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I felt that I owed all of you on this thread a very brief explanation, and that it wasn't fair to just desert you without one. I am not getting into all of the who-sits and what-sits if you will, but am making this very brief.

I have a lot going on here on this end, and have recently had 2 real wake up calls in my life(in a very large magnititude of a way).

On top of that, I have seen a lot of things said and done on this board that I do not agree with, and have made the decision to move on with my life, and leave LBT permanantly. I have not posted this anywhere else on this board, or publicly, because I was accused of not meaning it in the past, and accused of many other things, as well as had many words put into my mouth too.

So there it is. I've asked the owner of the board to remove all of my remaining posts, since that right was taken away from me, and everyone else here on this board. I will still check my PMs for a short time, then will proceed to moving on altogether.

I am not secretly wishing for you to beg me to stay, as a matter of fact I ask that you please do not do that. Nor am I saying this on a whim, nor did I delete a bunch of my posts on whim (as others seem to think I did - without asking me BTW) My mind is made up to move on, and I am at peace with that decision. If you'd like to stay in touch with me, you can feel free to PM me for my email address, and I'd be happy to give that to you.

Everyone take care, and best wishes to all of you in your band journies.

And with that, I'll give my final bow.

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:update: Wahooo I did it. I passed my motorcycle licensing tests. I can't believe I finally did it. I've been wanting to know how to ride one since I was a teenager. Finally took the courses and passed the test! This shy chick.....managed it lol. Wahooey. Now can I tell ya how sore I am from riding from 7am until 6pm? lol My legs, thighs, wrists, forearms and shoulder ache. I'm getting old lol. All that tensed up learning, riding, stopping, swerving, leaning, and the U-Turns from HELL! Get this......they had us ride right over 2x4s and 4x4s with the bikes. YIKES! BUMP BUMP....BUMP BUMP. I didn't fall on my butsky though whew. I'm glad it's over and I'll be truthful.........I'm scared. I'm excited but, kinda scared to start riding. Hubby says think about it Sherry, the turns you made and the moves you did you did in 3 foot spaces. You have an entire half of a road to do it. Yea well I didn't have cars pulling out of driveways and taking corners on my side of the road in the driving school parking lot lol. My aunt says you do get over that...takes time on the bike and being used to your own bike. Betty....Pat.....is this true?

Sounds like Kelly has had some trouble here ;) that's too bad. I do hope things get better at home for her. Hate to see nice people leave.

Pat - I'm happy your son was able to see his son and smart thinking on his part when she pulled the court thing lol. Good for him. I do hope that all works out and he gets custody of his son. How are you feeling lately?

Kat - Good luck with your surgery and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Eileen - I read your post about the chocolate and dang nabbit I haven't had any since surgery other than chocolate Protein Shakes. Dayum after reading if I wasn't craving it lol. I gave my son an Easter Bucket (being he's going to be 16 lol) and so I asked him for 2 of his chocolate Crunch eggs. Yeap they were good but, luckily....not that great so I won't eat any more heh heh. Now....if ya talking peeps lol. Hubby loves those....fortunately I can only eat one. I get too much air in my tummy so one is more than enough :(

Anne - Cut yourself some slack with your band denial. You'll have a fill soon enough and be back on track. You've done so well and you'll soon be there again :)

Cindy - Whew...sounds like you had a tough week with those tests and then a loaded weekend. I hope you're able to enjoy a little down time before next week starts

Mary - Divorces can be so messy but, sometimes they work out ok. I hope yours is going ok. How long were you married? Almost 16 years here when I got divorced. We were able to go to a mediator because we both agreed not to argue but, most will say our divorce was different for sure. We even drove to divorce court together. I was fortunate we did ok with it all.

Patty, Ivan, Dianne, Donna, Darcy....helllllooooooooooo

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Hugs

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Way to go Sherry!!!! Ride On!!! See you at the rallies!! I attempted to learn to ride a couple of years ago...DH was going to teach me, I started out fine, but then we got ourselves into a no win situation, and I crashed... nothing too serious, but scared the you know what outta me!!! Since then I have been merely a passenger, but am ready now to try it again...haven't broke that news to DH yet!!! LOL

Well guys this is it...we are leaving, we have a 3-4 hour drive to Albuquerque, where we will spend the night, and we fly out in the morning to Mexico!!! As it sits now, I will have surgery at 8:30 Monday morning, and my SIL at 10:00 .

