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Ok... we need to find the "lost Posts" place on the website! That is where all those posts that we take our time, do personals and then they just go away! Why don't we ever lose the short ones? LOL I have done two in the last two days and gave up.

Happy Sunday. I am cleaning today because we have our first non family dinner guests coming tonight. DH did a lot before I even woke up, bless his heart because he has to work today until 3.

I just wanted to let you know that I am alive and well. I'll check back later....


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Happy Sunday everyone!

We're having a lazy day here! DD is wearing mismatched clothes (her pick) and DS hasn't found any pants yet. They both have messy faces and are reading books and chomping potato chips. DH and I are still in jammies and enjoying our 16th cup of coffee. We were going to do yardwork but there are storms coming through. I figure that lets us off the hook, even though it's not raining yet. :)

Donna, what are you making for dinner tonight? Can I come too? :biggrin1:

Sherry, it sounds like you're having a fun weekend. When were you married? I'm not surprised you're seeing a big difference after 22lbs - that's a lot of weight! I wanna see wedding pictures!

Eilene, Chunky Dunking?! LMAO!! You're a better woman than I am - I have NO problem complaining to DH when I'm hot and tired. I'm kinda a princess that way, lol.

Trish, don't be so down on yourself! I had to drop out of a master's program last year when I hurt my back, so I know how what you're going through. Sometimes the timing just isn't right, but you'll go back if it's the right thing for you.

Patty, I love to read too, but a book about lapbanding would be a little dry for me. I'm more of a chick-lit, torrid romance kinda gal. I made it through the Inamed brochure - that counts as research, right? Let us know if you learn any good stuff. :D

Kelly, that fill seems to be doing wonders for you! We always appreciate things more when we wait for them. I do have one question though... What the heck is a faux riblet?! I'm picturing wobbly tofu sticks dunked in bbq sauce... ;)

Cindy, I sure hope you're feeling better today! Let us know what the doc says tomorrow. (((HUGS)))

Pat, how are you feeling? I hope you've recovered from the nasty bug. (((HUGS))) for you too.

Paula, sounds like you guys had a fun April Fool's Day! Glad nobody actually got run over or ran away, lol.

Betty, I hope you have some time to relax this weekend. Not to be selfish, but maybe you could go part-time at that new job. ;) We miss you around here!

Darcy, you're probably covered in dirt up at the cabin right now. I can't wait to get planting this year. I couldn't do anything last year (stupid bad back!) but this year will be a different story!

Dianne, happy April! What are you up to today?

Irene, what's up chickie? Is DH making something yummy for dinner? My DH is going to make pizza for the kids tonight.

Speaking of, I'd better take a shower and head off to the store for dinner supplies. Talk to you all later!

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TRISHS- YOU DID NOT FAIL AT YOUR BAND!!!!! THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU DID TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! I know how upsetting this is and how hard it is. Boy do I know. I feel your frustration, your tears, and your fear. I PROMISE YOU FROM THE BOTTON OF MY HEART, IT IS GOING TO ALL WORK OUT BETTER THAN YOU THOUGHT! Try to enjoy this time now and think about what it is going to be like when the band does what it is supposed to do! Also think about that wedding and how you'll not have to worry about PBing during the ceremony.

I'm home alone tonight so if you want to call me I'm all ears.

Eileen- Thanks for asking, I feel really good. I think I'm ready for my first "REAL" fill. Clifford is coming soon and I go to the Dr on Tuesday so the scale will most likely be up..bummer..but I think I can pack it in. It's funny last time I didn't need a fill for 2 1/2 months, and it never worked!!!

Are you at your "sweet" spot that everyone talks about yet? I wanna jump in your new pool this summer when I come up to visit!!

Pat- sorry to here your not feeling well ;)

Cindy-I hate Migraines. I get them every once in a while. Perhaps that injection they sometimes give would help.

Sherry-Have your husband take up cigar smocking...kidding...but it works real well like a pacifier for a baby! It sounds like you had a real nice day.

I was bulimic way back. Anyway I was a fat and obsessed with the scale and foot. I also thought and I think I still do feel, at times that I look better than I do. Well in 1991 I went to an eating disorder hospital in PA. I called it club med for the head, anyway 97% of the girls were anorexia. I could not believe and still have a hard time believing, that they see themselves as really fat. I remember one of the girls telling me I see my self as big as you. I was around 222 then.

Satan loves eating disorders! I pray everyday when I look in the mirror for God to show me what I look like in his eyes.

Donna- I gave up and now I open my email and type it all on that then copy and past..oh and spell check too! Hope you have a nice time with your dinner guest.

Anne-What's for dinner? I'm starving! I forgot to eat since breakfast! So I'm going to take it slow now because I know if I let myself I'll just pick all night! I hope you take a picture of the kids with there dirty faces and miss matched clothes, that's to cute!

