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Hope everyone had a lovely Easter and hope you got to spend time with family and friends. We had a wonderful Easter here. DH's Brother and his wife came to visit and have been here since Tuesday. So we had them plus my friend and her hubby and daughter came over and my son came home early from his dad's. He wanted to spend Easter with me and his Step-dad. I thought that was quite the compliment :). THEY had Turkey, ham and the fixings. I had quite the PB episode on the first try of scrambled eggs this morning and that was it. I was done with eating for the day. Doc said mushies and my body is SCREAMING it lol. It was TERRIBLE! This was the first time I, ummmm let loose, I've only had sliming before with that golfball. NOT this time. YUCKY! Anyway....mashed potatoes with LOTS of gravy, squash and sweet potatoes were my Easter meal and it went down nice and smooth. WHEW!

Donna and Pat - I'd love to have an East Coast party :) I'm on my cruise from July 16-23 so that's out for me. Some weekends are tricky because of my son going alternate weeks with his dad but, I should be able to work that out. Once people throw out specific dates I'll know better :) I'd really love to meet my friends here at LBT :) So sweet of you to offer a meeting place Pat!

Cindy - Wahoo congrats on the smaller band size. What a difference aye? That's great and keep up the great work. Oh I tried some of those Zone bars you talk about and I like them. Thanks for the tip!

Patty - I hope you had a great day at your friends house. I bet the boys collected lots of eggs :)

Betty - Sounds like you have some great recipes. Maybe we should all get together and create a NJ LBT Chat (Can't say chicks cause the gentlemen I hope will help too) recipe book :) Wouldn't it be great to put together a band friendly menu? Oooooooo yea. If people would like to do that I'm willing to volunteer to put it all together in word. Then I can email everyone that pages. Sounds like fun!

Ira - Congrats to you and your wife on her deciding on the Band. I know it's so much easier with my DH dieting or changing his eating habits to go along with my banding. Your wife had a head start already having you as her mentor. That's awesome and I wish you both the best!

Eileen - I get up early when I don't have to yet, work days the alarm has to wake me up. Hmmm wonder why hahaha. (Psssst I was with you, I was wondering what was wrong with Donna's dog hahaha)

Shackdog - welcome and happy April to you too. Hope to hear more from ya.

Forgive me Bubbame I don't know your first name, but I hope your STBX gets more reasonable. Its just not worth fighting over because kids are smarter than ya think. Doesn't matter the age they pick up on it. Been there done that and thankfully my ex and I get along great when it comes to agreeing on my son's well being. I wish you the best and pray for a good outcome with it all for you and your children.

Anne - Hope you're doing well and having a good Easter egg hunt. Hope all your work paid off and you were able to enjoy your company.

Everyone...I have to thank you for your kind words regarding the situtation with my sister. My mom who's out visiting my Aunt and Uncle actually came by today with them on their motorcycles. She's so dang cute in her leathers hahaha. My 64 year old mumsy is out riding in her black leather jacket with the fringe that her and my aunt put black and silver beads on every 5th one, her leather chaps, gloves, boots and vest....they are having the time of their lives. I couldn't help but smile when I saw her and know that her living here with us made this all possible for her. She no longer has to worry about yard work, house problems etc. Well, I wear my heart on my sleeve and a tear formed when I saw her UGH. (Wish I could learn to hide stuff. Never could with her.) Well she told me when she comes home Monday she wants to hear ALL that my sister said and she means ALL of it. I told her it's not pretty and I can't even bring myself to say it. She insists and made me promise. CRIPE now what? How do I tell her her other daughter was flipping out and calling her every name in the book most of which don't even come into my mind never mind cross my lips? One word in particular makes my stomach want to hurl. I'm so stuck in the middle of stuff it's sickening. It's been this way my entire life. I've always been the one holding this family together from before my alcoholic father left until now. Why, as my shrink I had years ago said, am I the adult in the family when at the time I should of been a kid. Well.....I've decided I need to yet again take a step back from my siblings. My life is so much better off without them. Sad to say because I do love them but, I just can't deal with it anymore. The crap, the drama, the jealousy, petiness and meaness. It's ALL just not me. In the meantime...what the heck to do about what my mom is asking me to do ugh.