The only problem now is I have a 3-4 hour drive ahead of me with approx. 100 oz. of Water in me as well as my HCTZ (blood pressure diuretic). Most of this drive is through reservation land....few stops, 3 small (blink and you miss them) "towns" and one rest stop/casino. The restrooms are next to some picnic tables that are protected from the sun by big Tepee's, so if I make it to the pee-pee tepee's I should be ok!!! Wish me luck! Will check in sometime next Thursday I suppose, that is when we are due home. Thanks for all the kind words and support!


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Kat, GOOD LUCK and see you on the flip side ;) please let us know when your home.

Sherry Congratulations on getting your license WTG !! WHOOT and I'm glad the chocolate tasted like kaka.

Kelly, I'm sorry you are leaving but you must do what you feel is right. None of us can blame you. Hugs and kisses and good luck to you, your family and your band journey. :(

I'm being lazy today, I'm so tired and this sinus headache is the pits. Its so dang nabit cold out too. DD just fell asleep on the couch...one of those days LOL.

TTYL.........spongebob is on :)

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Hey, everyone!

Pat, so glad your DS was able to see his little boy! Tell him to keep his guard up, though. I haven't earned any new badges lately, though...

Kelly, good luck to you and your family. It is certainly your right to do what you think is best.

Well, gotta go...FIL is here for dinner!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hey Y'All!

I haven't even had time to lurk! Work has been insane for the last couple of days - Monday is the last day to sign for refinances and close in the month of April - so everybody is rushing for that closing date.

Dianne - No worries about the Sundae. It was a small one, right? And skinny folks get to eat the occasional Sundae - Right? Why not you? Ice cream turns to liquid after a bit, right? :] And wow, I think I tried your new exercise plan today! I was at several stores, walking and walking. First we went to Lowes, then Walmart & then Garden Ridge. Whew!

Ira - OF COURSE she talked them into clearing the old debt. If you want a problem fixed - give it to a woman... :] So cool about getting her date set. Good luck to both of you! I know it has to be a relief to know that she is on her way to better health.

Eileenie - Hugs back atcha, girlie. A TWO FOOT bunny? That's cruel & unusual! I made the mistake of buying some Jordan Almonds... OK, it might have been on purpose... but I thought I could have a LITTLE more control... Oh well.

Paula - I think of that movie sometimes when I drive through my little town of Allen. There is an intesection right off the freeway where the birds come. There are several trees and a grassy bank beside the road - and at sunset there are hundreds, if not thousands, of birds there - in the trees, on the lights, in the grass... A little freaky once in a while.

Patty - I would LOVE to come visit you in SoCal. I haven't been in ages. And it's been YEARS since I went to see the Master Mouse at home.

Kat - you win the prize for "Scariest Divorce Tale of 2006." EEEK. That guys sounds really scary. Is he going to run away to Montana and become a survivalist? Good luck in your case. Hugs! And CONGRATS on your upcoming surgery! How exciting! Optifast... MMMMMMM. :]

Mary - keep us posted on when you are coming to Dallas! We would love to see you again!

Cindy - congrats on Summer Break. Enjoy your Boring life! I know I do mine. I really love all you guys - But DAAAAANG! I couldn't deal with so much excitement on a daily basis. Hugs to ALL of you!

Anne - HUGS! I think everybody phases in and out of Band Denial. I had mine right after the swelling went down from the surgery! I don't want to even confess the stuff I was eating. It was totally WRONG. I'm better now... and you will be too. Try to lose the guilt, Hon. It won't help anything.

Pat - Cats migrate... and you have all that nice land. Do you LIKE cats? If you feed it, it might decide to stay. Cats are just that way. Great news about your DS being able to visit with the baby. I am shocked every time I hear about how crazy this chick is. SHE'S going to press charges against HIM? That's rich.

