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Pat wins the "Crazy In-Law" story, at least this week! Gosh dang it, girl! That little kook needs a can of whoop arse opened on her head...where's that girl's mother? Good thing you have witnesses and documentation...you're probably going to need it. I had a great MIL, and it's too bad she does not appreciate how special you are. Me and the girls will come out there and perform some "instruction" if you need us to. LOL! Seriously, sorry you are going through all that manufactured drama. What a shame. Yank those kids away from her if you can.

I'm doing great without headaches, but you know, it's always something. Now the situation with gma's estate/trust/whatever the H it is now is heating up, and sis and I are probably going to have to hire an attorney to make sure things are being done all Kosher like, unfortunately. Sigh.

Betty, I bet that guy with the grass blower was embarrassed! Glad all your stuff is back to working order again...hope it stays that way for a while!

Patty, sounds like everything is going well with the approval process.

Eileen, you and Beanie had a great time, again!

Beanie, when is Scarborough Faire?

Hey, girls, gotta run, hugs, Cindy

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Dear Pat,

OMG that was painful to read. How badly was your arm hurt? Please clarify for me.... your son and Miz Post Partum aren't married are they? I am SO worried about your newborn grandchild, and what happens next. Is your home protected from her trying to harm you, your husband and or property? She won't try to light anything on fire would she? Keep your chin up sweets..... I'm glad she's gone. Hugs,

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Oh, Pat!! When I read the part about her throwing something at you I thought "well, now we're all going to have to go down there and kick her ass!". Tell your son to get a notebook and document every word out of her mouth. It will make a big difference in court. Is he planning on trying to gain custody? That poor 6 year old... it just breaks my heart. (((HUGS)))

Darcy, that quilt show sounds like fun! I've always wanted to learn how to sew. I cross stitch and crewel, but that's about the extent of it. I took a knitting class once but never did catch on, lol. Do you have any pics of the quilts? Have you ever been to Shipshewana to see the Amish quilt auctions?

Beanie, you're absolutely right - I should go low carb. When I was on my pre-op diet I lost almost all of my cravings once the sugar was out of my system. I gotta do something fast because I got rid of all my larger clothes!

Patty, congrats on getting through the psych exam! Any idea when you'll be able to schedule surgery?

Cindy, good luck with your estate headache. From what I've heard, a lawyer is crucial, and they may be able to help you avoid some taxes. It's crazy how long those things can drag on.

Donna, glad you had a good time on the NY trip! I'll bet it was fun getting all of those well-deserved compliments. :)

Eilene, tell us more about this romeo you and Beanie are fighting over. :)

Do you get a long weekend for the holiday?

Sherry, good luck with your motorcycle test! I grew up around them, but my dad was so overprotective he never let us near.

I went shopping last night without the kids and bought a pair of size 18 jeans!! I must have looked pretty dumb walking around the store grinning, but I couldn't help it.

Well, I gotta pull dinner out of the oven. Baked spaghetti... guess low carb starts tomorrow, eh? :)

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Pat - Holy monkey girl! She sounds like a nasty little tramp. I'm so happy that your son has put his foot down and kicked her to the curb. Hopefully he will get custody of the baby, and maybe even her 6 year old.

Darcy - Glad you had such a good time on your trip. I would've been oohing and aahing over those quilts for sure.

DOC - Glad that you had a good time on your trip as well.

Beanie & Eileen - Glad you 2 had so much fun together. I wish I could afford to take a trip around the country visiting my fellow bandsters.

Anne - Congrats on the size 18s.

Patty - Congrats on passing the psych test.

Nothing new happening here. Will write again when I have something useful to say.

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Hello all! I haven't been posting for a while. I had my surgery on 10/14/05. I've been doing ok. I'm down 39 lbs, but recently I have been getting like dizzy spells where I have to sit down. Does anyone know what that is from? Like is it slippage or maybe I'm just coming down with something I don't know. Has anyone else had this experience?

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Hey Randy,

Nice to see you !!!

My first advice to you is to go to your doctor and get checked out! Dizzyness is nothing to toy with. Do you have allergies? this time of year so many of us in this area are getting dizzy from the stuff thats floating in the air, buds opening, etc. That could be one cause.

Hugs !!

Anne, Beanie and I went to a mexican place for lunch the last time she was up here. This very skinny, elderly, long haired, wrinkley neck waiter kept saying he wanted to go home with Beanie ROFLMFAO !! she was flurting back... me, I'm innocent, I kept looking out the window wondering when the perfect time would be to make a run for it. Hence....Beanie's Boyfriend :)

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I have itchy skin. What the heck is wrong with me?

