Don'tcha just love a new dishwasher, now that we have one I try to stick everything in there, I mean everything lol.

Yesterday I went to a concert with my sister. We were going to stop along the way for dinner but in the area of the concert there wasn't much of a choice. Burger King is my last desperate choice of food (not a fast food fan but anyway)....guess where we went...yup ick. So I had a jr. whopper which is a regular burger with lettuce, Tomato, etc (the small one) I ate the entire thing but was full and satisfied with it. I wondered if I was eating to much but at the same time I was happy that I could finish it (mentally) and not eat fries or anything else. Do you think I need a fill? is that to much food? The burgers are no means big but I felt guilty. I'm not losing weight but thats because I'm picking inbetween and not exercising... Food gets stuck and I feel that if I get more restriction its not gonna help the mental struggle if you know what I mean.

Anyhhhooooo whats everyone doing today. I'm gonna do a little bit of cooking (chicken casserole dish) and then play with DD.

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Good Morning,

I got most all my work done yesterday, I even got some weeds pulled in my flower beds (not all of them though) and it felt so good not to be sitting at the computer all day long. I didn't have any contrat work to do so I was in heaven. It's nice to be able to do what you want to do. I am hoping to go for a ride today, although it depends on my foot. For some reason, it is really hurting me today, too much standing on it I think. Flat feet, they get you every time!:eekB:

I have all my windows open and it feels wonderful in here right now!

Eileen - I am glad you had a good time at the concert! I can't give you any advice on the burger, I have been eating way too much myself, and have got to get back on the wagon! I was going to start walking today too, but bad foot won't let me! Always something huh?

Beanie - Hope you had a good time at the fair!

Patty - Glad all your testing is done, I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Darcy - Hope you have a great time at the cabin. We put in a pitcher pump at our lake up north, it was heaven! Oh yeah, after 3 months it got easier for me not to smoke, I still had times I wanted one really bad, but not as often. I even dreamed about them for a year. You really do have the worst behind you though!

Sherry - You DH sounds like a dream man! Hold on to that baby!

Anne - How is that new band treating you?

Pat - You know that old saying "guy don't think with their heads", I'm sure you know the rest! Hopefully he'll come to his senses!

Donna - Painting is good therapy! Hang in there! We are all behind you.

Dianne - Good morning!

Mary - I think about you all the time, I know how hard it is to go through what you are going through.

Cindy - Hey girl, you know what they say "no news is good news".

I know I probably missed some of you, but it's been so long since I actually got to sit down and write a little bit. I will try to do better, I promise. Just getting a weekend of no pressure to get something done is like having a mini vacation.


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Good morning everyone!

Eilene, in my opinion you are restricted just right if you can eat a Whopper Jr and nothing else. Burger King... blech. I used to be a fast food junkie, but since being banded I can't stand it (with the exception of Taco Bell). Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Taco Bell. :)

Hi Sherry! I see you're on here too. What are you up to today? How is the new dishwasher? I love kitchens. DH and I put in new countertops and appliances this past Winter. We're always remodeling something. :o

Betty, doesn't it feel good to get the flower beds weeded? I got my main flower garden cleaned out yesterday, but I have a long way to go with the other beds. I'm going to try to tackle one a day. Do you ever use Preen? It really works to keep the weeds down once you have the area cleaned out (doesn't work on existing weeds). Hope your foot feels better! (((HUGS)))

This has been a great weekend so far... Got reacquainted with hubby :eekB: and today we're going to work on the yard. I have 4 loads of laundry awaiting my attention but I think I need another cup of coffee before I tackle that. I don't want to strain anything. Hope you're all enjoying your Sunday!

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Hello everyone,

Hey Anne, I'm doing well thank you. Thanks for asking and I LOVE my new dishwasher. It's so quiet that I can't even tell if its running but, the dishes come out squeeky clean so its working :) I'd love to get new cabinets and countertops but, that's so expensive even if you do it yourself. The ones we have right now are just so plain. And the previous owners had the countertop the exact same color as the cabinets? BLECK! They also had a purple and metallic gold wall in there but, that got painted before we moved in lol.

