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I survived my trip to D-land, but my Butt hurts from sitting on the ground(somehow all the padding back there doesn't help)!

Eileen:Ahhhh, the tale of the Snotty Tutor, I thought I told that one? I will paraphrase that bedtime story! It was a Saturday evening at 5pm. I was making dinner when Toby calls. I had arranged that we skip lessons on a friday afternoon cause the kids wanted to go to a new Christian coffeehouse so, I asked if Toby wouldn't mind tutoring on a Sunday. He calls to tell me he is coming at 12:15pm...... well, thats lunchtime. So he says he will be here at 12:30. Now, I explain that I have 4 children to feed and that is STILL lunchtime. He gets an angry and huffy and I gently said "whoa, slow down" then he got REALLY angry and said that he was trying to accomodate me and that I was being rude! I shut up and he continued to rant and rave(no lie) when he got to fever pitch he hung up on me! I was pretty mad and a bit flustered afterward but then realized that this geek just tied a rope around his neck and hung himself. I didn't like this guy from the beginning and AJ back at the office said that I should give him a try..... so I did. It doesn't bother me that Toby the immature little snot didn't want to play nice. Within a day I got an email name and phone number for a new gal, and a direct "WE NEED TO TALK" from AJ. I phoned Stephanie, arranged dates and times and I never called AJ! The tutoring will end April 30 and my kids are doing better. Did I mention that I sorta charge Dan for the lessons? Hummmmmmm, oops! :Banane04:

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Dianne - Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I need all of them that I can get right now! I just keep reaching out to God and asking for His guidance, because it's all that I can do.

Anne - How have you been? Are you feeling well now?

Sherry - Congrats on passing the test! I'll bet that's a load lifted from your shoulders! Glad you had a happy birthday as well.

Patty - Glad that you and the boys had fun at the movies. Isn't it amazing what we mothers will do for our children?!?! Definately mother's love.

Cindy - I hope that you can adjust to the new med with ease. It amazes me what kinds of side effects some meds can give.

Mary - Glad that you and the boys are having fun together. That has definately gotta help their stress levels. Glad you got a cute hair cut too. Sometimes that can make us girlies feel a lot better about ourselves, especially in the midst of what you are facing.

Rene - Thanks for the congrats on the smaller pants. Have fun with your exotic review today. LOL

Pat - I am so glad that your son has hired an attorney. It sounds like this woman is a total whack job, and that she needs to be put in her place. I hope that he gets full custody of his son, and if he does try to get the little girl, that he can convince that her mother is a nut job, and that she'd be safer and better off with him. What a sad situation. Holy crap on the fill bill too! Mine was a total of $415 and I thought that was bad! Wowza to yours though! Keep coming to us if need be for support. That's what we're all here for. Whether it's band related or not.

Donna - Sorry to hear about the break-up with your son and his girlfriend. Hopefully they can work things out. Five years is a long time to throw away.

Eileen - Glad that you and Beanie had such a good time together. I gotta see if one those there Cheesecake Factories are even anywhere remotely close to here. Even if one was near my sister's place - we could always go there together during my next visit. We went to this little Thai place that has been voted the best Thai food in Detroit for the last few years. OMG they weren't lying either! I had the cashew chicken and about wet myself. LOL It's nuts how fast they have your food done and out to you too. I kid you not - about 3 to 5 minutes and it was at our table! Just nuts!

Nothing much on the agenda for today. Listening to the Wiggles right now - again. He loves that freeking video, then I go to work with those goofy songs stuck in my head. LOL

DH is out cutting wood again right now (because he gets paid for it, and every little bit helps), and he will be back later to take over the parental duties while I go to work.

I'm so grateful that it's sunny outside today. It was such a dreary, rainy day out yesterday, and it just served to make me feel tired and worn down. Not to mention feeling like a human barometer, with my band getting all tight and making me gassy and yucky feeling while raining. That was truly a weird experience.

Gonna run now. Everyone have a great day, and I'll check back later.

Peace 'N Love

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Pat, I needed a change..... and I'm not coloring my hair again ROFL !!

I think I lost the avitar when I changed it to the scooby... oh well, duh me didn't think about saving it.

