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Hey Pat,

Geeeeeeeze I'm sorry to hear about Haleys troubles in school. This is going to scar the kid for life if the witch doesn't stop. It sucks that adults act so imature around the kids. I really feel sorry for the little tyke.

She will be in my prayers as well as witchypoo, she needs it thats for sure.

Hugs and I hope today is a good day for you all.

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Hi all,

I am so far behind it is awful! I will try to catch up.

Kelly your in my prayers!

Gotta run now just wanted to say hi.

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Good morning everyone,

Sherry, Happy Belated Birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Your family sounds like a great bunch. :D

Kelly, you wouldn't be normal if you didn't resent your DH for quitting his job. Is there any chance he can get in at Walmart? I remember you were talking about him trying to get in there.

Pat, (((HUGS))) for you and that little girl. I'm glad you talked to her teacher. No surprise that she's acting out in school, poor thing.

Eilene, I thought I was the only one still messed up from the time change! I've been going to bed at 2 am and dragging all day. Hope you feel better after a cup of coffee. :D I'm going to go make one right now... :D

Betty, I live about 3 hours from Shipshewana. I've only been twice, but it's a lot of fun. Quite a different lifestyle (it's an amish community for y'all who've never heard of it). I bought a glider rocker there for my nursery when I was preggers with my son.

Bean, are you in NY all week? Hope your trip is going well!

Okay, I really have to go make that cup of coffee. It's rainy and overcast, so I need a pick me up. The carpet cleaners will be here in a few minutes. No big plans for the day... going to Sam's Club to buy sausage and french toast sticks this afternoon for my brunch. Exciting stuff! :bored

Patty, Darcy, Mary, Donna, Cindy - what are you folks up to today?

As my DD would say... big huggies everyone!

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Ooooo 3.5 hours for my fill and I'm getting nervous. THANK GOD you folks told me it wasn't a big deal. I PRAY I have the same luck. I have to admit that it really does concern me about getting a fill without flouro...how the heck do they prevent poking a hole in the tubing! Geeeesh louise. Of all things today I feel restricted too because Aunt Flo is due to arrive on Friday. UGH. Hopefully I won't be so dang restricted that I have a problem. Oh well...one step at a time.

Oh I passed the permit test thank goodness and applied for another SS Card since I can't find the "safe" hiding place I put my other one grrrrrrrrr.

Pat......I just can't stop thinking about the little girl and your grandson

poor kids...I pray something can be done to help them realize it's not them it's their mom that has a problem. That woman needs help for sure UGH. God bless you for doing what you can to help them. You're a wonderful person and I wish you the best during all this. Hugssss

Be back later tonight to check out whats been happenin :D

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Happy Wednesday!

Hey, I finally went to Curves and went one lap around the machines. I'm going real slow so that my heart doesn't race. My objective is to get to know all the machines and then after surgery I will act like I know what I'm doing.

Pat: I keep thinking about your situation and my heart breaks for Haley. She's the kid that lives in the nurses office.... I get lots of them. Thank you for letting her teacher know, school personnel aren't mind readers and you did a good thing.

Well, today is a Disneyland day. My twins have to meet with their tutor this morning and me and the other boys will be packing a snack bag. We are taking blankets, pillows and KFC and camping out by the arena where they will be showing "Fantasmic" this evening. They boys love being in the front row and in order to do that we have to be there hours before show time. My guess is that we should set up by 3pm for a 9pm show. It's mother love or I'm crazy! Thats it for now...... I gotta pack!

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I was in such a good mood this morning. I had tried on some of my size 24 pants last night that Cindy had sent to me, and to my surprise all but one pair fits! I am beside myself with happiness! I am inbetween sizes for the shirts, because the 26/28s are big and baggy on me now, but the 22/24s are still a little too form fitting around my belly. Surprisingly they fit in the shoulder/bust area perfectly though!

So I was all psyched up about this and was coming here to tell you all about it, when I receive a bill in the mail from our former car insurance carrier. They're trying to say that we owe them $336.05 for charges incurred before our policy ended. That's a total crock of chitty bang bang, because we were paid up through March 20th, which is when our policy was supposed to end with them. They're saying that it didn't cancel until April 9th. So they're trying to soak us for over $300 for that short amount of time. The girl is supposed to be calling me back sometime soon, and I'm telling her no way! I'm not paying it. Not only did I NOT authorize them to continue our coverage during that time, they had no right to do so without my consent.