It's only on my neck, and just started a couple of days ago. I'm wondering if the sun irritated it and is causing it to be itchy. It did that to me last year too. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

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Hey Girlie Girls.....

Pat: Wow! Talk about a sick chick! I am so sorry you are going through this sh*t, but doesn't she know who she is dealing with? You could and will outsmart her. I hope your son is done with this one?

Kelly: Is it nerves with all the stuff going on? I had rashes and itching before my move to florida and I took walgreens brand alergy medicine and it cleared it right up. (((hugs))) your last post sounded sad.... are you ok? We love ya:)

Eileen & Bene: I want to come play! I am so jealous : - (

Randy: Call the doctor.... Eileen is right, you need to take dizziness seriously.

Anne: Size 18!!! Yahoo!!! way to go.....

Cindy: That estate stuff can really tear families apart! I am sorry you are going through this .... It makes the situation even sadder:cry

Darcey: I am glad you had fun in Chicago. I was there a couple of times on business... the restaurants are amazing! I got my hair highlighted also... I have red hair and they put golden highlights in...

Rene: I love the cheesecake factory! Haven't been in a long time... I'm scared of the place!!!!!!!

Patty: A phsy exam with a cute doctor ... what a way to go!!!!! Glad it went well.

Eileen: I envy you working in your garden....I miss that so much about my house. Just about now my stuff is starting to come out of it's winter home. Is your life still crazy? You have so much energy.... I wish I could bottle it.

Well, I'm sure I missed someone.... If I did I will catch you next time.

One thing that happened last week was my son Kyle broke up with his live in girlfriend Melissa. They had been together for 5 years. He is finishing up his junior year in college in Boston. I was very sad for him this weekend. I will miss Melissa... she was part of our family, but I have to respect my sons decision.....

So, I got up at 5:30 and went into work at 7 am this morning. I went to the gym tonight and did my Water aerobics... and now I am off to bed..


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Beanie and I went to a mexican place for lunch the last time she was up here. This very skinny, elderly, long haired, wrinkley neck waiter kept saying he wanted to go home with Beanie ROFLMFAO !! she was flurting back... me, I'm innocent, I kept looking out the window wondering when the perfect time would be to make a run for it. Hence....Beanie's Boyfriend :)

ROFL! Eilene, I figured it was something like that. I like the idea of you two ladies on the town breaking hearts. :)

Kellygirl what gives? Donna's right - you do sound sad. Is everything okay? Call me if you need to talk! (((HUGS)))

Donna, you really keep up with the exercise. I wish I had your discipline. It's in here somewhere, I just need to find it. Maybe it's hiding under my lower fat roll, LOL!

Hi Randy, nice to meet you! I don't think dizziness is a sign of slippage, but it could be many things so get to the doctor for a checkup. Keep us posted!

Time to watch American Idol on the tivo. Goodnight everyone!

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Hey ladies. About me sounding sad......

DH and I fought today. I told him that I would be PO'ed if I have to get another job and him work none. I have had "issues" with having to go back to work as it is, because I enjoyed being a SAHM. No one is calling him back and I am getting worried. WE NEED MONEY!

I felt bad starting in on him, but I am extremely frustrated with our situation right now. He quit his job, knowing full well that he would be putting us in this predicament, but he did it anyway. Now he wonders why I'm PO'ed still about it. DUH!

I let loose on him today, and told him that if I have to take on a 2nd job that I will be extremely pizzed. He just seems so blazeh about it, which makes me even more angry.

Then he promised that he'd spend family time with Dylan & I today, and instead he went out and cut wood (which I was fine with), but then proceeded to go fishing with his uncle afterwards, not getting home until 3ish. We spent a whole couple of hours together getting a little shopping done, then took off playing basketball when Dylan fell asleep for his nap. He promised he'd only be gone an hour (that was at 7PM) and it's now 10PM.

So if I sound just a little sad, and just a little pizzed.....well, I guess I am.

He just keeps digging himself deeper and deeper on my chit list. *sigh*

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Howdy folks!