You know that since the very beginning of my band journey, I have left this whole thing up to God. Many things lead me to the same Band answer. When I went in on 9/26/05 I felt such peace. I stayed close to God for a while after that, then moved away. Then when I found out I had a leak, I was like where are you!! He was holding me up and of course was right there. I often forget who to give the glory of my weight loss too. I don't mean to, but it sure feels good to take the credit once in a while. But I am learning now, that it feels better to tell the truth and give him all the credit.

Wow I've really said a lot today. Have a good night!

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Good Morning!

I'm almost happy to be going back to work today, I need to rest up!;) ;) :) What a weekend! Saturday I started out by going to the grocery store, and bank and a few other errands, planted some flowers that had to be planted, then I started cleaning house, then we went and helped DB move some of the stuff out of the office they are closing. Someone had broken into the business, and naturally took a bunch of stuff, but also scattered all the medical records all over the place with bunches of other stuff too, so we spent a lot of time just trying to get through stuff. Sunday I had to work on the contract stuff, so I did that for a about 4-5 hours, then finished cleaning, did some cooking, did the laundry, washed my dirty car, and washed my dirty motorcycyle. I was so tired when I went to bed, and still tired this morning. I don't think there is a place on my body that doesn't hurt! DH went back over yesterday to help DB with the moving, so he wasn't home to help me.

Sorry I was MIA, but there just wasn't enough hours for me to play this weekend!:D:):P I haven't even read hardly any of the posts, so I have to do some catch up.

We are supposed to be getting a new boss today, anyway I think it is today. I hope I don't look or act to haggard! I drank a few of Pat's great drinks last night too, just to make me relax a little before bedtime. :D :D :D

Well, no time for personals this morning, heck since I haven't had time to read them I doubt they would be very good anyway. So, y'all have a great day and think about me while you are playing today! I just hope when I get up and down I don't look like an 85 year old grandmother! :D :D :D


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Good morning!

I was MIA yesterday...after DH met with the accountant, we had to do lots more specific accounting, and come up with actual figures, instead of her doing it at whatever she makes per hour....

I do appreciate everyone's care and concern for my Migraine issue...I am crossing my fingers for a great innovative solution from my dr. today. Maybe I'll go back on Elavil...it worked pretty well in preventing the migraines...I also used a miniscule dose of Topamax for a while, and that worked, too....we'll see.

Diane, I really enjoyed your heartfelt advice to Sherry...thank you for taking the time to write it....even though I'm not having a problem with my band, right now...you never know. It is good to be reminded to love ourselves, and stop the blame game. It seems almost a common denominator in our struggles with weight. So, thanks.

Betty, OMG! You are cleaning up crap left and right! I'm so sorry that happened, and I bet you are craving an afternoon of play time! Hope your new boss is okay, too.

DD went to the big science fair on Sat., and got Honorable Mention...since it was the first time she had ever competed in a bigger arena than 3rd grade at her school, she was disappointed, but we did our best to pump up the idea that only a few people even got to enter, etc....I sure hope we did a good job, so she'll be a good sport, and a good loser as well as a good winner. I think she's pretty proud of herself. What a goober!

Well, I was just checking in with my pals...I can't linger, since I am in class with my kiddoes right now.

Hugs, Cindy

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Really, I haven't totally lost my mind...I just re-read all the posts, and realized I've already told ya'll about the science fair...ENOUGH ALREADY! I can just hear ya'll! Probably rolling eyes, too! LOL!

Hopefully, I can ditch this headache soon!


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Morning All,

Dear Cindy, you sound so chipper this morning, it warms my heart. I'm here trying to adjust to daylight savings time..... man, was it difficult waking up the kids and getting them moving. This week is conference week which means everyday is minimum day -- yeah!

My project this week is to find a new psych and make an appointment. Tonight is a lapband support meeting.... we'll see how I'm doing later today. The ExDH bounced a child-support check :speechles I have all kinds of good things to say about that!

Yesterday the boys and I went to Disneyland. It was sunny and warm and lots of fun. We saw a Hill Billy show, a parade and went on a scavenger hunt all before dinner time. :kiss2:

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Well, once again I had a bunch of personals all written out and lost them. How frustrating! I will attempt to do them again.

Cindy - Don't worry about bragging about your daughter's achievements. I would definately do the same if it were my child. She must be one very smart girl!

Trish - What happened with the band was not your fault and you need not feel like a failure. You will receive your new band in due time, and when you do get it, you will rock that thing like no other band has been rocked before! :rockon:

Patty - So glad that you and the boys got to spend a happy day together. And as for the ex you know what they say.. He'll reap what he sows.