Why does it seem like the chit just keeps getting deeper around here? I wanna cry.

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Hey, Kelly...I'm sorry for the chitty chitty bang bang going on in your life, but I am sooooo excited that the pants fit!!!! Let's get our priorities straight, sister! Okay, just kidding on that part...

I appreciate, as ALWAYS, the care and compassion around here. I will update you on the estate mess when I get the attorney's letter about the land...waiting impatiently.

Eileen, love the story about the skanky guy at the restaurant...Beanie! You little minx!

Pat, I think of you every day, and want you to know you absolutely, without a doubt did the right thing to tell the teacher what was going on. Back when it was easier to know right/wrong, we wouldn't have thought twice about doing that...good for you! Someone has to have Haley's interest at heart, and it is you. You are a bonafide angel to her.

Today I'm on duty for "Driving DD". DH and I switched because I needed to vote yesterday. I have been incredibly sleepy lately...don't know if it's adjusting to a high dose of Topamax, the time change, or just your plain ol' stress that's doing it. Anyway, Friday is a holiday for us, so that's a plus! DD is spending the night with my dad Thursday night and dying Easter eggs on Friday, so there's a small break coming my way.

Hope everyone's doing well, having a good day, and getting ready for Easter!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hey everyone -- can only stay a moment. I took the day off to go consult with Lawyers (they do not come cheap)..

Went and cut my hair today on the spear of a moment. I love the short doos that Paula and Kelly have so I got one too. Not quite as short though - wait untill my boys see me. We are having such beautiful weather so I am gonna wash off the boys jeep and go walking tonight. I need to unstress. OH forgot my review went well and they gave me a little extra.. well gotta run..

Oh please Beanie tell us more about this waiter;)

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Feeling a lot less stressed since having 7 hours at work to "sit on it all".

Thank you Cindy for the congrats on fitting into the pants. And thank you for the encouragement about the other mess too.

I called the ins. co. earlier and found out what happened. They sent us a bill for $500 to renew back in January, and we were like, "What the heck? We're not paying that!" And we thought that we were paid up through March 20th. Well come to find out $245 of that was to cover Jan. 20 to March 20. So there was a lack of communication between us and them back in January, and I should've just called them back then to get it all straightened out.

So long story short, we have to come up with $245 some how to pay them off. I asked if they took payments and she didn't know, but said we could come in and pay on it and see what the main office said once they received that initial payment. So whatever. It'll all get paid eventually.

Sorry that I haven't done personals in a while. I will have to get back on track tomorrow. Everyone have a good night and morning.


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Hi Guys

Another Glorious Day in New York...

Betty - it seems like you are always running these days. I hope you get some down time soon.

Pat - Hugs! I feel awful for those kids. Maybe she will find some other family to torment.

Eileenie - I wasn't batting my eyelashes! That was alergies or something. Now, I MIGHT have fluttered at the Italian Waiter - just a little. :] I have a LOFTY goal for next month's visit... I want to be under the big 300... It would be 16 lbs in a month - but I think I can do it.

Dianne - Hi! Welcome back! Hope everything is going great for you. Fill us in!

Anne - I fly out toward home on Friday. And that 2 am and dragging all the next day sounds OH so familiar... I hate the time change!

Sherry - congrats on passing the Motorcycle test! Hope your fill went ok.

Patty - so, how was the show? Yep, that's Mother Love all right...

Kelly - sorry the insurance people are such buttheads... Congrats on the size 24 pants!

Cindy - I hope the whole Estate thing works out more smoothly than you fear... and Friday is practically a Holiday for me, too. My manager that is with me for this trip had something she had to do on Friday night - so she booked us both on a flight out of here at 11 am. I will be home before 2:30! Pretty cool for someone who usually works until at least 7pm...

Mary - which one do you want to hear about? The Skank at the Mexican place? Or the Eye candy at the Italian one? The Skank is pretty skanky. Now, the Italian guy is pretty good... He has a shaven head, and a twinkle in his eye. You just have to be there...

Well, My Dears - I have to get ready for another exotic and exciting day at the Due Diligence review.

Hugs to All.

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Again, thanks friends for all the encouragement and support. You all don't know how much it has helped with all this chit to be able to "talk" to others about it.

