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Rene, youre baaaaad. But Ill take ANY wet thoughts you give :biggrin1: Our area is in a major (the weather station used the word SEVERE) drought. Yikes. We watered the back yard yesterday and after we turned the sprinker off, there must have been a trillion birds taking a quick bath. ALL I kept thinking about was that old Hitchcock movie....

Anne, your family picture is priceless. What beautiful kids you have!!! And their red hair... oh my goodness. I love them! What cuties!

Betty, since you and I usually take about pools, get this. Dad opened the family pool Monday. The Water temp was 79 degrees at opening. Tuesday - it had already increased to 83. Looks like its gonna be a looong hot summer.

Kelly, WHERE ARE YOU???? Where is your avator? Where is your signature lines? dont do this to us again!!!!!! Get your butt back here! :whip:

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Hey Gang,

Eileen: you are one wicked chick! I didn't end up doing the hug, kiss, smooch with my Ex cause when I met up with him at Cingular he was just So... So Gross! The guy has gained 60 lbs, lost more hair and doen't shave ughhhhh. We were there to get the details on getting a cell phone for the twins.... I on the other hand was looking quite cute in my summer jumper! The phone thing is a GO, meaning Dan will pay for a portion of the bill and we will give it to Taylor & Channing in about 3 weeks.

Ira: I had the same question.... why the stress test? Congrats on the surgery date, mine should be soon also.

Well, nothing else to report from sunny southern California.... anybody wanna come visit? I can play tourist guide. Heart Hugs,

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Ira- How exciting for both of you! I wish my DH would consider losing. He says he is but then he opens up the last bag of jelly beans!

Eileen- Thanks for the hugs and kisses!

Paula- Were having a major drought also I didn't think of the poor birds needing a bath!

I came up with a GREAT idea! You all are gonna think I'm nuts but I think it is a good one. Today at curves, which is right next to the grocery store, I was talking to this girl who had just lost a lot of weight and she was talking about walking and how much it help to ton. Anyway she said that you should walk 10tHOUSAND steps a day if you want to lose. She is going to curves 6 days a week and walking 5 miles almost everyday.

After curves I went to the store to get milk and then I got my great idea. Walking the isles! I mean we always need something. Ok so the key would be not to go when hungry, but people walk in the malls why not pick up toilet paper and lose some weight at the same time. I always come up with it's to hot, it's to cold, I'm to tired...but I have no excuses to not buy milk cause of the tempature! If the Subway guy can eat subs and lose we can do the isles and lose, and keep our families happy cause we have food in the house!

I know I'm nuts...but I'm going to get a counter and see how many steps it is to do the isles..OK I need a life..have a good day...

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is DW going to Ballantyne

Do I really need to answer that?

His new policy is that anyone over 40 gets a stress test now. It's an extra hoop to jump through but I think it's worth it.

I think she is aiming for about 90 lbs.

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It's Friday..... where is everyone?

Hey Dianne, Whats the 3 feet club? I joined curves last month, and have been twice. I still get really winded and I have to watch that my heart doesn't race cause of that blood pressure thing. Anyway, is this something I can work up to? Do you get a shirt for this goal? Tell me more!

This weekend I am once again Child-less and weather report says rain -- DARN, I was planning on hitting the Garage sales! Saturday afternoon my Disney club meets and we have guest speakers.... might just pop in and say "Hi" to my fellow Disney nerds. That's about all, want to know what you guys have planned. Bye!

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Hey Patty- the 3 foot club is inches lost! For the 1 ft club I got socks 2 ft club I got a tie shirt and now the 3 ft club I had a choice of a sweatshirt or a free month. We have a board that has all those who have lost the differen't feet. I'm the only one on the 3Ft board.

I love curves. With my bad back though I ca't do all of the stations, but I do what I can. I feel guilty because I've never broken a sweat there and I think I'm suposed to. After I do my stretches I do at least 60-90 crunches. Not with one of those helper things, I do it on my own.

I'm in such a good mood today!!! Have fun with the Disney nerds..I want t be a Disney Nerd!

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Pat, I don't mean to intrude, but another thing he may consider, is hiring a P.I., we are going through a divorce in our family as well, my daughter and her philandering...soon to be ex husband! He happens to work for the same company as my husband does, and he got wind that the FSIL (no, no, no, the F is for Former son in law, although the other definitely applies too!) was buying a lot of guns. Talk about scaring us!!! Our daughter and 16 month old granddaughter are living with us, as she gets back on her feet.