Thank you everyone for your kind words, prayers, positive energy....I thank God for all of you. He brought me here for a reason and it wasn't just the band.

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Sherry, I love your description of your mom in her leathers! You know, forgive me if this is off base, but when you mentioned the alcoholism of your father, it made me wonder if perhaps that is in play with your sister? If so, then you must for your own sanity and serenity distance yourself from it...and you can tell your mom the bottom line, whether it is jealousy, greed, envy or whatever it was, without telling her the ugly names. I don't really know enough of the subject matter to know if any of my little advice is on target, but if it is, great. If it isn't, forget I mentioned it. I know there's a lot of stuff that just doesn't have to be repeated in order for your mom to get the idea of the problem. She probably has an idea already anyway.

I'm going to bed already...just wanted to write back to you Sherry.

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning,

I'm home today, I always take the day after Easter off b/c I'm pooped! and my house is a wreck lol.

Sherry, the way you described your family, I thought I was reading my very own story. I am the youngest of 7 but the oldest when it comes to responsibility. I think I am the only adult out of all of them.... they have no responsibility, jealousy is sickening, lazy, etc..... (except my eldest sister, she was the only one who was "normal"... I say was because she died in 1998...long sad story..) anyway. My dad died when he was 54, of cancer (mom is still alive) I have 3 brothers, 2 are alcoholics who are sooooooo jealous its sickening (one brother died when he was 34 of heart failure...we think it was steroid b/c he was a body builder :) ), the 2 sisters who are still alive, I hate to admit it but are very lazy and I'm the one who takes care of my mom's financial stuff, etc. I love my family like nobody's business and we are there for eachother its just the petty shit that goes on and the talking behind the back that makes me sick. I try to stay away from it all. So.... I understand where your coming from.

Okay now that you know all about my disfunctional family LOLOL !!! you can understand why I'm like I am eeeeeeeeerrrrr :guess and why I'm fat....being the youngest of 7 was not fun lol.

So how is everyone today? I ate so much yesterday its not funny. I feel numb and tingly from all the salt I ate but it was surely tasty.

Get this.... I tried to eat some pineapple and the first bite I took it kinda slid down and poof...got stuck. I thought it was gonna come back up but it didn't...it just hurt for about 20 minutes as I paced the floor. See thats what I get for "trying" to eat healthy haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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Good Morning!

We had a great time at the neighbors, went swimming, sat in the hot spa, and ate way too much. I am not even going to weigh in this morning, I know by the clothes I am wearing that I gained some! Needless to say this morning I am watching what I eat again! :) :) I could also use a few more hours of sleep!

My roses bloomed just in time for the party on Saturday, so I had roses everywhere. They were just beautiful. My Iris's bloomed, and so did all my red daylilies. Gosh, the yard looked like it was full of spring. I loved it!

I tried to eat some pineapple  and the first bite I took it kinda slid down and poof...got stuck. I thought it was gonna come back up but it didn't...it just hurt for about 20 minutes as I paced the floor. See thats what I get for "trying" to eat healthy haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I can't eat pineapple either, gets stuck everytime. I have to be careful with all kinds of fruit for some reason. I can eat chips/meat/ etc. but something simple like fruit and bang it stops me. If I take it really slow and chew really well, I can eat some fruit. I am a fruit lover, so it makes me mad!:)

Sherry - Hang in there, I think we most of us that have brothers/sisters have at one time gone through what you are experiencing. It's not fun, it makes us mad, but for some reason we all come out a better person for it. Maybe we just don't want to turn out like them. :) I don't think most of what I fixed for the party was exactly band friendly, some things were and some was just downright fattening, bad for ya food!:) :) You know the good stuff!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Pat - I can't do a trip this year, just getting back to work and all. Maybe next year! I would love to meet y'all though, I have become to love and care about everyone!

