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Pat - Idea for 6 year old girl. Barbie doll and clothes, coloring book w/crayons, etch a sketch, nice stuffed Teddy Bear or bunny, hair barretts, scrunchies and they love play make-up. Ummm that's if you were looking for Easter ideas. Necessities? Hmm girly sweatsuit, little pocketbook, spring jacket, drink boxes, Nabisco cracker sticks with the cheese packages. Hope that helps some.

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It's Good Friday..... I Love Easter!

The boys are still asleep but promised to help me prepare for our private celebration. Clean, decorate and cook. Then this afternoon we are going to research/shop for a TIVO, not sure if we're gonna buy.... who knows?

OK..... who here doesn't know that I live only a 12 minute drive to DISNEYLAND. I try..... doesn't always happen, but I try to visit the Magic Kingdom once a week. During the summer I go 2-3 times a week. I know that it's a theme park but I don't visit like a tourist either. I am an active member of 2 Disney clubs and a few years ago I was their VP. Over the years I've gotten to know and recognize, what we here call "Disney Legends" Margaret Kerry is one of these (she's the REAL Tinkerbell) and is a personal friend of mine. My kids like Bob Gurr(he built Autopia Cars) and Terri Harden(a puppeteer for Country Bears movie & Men in Black). Last August I got to finally meet Alice Davis who made ALL the costumes for "It's a Small World", "Pirates of the Carribean" and "Haunted Mansion". Being a costumer myself this was a moment that I will never forget. I privately got to talk with her and then had a photo taken with her.

I know that this stuff is extremely boring for most people.... I'm a history buff and it keeps me out of trouble. My Q&A session will be in just a moment...... Garrett wants some Rice Krispies for breakfast! BYE!

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Well its here, I get my band on Monday, I have been waiting for this for some time, after all the hoops and the recent loss of 27lbs, I am willing and waiting

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Hello Shackdog, nice to meet you. Thats wonderful you'll be in bandland on Monday... GOOD LUCK !!!! let us know when you get home how your doing. Any plans for the weekend, do you have to follow a liquid diet for Easter?

Patty, I would be loving it if I had Disney near my home. Its a good drug of choice :)

Pat, 6 year olds are easy peasy to please. I'm sure she'll like anything that has The Disney Princesses on it, Doodle bears are hot, leap frog things are cool. Basically anything.

Betty, Sherry... have a wonderful day as well.

Waiting for the rest of the crew to join us :uwelcome:

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Hi LBT buddies. I'm feeling a little under the weather today, so this is going to be short and sweet. (If you believe, please pray to the Lord Jesus for my healing. I NEED to go to work today for my family.)

I was on here reading when I received a knock on the door. Sure enough, the jeans that you sent me Sherry are here. I tried them all on and they fit perfectly! Almost like they were made just for me. :uwelcome: Thanks again for thinking of me, because I only had one pair of size 26 jeans, so it's nice to have 4 now. I think the Riders fit a little smaller than most other brands, which turned out to my advantage!

That's all from here for today folks. I hope that everyone has a great day, and I'll write more tomorrow.

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Hey Ladies...

So sorry I've been absent... busy girl! I got this from my sister... it really gave me a giggle... Have a Happy Easter!


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Hi everyone! No time for personals right now - I shouldn't be on here at all but I couldn't resist catching up with everyone. It's going to be 78 here today! That's pretty amazing for Michigan in April. Does everybody have their taxes done?

Oh boy, my 2 year old is eating leftover spaghetti. What a mess! She's picking up each noodle individually and slurping it in... ah, to be a kid again. I bought the kids the cutest gardening stuff at Target for Easter... kiddie size wheelbarrows, shovels, gloves, etc. They're going to be helping me this Spring, they just don't know it yet. Okay, time to bake!

Enjoy your day. :uwelcome:

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Kelly - I do hope you feel better today. I'm happy you are able to use the jeans. Hmm the riders run differently does that mean if I switch brands I can go to a smaller one? heh heh. Hey anything that helps right?

I just got off the phone with my sister...it wasn't pretty. I'm beside myself with what was said and how angry, upset, falling apart, swearing, screaming she was. She and my brother haven't bothered with me in months yet I get called when she's ticked at my mom? Mom lives with me...what am I suppose to do. My mom isn't even here most of the time as she's out with my aunt enjoying her life. I've learned from an early age that I'm responsible for me only. I raised my brother and sister for quite a few years, growing up fast to do so only for them to ignore me later in life. God...I'm so numb, hurt and have no clue what to do. I want to help my sister but truly only she can do that plus.....I'm afraid to get hurt again. I can't tell my mom what my sister said because it would hurt her. This just stinks! I can't really explain the numbness other than I've helped them so much but they were too young I guess to truly know. I was very much alone when I was on my own at 18 and no one in my family bothered to call or visit me. I was always the one that held my family together. It seems I finally got my own life together and BINGO they're back? I can't handle this.....I'm sorry I ranted...I just don't know what to do. I'd explain more but I really don't even want that on the boards and may even find myself erasing this later.

