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Potty-Training Boys???

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We let our son go on the trees.... we live in an acreage community. We finally had to put a stop to it when he did it at his daycare.. Oops! Anyway, make it fun for him. I certainly helps to have daddy do the same thing and let him watch! Good Luck

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Ok - so I am going through this potty training thing too with my 3 1/2 year old boy. The sad thing is, he was partially potty trained at the age of 18 months by my daycare provider. We gave up because there were more misses than hits.

What is the deal with doing #2 on the potty. This is so frustrating. He can keep himself dry all day long but hides when the #2 is on the way. Normally, it happens during nap time so currently the diaper still goes on ...... but otherwise I have to watch him and constantly know what he's doing for fear of the pooping/hiding routine.

Yes, pull ups are terrible!! When I potty trained my oldest (now 11) I put her down for a nap with a pull up on and she proceeded to poop in it and then take it off and smear the stuff everywhere. So, learned my lesson the hard way.

Currently using preschool as a incentive. We'll see.


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Okay gang, I have been reading with great interest all of your posts and perspectives. It's so helpful! Thanks already for your input.

Here's how it's going. It's Wed morning (yesterday) and we have the whole day at home. So I get hubby and Rachel off to work and school, turn around to Tyler standing there in the kitchen, and say to him "Are we gonna tinkle in the potty today?! Let's be a Big Boy and use the potty! We're gonna wear BATMAN underwear! Yay!" So I bend over and kiss him and hug him and get his pants to his knees, unstick the diaper tabs, and whip off that soppy wet diaper right there! Only to find out he pooped and I just slung it across the kitchen floor.:)

I pick up the poop, get him cleaned up and into his BATMAN! undies, go back and disinfect the floor (sigh and gross!) and we have a GREAT day! He tinkles in the potty (Yay and Wow and High 5!!!! We are gonna hafta go to Wal-Mart and get you a big ole Monster Truck with BIG wheels!) on and on. And he even takes his nap with undies, no accident.

I tried to get him to pee on the potty after nap, but nothing. We drive to pick up Rachel from school, get home, he wets. Hubby puts on a pull-up (we gotta get on the same page...this is part of the problem. Hubby and I don't disagree, we just aren't communicating. I talk so much to you all, what do I need to talk to him for anyway, right? Sad, huh? LOL ) and at bedtime I take off the pull-up, barely wet, he tinkles, and goes to bed with a nakie butt. I don't know why he wanted to sleep with just a shirt, but he did and I let him till a few hours later when I went in and put the diaper on him. I couldn't bear the thought of wet sheets in the morning. He's not there yet on getting out of bed himself and going to the potty.

Now it's thursday morning. Diaper is barely wet in the morning, and he tinkles on the big potty since daddy is in the other bathroom with the fan on. :confused: Undies all morning, and then we go to church for a Ladies Bible Study with childcare. I'm prepared with change of clothes and pull-up if he has an accident. He does. Ms Joy asked him every 15 min if he needed to go potty, nope, and he wet his pants. Too busy with all the other kids there! So the pull-up stays on in the car, he falls asleep on the way home and takes a nap in it. Daddy is home when he wakes up, I have gone to pick up Rachel from school, we go grocery shopping, to the bank, and don't get home until almost 6pm! All afternoon, he's outside playing in the pull-up and Daddy's not helping AT ALL!

He didn't tinkle all evening till he got in the bathtub. ;) Geez. This is wearing me out.

I like the no-bullsh!!-ing approach, but we seriously aren't home for a week at a time. I have a little part-time job 3 days a week sitting with an elderly woman and Tyler goes with me. THAT's an issue. I could take the potty seat, but he needs to sit on the big potty, and he did do it once, so I know he can. Then the whole pooping thing...

It's gonna be a loooong next few months. But if I have bought my last pack of diapers and wipes, I'm happy.

We are muddling through it. Every day is a fresh start with a new approach. It will all come together and I'll know what to do, and then I can be consistent. Until then, it's a crap shoot...pardon the pun.

Thanks everyone, I'll keep you posted, and keep throwing out your funny stories and advice. There are LOTS of us going through this!