Well, I don't have time to address the rest of ya, I spent too much time messing around getting dressed this morning. I gotta hit the road and try to survive the day. I am tired this morning, I think the whole weekend has caught up with me. I got more stuff from the contract company yesterday too, so back to evening work for me again for a while.


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Well Good Morning and Happy Monday..

Whew what a weekend very exhausted.. On Sat we hit alot of Easter Egg Hunts and the boys loved every minute. They each got a Board game (leftover present from Christmas) and they loved it. We dyed eggs and painted them had movie night And on Sunday we went to Church and then I was gonna take them to their favorite Resteraunt in Loveland and we got into the parking lot and my car broke down. My Brother came to fix it and got it running and today it is at the garage. Thank God it was fixable. The Easter Bunny came late in the Day but my boys loved the baskets my sister made for them. And said they forgive the Bunny for being late..

Other than that life is good... Well better get to work talk to you all later..

oh yeah added my Easter Pic to before and after thread.. Can you belive I still cannot see the differance.

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Good Morning,

Can't stay long.... not much to report.

My first victory was getting everybody dressed and to school on time after vacation! They boys collected all kinds of eggs yesterday(most with money) and made some new friends. I sat outside freezing my butt off and was not a happy camper. My friend Terry raises chickens and I Soooooo want to do that!

I have my Psych follow-up this week with the cute Dr and once again hounding the EX for support payment that was due Saturday :) Well, its back to work and LOTS of tummy aches -- bye!

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Hi all and Happy Easter a day late. I tried to get on several times since Friday and just couldn't.

I must say I had one of the nicest weekends in a long long time. Today is DH BD 50 holy CRAP I can't believe I'm married to such an old timer..lol..I am enjoying the heck out of pickin on him.

Friday we hung around the house and then went to the park with DS and his GF. DH and I rented a canoe..can you tell what's next...We decided to go down this small river. We were watching the turtles and enjoying the time. DH was so busy looking around that I fell on my back in the canoe so I wouldn't hit a branch. He said look out for snakes, I bet we'll see them...thanks... the Water was muckie...we continued down the river and I have no clue what happened but over we went...lol...It was so funny...this gross water...and the snakes yikes...my sandles were floating so I put them on. We finally got the boat turned over and I couldn't believe I got back in with no problem. ( I guess that has something to do with losing almost 60 pounds) We smelled real bad, but it was worth every second. Saturday night we had a BD party with our close friends and Sunday church and in-laws.

It sounds like it was a nice day for everyone. I hope today is too.

Patty-If you buy TIVO do you still have a monthly charge with it? Wow Patty, I will have to try to hitch a ride with my husband when he goes down to FL for work sometime, and hopefully see you. I don't remember what town the office is in but he said it's near Orlando. I love the fact that you go to Disney at least 1 time a week. That is so special.

Shackdog- today is your day! congrats! Welcome to Bandland!

Darcy- I love the bunnies!

Anne-I hope you took a picture of your 2 yr old witht he spaghetti!

SherryW-I'm so sorry about your brother and sister. If you want to vent more personally I'm here for you. Feel free to PM me.

Donna-You sound so happy. Lucky to wake up and look out at the beach. I would like exercising also if I could do water aerobics. You go girl!

I'm from Charlotte NC area. nothing works for me before the 7th of July. Good luck on this, I think it's great your doing it.

Pat-I forgot where you lived in VA. DH and I are going to the Steeple chase in Charlottesville on April 29th. We go up every year and meet some friends that have 2 spots. It's a hoot. This year I'm going to get the sun dress and not worry about my arms being to big. I think I may even get a big girlie hat! I am planning a big bash for my DH today is 50! We had a small get together with 6 other couples to Celebrate. But on May 27th were having a huge party with a band and friends from NJ and CA. I'm so excited I can't see straight. I sure hope I can keep it from him. He's starting to scare me because that weekend is the Coco Cola 600 and he mentioned something about going to it. AHH not good. We went to Bucca De Peppo's for dinner if you've never been it is a hoot. We sat in the Pope room. It was great. Thanks for asking.

Betty-That joke is cute!

Donna & Eileen-Your cracken me up!!!