Had a great Birthday today :) Hubby and son really made me feel special. My son gave me a card that got me crying this morning. He's going to be 16 and the words in that card were so special...it's the best gift he could of given me. He said I'm more than his mom, I'm his angel ....brings tears to my eyes. Hubby gave me a beautiful card and my dog Jenny gave me a card that said "At least you don't have that old person smell" HAHAHA. The guys sent me flowers and a stuff bear at work and hubby gave me a beautiful ladybug charm for my charm Bracelet. Then they took me out to dinner. My mom gave me a tear jerker card too. It really does make you feel special to know they think these things of you. My staff/friends at work gave me a gift certificate for Khol's so I could get a few new things before my trip. Such a nice nice day! I'm a lucky gal :)

Pat - I can't even imagine what your nerves must feel like. The nerve of some people to live and treat people like that is beyond me. My goodness she needs a psych eval and those poor poor babies. I can't even imagine having to live with her on her rampages. I mean if she threw something at you...what the heck will happen when they cry or push her limits. We all know kids do that sometimes. You and your family are definately in my prayers tonight. Just remember Pat...What goes around comes around. She will be paying the price for her actions one way or another.

I forgot who asked about the online dating thing but, I had to fill out a profile, put pictures up and then you can "whisper" (otherwise chat) in the website by IMs to other members. The program would tell you who matched your likes and dislikes and the funny part is DH wasn't one of my matches. I just happen to run across his profile and three days before my membership was about to end and thought....profile I like, can't understand why we don't match but, EH why not I'll write to him and I sent off the first email. It's pretty funny story of how it all fell together and how my friend Shari (a sear (sp?), tarot reader, medium) told me of a man I was going to meet. Described him TO A T and told me the number 3 would play big between us. Man did it, I met him online 3 days after talking with Shari, talked with him via email and IMs for 3 weeks, my membership would of been up in 3 days but renewed for 3 months when I felt I liked him, He was on the dating service for 3 weeks, talked to him on the phone for 3 hours and he decided he had to meet me that day. Found out he's the 3rd born in his family, one of 3 boys, I'm the oldest of 3, his bday is 3 days after mine, together we have 3 kids, he was one of 3 partners in a business. He asked me how many tatoos I had which is 3 lol. Kinda crazy huh? Anywho....met him that Sat and we've been together every since. Shari was right :) We are so connected that when she reads my cards she ends up reading through me, his cards lol. Frustrating sometimes cause I wanna know whats going to happen for me sometimes instead hahaha.

Well....our company should be here around 11:30pm. Talk about late..good thing I took Wednesday off. Going to take the motorcycle permit test ....geesh I better pass that...going to try to complete the requirements for a passport...got get yet another copy of my SS card...copy of birth certificates for my son and I. MAN I HAVE a long day tomorrow with company in tow. Lucky them lol. Good thing they are family. OHHH YEA DUHHHHH I'm getting a fill tomorrow! Gosh I need it although today, go figure, I was in such pain from, of all things chicken Soup. UGH. SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOW down Sherry! lol It ain't going anywhere. Of course the bread I dipped in it had nothing to do with it. UGH. Should know better...if I ain't suppose to have it my body is gonna reject it. But nooooooooooo had to have it cause I wanted it lol.

Sorry about no personals......I'll catch up again next round.

I never really asked you gals where you all are from? I'm from Massachusetts. If you're ever interested in visiting...we'd be glad to have ya :o


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Hi All

Eileenie - lunch was divine... Same time next month? And quit telling stories about me Flirting... I was SO not flirting with that Mexican Restaurant Waiter... You have never seem me flirt!

Pat - OH MY GOD! Can't you just have her committed or something? What was your darling boy thinking when he hooked up with her? Scary...and very sad for the children and for your Son, too.

Mary - how's it going, Chica? Hope you and the boys are having a good day.

Darcy - sounds like you had way to much fun at the Quilters Convention. I'm limping a little bit myself tonight... we went to the outlet mall and walked and walked... looking at clothes nobody could afford to buy or wear. But it was fun!

Donna - I envy you your long sleep! I bet you got a pretty big Warm/Fuzzy when your Dad told you he was proud. Kudos for your continued exercise efforts.

Cindy - Scarborough Faire started on Saturday and runs until the end of May... It is way out in the middle of nowhere - but it's pretty fun. You can check it out at www.scarboroughrenfest.com Betty - you getting this? Maybe we can pick a Saturday and all go.

Patty - Hope you and the boys are enjoying your week together.

Anne - you don't have to worry about Eileenie and I fighting over the waiter at the Mexican place... he was kinda skanky... We have decided to fight over the charmer at the Italian place... Eye candy is the Best kind... no carbs, no fat - ALL Sugar... lol!

Kelly - I wish we ALL could afford travel. We could hook up somewhere in the middle for a couple of days. *sigh*. Itchy skin sounds like Alergies to me. Hope it feels better soon. Sorry about the whole DH situation.