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Patty, I'm glad you got rid of the snotty boy.......... and charged the X haaaaaaaa !!!! you crack me up. WHOOT!

Kelly you gotta get to a cheese cake factory, the portions are gonna blow you away, one plate is enuf for 3 people. The cheese cake is devine. Its my favorite place to go. I have never had a bad dish there or cake. You'll enjoy. I love Thai food too mmmmmmmm mmmmm ! Have fun with DS :Banane04: Which wiggles song ya thinking of.... Wags the dog, he loves to tango.... fruit salad yummy yummy....ROFL !!! DD watches them all the time and has the wiggles movie... *roll eyes*... hey look at it like this, its sure beats watching barney... those guys are pretty cute (well 2 are lol).

Randy, glad you talked to your doctor :mad: HUGS

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Howdy my friends!

So I passed the permit test thank goodness cause I already paid for my motorcycle driving lessons and I would of lost it if I didn't have the permit lol. Kinda did that backwards I guess huh? heh heh oh well passed it anyway so that's a big ahhhhhhhhh feeling.

Went to Boston for my first fill and 2nd visit with nutrionist. The surgeon was running so stanking late that my friend Jen was there still. Her appointment was at 1:30 and mine was at 2:30. We both waited for him and at 3:30 he finally called us. We asked the doc if we could go into the room together. He thought we were weird but, let us do it lol. She went first. She had to tell him that she's thrown up a few times and she was afraid he wouldn't give her the fill but, she was saying how starving she was all the time so he still did it. I think I made him nervous cause I asked "How do you prevent poking a hole through the tubing?" He said he's never done it but it is possible and explained how he feels for it etc. Sooo he pokes her and didn't find it YIKES the poor girl was so nervous he did get it and gave her 1.5 ccs. I asked what kind of band we had and he said we have a 10cm band that holds 4ccs of Fluid. Cool. Me next, laydown, lift the legs up a bit (now tells me to hold them and I"m like HELLO that hurts my back!) Anywho he went in, moved a little and BINGO. The nurse gave him 3ccs and he put in, he says, anywhere from 1 to 1.5 in mine. Sip of Water and on my way to the now late running nutrionist. Bundled me up with someone else (Jen already saw her) and didn't end up home until 7:00 from after being there at 2:00 UGH. Anyway, the fill is going well but, man I'm hungry. Sick of fluids only already! Hubbys bday is Friday and no cake for me. Easter Sunday.....mashed potato and sweet potato and if I'm lucky squash if we find it. Oh well...just two things and I'll survive them :uwelcome:

Happy to say the fill honestly didn't hurt at all and I'm far less nervous about getting more now. I didn't have any numbing meds or anything just the good ole 4'' needle. Weird part is when he pulled the needle out...POP hahahaha. Course the belly had to move like jelly :paranoid

Surprised the DH for his Birthday. His truck was in the bodyshop getting fixed from being rearended a month ago. Well I had them add the side step things to it that he's been wanting for a long time but, we've put it off. His truck was suppose to be done a day ago and he was getting upset. Luckily we were stuck in Boston yesterday so it saved him getting really ticked hahaha. I said just call them in the morning. The people at the shop put pictures up of your car so you can see the progress. They helped me in not doing that for the side steps lol. He picked up his truck today and they had it inside. Drove it out and he wondered why 4 people came out with it looking at him lol. He said..that's not my truck. Then noticed the eagle we put in his rear window. He said what the heck did this come with the package? The girls yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY! They said his face was priceless :) I'm glad I made his day. (Hmmm just gotta pay for it now lol)

I've rambled enough....I'll catch up with personals another time. Thanks for asking about the fill. Anyone about to get one...it was nothing! You can do it :)


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Hi everyone!

I spent the day at the park with the kids and running errands for the egg hunt. I'm pooped. Tomorrow I'll be baking all day, but I'm looking forward to that. I found some really good coffee cake recipes at allrecipes.com. If you've never checked out that site, I highly recommend it. All of the recipes have been reviewed, and there are thousands and thousands of recipes. The coffee cakes are going to be low fat of course... yeah right! :heh:

Eilene, I almost did a spit take when I saw that picture. Where do you find these things? If the waiter was even half that cute, I want in. LOL! Who do you have coming for Easter dinner this year?