Ira-That is wonderful news about your wife. And you sure are an inspiration!

Cindy-How exciting to see the success of your niece! I also give everyone a lot of credit for getting up so early to go to sunrise service. I've never made it and I don't think I ever will. I bet it's beautiful though.

Sorry I missed some of you. thinking of you all. Have a blessed day. I'll try to check back later today.

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Mornin Y'all!

Boy, it's hot! 101 degrees yesterday, and more of the same today! Thank goodness for good old air conditioning. Alot of places didn't have electric though, and I sure felt sorry for them!

Dianne - That is so funny about the canoe trip. Glad to see you here, and glad that you had such a fun day! Congrats on that 60 pound loss too!

Cindy and Beanie - Did you lose your electric?

Well, can't talk with ya anymore, got to press my blouse and get my butt dressed! I sure would like to stay home today!


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Hey Dianne,

Yes, the TIVO has a monthly charge, but I plan on getting the lifetime onetime fee. I will probably break down and get mine this weekend.

Oh, I would love to visit with you.... except I live in California, next to the original Disneyland. I think I'm the farthest person west on this thread and in desperate need of company. Sorry that I might of lead you to believe that I lived in Florida.

Yesterday work was good..... only 10 kids came into the nurses office with stomachaches..... most of them wanted out of class. And now I begin organizing school records for kids graduating from elementary to the Jr high -- huge job! June 23rd, the last day of school -- yipee!

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A quick Yello from me, too! We're doing the state tests (yes, again...can't have enuf tests!).

Betty, we didn't lose electricity up in Sanger...maybe not enough people actually HAVE electricity, I don't know...LOL! (just kidding).

I believe we're going to 101 again today, so is it warm enough for ya, Betty?

Got Girl Scouts tonight, then rush home to my addiction: American Idol!

Hope everyone's doing well, hugs, Cindy

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Wahooo the scale has moved...I guess this not being able to eat because of my fill is a good thing lol. Actually today was the first day I was able to keep solids down so that's cool. Hubby made my favorite banded food meatloaf, mashed taters and gravy. It's the easiest meat to get down and get down the right way the first time :confused: Lost 6 pounds so far with this fill...doing the happy dance :)

Whew 101 huh? Hmm we don't see much of that up here in the New England area. Maybe once a summer if that. Thats the day I stay indoors in the AC. Thank goodness for AC. Summers around here average about 80 degrees....the last few anyway. One thing about summer I love is my pool and I'll love it even more knowing I've lost some of my tire that makes me float funny heh heh. The boobage still floats though lol.

My BIL and his wife left to go back home today. I'm going to miss them. It was great having them here. Hubby is missing his bro already. This BIL is really close to my hubby and they have alot of fun together. Things are really tight for them right now because he's been out of work sooooooo I kept him busy around my house putting in a new heater for my mom's place, a garbage disposal for us and trim around the ceiling in my kitchen. This way when I give him some money he'll take it! He yells at us saying we're family he does it cause he wants to help, well this time I was able to say TAKE IT FOR THE BABY lol. His wife just got here from the Phillipenes (did I spell that right?). She is adorable and such a sweetheart. I guess their tradition there is if they stay at someones house, they help with cleaning and all? Heck, here she is 7 months pregnant and while I'm at work she cleans my bathroom, folds the laundry, does the dishes, sweeps the kitchen...geeeeeeeeeesh! I told her to sit down and relax I do that stuff on weekends but, she said Sheddy I have to do sumting this is my exercise. Oh my.....I tried lol. She's adorable and a great addition to the family. We're hoping they visit again soon so the bros can go fishing again and SIL and I can hit the outlets for baby stuff heh heh.