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Thank you ALL!! I have been made to feel like a terrible mother b/c my 3.5 yr old is not potty trained. My mother trained my first one when he was 3 yrs (now 5 yrs) while we were in the process of moving to another state. I offered to send him to Granny Bootcamp and she's not interested in training another one. :phanvan

He will pee in the potty, but forget it when it comes to poopy. We tried for an hour last week to get him to poop and he sat on the pot part of the time and the rest of the time he ran around naked holding his butt yelling, "I'm going to poopy, I need a pullup!" I had no idea he was actually THAT stubborn....get's it from his dad. :confused: My oldest has done just about everything in his power to encourage his little brother. He was successful in teaching him to pee standing up instead of backwards on the toilet. :clap2:

We have tried candy, stickers, McDonalds, fancy underwear, you name it. We even bought a fish tank and offered to buy fish if he would poop in the potty. So far, nothing. :tired One of my concerns is that he has gone 2 days without pooping when I've made him go without pullups. I finally gave in on the 3rd day let him poop in the pullup. I've heard they can backup and it can cause a big problem. Please give me your thoughts and experiences on this. :help: Did I do a bad thing by giving in? How do you handle a situation like this?

I had a few quick moments last night to read LBT and took the advice of Jachut of NO pullups....at least during the day. I had to hide them in order to convince him he had to wear underwear. My parents were visiting from OH and my oldest got go outside with Papaw to play. I put his clothes, along with his underwear, on the sofa and told him when he got dressed he could go outside too. Well, he stayed inside for an HOUR!! Can you believe that? He finally gave in, but I can't believe he waited that long. He wanted his pullup. He went all day without an accident, but once again, he did not poop today. He's just holding it in.

Please give me some options. :help: I don't want to resort to punishment but need alternatives b/c he fully understands and it's time. :faint:

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Kathy....your little man is soo precious!! Beautiful eyes and he really favors you from what I can tell from your avatar. :biggrin1:

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We tried having the potty in the bathroom, but 'out of sight, out of mind.' Plus, the bathroom is cold and too exciting to do any real... concentrating. So far I don't mind the rationing so much since she is only two and four months. I appreciate the enthusiasm. Not worried about UTI's since she is not 'holding'. Just wish we could figure out her hang-ups about poo. Thanks everyone, and good luck with your sweet boy.

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I'm with you Morsaille.....what is the big deal about poop? Why is it so much easier to train them to pee and not poop in the potty? Tomorrow I'm going to buy some toothpaste and try the look and see how the poop comes out approach. :nervous

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My son was the same way. NO POOPY on the potty. Pee was no problem~~but it took him a LONG time to warm up to the idea of pooping on the potty. I believe we finally bribed him with some Thomas the Tank engine stuff.

My advice for being out and about without worry - buy a potty seat that you can take with you ( just the 'seat' that fits on top of a regular toilet ) That way everywhere you go - you have 'his' seat with you.

I wasn't too keen on taking it to say the mall - but we did take it whenever we went to someones house. Kept it stored in a plastic grocery bag or small trash can liner.

Just remember, every kid is different and you know yours best! Good Luck!!

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He may not be interested in this right now. No big deal. Never met a kid that started K in diapers.

On the other hand, you have to catch him staight out of bed to get the first morning pee - even if you bring him outside and let him Water a tree (if dad's got the toilet reserved). And when you are home, its ok to let him stay w/o a diaper - alot of people find that this is the safest and best way to train.

just like the others have said.... each kiddie is different.

Iv never used the potty chair with any of my kids. But for Anne we bought the little toilet ring that sits on top of the regular toilet seat - so she wouldnt fall in. That may be another idea for you to try.

And it seems that its when we went places (shopping) and I would spring the idea, "You need to potty???" I realized he just wanted to check out the bathroom, but ended up using it as well.

How old of a 3 yr old is he?

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3Loves, here's what I plan to do when we get to the poopy thing...and I know this is an issue because he has barely pooped since I slung that one onto the floor...Glycerin Suppositories. It sounds terrible but I think it will work.

Here's my opinion, feel free to disagree anyone! Get the infant sized gylcerin suppositories. When you KNOW he has to poop, sit him on the potty and tell him Mommy will help, don't worry! Put that thing up in there gently and hold your finger over it so it stays inside for about 30 seconds. More if he can do it. You want it to melt a bit. Then say, "are you ready?! Go poopy! Go go go!" and it WILL comes out! They HAVE to push with that thing up in there! Then the poop comes out too, nice and easy, and they did it! Yay! Big party! I'm thinking this kind of takes the mystery out of it, it's a bit of guaranteed success.