Her attorney suggested checking out the weapons issue, so they hired a PI, found out 10 days after she left he moved a woman from Arkansas in, he had met on line. Now not all of this was found out by him, we have since learned all kind of things. But this woman let my daughter in to the house to take pictures for a market analysis (her story). She found an assault rifle set up in the corner of the bedroom, and a loaded 9mm pistol with 2 extra, also full, clips on the nightstand. All this and a 6 yr old in the home. She also got pictures of the filth in the house. It was all turned over to social services, and is in the court system now. We can only hope and pray that the courts see what is going on. But push for that psych evaluation, and tell him to DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!!!! The last hearing we had, my daughters notes on a McDonalds napkin of the things he said when he was visiting the baby, were allowed! Write down everything, and date it. I will be thinking of you as we too go through this, and hope you get to see your little guy very soon. My heart breaks for you not seeing him.


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Wow Kat that is pretty Scary. I am glad that You D and GD are with you all.

I go to our first Status hearing next Wed's and am hoping that he shows his true yelling self so the Judge will have to see what I had to deal with.

Guns is a pretty scary deal there.

I would suggest Pat that he also talk with the Day Care People as well. Might seem in his best intrest to him as far as how they percieve him Vs her or things that have noticed but just do not want to come out and say..

I wish you both all the luck and stay safe..

I have started to close our outside gate at night and I leave the dog gate open now so if someone even the ex comes in the yard the dog will bark.

On a Happy not I have just paid off my 401 K loan :Banane56: but will be taking it out next month again. So i will be equipted to either get a Lawyer for the D or Bankruptcy.. Don't know which yet..

My boys are doing pretty good and we are just enjoying the warm weather finally.. You know Colo either cold, warm or cold..

Kelly - where are you???

seems I never have time to do personals but Hi everyone..

Patty - you are so luck to be so close.. My children would just love it over there. I hope to go soon and stay with My brother in Escondidio and then drive over.. I wanted so much to go to see the boats when we went through San Diego -- maybe this year when everything is said and done.

Also hoping to head down to Dallas in Nov.. See the girls again and maybe new friends as well..

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I'm not lost...just emerging from state testing h-e-double hockey sticks. In case you can't figure that out, down here in Texas we call that "hell." So, we're done for this school year, yippee!

Then parent conference with DH's teacher this afternoon...she made all A's on her report card, and the teacher had nice compliments on her behavior and manners, so we are quite the proud parents right now!

I've been reading (although some of you call it lurking), I just seriously haven't had anything to write about! Haven't really lost any weight, just going up and down the same 2 pounds.

Plans for this weekend: run away and join Patty at the Disney nerd meeting...okay, just kidding. Run away and join Pat on the jet skis...kidding again! Really, driving Miss Haven to theatre lessons, then to DH's dad to go to the movies with him. In between, taking my car for alignment and other tire stuff and sis is picking me up and we're going to Breakfast.< /p>

So, relative calm prevails this week it looks like, except for our friends with PIs and lawyers and psych evals, and crazy in laws! Our ears and shoulders are still available for vents and tears!

Luv ya, Cindy

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Just popping in to say hello. I've been in band denial lately, so I'm avoiding the other threads. Since my band slipped I count 4 people on this board who have also had a slip and every one of them has lost their band. I'm the only lucky one of the bunch who was able to be rebanded.

So, because I was raised Catholic and have a strong sense of guilt, I sometimes feel horrible for how badly I've been eating. On the other hand, I've reeeeally enjoyed having a break from restriction. I've been paying the price on the scale, but I'm okay with that. I'm going to get my fill soon and get back on track. Then I'll be cursing myself for the extra weight I'll need to lose again, but right now it's all good.

Phew! That felt good to admit... I wouldn't say that at any other place on this board. Thanks in advance for a place to feel safe from judgement girlies. :kiss2: :kiss2:

Feels like a cool Spring rain is moving in. What do y'all have planned for this weekend? My mom is going to watch DD tomorrow while DH and I take DS to see Ice Age 2. Other than that, it will be yardwork if it's not raining.

Time to put the kiddies to bed. :(

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Good Morning LBT/NJ Friends :( I've missed you alot!!

Anne, I would do the same thing if I had 0 restriction.... ah heck, I am doing the same thing. I'm eating way to much and all crap. Not proud but it does feel good to admit it. I'd like to blame it on something else but I'm not very good at lying LOL, besides what good does it do coming here for support and lying? I'm glad you too feel safe here, I do too. Your family pictures are AWSOME!!! you really are blessed with such a beautiful family. We had a great Easter as well, lots of fun :cake:

Cindy, if you don't mind the company, I'll run away with you to Disney....I love nerds :(

Mary congrats on paying off the 401K... COOL Beans :clap2:

Kat, your not intruding....please join us :cake: Grab a cup of coffee and stay a while.