Kelly, I think the closest Cheesecake Factory to us would be in either Chicago or Cleveland. I've been to the one in Chicago, and it's soooooo good. Time for a road trip!

Patty, I don't think I could stand up again if I sat on the ground for 6 hours. That sure does sound like fun though!

Pat, don't underestimate the value of a good lawyer. If he can help your son he'll be worth the money. My BIL was brought up on some very serious criminal charges over 10 years ago. My MIL spent every dime she had on a hick town lawyer (hundreds of thousands of dollars) and even though there was ample evidence to prove his innocence he sits in jail to this day. After several appeals my BIL has been granted a new trial by the state, which almost never happens (so you know his lawyer screwed up BIG time). Wow! Sorry - don't know where that rant came from. I guess my point is, a good lawyer is hard to find, so if this guy comes highly recommended it will be worth the dough.

Irene, enjoy your extra time off and have a safe flight home! What are your Easter plans? Is DH making something yummy?

Randy, how long did he say to monitor your sugar intake? I hope you feel better soon! I've had dizzy spells before and they're quite frightening. Nothing since being banded though...

Mary, congrats on the raise! What do you do for a living? How do you like the new haircut? I'm going to have a few inches taken off of mine for the Summer, but it's pretty long right now.

Sherry, Darcy, Cindy and Betty - HUGS. What are your Easter plans?

Time to go have coffee with DH. Hope everyone is enjoying their evening. :uwelcome:

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Sherry- I hope you had a wonderful BD.

Patty- It is so wonderful that you can go to Disney when ever possible. DD and I just went to the Biltmore Estate on Monday. It's 2 1/2 hours from home, but well worth it. It was our first time there. I liked it so much that turned our passes into yearly ones. DD already has plans to go back next week.

Kelly, Life does seem to get in the chitty chitty bang bang spells. Try to keep your head up. That is great news about the clothes! WTG! I went to Dress Barn to try to find an Easter outfit and I spent over 3 hours in the store thesales help was horrible and I walked out with nothing. The good news though is that I fit in some of the regular sizes, bit mostly 16/18's

As far as the ins co goes, I would tell them your going to make payments. They can't cancel you now!!!

Pat. I have missed so much in the past week plus. haven't been able to complete reading all I missed. I am so sorry that you have so much sad stuff going on. My prayers go out to you and that poor mom and her little boy and husband. That is so sad. I'm truly sorry. I hope the lawyer is good and can help your son.

Eileen-I love that guy!!!

Anne-Yummy coffee cake! We are not going to be home for Easter this year so I won't be making anything. Makes me kinds sad. Have a good one enjoy.

Beanie and Eileen-I want to check out this waiter when I come up!

Sorry I didn't get to do everyone. I get so stressed about trying to keep up! I'm working on it though.

Things with me have been crazy. I'm losing more advertisers because their 1 yr contract is up. That's a bummer. $ with my "job" isn't good at all these days and with gas going up I'm wondering what the heck I'm dong! I do enjoy reaching out to others it would just be really nice if they would sign the agreement and then I could move on.

God gave me the gift to paint. I paint murals, and haven't picked up a bash in months. I got 2 calls with in the last week about possible murals. I think I'm going to take the jobs. I never went to school for painting and if you ask me to paint a wall a solid color....I can't do it! Whenever I get stuck on what to paint I ask God to give it to me and he does. It is so cool how he works through me with the brush.

I have been eating pretty poorly lately. Tuesday I go for my 1st fill. I'm excited to get my journey going.

I'm planning a huge surprise party for DH on May 27th his BD is this Monday the 17th, but I couldn't get my act together. He will be shocked. We have friends coming in from NJ and other places. I have a friend who plays in a band and the band is coming! I've already started praying for great weather, cause if it rains I'm SCREWED! But it won't. I plan on borrowing 5 or 6 tents from friends last yr the local grocery gave away green and white striped tents. So I'm going to put them here and there throughout the yard. I'm very excited. He scared me today and told me he may be going to the coca cola 600 that weekend. I have to somehow find out who wants to go with him and tell im he can't take him.

Well I'm off to relax. I'm looking forward to relaxing tomorrow and reflecting on what Jesus did for ME.