Randy - if you are eating enough calories and eating enough Protein, it could be something like an inner ear infection. I get dizzy spells once in a while when I have alergy attacks - the pressure of my sinuses on my inner ear can do it. You had better get your doc to check it out, though.

Sherry - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sounds like your crew took good care of you. LOVE the card from the dog... Isn't Romance fun? It's totally cool that you guys match up so well - even though your profiles weren't compatible.

Well, I am going to snuggle in under the down comforter and get to sleep. I will check in again tomorrow.


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Good Morning Y'all!

I'm running late this morning, but wanted to stop and say hello.

Sherry - I loved your story about the two of you meeting! Good luck on your test today! I hope you get everything you have to do done! Enjoy your day even if it means a lot of work!:D "Happy Birthday too!" Glad you had a great one!

Beanie - Glad to see you are having some fun this time you are there instead of just working. I haven't been to the fair either, but our neighbors keep asking us to go. I'll see if we can't work something out.

Kelly - Sorry about DH problems. Don't give in to him and tell him you'll get a second job, heck tell him if he don't want to get a job you are going to quit yours! Scare him to death sweetie!:D

Pat - Wow, that girl is nuts alright. Next thing she'll be calling and telling him how sorry she is and want him back! Sure hope he don't do that! Heck, I think we all should just pack our bags and come up there and kick her little a$$ and run her right out of town!:D :D :D Be careful, gals like that do crazy things!

Donna - Glad your family noticed your WL. Gosh, you are sure good about exercising!

Darcy - Glad you had a good time at the quilt fair. I love quilts!

Anne - Do you live near Shipshewana? I used to go there all the time! I love it!

Randy - Hope you feel better soon!

Cindy - Good luck with the Estate! Why does stuff like that always cause such problems? You just can't make everyone happy!

Well, I probably missed someone, but have to really shake a leg now and get my shower done, hair done, pack my lunch and run like hell!:D :D :D

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Good Morning Friends,

Thanks for all the words of encouragement, it really does help, what a breath of fresh air. It's been really nice the last two morning not waiting for my phone to ring to come intervene. Haley's teacher called me yesterday because she hasn't been at school the last two days AND did I mention this was her week to be "Catch of the Week". She had been bringing notes home every other day about her misbehaving in school and not listening. So, I took the bull by the horns and called her teacher last week. I felt like she needed to know there was more to the picture here. I started the conversation by saying I was aware of the privacy act and did not want her to discuss Haley with me, but I wanted her to be aware that she goes through hell EVERY day before she comes to school. That either her mother and my son are screaming at each other or her mom's kicking in a door or two, all with her daughter standing there, or breaking glasses and cups, knocking candy dishes off the counter, ALL before she leaves for school. Her teacher was almost in tears, she said, OMG, I thought she was just a little brat, that she'd never had a child behave like she does and she didn't know what to do with her. I told her, the fancy, named brand clothes fooled you didn't they, You thought she was spoiled rotten, she admitted she did. So, this is why she was chosen as "catch of the week", she was to bring show and tell everyday and be the teachers helper, now she's missed two days, and prob today too.

This entire situation has been unf**n believable. I do know we all miss little Zack, he'd just found his tongue.

I'll be back later for personals.

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Good Morning,

Between my allergies and the time change, I am just dragging my ass around (ok it draggs anyway, but you know what I mean). :notagree

Beanie babe, when I see the eyelashes batting, I know your flurting :speechles He was a looker wasn't he... eye candy for the blind... YIKES!!! Now you know I'll be there next month, hopefully you'll see less of me LOL!

Sherry Happy Belated Birthday... why didn't you tell us? we could have made you star of the day here at LTB LOL. Good luck today with your test... I'll cross my eyes for yah. Good luck with the fill :D

Kelly I don't blame you for being pissed off. DH is certainly being selfish. Hang in there toots, better days will come.

Donna, good for you for going to the gym...you go girl :D Hey anytime you want to come up and play with me and beanie, you are more than welcome. We can get silly. I think the both of us are "People" watchers, meaning we love to watch others and giggle, or in beanie's case, flurt.

So sorry to year about Melissa :D

Anne, congrats on the size 18 WHOOT!! I doubt you looked stupid walking around smiling... bet people think you shoplifted something instead HAAAAA!! JK

Cindy, Patty, Pat, Betty, Darcy, Randy have a wonderful day...

Love you all !!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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