Wow I was actually able to eat two sunny side eggs with a piece of wheat toast for Breakfast without a golfball. Wahoo. Nice not to have a golfball. I'm just too afraid to eat out anymore and of course the guys want to go to New England Hot Dog today. UGH. I don't know about you but, eating a hotdog without the bun just doesn't do anything for me.

Betty...hmmm dream man hmmm. Actually he is very very good about a lot of things but, like any human being he has his quirks. Fortunately there aren't too many and I can just ignore them when they pop up hahaha. Boy you keep so busy. I bet your yard is beautiful. I love beautiful flowers and gardens but, I don't have a green thumb or the patience for it :eekB:

Eileen - to me that burger sounds great. I mean a once in a while thing isn't bad but, I know for sure it wouldn't of sat with me. I wouldn't of been able to even get a piece of the bun down. I wish sometimes I could but, at the same time I know it's keeping me in check. don't even think twice about reading stuff and not responding to it lol. God I know I miss things all the time here. We ladies are busy gals lol You're such a sweetheart and I hope I can meet you someday. Do you make all those funny noises in person too? hee hee I'd love that.

Well time to get paying bills, laundry and I do have to break down and work from home today. So much to do since that woman up and left with no notice UGH!!!

Love ya all and hope someday we can all get together for a big NJ chat party!!!!

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Hello All! I've been meaning to stop in and chat. And Darcy has been telling me this is a great thread. I just haven't been doing well...and ya'll know how that is. I won't even comment on the binge eating topic, it's too real.

Anyway, I hope to join in the conversation. My name is Becky, for those who don't know me, and I used to hang out on this board a lot. I have been unfilled since August and it has been rough. I have struggled to keep from gaining, yo-yo city! Right now my yo is on the downswing after a major upswing.

I am joining a gym finally. Can't afford it, but can't afford not to. I'm waiting for the special price in a week. I also have an appointment for a fill in two weeks. Hope is alive!

Betty -- I finally, finally got on my beastie motorcycle! I've gone on 2 tiny rides so far. It took me a year and a half to get back on. I even had someone come look at it to buy it. I'm glad he didn't. I'm looking forward to getting comfortable on it again. :eekB:

I'm also looking forward to chatting with all of you. Have a great day!

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All right Becky, you finally made it here! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Girl, I am so proud of you for riding that bike again! I just knew you would! :eekB: :):o So, you are back to being unfilled again huh? Darn, you have had so many problems with that band and fills. I need to get working with mine again, I think I got too comfortable where I was at and didn't work much with it like I should. Just when I think I need a fill, it won't let me eat something, so I think it is what I am eating and not needing a fill. Haven't been exercising either, been working too much. How are your folks doing Becky? Tell that DH of yours now he needs to get you to ride this way! :):D :D

Sherry - Your DH sounds like he helps you alot, and that is really nice! I eat sunny side up eggs too, much better than scrambled for me, must be the yolks that help. Nope, I though several times about just eating the hot dog, but it just wouldn't be a hot dog for me.

Anne - I worked some more in the flower beds, I just have too many of them. I love flowers, but I wouldn't mind a bit if someone else pulled all the weeds. I'll have to get some of the preen, never tired it, thanks for the tip. I looked at it a few times, but figured it was like everthing else, junk. :D :D :D Glad you got time to get acquinted with DH again!:D :D :D

Well, going to go see if the rain stopped at Nascar racing, heck they should be racing here today, it's beautiful. I am having trouble keeping myself inside, and when I'm outside I can't quit working in the flowers. I get overly tired and haven't got enough sense to stop till I can't hardly walk! I seem to find all those muscles that I haven't worked in months!:D :D


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Hey Girls and Guys :eekB:

Becky WELCOME !!!!! we're so glad you joined in. Good for you for joining a gym. They are expensive but our health is worth so much more.