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Sherry - Do not feel badly for venting. We all need someone who will listen to us, even if we don't have all of the answers for you. Sometimes it's just nice to be "heard".

I hope that you'll start to feel better about things today, and I will say a prayer for you that you'll receive the answers that you need.

How nice of you to take your mother in. You must have a really big heart.

Keep your chin up girl.

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Oh Sherry, it sounds like you've been through so much! (((((HUGS!))))) You are a strong, caring person and you don't need that kind of toxicity in your life. Vent anytime - that's what we're here for!

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Here I is for a bit. I am always running. I saw the Picture Beanie -- not half bad.. He sure does have the twinkle in his eye:)

Yes do tell. I need amusing please.. or Eileen you can give us your version.:uwelcome:

Hi everyone hope you are all having a good day / Weekend -I love love Easter . It is my favorite time of year.

Not much planned for this weekend but I did find away to get money out of my 401k plan and pay for a lawyer if need be and then some. I have been praying and belive it or not it came to me a in my sleep. God has always been good to me and my family.

My family is going to give the boys baskets with goodies and today my STBXS (soon to be ex sister inlaw) is taking the boys on an Easter egg hunt at a nursing home and off the the movies. Up till now she is the only decent one in the family. Cross your fingers it continues.

Other than that we have movie night tomorrow after all the Easter Egg Hunts and then we will wing it. Just have as much fun as we can.

Sunday is Church and hang out like a real family does.

Oh let me give you a FYI - never cut your nose hairs - my little boy says mom you need to cut your nose hair cause it is sticking out. Well me took the little electic thing i use for my eyebrows and gave my nostril a swirl. I am paying for it now.. itches and itches - You know my nose hair was not even sticking out now that I think about it.. Dang kid ~ gotta love em

Disney land - what a life you have Patty. I can barley make it to Denver once a year.

Anne I work as and EDI Specialist

Well I better go need to unload the clothes from my car that I am giving a friend. Talk to you all later..

I know I missed alot - memory is short - need longer advance

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Hi Everyone... Yes it is me. I feel like I am reading these days and not responding!

Pat: My granddaughter is six and she loves clothes and barbie's. I combined that and got her a pink girlie girl dress and barbie sandles to match. She also loves those bead kits to make necklaces and bracelets. Good luck gramie!

Oh yeah Pat, What time do you want us all at your house? Since Anne hasn't come through with the farmhouse.... a weekend riding jet ski's sounds fun:clap2:

Sherry.... I am so sorry you are having a hard time, but after reading your post I realized that you just needed to vent. Basically you know yourself and your family so well that you have the answer.....You are an incredibly strong and spiritual person and that will get you through this. Take care of yourself... that is the important part!

Eileen: Come on, my house is small! I hate cleaning! I still haven't learned, I still invite all to my house.... it is so much fun. Doesn't matter now... I moved so the only one near is DD and the grandkids.

Bene: Don't be jealous... It makes me feel bad : - ( LOL I don't know what happened. I struggled with excersize and now I love it. Go figure!

Sherry: I moved to South Florida last July from Connecticut. I love it here! The sun does so much for my disposition : - ) To be able to wake up to the beach everyday makes me very happy.

Anne: 78 in Michigan? Wow. Here in Florida is only 80.... Your kids sound so adorable and I can picture you sitting there staring at her with stars in your eyes as she eats that pasta.... Sometimes I wish I could go back there with my boys, but then I would have to do the teenage years again and I would rather have root canal's on ALL my teeth! LOL

Patty: I am so sorry you have to take the money out of your retirement to pay for the "nasty deed". That sucks, but the sooner you get your life back the better.

Betty: I laughed when I read you post... If you had today off you would be running around like a mad lady so you are probably better off at work ....it is more restful for you! Good luck with DH birthday party. How many people?

Well, got to go ... yes I am going to the beach otherwise I will have to clean my house! Church tonight and Water aerobics in the morning. Someone asked.... the class is one hour long.


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Sherry, OMG, I am so sorry for the family troubles you are having. I know I must have some words of wisdom for you, but they are not popping into my head (or fingers!). Focus on your faith, and remember what is a distraction. Maybe they just needed to vent? You know them, and you know you. You'll sort it out, and be fine. I laughed when you wrote about your husband thinking it funny when you talk about us like people who are right there with you - I do the same exact thing. I think he can even tell everyone apart! We are both blessed to have very understanding husbands, it sounds like.

Darcy, I got that same chocolate bunny picture! So funny! Glad you posted it, because I thought about it, but I have trouble doing that.