Kelly - HUGS! I will give you my best Sci Fi Geek farewell: Live Long, and Prosper. Hope you stop by and visit us again, sometime.

Sherry! You Biker Mama, you!! I hear that the proper amount of STRUT in your walk will stretch out those sore muscles!! Congrats!

Well Loved Ones.... I have to run. Tomorrow is another day. We are going out to the Scarborough Faire. The good news is - there will be lots of sunshine and walking. The bad news is - there will be LOTS of bad foods to eat.

It ought to be interesting to see if I can manage to eat any of the old time favorites now that I have my 2nd fill.... I told the gals at SCOR to crank that band tight - and they took me at my word. For those that care - I have 4.6 cc's in my Vanguard band - and I HAD to stay on liquids for the first day cause I had that same "day after surgery" restriction. Besides, I was scared to try any real food!

Now, I am able to eat everything that I have tried - but very slowly. I can see how this whole restriction thing is going to be good. I went to Taco Bueno today and I couldn't finish my Chilada platter... Yeah, I know. Not the best food choice - but Saturday & Sunday I eat some bad stuff - it keeps me from going crazy during the rest of the week. The point is that in the past, I would have inhaled the entire platter and had a taco on the side. Restriction Rocks!

Love you guys! Talk to you later!

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Good Morning Y'all!

Sorry I haven't been here much, it's just been pretty hectic lately for me.

Yesterday I thought it would be a nice easy relaxing day. I planned on going to one store and then the bank and home, then for a nice long ride. Well, it didn't work out like that at all, I ended up going to 3 stores, then got stuck in a funeral on the way to the bank, then noticed my car's inspection was expired and had been for a month! Well, in Texas you just don't ride around with an expired sticker! So, up to get the state inspection done. Then the motor went out on the pool, so I ordered one of those last week, got it yesterday only to have it bent and broken up, called and they are going to replace it but DH broke something else trying to get the old one off, so off to find that part! I ended up ordering it on line after going to several places that didn't have it. Then we were supposed to go to a grand opening for one of the neighbors Mother's place at 3:00 so in the shower I went and then off to the grand opening. It was a really cool place and they had a lot of wonderful stuff. We got a really neat frame that has a harley on it, and a horse that is done up in like a harley. It is really cute. Anyway, got back home about 8:00, tired and no harley ride! Hopefully today I can go for a short one, today is laundry and cleaning day, but I also have to get my contract work done. I have let it go most of the week like a dumb-a$$!

My aunt says you do get over that...takes time on the bike and being used to your own bike. Betty....Pat.....is this true?

Sherry - congrats on the license! Yes, you will get over some of it, but you will always be a little nervous about it. People in cars just don't look out for motorcycles. The old saying is "When you let your guard down, that is when things happen". Any time you are too confident, you'll be sorry. So, it is a good thing you are a little nervous. It does get easier with seat time. Have fun and don't forget to take some pictures of you on it for us!;):(:)

Pat - Sorry I missed your call yesterday, hope we get to talk soon!

Kelly - Hope you get things worked out, visit when you can.

Eileen - Hope the headache is better today.

Beanie - It's too bad that we are so busy! I feel like I am missing something not being here everyday. I got so use to being home and being on all day long to not being on much at all, and I don't much like it! You sound like you love shopping as much as me, now if I only had all the money I wanted to shop with!:) :) :D

Kat - Good luck, and keep us posted!

Cindy - Morning sunshine!

Darcy - Where are you girl?

Donna - How is the new job going? Do you like it?

Dianne - Hello! It sounds like you are doing great!

Well, I know I missed some, but if I intend on getting anything done at all today I have to get busy. I really do want to get on my Harley and go for a ride, today will be perfect for it weather wise.

Catch you all later! I love and miss you all when I'm not here!