In the mean time I will try to catch up so you may hear from me again tonight. Have a good one. Were going to watch the Winn Dixie movie.

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Hey Girls (& Randy).... LOL

Happy Thusday. Just got home from the gym.... I love that Water aerobics.... I feel so good afterwards : - )

Good day today. Nothing really new. Looking forward to the weekend... going to the beach! Easter we are going to church in the morning, DD singing in the choir..... going to the beach and then to DD for dinner. Should be fun. I wish I could be with my boys, but maybe another year.

Anne: I used to love the easter egg hunts with my boys. I did one every year with my nephews so this year I mailed them eggs with candy and money. My brother did the hiding of the eggs for me in CT. My nephews were thrilled. I love allrecipe.com. I also like going to the foodnetwork. It has all the cooking shows.

Sherry: Congrat's on the permit!~ You are so brave... I can only ride a scooter and that scares me! Glad your fill went well. Let us know how the restriction goes....

Eileen: I love the cheesecake factory. I don't think I could order a meal now, it would have to be an appetizer. I am very tight! I have to eat very slowly and can't really handle meat. Have a nice Easter!

Kelly: I hope you are doing better :nervous I have added you and your husband to the prayer list. Please take care of yourself and the rest will fall into place. I know when things like what you are going through happen, it is so hard for me not to turn to food! We are here for you girl!!!

Patty: 6 HOURS ... OMG! Why were you sitting for 6 hours? Did I miss something? You are such a good MOMMY!

Pat: Good for you... a good attorney will take you a long way! I can't believe that "wack-job" !!!! Those poor kids. Kids never deserve to be brough into adult situations. I am sorry you are having such a hard time lately... your son is very lucky to have you as him mom. If I was in trouble you would be first on the call list : - )

Rene: I don't know... I think you should run off with that waiter ... just seeing the picture would make me 'RUN' .... lol What are you doing for Easter? No chocolate allowed in my house. I am giving DH a basket, but no candy.... I would eat it!

Cindy: How you doing girl? What are you doing for the long weekend? Are you on break next week? Your Dad sounds like my husband with our grandkids... he loves to spend time with them.. even when I have had enough... patience why, he comes through...

Well, got to go to bed. I am getting up at 5:30 this week...


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To sum it all up, there was a thread started today, about you might be a bandster if......, well the following quote was written by StewartS and it describes my feelings for you guys to the T!

"If you have more friends on LBT than in real life, you might be a bandster",well, you guys are the best! I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I wish I could give each and everyone of you a big hug. Thanks for all your prayers and support, it truly helps to have someone to talk to who really cares. You're all so special to me. Ok, enough sentimental stuff :uwelcome: .

:kiss2: :kiss2:

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How's everybody? I am sitting here thinking about packing... I leave for Dallas tomorrow and back to another 3 weeks or so of my "normal" life.

Hi Ira! I see you lurking as I type. Hope all is well with you.

Pat - I hope your Son get's some resolution to all this with the Witch. I really can't believe how crazy some of these women are... and cruel. I did get a little shopping in... I went to a couple of really HUGE malls, here. Of course, I didn't buy much. But I got some cute shoes.... HUGS!! We love you, too.

Eileen!! Don't make me come over there!! DANG - Skanky Dude isn't EVEN that bad. I think that must be a shot of YOUR dream man! Seriously, I am going home to my Dream Man tomorrow night. Y'all probably won't hear much from me until Monday!

Randy - If your doc isn't worried - then just watch your calories and Protein - be sure you are getting enough of both - and don't overdo on the sugar/carb intake. Hopefully that will clear up that Dizziness. If not, try some sinus medicine... Hugs!

Patty - glad to hear the new Tutor is working out. Maybe if you keep charging Dingwad for the lessons, you can have her keep coming after the free stuff ends. If she is good and the boys are showing improvement - it would be a good thing. Glad you guys had fun at the Big D.

Kelly - HUGS! I figure you will be needing some more of those until this whole thing with your DH is resolved. What is he going to do when you go on your trip? Starve? Or is he going with you? I hope he pulls it together soon. It's hell when our loved ones temporarily lose their minds.