Anne, glad your having a good weekend :biggrin1: does dh travel alot? I'm not a fast food person, I prefer a sitdown meal or chips LOL but burgerking, mcdonalds, wendys, stuff like that is like frankenfood to me... ICK. I might as well drink a cup of oil.

Have a great day everyone, off to give DD a bath :)

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Just stopped in to say Hi:)

Thanks for all the support:p

I have been quite busy - hemming my 4y year olds pants and mine as well. My mom gave me a sewing machine since I was doing it all by hand. Could have used it before I finished.. I still have a 4 pairs to go. I ironed clothes and anything I could get my hands on. It's to cool for me outside or I would be like Betty in the flower garden. I am either going to have to join a gym (when I have extra money) like Becky or just go to the park and walk. I am not use to the kids gone all day like this. They did have a good time with Dad in his new vehicle - He thinks he did good cause he took them to Wally World and bought the youngest some shoes. That child has a lot of shoes.. I know it's ok just bite my tongue. But in the coming weeks I am going to start taking the cupboard doors down and getting them ready to paint. Don't know how so if anyone can give me suggestions that would be great. I hope to have the kitchen floor put in next month as well. Well gotta scoot the - gotta mail a movie back that sucked and then come back and learn how to use the machine..

Wish you all well and talk to you all tomorrow.. :notagree wanna do this too..

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Well, I am going to call it a day, I know I said I would do some more personals, but I am ready to kick back. I worked in the flower beds some more, and then I washed my car. I fixed some beer butt chicken for supper, the neighbors came over and we visited for a few hours and now I am ready to call it a night. I didn't get any riding in, but I did get a lot done in the yard, and things are looking pretty good.

Catch you all tomorrow!

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Hey All :)

YAY... Becky's here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Becky... now see... that didn't hurt a bit did it???? :) Congrats on getting on the downswing... pass a lil of that self-control my way when ya get a chance! ((((Hugs))))

We had a fairly good time at the cabin... it was a bit rainy and the fire danger was high so we couldn't have a campfire. *pout* BUT... we smelled a helluva lot better than usual when we left...lol. Oh... and I ended up with a tick *shudder shudder* they really give me the heebies!

We are having probs with our German Shepherd... she went after my nephew unprovoked... scared the living hell out of me! I don't think she would have bit him but it sure sounded bad. She is on prednisone and has been for quite awhile... I have a call into the vet to see if that can cause personality changes. On Sunday she literally attacked our big screen TV when it had geese honking on a program... I nearly soiled myself. ANyhoo... I am really working to get everyone in the house to be Alpha over her right now. I love her dearly but would not keep a dog this large and powerful if she became unpredictable and agressive.

Doing okay with the not smoking... all of the sudden my chest hurts and I am starting to cough up fur balls... I didn't think it would take this long for the lungs to finally expel the goods? My Dad died of cancer... I don't know where the primary was but he smoked like a chimney for years... he was 41. I also watched many a patient suffer with end stage COPD... it's a horrible way to die. Soooo... I am determined... I may eventually be too large to fit through my front door but I'm not ever smoking another cig.

Only got a couple hours sleep last night... so I think I will go take a little nap... my brain can't wrap itself around enough cells to write personals. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy week. :rant:

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Told you my brain cells were limited in availability today. :)

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Hi everyone...Happy May Day!! My Grandmother used to let us pick her lilacs and take them in little cones of construction paper with yarn handles, and hang them on the neighbors door, ring the bell and run. She called them May baskets....we always loved it!!! Never does a May 1st go by that I don't think of her and our "baskets".

Well life is good, no problems with the band to this point. I am feeling great, no pain, never required pain meds, never had any nausea thankfully. I am getting to where my incisions are itchy...I guess they are healing. Been doing a lot of walking, we have been out buying flowers for the yard. I sat and watched DH and told him where they all were to go! And from the week of pre-op dieting til now I am down 17 1/2 (don't forget the half!) pounds!

Eileen, I am still on liquids. Up til now they have been Clear Liquids, I am going to a bit heavier liquids today. Hope it is allright, not looking forward to the icky side of this band!!!