Donna, I love your avatar! Enjoy Easter on the beach!

Pat, DD would always love Barbie stuff, art stuff, Polly Pockets, computer games, lip gloss...oh yeah, and don't forget the chocolate bunny!

Eileen, sorry you're cleaning today, but glad you are not under the thumb of your buggy boss. Sometimes a 3 day weekend really helps.

Beanie, hope you have a great Easter, and wonder if you're gonna haunt IKEA again! Love the pic of your cutie-pie boyfriend!

Betty - yes, there's always someone to complicate things, and I sure hope that person isn't ME! LOL!

Either DH or I is going to pick up DD at my dad's, then we're gonna make little bird nests out of chow mein noodles and butterscotch chips, and put speckled m&m's in them to look like bird eggs. Not very original, but DD will love helping make them, and can probably do most of it! Then DH is making the famous chocolate covered coconut Easter eggs for his dad...yucky coconut. There's a treat I can safely avoid. Ha! Other than that, we are assigned a fruit salad, and deviled eggs. I guess we'll get those made tomorrow evening, after the birthday party DD's going to in the afternoon. I told my kids at school yesterday that I used to have a social life, now it's my DD's! Ch-ch-ch-ch-chaaange...(David Bowie). LOL!

Well, sister-girls, like Pat, I feel all sentimental about all of ya...you're super pals, and bandmates, and you bless my life each and every day. Everyone have a blessed Easter. Hugs, Cindy

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Dear Sherry,

Vent all you want :eek: get it all out! Just don't start eating, OK.

We love you and only want the best for you.... HUGS.

Hey, the boys and I just came back from a research trip for a TIVO machine.... one of those TV recorder devices. I found a great deal and don't really need one of these things but it would be SO much fun! See what having a job does, the money goes to my head! I won't rush in to buy, sale expires 4/30(payday). The kids and I watched a demo and they all think it's really cool. Tivo can fast forward commercials during any live show and rewind too! Man, there are days when I'm watching Survivor and someone talks and I missed something..... I could rewind the episode -- how crazy would that be?! OK.... I'm gonna keep a cool head and not rush into anything, I have 15 days to think about it. Hope all my friends are having a good weekend -- it rained here buckets.

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Patty, our local cable company furnishes us one, for a small monthly fee, but it's really neat. My Gson likes/loves the Wiggles, so I taped several episodes for him, it was sooo easy. I'm so jealous of the DL adventures, I think that's so awesome, your kids will remember those special times the rest of their lives and they'll share those times with their kids.

Sherry, sorry you're having a rough time with the "family". I think we all have those that do and those that pretend to do, like your sister. It sounds like your mom is very fortunate to have you for a daughter. You come here and vent anytime. Tell your sis if she can't say something nice, then keep it to herself, as Eileen would say, WTF!

Donna, I too like your new avatar. Thanks for the ideas on the gifts for Haley. Y'll can gather at either place, my VA home or the place on the beach, I'm ready for an East Coast Bash. I'll furnish the place the rest of you make the plans. As they say in Texas Holdem, I'm all in!

Anne, when's that new fill? Good luck with the brunch Sunday.

I bought DS a replacement crib for his house today, since the winch took the other one. Then I bought the same comforter/crib/bumper set I had bought for his gfriend, the itch that she is. I'm 56 years old, they didn't have that off the wall, high $$$ stuff when my kids were babies. One had Winnie the Pooh and the other had Raggedy Ann and Andy, back then we didn't know the sex b4 hand either. Anyhooo, that chit was expensive, by the time I bought the crib, the crib in a bag set, the lamp, the $17.99 SHEET, 1 sheet mind you, what was I thinking, the lamp, the blanket and the mobile, I'd spent almost $1,000.00, WTF! I bought all the stuff for Zacks "basket", big bag of diapers, box of 460 wipes, 9 outfits, a case of jar baby food fruit, Cereal, toys and formula, all of which is going to the witches house. She'll have something nasty to say about it I'm sure.

Cindy, that dang Pogo is soooo addicting, but I do love the challanges. Listen to you doing your little crafts, aren't you just the talented one, or is that the teacher in ya coming out.

Eileen, turn your darn phone on, I tried to give you a break and call you today, but your phone wasn't on girlie.

Betty, you been mighty quiet, wassssup.

Mary, I don't cut nose hairs, I tweezer them, OUCH! I'm just waiting for it to start growing out of my ears, yuk!

Darcy, welcome back, been playing hookie on us....shame!

Where's Becky?

Kelly, hope you're feeling better, what ya get Dylan from the Easter Bunny? I don't guess Don's getting much of anything, LOL. He'll find a job soon, he doesn't want to have to face your anger much longer I'm sure. It'll be ok Kelly Girl!

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