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:clap2: :clap2: WTG Sherry! Congratulations on getting your license. As for me, every time I ride my bike it's a challenge. It does NOT come natural to me. As for my DH and sons, it's like riding a bicycle to them. I have to think out my every move, from changing gears to trying to find my turn signal button. The first thing I do when I pull into a place is check out my escape route, meaning, how am I gonna turn this HOG around, LOL.

Betty, sorry about all the problems with the pool, do you think the flood messed up the motor? It was nice of you to drop in on that funeral, LOL. OK, I'm sorry that wasn't nice. I'll try calling you again later. ;)

Cindy, you need to slow down, you've been way too busy. What was for dinner? Still want to see pictures of you in the rainforrest outfit, LOL.

RB, 2nd fill already, boy time flies. I didn't believe that people would have like 2-3 week delays b4 their fills kicked in, but either the heat has caused mine to react of the fill has taken control, but I have had a heck of a time for the last week. Finally yesterday, I actually felt full and didn't spit all day, believe me that was a major feat for me, after spitting for a week. (Who ever picked out the PB saying anyway, it really does not apply for me, just call me a spitter).

Good morning Lazy, I mean Eileen, LOL. We all have to have a day for that, my problem is I just pick too many of them in a row. It was supposed to be sunny and 80 here today, it's cloudy and gloomy, a good day for lazy.

Kat, BIG HUGS, I wish you the best on your journey, both there, home, and your LapBand journey as well. I'm so excited for you. I remember my band date couldn't get here fast enough.

Anne, while you're still able to eat, I've been jonesing for a juicy hamburger, would ya have one for me and describe the details. I know it must be really tough after having the band work for you and now to have a new one and not be able to put it to work yet must be very frustrating.

Hang in there girl, it won't be long.

Patty, are you hiding at DL?

Mary, I just wanted to toss a Hug your way, though I've never been divorced, :cry still don't know why or how I've been able to stay married so long, I know there are so many emotional stages you have to go through and to have kids, anyway, enjoy the hug.

Paula, you working in the flowers today? I'm surprised green thumb Betty didn't have ideas for those flowers. Speaking of which, I bought 5 trays of flowers yesterday and left them in the back of my SUV, first thing I thought of this morning is, OMG, I'll bet I've got all kinds of spiders that have crawled out of those plants :omg: :omg: .

OK, gang are you all sitting, for the latest in my saga with my DS, yesterday, he was taking down the broken mirrors that psycho chick had busted when she was kicking the bedroom doors and it slipped and cut him at the bottom of his thumb, where it joins that thin piece of skin/meat, well it took 7 stitches to fix him up. He might be 6'1", but he's like his mama when it comes to needles and stitches :help: . He didn't call me until he was almost to the Emerg Care, he was on the phone with PC (psycho chick), giving her Hell. Like my DH said, she's so bad she causes probems when she's not even around.

If the sun ever comes out I'm gonna take pictures of my azaleas and share them, either here or on Paula's garden thread.

X:kiss2: X:kiss2: X

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Good Morning LBT Family,

I had a great day yesterday! My meeting was WONDERFUL! I got to visit with people that I haven't seen in months and listen to one of my favorite Imagineers from Disney. Bruce Gordon who has overseen the construction of hundreds of attractions(Tommorrowland, Splashmountain, Big Thunder) has written yet another book, and came to share with video its concepts. The guy is hilarious and I spent the whole afternoon laughing. I then went to the market, picked up a roasted chicken & salad fixins and headed home to my DVD marathon(my favorite HBO show is finally on disc). Ohhhh, I forgot to mention the flowers I bought! Feeling soooo, happy I decided to buy some fresh flowers for myself and put them on the table. Wondering if Dan notices when he drops the kids off tonight? Well, I have a mountain of laundry and clean-up before the little monsters come home. Glad everybody is accounted for, it was kinda quiet here on Friday.

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Good Afternoon,

Its still freakin raining and cold, my body hurts with this chit but better days will come and this to shall pass.

Beanie have fun at the fair today. Walking and nibbling is okay IMHO. Life is to short not to be able to enjoy a few bites of what ever it is we want...I mean thats why we have the band right...to enjoy a few bites. Thats why I didn't have gastric...I want to taste life...it makes me happy. Good luck with this fill... I need another one thats for sure.