Sherry - It's official... you are now a HOT BIKER MAMA IN TRAINING!! Walk Proud, Sistah. You got Biker Girl Power! And, next time, ask those tough questions AFTER the fill... you just don't want your doc getting all nervous on you when he has that 4 inch needle in his hand!

Anne - A day at the Park? That sounds like a fab day. I could throw some designer Water into a cooler and grab a blanket and a good book and hang at a local park...I haven't done that in ages. Maybe tomorrow afternoon...But knowing my Sweetheart - we will end up at IKEA or Bed Bath and Beyond or something. We are shopping for new curtains for the Garden Room.

Dianne - Sorry about the whole Work thing... But I am glad the Mural gigs are coming in. Maybe that is where you should really be... I hope you really can come to meet with Eileenie & I at that Mexican Restaurant. I want a third-party witness to the level of skankiness we are talking about. It sure ain't Poopeye the Sailor Man that Eileen posted! Good Luck with the Party for DH. It will all come together for you, I just know it.

Donna - I start reading your post, and I get jealous, and then I get Jealous again... First, you are going to the gym like EVERY day? That is so Cool. And you are going to the Beach for Easter...AND you have RESTRICTION!?! Is that the coolest thing ever or what? I can't wait for my 2nd fill on Thursday. I could REALLY use some restriction. I don't have any big plans for Easter. We are pretty much Heathens at the old homestead. No church - maybe a bunny or a peep. That's about it.

Well, it's getting very late - and I am still only thinking about packing. I guess I had better get on with it. Fortunately, it will only take a few minutes. I travel very light.

Hugs All Round!!

See ya in the next time zone!


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Good Morning and Good Friday (a sad day, always breaks my heart).

I'm home today, they actually give us Good Friday off :clap2:

I have a TON of cleaning to do for Sunday, so I'll start upstairs and work my way down.... and NO, I'm not coming over to clean your house LOL. Get yer own dang maid. :heh:

! Seriously, I am going home to my Dream Man tomorrow night. Y'all probably won't hear much from me until Monday!

Ohhhh Beanie's gonna get some, Beanie's gonna get some, you go girl, work some of those cheese cake factory calories off :uwelcome: Have a safe trip home girlie, see you next trip.

Pat I feel the same way, you all are the best!!!

Donna, I love the Water too, I can't wait to start exercising in my pool. I'm glad to hear you enjoy it. How long do you do the aerobic for ?

Dianne, sorry about the jobs but thats so cool that you can fall back on your painting. I use to love to draw, but haven't picked up a pencil in probably 20 years. My DH's birthday party is on May 20th and boy am I getting nervous LOL, so much to do and I can't forsee it all coming together NICELY, ya know...oy. Good luck with yours.

Anne, I like that site Allrecipies, you know whats a good site also... www.hungrymonster.com, they have some fun things to make. I'm having my family over. My sisters and their kids, my friend from work and her girlfriend and thats it. I'm not sure if anyone else is gonna drop by. I used to invite my entire family but it was Sooooooooooo much work and costly. Plus nobody helped clean after it was over leaving me with more work.... nope ! not anymore...ingrates. How bout you?

Sherry berry, I'm so glad you got your permit... your gonna be one hot mama riding that hog around town. I agree, the needles don't hurt if they get you on the first try LOL, last visit, the hairy bubble head poked me 2 times, then forgot the solution behind him and walked away with this huge needle sticking out of my stomach.... nincowpoop! Tell DH happy birthday from us LBT chicks :)

Okie dokie pokie, I'm gonna get some reading done here and then off for some domestic work.....I'm tired just thinking about it.

Hugs and I'll be bak !!!

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Good Morning!

TGIF! I am glad the weekend is here!:) :) :D

Eileen - I am so jelous that you get the day off! I sure could use the day off! I am trying to get this party stuff done, and I haven't even made a dent in it. I still have to make my salads, clean the house, finish up the back yard, go to the store, and the bank. Yikes!

Pat - I sure hope the lawyer your son got is good, it is so hard to beat a woman in court. Doesn't she know that if she is going to get child support she has to claim that he is the father? She must really be dumb! Sure hope things work out for him. I'm here if you need me!:uwelcome:

Sherry - I am so glad you passed your test! You'll be riding before you know it. :D :D :D How is the fill doing? It really is hard to tell while you're still on liquids.