Just when you think she's done enough, it gets worse... my son called baby jail yesterday, (day care lined up with cribs) and asked if Zack was there, they said he was. Then he proceeded to tell them Zacks mom and him had gone separate ways and she had threatened to have his/our names removed from the authorized visitors list. The lady on the phone said she gave them a new card with allowed visitors that morning and they were told not to even let my son in the building if Zack was there, AND, that his name was not on the birth certificate and he has no rights. My DS was so upset. This little ***** will stop at nothing to hurt everyone who loves those kids. He has an appt with his lawyer to start proceedings Tuesday.

Kelly, I sympathize with the unexpected bill, I got my bill for the fill under flouro and the hosptial bill was $320.00, which I thought was pretty stiff, THEN, I got my doctor's bill, $610.00, I almost soiled my undies. Size 24's instead of 26 :clap2: :clap2: .

Cindy, your dad sounds like such a wonderful person, is your daughter the only gchild? He reminds me of my DH, he spoils ours rotten. We were leaving the ball field the other night and the 2yr kept following "Pop" around, saying wing and wide down Pop. So Pop told his mom, I'll bring him home in a little while, we're going to find a swing and slide. Cindy, you'll have to PM me and catch me up on the Estate thing.

Mary, my son has to present his attorney with an upfront check in the amount of $2000.00 when he walks in the door. I sure hope he's good. My DNL works for the court system and she said he's the one all the other lawyers hire for their divorces.

Beanie, I hope you're getting to do some great shopping while you're in NY. I've only been there once and loved it. We were riding on the subway, I had my money tucked between the boobs and this guy in a wheelchair comes through the door and yells, "Everybody Listen UP", I thought on CHIT, this is it we're getting ready to be robbed. Then he started this thing about he was a disabled vet and he didn't have any money and wanted donations, whewwww.

Patti, I imagine you see a lot of sad kids in your clinic. Last Thursday, the wife of one of my employees of 18 years, who is like family to me, I was there and helped count to 10 and "Push" when her son was born, had a brain aneurysm, her son, who turns 7 on Sunday, but had a party last week, (I think I already told y'll this), but he has anxiety attacks when he's away from his mom, so imagine what he's going through, seeing her in ICU hooked up to all those tubes and wires. Tuesday, she started having brain spasms, which are like mini strokes and she has taken a bad turn, the doctor told her DH to be prepared for the worst. He asked do you mean brain damage and he said, "No, death".

I know I'm just full of bad news, sorry gang. I'm really trying to be my peppy self, LOL.

Anne, the brunch idea sounds really good, can you eat the toast? I've got to go to Sam's today too, for potty paper, LMAO. Well, ya gotta admit, eating and potty paper do go together eventually.

Oh Sherry, I'm soooo sorry I missed your birthday, a belated Happy Birthday, and again, I love your avatar. How's the fill?

Betty, sounds like you're working too hard, you had more time with the other job. Don't they have DSL at work?

Speaking of DSL at work, how's it going Eileen? What are you fixing special for Easter, did I miss that too?

Ira, Diane, Donna, everyone I missed, have a great day...

:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:

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Good Morning :Banane04:

Pat, that is just horrible what that witch is doing to your son, and her very own son.....B*TCH. I'm so glad your getting a lawyer. Good luck and if you ever need to talk, you can call me. I'll send you my cell #. I'm making a ham w/taters for dinner sunday, nothing fancy. How about you?

Patty good for you for doing the Curves thing :clap2: Have a great time with the boys. Hey I've been meaning to ask you... how are things with the snotty nosed tutor? did he come down to earth yet?

Cindy enjoy your ME TIME :mad: paint your toes pretty or something like that lol.

I have off tomorrow for Good Friday yippeee :mad: So I'll be home cleaning cleaning and shopping for the rest of Easter dinner.< /p>

Okay everyone, here's a picture of the guy who Beanie was flurting with... yep... now you can understand why she was batting her eyelashes at him. Skank is only her pet name for him.


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Helloo everyone. Thanks for all of your support about my questions about dizziness. I took everyones advice and called the doctor. Basically, he said that it was either a cold or it could have to do with my sugar intake, so I'm going to watch my sugar intake and see how it goes.

Sherry- How did your fill go?

Thanks again everyone.

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