Patty, good for you for buying flowers for yourself, why not? we all deserve the simple pleasures of life and IMHO isn't that why God gave us WOMEN flowers?

Pat, poor baby DS. I bet that hurts nonetheless. I sliced my knuckle open on a stupid flip can of food (cat food, I was feeding a stray cat of all things), when I made a fist you could see my bone (knuckle) so I figured I had better get stitches. Then months later another cat who hung out with the strays bit the chit out of my arm so I had to be treated like that cat was a stray and get rabie shots...no chit.. WOOF! Yipppeee on the fill :(

Betty my my you are a busy chick. Have a wonderful day on your bike.. I am so jealous ;) I could use another nap lol.

Cindy, how the heck are you? feels like I haven't seen or spoke to you in ages. How's every little thing? are you done with exams?

I just made a humungi can of tuna for this week's meals plus some pork chops and some acorn squash..I love that stuff. You know if I don't make some veggies on Sunday, I won't make them during the week..I'm that lazy. My kitchen is a mess....worse than when Pat tried to make Cookies lol. Laundry calls and I'm pooped... dang rain drags me down.

Okay kiddies, you all have a great Sunday and I'll sneak in here tomorrow to chat.

Hugs !!

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Eileen, sorry it's cold and rainy and it makes you hurt. That's a bummer, and as usual, you have the sunny attitude which causes all of us to love you!

My FIL came for dinner last night...had some bad news. He has had "smoldering" multiple myeloma for 10 years. Multiple myeloma is a rare cancer of the bone marrow; smoldering means it is not "active." Well, it's active now. He has chosen to use the thalidomide + other stuff treatment plan...is not strong enough for chemo. So, he'll take thalidomide, a steroid, and a blood thinner, and then injections to increase red blood cells. He does have at least two lesions on his skull. Sooooo...we'll be finding out more as we go along; I spent quite a while researching it and learning about it. He's about to turn 74, I think.

Betty, sorry about the busy, busy day...you've really had to make some big adjustments!

Pat, I haven't forgotten about the picture. PM me your email, and I'll email the picture to you, and if you think it is postable on this thread, maybe you would be kind enough to photoshop it or whatever you do? So sorry about your son's injury...that just adds insult to injury, doesn't it?

Beanie, well a Chilada platter just sounds so tasty! And Jordan almonds? I'm there!

We're not on summer break yet...that starts May 25, I believe.

Nothing much else going on...I actually laid out in the sun on the trampoline for 40 minutes this afternoon...I'm the whitest white woman out there, I promise! So, 20 minutes on the front, 20 min. on the back, and maybe that's a start to a little bit of color...not so foolish as I was back in my 20s when nothing but a hawaiian tropic tan would do!

Love you guys, Cindy

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Oh Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about DFIL, my mom is 74 and I was just saying my prayers last night that I was so blessed that she's as healthy as she is. Bless his heart, at least he's got a loving, caring family like you and DH and DD. GF, you've had a lot going on, take a breather.

I went fishing this afternoon, caught enough for supper, talk about catch of the day, LOL.

Hugs All The Way Around!

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, I finally got to go riding yesterday, made me feel like a new person that just had a nice vacation!:rolleyes::) :)

Cindy - I am so sorry about your DFIL, my thoughts are with you. You certainly have had your share of heartaches lately. I'll keep him and your family in my prayers.:party:

Sherry - How far have you went on your bike so far? Does your DH ride too? Has he got a bike?

Pat - I am jelous, fishing! I love to fish, we even have a boat at the lake, but just don't get down there much anymore. I told DH if he didn't use it last year I was just going to sell it. Well, we used it 2 times, not enough to pay for the slip and the fishing license. I think I am going to talk him into selling it. Glad DS is o.k. and I'm glad he got to see his son. It's hard for anyone to go through all that without all the fighting and destroying things.

Patty - Glad you had such a good time! Well, did DH notice the flowers? It's always nice to do thngs for yourself.