Cindy - Sure hope it all the estate stuff goes easy for ya! It seems like there is always one person that causes problems!

Beanie - You don't have to deny that new beau of yours, we won't tell DH! At least now we know why you love going there all the time!:D :D :D

Anne - I like that recipe site too! I have to admit though the last few weeks I have been cooking as little as possible. Your day at the park sounds so nice!

Donna - I can't wait till I can get into our pool and do some exercising. It's the only kind of exercising I don't mind doing!:D

Dianne - Glad to see you here again! I hope you got that relaxation you needed!

Yikes, forgot about being late, gotta run, good morning to y'all that I missed. I have to get dressed!


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Just a quick good morning, I couldn't resist jumping in to tell Anne, I can hardly wait to get to that recipe site, ROFLMAO. I'd rather hide the eggs.< /p>

Gotta lots or errands to do today, and of all days, DH wants to put the jet skis in the Water, cause he smashed his finger in the truck door and can't play golf today, sooo he's trying to mess mine up, men! Then again, I'll probably end up at work, my preggers girl is having issues, so she has decided, after walking out on Wed that she's not sure she wants to keep working for me. Two days after I loaned her $1,000.00 last week she informed me she had applied for a job in DC and just wanted to give me a heads up, welll duh, why didn't you give me the heads up B4 I dished out the $$$$. My guy that's wife is in the hospital with the aneurysm, I took him an envelope with $$ in it last night, he was so relieved, he didn't know he was still ... on the clock :uwelcome: , gotta take care of the ones that make ya money. I had to pay him in cash cause the preggers girl thinks she should get paid when she's out, :omg: :omg: . I had great pleasure in telling her yesterday, thanks for saving me a car payment, that I had planned on paying her car payments while she was out, but she can let her new boss, if she gets the job, pay it. Boy do I hope she gets that job. And, the surprise baby shower, well I'm not in the mood for that anymore either...just call me done!

OK, I know it's Good Friday, and I apologize for all the hostility, I will be good the rest of the day, only positive thoughts, like I sure hope she gets that job, now, so I can hire and train somebody quick, b4 summer is here.

I'm going today to get a big basket or bag and put a large box of diapers, wipes, toys, and formula in it and take it to HER friend, #1 to make sure there is a witness we bought Zack needed necessities until court, and to make sure he gets it. What should I get Haley, the 6yr old, come on Mama's out there, I know you've got ideas.

Diane, what kind of paintings do you do, I'm sorry if I missed it. I want to see pictures please.

Sherry the biker babe, woohoo. I told DH the other day I'm not sure I remember how to ride mine. He said it's like riding a bicycle, ya never forget, yeah, well I never had a bicycle that weighed 900 lbs.

Rene, I do believe Eileen is correct with her little icon....doing the humpty hump, hehehe.

Cindy, I need an Easter idea for Haley, help me out. I want to see pictures of you and family in your Easter outfits too. Thankgoodness we got Sherry willing to share some pictures.

Betty and Eileen, it will be a while b4 I can open our pool, at least end of May, oh wait, I forgot I got a heater, I can open it a lot sooner. DH likes it like a hot tub.

Eileen, I'd come help ya clean, but TG you live too far away. Speaking of which, I gotta get off her and go clean b4 my cleaning lady gets here. I always clean around the rim of the toilet and clear the counters b4 she gets here, and get all my washing done, she does my ironing too, I know I spoiled, but I'm old too. Like my license plate use to say, IDSRVIT.

Patty, are you and the kids going to DW this weekend? I just think that is so awesome to be able to do that. We have Busch Gardens and Water Country near by, but it doesn't hold a lite to DW or DL.

Kelly, hope DH gets that job soon, keep us informed.

Who was that lurker????

Hugs to everyone. Oh yeah, I think my $1,000.00 fill kicked in yesterday, of course, while I was at Golden Corral. (I'm so glad they use those dark red drinking glasses, did ya know if you're really sneaky, ya can't tell if you're sipping or spitting.

If I missed anyone, I'll catch ya later

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Good Morning Everyone! Beautiful day here today too.