Well.....I did sit with my mom and she wanted to hear it all. I padded it for sure cause the words my sis said just couldn't come out. It's not in me. I just told my mom it was ugly and that she should never ever feel guilted into helping my sis again. Basically my mom has had it with my sister and her antics and this was the final straw. She refuses to call my sister and says if my sis calls her she isn't going to tell her I told her stuff but, if my sister starts in mom is going to let her have an earful. I think my mom really needs to do that so my sister will grow up! Oh well...suprise suprise my brother called me on Easter. (I think he caught wind of what my sister pulled but, it was nice just the same.) He just wanted to say hello, happy belated bday and Happy Easter. Sometimes I think his wife puts the bug in his ear about stuff. She's been upset ever since my mom moved here...asking all kinds of financial questions and stuff. I just shrug her off when she asks. Mom and I talked about that too and we both feel it's her pushing him to ask stuff or puts stuff in his head. OH well was always my bros saying but, she pushes him alot. OH WELL lol. Mom says my siblings are jealous because I'm so happy in my life and they are miserable. I suppose she's right...that could be part of it. Life is what you make of it though :)

Enough chitter chatter and I'm sure I've worn your eyes out lol. Hugs to all of you and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for helping me through this crapola! You're the best!

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Hey Y'All

Naw, I still have 'lectricity - but my computer melted! 101 in April is just a little bit silly, don't you think?

Seriously - I flew home on Friday and DH & I went shopping for "stuff" at Lowes. The plants at that particular store were a little ratty - so we skipped it. Saturday we went to Home Depot and grabbed some lovely flowers/plants and spent some quality time at home. Sunday - we planted everything in pots for the deck. DH got some peppers - so we may have fresh Serano's, Jalepenos and Red Bells... We shall see if DH is as good at gardening as he is at... cooking. (yeah, that's it, cooking!)

After being gone for a week, my desk was a little bit busy - so I worked like a mad woman til far too late yesterday and then scurried home to eat with DH. We tried a new place - the Royal Chopstix - and it was pretty darned good. Chinese food is awesome for low-carb. Garlic chicken & Mongolian chicken are definite winners.

Went to my Band Doc today - I have officially lost 4 lbs... I have GOT to stop scheduling for right after I get back from New York. I am still all puffed up. My scale read 325 this morning. Up from 316 before I left on my trip. I just KNOW I didn't gain 9 lbs of real weight in a week. *sigh*. Oh well, I scheduled the next visit for the first week in June - so I know I will have had at least a week to recover from my monthly jaunt. I hope that by next week all this puffy business will be over, anyway.

Tomorrow morning, I go in to the Dentist to have my permanent bridge installed - so I can CHEW properly. Yay! And then Thursday AM I go in for my second fill. I am very excited about that. I am going to tell the gals to just crank it tight - since morning is the only time I have any restriction at all.

Everybody has had so much going on... HUGS to all. I will try to do personals tomorrow. **If we are taking votes on a time to have a visit at Miss Pat's - can we aim for a long weekend in the first week of August? or the First week of September? If it isn't the first week of the month, I could be anywhere doing anything... and I probably will be busy!

Hugs!! I loved reading up on all that has been going on while I was busy! I have missed you guys!

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Hey Guys... I just heard that the DFW area hit 101. Goodness, you people have had a time. Torential floods, now the heat?

Speaking of flooding, anyone know an ancient raindance that works? We are SO dry that the ground is cracked (everywhere) .

we need rain.


very bad.

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Betty-It was to so much fun I still laugh about it when I think of it.

Patty-I'm a ditz! CA is far wow. I didn't realize you were all the way OVER THERE..lol. Well ya never know sometime I may visit.

We have DVR which is thought the cable company. I don't remember what we pay for it but I love it. I'm watching my soaps right now!!!

Cindy-I remember those state tests I hated those things! Hope you get to relax during Idol.

Eileen-Get rid of that boss!! Yello to you too.

SherryW-6 pounds Wow that is fantastic! I had my first fill today. I haven't lost in about 3 weeks. What are you doing? How many days of liquids and mushies? I have liquids today and tomorrow and then mushies for 2 days.

It is nice that you are so close with your mom. Hopefully your siblings will open their eyes and see that you are such a loving caring person and how lucky they are to have you.

Beanie- 101 wow stay cool. You are so cool girl. I hate scales mine hasn't been behaving lately. I'm thrilled that I had my fill today I am so ready!

Ok I'm off to bed. Have a good night. Hi to everyone I missed.

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