Paula - Actually I haven't seen your flower questions, I guess I missed them. Our pool isn't quite warm enough yet to go swimming, and since the problems with the pump and all, I guess it will be a few more weeks. Enjoy your time in the pool, I can't wait to get back into mine, seems like it is the only exercise I really enjoy getting anymore.

Beanie - How was the fair? Hope you had a good time and relaxed a bit too!

Eileen - What all do you make with the tuna? I see you use a lot of it, just wondering what you make. I hope it stopped raining for you!

Yikes, just looked at the clock and I need to be on the road. Y'all have a wonderful day!


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Good morning everyone! Today was the first day back to school for my son after Spring break. It was nice having him home, but I'm also going to enjoy getting back into the daily routine. DH is traveling this week, so it should be quiet around here.

Cindy, I'm sorry to hear that your FIL is sick. (((HUGS))) to you and your entire family.

Betty, I get tired just thinking about your day. You need a vacation so that I can relax! :party: I'm glad you were able to get out for a ride yesterday!

Pat, how was supper? I'm too much of a princess to go fishing so unless it's caught by the Gorton's fisherman I don't eat it. Wait, does tuna count? I was so glad to hear that your son was allowed to see the kids. I suppose it's just a day at a time right now for him. Will they set up some sort of temporary custody arrangement or does he have to wait for a court date?

Eilene, did you make tuna casserole? I love that stuff. My DH won't let me make it - he had too much of it while growing up.

Patty, sounds like you had a great weekend! ((HUGS))

Beanie, will work slow down for you now that the closing deadline has past? Congratulations on the restriction! Two weeks till my fill - woo hoo!

Sherry, did you spend the weekend riding? Time to go shopping for buttless chaps - LOL!!

Kat, you're probably in the recovery room right now! Hugs for a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your progress.

Dianne, Paula, Mary & Darcy - (((HUGS))) What are you folks up to this week?

Well, time to get moving and fold some laundry. Have a great day everyone. :rolleyes:

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Hiya Ladies...

*Hangin my head in shame for being AWOL* Forgive me?????

It seems we always skip spring in Wisconsin and go straight from winter directly into summer... not this year... YAY!!!!!!!!! Spring has been beautiful and I have been out in the yard buzzin around like a big ole bumble bee! I have to admit that I have also been pretty depressed... and I think I needed the sunshine and the feel of old mother earth on my hands. I still feel depressed but at least my spirit feels a little relief! I stopped taking Zoloft about three months ago and am trying to figure out how to manage the panic attacks and depression by more natural means... I may have to give in and take medication and or go out and buy a pack of cigarettes. (Ducking as Betty trys to bonk me on the head) I am pretty proud that I quit smoking and have managed to stick with it... but I have to admit it is a fight that I still battle daily. I stopped counting how long it has been so that must be a good sign. I still have some restriction... but mostly for the food I should be eating while the "bad" foods slide down without difficulty. I can't seem to stop myself from eating... it's not hunger... it's a compulsion. Anyhoo...needless to say... I am gaining.

So... I didn't really want to come in here and shake my big bottle of negative karma on everyone which is part of the reason I have been absent. I'm a dork.

Kelly girl... I'm so sorry for the troubles in your life and I so wish you could derive support form the friends that you have made here. I wish you all the best and am sending big hugs. If you ever need a friendly ear... drop me a PM.

Pat... Sounds like you and your son really have your hands full! I imagine he must be going through a lot of that... "What the heck was I thinking when I chose this woman" scenario. When I look at my ex... I ask myself that question each ans every time! It is sad to wish for your child to grow up so that you don't have to deal with an insane ex.

Cindy... (((Hugs))) Cancer is such a frightening disease... My father died of cancer at the young age of 41... he chose not to fight the cancer and enjoy the short amount of time he had left. I was 16 and had a difficult time understanding his choice at the time but can certainly understand now. Sending wishes for you and your family and your FIL to find the strength you will need for fighting this disease.

Okay... I am trying to catch up on what everyone has been up to and have made a good dent... I know I didn't get a response in for everyone but you were all in my thoughts!

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