My fill has definately given me restriction in the morning anyway. It's hard to even swallow a Protein Shake. Besides the fact that this girl is sick of them lol. They sit there in my throat and slowly trickle down. I haven't tried anything even mushie yet. Thats not until tomorrow. Let me tell ya by the afternoon I'm so hungry! You get a fill have the doc say liquids for 3 days, mushies for 3 days then you see the nutrionist and she says I'm on stage 5 surrrrrrrrrre lol. I'll get there. Aunt Flo showed up too so I have a feeling my restrictions is extra restricted because of it. I wasn't going to say anything to the doc about it because after over 4 hours waiting and visits that day I wasn't going home without a fill! I've read here quite a bit that lots have the restriction in the morning and it eases in the afternoon so I'm cool with this.

Betty - sounds like you're liking your job and keeping busy :uwelcome: How quickly we settle back into the routine of things aye? Hope you're able to enjoy your holiday weekend by riding your bike in warm weather. Thanks for the encouragement on the motorcycle stuff. I may be looking for pointers :)

Eileen - still sounds like you got alot of work for the lesser number of peeps coming to your house. Our list just got bigger by 4. They were just going to order chinese or something for Easter. Some family problems have my best friend down. Her brothers pulled that estate crap and really strained the relationship so they aren't getting together as a family. My poor friend has been so upset she hasn't even been able to think about cooking so we invited them over here :) It will be nice to have them. DH is doing all the cooking so I'm totally relaxed hahaha. Hope you're able to get everything you want to get done done so you can relax a bit beforehand :D

Bene - I think you're right...ask the questions after lol. Anywho heck I wanted to make sure the man wasn't gonna poke something he wasn't suppose to hahaha. Would be pretty bad if I got a surgeon, who holds people's lives in his hands, nervous over a fill huh? Certainly looked like it to me though hahah. My poor friend paid the price for my question oopsy! Sounds so nice being able to meet up with LBT friends when you travel. If you ever come to the Boston,MA area or Providence, RI you make sure to let me know :D

Pat - Let us know how your son makes out please. I'm still praying things will settle the right way for all of you. You are a strong woman and if you ever EVER need to talk any time of day or night....I'm here for you my friend. I wish I could do more to help. Know that we all love ya and hope the best outcome for you and your family. All this stress has got to be tough. How are YOU doing?

Donna - Where do you live to be able to go to the beach all the time? Gotta be south :D I'm so looking forward to our pool being open and hopping in. Nothing like cooling off that way and the weight I carry around becoming so light. heh heh. I love walking around the pool making a whirlpool then turning around and walking against it. Nice exercise for sure. Sounds like you're doing really well with your band :D

Diane - Sorry to hear about losing some customers yet good to hear you've gained some. I used to do decorative painting on wood but, I've been away from it for quite a few years now. I miss it and hope some day I have the time again. It's so nice to see something plan turn into something cute or beautiful. Good luck with your murals....post some pics so we can see pleassssssssssse

Anne - I love checking recipes online. When I'm looking for a certain recipe that I've lost I've been able to find it or something dang close. One recipe I lost was for chicken Enchiladas. Found it online, printed it, made them then WAHHHLA found my recipe lol. Figures! Glad to hear you had a nice day at the park too :D When did you say your first fill was? Hope that goes well for you.

Kelly - I'm glad DH has been able to cut wood at least until he can find something more. I've been where you are before and it's hard but, things do get better. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family. Congrats on the 24s! I think my package is getting to you too late lol. You'll have to forward it on to another LBT friend or two :D

Patty - I don't think my butt would be able to be used again for days after sitting that long. God Bless you! How are things going with the new tutor?

Randy - Welcome and hope that dizziness is going away. 1st fill was easy thank goodness..thank you for asking. Let us know how you're doing!

Cindy - How's it going! Are ya still smiling with your smaller jeans? I bet ya are and you sooo deserve it. Glad to hear your Migraine has eased and I hope you don't get another for a long long long time if ever again. They are terrible!

Have a great Friday everyone.....hugs to you all...YOU'RE THE BEST OF THE BEST and I'm so glad you're here. Hubby says thank you for the birthday wish. He's laughs when I say...Eilene said....Cindy said...Bene says lol. It's as if you're all right here in my home with me...hopefully someday I will get to see you all in person!

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