Betty - What's up with you having to clean up a bunch of messes lately? You poor thing. Here's praying you get your much needed rest, and that the new boss isn't a poo poo head & will treat you with the same respect as the former one.

Dianne - I know we don't know each other very well, but I already adore you. You're such an encourager and sweetie. Maybe you've struck a chord with me because we're sister's in the Lord. ;)

Sherry - Glad you had such a great time with your husband and friends. Friends have that special way of lightening our heart and making us smile.

Anne - Aren't those lazy days the best?!?!?! We had one of those yesterday too after coming home from church. It was cold and rainy, so we just sat around and vegged.

Oh! And the faux riblets are made by Gardenburger. They taste just like ribs, but aren't real meat. I tried BBQ'd tofu once and it wasn't pretty. The sauce made it so hot that I couldn't stand to eat them. The tofu part wasn't that bad, it was just my choice of BBQ Sauce to cook it with. Bleckt! ;)

Well.....I'm gonna scoot now. Gonna go get my shower and get dressed, then do some other errands too. Everyone have a great day, and I'll see ya'll around.

Lotsa Love, ~Kel

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Ahhh.. That glorious few minutes at the beginning of the month, when I can breathe and think at the same time...

Howdy My Dears...

I had a great weekend - a little shopping, a little gardening, a lot of quality time with my DH. We watched King Kong and ate Tacos... It was ALL good.

Kelly - I am so glad the fill is working for you! Sounds like you are enjoying the benefits of the band, at last.

Jana - Hi! Welcome to the Jersey thread! (I'm from Texas, myself). Tell us a little bit about yourself... And I use Carb Solutions Meal Replacement powder - a little tastier than some of the other Proteins. Safeway/Tom Thumb carries it in the store, usually. I have vanilla - cause it mixes with everything - and chocolate - cause, hey, it's chocolate!

Eileenie - chocolate is not part of the plan... Get some SF pudding! I know it isn't the same thing - but it's better than a kick in the head. I also really like the SF ice creams. Blue Bunny makes one and they are really good. 70 calories for a dessert is the way to go. Congrats on the pool... Will it be warm by April 10th? I think I have a swimsuit that fits... lol!

Paula - sounds like some kind of hi-jinx at your house on Saturday! I never even thought about April Fools until the day had passed. So, does EVERYBODY hate that dog?

Anne - all the BEST Moms are Realtors... :] Maybe that is why I spent my childhood in a series of homes being remodeled... I have LOTS of experience with all sorts of interesting things. Oh Yeah. Torrid Romance, Trashy Sci-fi - the whole Fantasy Genre. For me, reading is entertainment, escape. I get enough reality without having on TV or in books, too!

Patty - We missed you. Glad to hear you computer is back up. Congrats on the dietician business being over. Good luck with the Psych. If they didn't lock me up - you are probably safe... LOL! And don't EVEN get me started on the Time Change. I think it is the stupidest thing ever invented by man.

Cindy - I hope your head is better. COULD it be food related? Have you been taking your Vitamins and eating your Protein? And we just LOVE hearing about the science fair.... really... LOL!

Dianne - I am glad you are feeling better, Hon. Club Med for the Head... Can I go? Sometimes I swear I need it.

Trish - Hugs! I don't think you have failed at anything - you have just taken a little sabatical. Forgive yourself a little bit and relax.

Sherry - I am so there with you. I still think I look like I did at 24... Every once in a while I sort of get a reality check. Scary! And, I wish I had been there at the fishing convention!

Donna - Ah, the infamous "Lost" post... I had a few of those before I discovered "Control C" (copy) and "Control V" (paste). Now, every so often as I type, I high-light the whole thing, and hit "Control C" to copy it. That way, even if I backspace or change screens, I don't lose the post. I just hit "Control V" and keep typing where I left off.

Betty - I don't know how you get through all the things you do on the weekend! Geez - just reading about it makes me tired. I hope you get a breather, soon!

Well, I am going to eat some fabulous boiled chicken with Caesar dressing for lunch. I have decided that I am going to do the low-carb thing until I can get my next fill. I did so well with it Pre-Op that it seems stupid not to do it now. I have all the fixins to make my zesty dip - and DH bought veggies - so it's back on plan for me. I have been hovering between 321 & 322 on my scale for the last two weeks - which is good - but I need to keep making forward progress.

Hugs All Round. If it keeps up this slow, I may be able to check in again, later.


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Since a coule of you have asked about food related headaches, the answer is probably yes...at least some of them. I do have a sensitivity to nitrates (processed meats) and sulfites (sulfides?) which are used to keep stuff fresh, like salad....I can eat these things, but not too much or too many kinds in a row.