What a hairy week, we were so busy and the scary thing was, my boob boss was very nice. Its nerve wracking waiting for Mr. Hyde to break loose.

I OD'd on chocolate the other night....can't wait for the chocolate to be out of the house... I think that 2' bunny DD has from a friend of mine (yeah nice friend huh lol) is gonna start shrinking...in the garbage that is.

Today is MIL's birthday so we will go over there and have lunch with them. Its crapy and cold out, raining all weekend so they say...ICK. Maybe I'll take DD to the movies? maybe not hehehehe.

Whats everyone up to today?

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GM All,

Cindy, I know where you've been, working on those badges from Pogo, LMAO.

Eileen, have you tried those chocolate crunchie little eggs, they're all on sale 1/2 price, OMG.

:omg: , I've lived here 4 years today and just saw a cat walk by my house, where the heck did that come from :cry , sorry, just took me by surprise, LOL.

Anyway...my son got to see Zack, he just went to her house on Thurs, knocked on the door, she opened the door and said, WHAT?, he told her he wanted to see his son and she let him in. He went back yesterday and took Zack's and Haley's Easter baskets. Before she left she told him she had pressed larceny charges for the TV, (which was his that she had kept when he moved out of her townhouse a year ago and refused to let him have, a well as a DVD player) and $400.00 Coach purse. He told her that if they came looking for him he would press charges for destruction of private/personal property for the damages she did to his plasma tv and walls and his MAMA, LOL.

Kat, TG she doesn't have a gun that I know of, if she did, she'd prob use it. Y'all be careful, don't become a statistic, you can never under estimate people. Look at the lady that shot her preacher husband. Hugs, I know this must be a terrible time for your family. You're welcome anytime.

Anne, it rained here Monday, DH took my Gson, three of his friends and my secretary's daughter to see that movie, they loved it. (What was he thinking, and he asked me if I wanted to go....NOT)

Ivan, I'm so happy for you and your wife. I didn't have to do the stress test at over 50, but my mom over 70 did, which was a good thing. I sort of wish I had, ya never know what's in those veins. I'm pretty sure they would have found diet coke in mine.

Ok, what'd I miss, somebody pm me and tell me what going on with Kelly.

Well Paula, I've had enough rain here this week, it's nasty today and supposed to rain all weekend.

Ok, I'm outta here, going to the exhibit hall they're having a traveling craft show, but I think it's more of a show with purchased stuff than home made stuff.

Where's Darcy?

Patty, send us some sun and warm weather. I'd love to visit I've never been to Californie.

Bene, you staying home and playing with DH all weekend, :( .

Sunnyset, how's your weather? I forgot where you live :( .

Betty, get outta da pool and come talk to us.

Later guys!

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Eileen, have you tried those chocolate crunchie little eggs, they're all on sale 1/2 price, OMG.

Do bears s***.......... never mind :guess

Pat I'm glad your DS got to see the kids..... that nasty chick is in for a rude awakening huh ROFL...GOOD. Hey, have fun at the craft thingy your going to.

I'm heading into the shower now and then off to MIL's.... TTYL.


Where is Darcy???????????

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I got up this morning and read all the new posts....and it almost made me cry. Thanks for the warm welcome! Eileen, I am going to have to trade the coffee for this delicious, tasty, yummy (I am trying to convince myself) Optifast!!!

As far as my DD and Dgd go, they are living with us, we have a place for them, she bought a fairly small double wide mobile home, and put it on property we have just out of town. We used it as RV rental space for awhile, so it was easy to set up. However until things calm a bit we don't want them out there alone. He did say to her the night before last that he was moving to south Texas where his Dad lives. But he also spouted a bunch of other junk we know to be BS so who knows??? Until then, they are staying for awhile. Which is where they need to be, but it is not always easy living with an adult child. The Mom in me wants to tell her what to do. That does not work!!! Who raised this child to be so doggone independent????

We leave this afternoon when DH gets off work (he is finishing up things to take 10 days off) to head to Albuquerque, where we will fly out to Mexico early in the morning. Albq. is 3 hours away, and we have to be at the airport in the morning at 4:15, so we got a room there for the night. Sure wish Trish was back home in Albuquerque and doing well. Poor girl, I do wish you well!!! My surgery is scheduled for 10:15 AM Monday. So far I feel excited more than anything else, although I am VERY emotional, so I know the nerves are at work!! BTW DD and the baby will stay with my parents while we are gone.

Thanks again for the warm wishes!!!


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