Pat...you know as for the DS and the b****h from hell, men, they say (whoever they is???), only have enough blood to properly run one head at a time.....and it sounds like she now realizes she had it made in the shade and is worming her way back into his life. Sad thing is, with him loving the kids naturally, and wanting the life he had imagined for them, it will be easier for her to do than we'd like. I worry all the time about my DD making some stupid move to try again with her psycho ex, but so far she is steering way clear of him.

Cindy, I added your FIL to my prayer chain I am on....he is now affectionatly known to us as Mr. Cindy. Somehow it ended up that from my original request of Cindy's FIL. Made me think of that game we used to play as kids to see how messed up gossip would become. Sit around in a circle and whisper something in the ear of the person next to you, and see what it ended up when it come back around!

Dianne, what will happen if your passport doesn't come? I didn't need one when we went to Cancun. DH already had one, I did not. I had my surgery in Mexico, and they give us the low down on needing a passport to enter beginning soon. So I guess someday I may get another stamp!!!

Beannie, I know what you are saying about the competition, and I agree. I don't intend on getting dragged into that!! Thanks for the encouragement!

Sherry, I want a new DW! DH keeps telling me to pick it out. I want it, and I know I will love a new one, I am just procrastinating about deciding!! I find myself that way lately, hating making decisions!! I too am hoarding clothes in smaller sizes...knowing one day, they will fit!

Becky, welcome, everyone here has been so nice to me, I just know you will enjoy it!

Darcy...ticks ewwwww! I had one on my head once, and I guess I was toxic to it, it died burrowed in my scalp, the Dr, scalpelled it out. I feel for you!! I once babysit for this poor little boy, who came to me one morning literally covered in ticks, from sleeping with his dogs. I called SS...he still lives with his Mom and dogs down the road, and runs in the winter with no shoes, he is now about 7 and is often in town late in the evening, he is now running with a skateboarding bunch, and is all over the place, and he still seems just so little to me.

Patty, congrats on being doen with all your shrink stuff, it is never fun. I read your posts and wonder if my DD's soon to be ex, will be putting her through this stuff much longer. Best of luck to you, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

And Betty, screw the pool problems & go riding!!! How long til I can ride as a passenger following surgery???? DH took a day trip with some of his riding buddies this last sunday with my blessing, it was so beautiful, but I was not ready to go I knew, but am ready for the day I fit behind him better!!! Although he may miss his built in backrest a bit!!!

Hope everyone else is finding their way back on track...and doing well. Thanks for all the well wishes this last week. I am so glad to finally be banded!!! This next year is gonna be AWESOME!!


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Hello Y'all!

Sneaking in here for just a minute, my show Prison Break is on shortly and I can't miss it! :) :) :rant:

I have to tell you that I have stayed on my diet all day (so far)! They even had chocolate cake with vanilla icing with carmel dripped all over it at work! They brought me a piece, I told them no, then here come another gal with another piece for me! Yikes! I was strong and said "no thanks". :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I had to go to the ear specialist today, he thinks it is swimmers ear, but wants me to have a hearing test. He said before he became a doctor, he had the same symptoms and it was an inner ear infection. Hmmmmmm, I told him if the insurance paid for it I would, but otherwise I couldn't. He gave me some nose spray and ear drops. So, here I go with the drops again!

Kat - I rode behind DH about a week or two out, it didn't hurt me one bit. I didn't ride my harley for 3 or 4 weeks though. I wanted to make sure I was good and healed up. You brought back memories for me with the May baskets, we used to do the same thing when I was young! You made me smile!:)

Darcy - You're right, it just isn't the same w/o a fire! We use to keep ours going 24/7 while we were up there. Of course on the weekend, it wasn't 7!:) You are doing great with not smoking, I am really proud of you. I know how hard it is. Just remind yourself that when you get the urge that it will be over in just a few minutes. Hugs!

Well, going to run, the show is almost on and they are supposed to do the break tonight!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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