My other thought is that they are hormone-related....I wrote about this somewhere, maybe here (since I love to repeat myself!). Short version: hysterectomy two years ago, gained lots of weight, all hot flashes, etc., were over. Oh yeah, I do still have ovaries...So, having lost a lot of weight, I am wondering if it kick-started the active menopause symptoms? That's one thing I'm gonna ask my dr. today...I have been very careful to eat fresh food...not processed...since Wednesday, but has not really solved the problem. I still have a dull headache, even now. I love my dr. (her first name is Twinkle!). She's an internist, and is very good at diagnosing stuff.

Well, that's all for our lesson on food-related headaches! Check ya later, Cindy

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Boy am I late for the party .. SORRY :)

We are having that dreaded inspection tomorrow and wednesday. So my dears if you don't hear from me you'll know why. Hopefully the boss will be so busy I'll be able to come in here and play naaaaaaaaah naaaaaaaaah !!

I will do personals tomorrow (I did read up).

Love you all !!!


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Howdy Gals! I hope this finds you all well and shrinking hee hee

Hmmm lets try some personals :)

Eilene - Work must really have you tied down. I miss your noises and your sense of humor :scared:

Cindy - I hope you made out ok at the docs today. Do let us know how you're doing. I hope your Migraine has dulled some more. Man, those are just no fun. They totally stop me in my tracks. Wishing you well :sick

Rene - How the heck is your fill working for you? I can't get mine until next week. UGH. The fishing convention was actually fun. It was one way of getting some walking in that's for sure heh heh. Do you like to go fishin? I don't mind it but, hate it when I'm stuck on the boat for more than 4 hours. My DH kidnaps me sometimes lol. Not like I can turn the boat around or jump off and swim to shore lol. Hmmm now that's a thought..maybe I'd lose more weight then? Nah.....being shark bait just turns me off hahaha

Kelly - Whats a faux riblet? You have me curious now lol

Patty - Hope your informational meeting went well and that you learned some new things you can use. Sorry about the bounced check..ugh that stinks. If he works maybe you should attached to his payroll check and have the state pay you instead? My DH's ex wife did that and cripe we were always early with the payments. grrrrrrrrr they don't even tell ya around here they're going to do it. The next thing you see is a smaller paycheck.

Betty - YIKEs! No wonder you're tired. You did a lot of work this past weekend girl! Polishing up the Bike aye? Hmm I'm already getting nervous about the classes hahaha. I just found out they're going to have me on the bike the first day BEFORE I even get any classroom training. Geesh Louise I'm nervous now. Hmmm I have to get my permit first and this other thingy that lets the School give me my license test instead of the registry.

Dianne - thanks for you words. I really do need to look in the mirror and ask God to show me what he sees. But ummm I still hate full length mirrors lol.

Anne - I was married July 2, 2005. We had a red/white/blue themed wedding down to the wedding cake with strawberries and blueberries. We had so much fun. I'll have to scan some pictures...I tried to get the pics on disc but I asked too late UGH

Donna - Did you find your lost posts? I'm praying this one doesn't fly off on me lol.

Everyone else I may of missed...it's because this advanced thing only works so far back hahaha. Waving HELLO to you all!


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Hey Ladies... I just wanted to let y'all know I am not lost over in March's chat LOL... just having a VERY busy week. I'll try and do personals tomorrow. Also... I'll be gone Friday and Sat at a quilt festival in Chicago with my Sis. We are spending the night... watch out Windy City... a bunch of wild stitchin women are comin to town to bust a couple of seams! I should be a babbling idiot by the time we get back as I can't sleep away from home. Oh well... should spare my sister hearing me snore. :)

Patty... I had that book... it was O.K... It is definitley geared towards the pre-banded and very newly banded. I gave mine to a new banster to be awhile back and she said she found it helpful. I wish I could have her send it to you as she nolonger has her band. It's a quick read... that's for sure. I guess I'd have to give it 2 out of 5 stars in regards to what I was expecting it to be.

Okay ladies... I promise to catch up tomorrow. Sweet Dreams All!

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Just popping in for a quick update.

I went and weighed myself today and initially was a bit disappointed when I saw that I had only lost one more pound. But then I realized that it had only been five days since I last weighed in, and then I felt a little bit better about that. I also thought, "Duh, at least you're finally losing and not bouncing back and forth!"

Glad to finally be done with work for the night. Now I only have six more days until I get another day off. And the torture never ends. LOL

Well, I'm outta here. Getting tired and it's midnight already. Everyone have a good one.

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Good Morning,

I just had to stop in here and say hello. My boss has told me already that I'm gonna be busy today... nice eh~ what a guy LOL :)

I feel like sitting in the bathroom and hiding today.... and a song even comes to mind "Here I sit broken hearted, paid a dime and only farted."

Talk to you all later... hugs :scared:

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