My daughter was scared to death to go poopy. She didn't want to sit and grunt and moan at Day Care (I went back to work for a bit when she was 2...dumb idea) so she would hold it and hold it. For days! By then it hurt to go. So she wanted to keep holding it in. So we did the glycerin supps and it worked. She hated it, but I had to explain that it isn't healthy to keep your poop inside, it needs to come out! God made our bodies this way, just the way it's supposed to be to work great, and holding it in was not healthy. If she didn't go on her own, I had to get the supps. Now she sits for the longest time having a ball in the potty, singing, thinking, going poopy!

Anyhow, glycerin supps are on my list for the poopy issue, when we get there, that is!

Tyler tinkled in the potty this morning. Last nights diaper was a little wet. Not bad. He has on Superman undies this morning. I'm gong by the consignment shop for a dozen more pair today. I only have 3 pair right now.

Happy potty-training everyone!

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He may not be interested in this right now. No big deal. Never met a kid that started K in diapers.

On the other hand, you have to catch him staight out of bed to get the first morning pee - even if you bring him outside and let him Water a tree (if dad's got the toilet reserved). And when you are home, its ok to let him stay w/o a diaper - alot of people find that this is the safest and best way to train.

just like the others have said.... each kiddie is different.

Iv never used the potty chair with any of my kids. But for Anne we bought the little toilet ring that sits on top of the regular toilet seat - so she wouldnt fall in. That may be another idea for you to try.

And it seems that its when we went places (shopping) and I would spring the idea, "You need to potty???" I realized he just wanted to check out the bathroom, but ended up using it as well.

How old of a 3 yr old is he?

Hey! He was 3 in Feb, so 3 and 1 month. He's still young. It's just that Rachel was all done with all this at his age! Boys and Girls are sure different.

I think at this point I'll work on no diapers or evil pull-ups during the day, and a pull up at night only till he gets a clue about getting out of bed himself and going potty. That's just over his head right now.

And the potty seat converts to the seat that sits on the toilet. The bucket part comes out, of course, and the seat part locks onto the big toilet seat, and the bottom part turns over to become a step-stool in front of the toilet. Very handy!

I guess I'm letting him call the shots for now. He's most comfortable sitting on the potty seat, but the potty world is getting bigger. And I really prefer that the poop go in the toilet! So it's a flexibility factor at this point. I'm ready for anything! LOL

The weather is turning, and today might be a good day for Tyler and Daddy to Water some trees. SOME things about going potty need to be fun!

And Rachel and I bought Tyler a little fishing pole with magnet fish for 2 bucks at the store. I have it handy for reinforcement today!

No pull ups or diapers all day today!!!!!! That's the goal. And we are going to work today at Mrs. Lady's house for 2 1/2 hours. He can do it!

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ok-I had three boys and one girl-plus I use to do Daycare-this is what I did. boys are a different creature. But for all of them I would get little items they wanted. Kept a calendar with stickers on the back of the toilet, everytime they used the potty they got a little sticker on the calendar-if they were dry all day they got a star, after so many stars (when it was daycare 5 days)-they got their prize, plus they were closer to getting the deed done! Good luck, my honeys are now 12,9,7! So times may changed, I had better success with daycare kids of course then mmy own kids, but it did work evetually. I also kept cheerios on the back of the toilet and would put them in for targets? Of course that is only for boys!

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I have 2 boys, now aged 14 and 9. When they were about 2 or so, we started potty training them. I got "real" underwear, not those pull-ups and I especially got ones with their favorite characters on them so they'd like to wear them and do their best not to soil them. If I bought pull-ups it was for going to the store or outings, etc so we wouldn't have wet accidents in public.

I just took them to the potty and encouraged them to go. No treats, but lots of praise. If they couldn't go, that was all right I just took them again a little later-maybe an hour. Since they hated the feeling of the wetness next to their skin it only took a few accidents for them to realize that Mommy and Daddy weren't going to let them have their diapers back and they had to learn to do this. A couple of times, I found wadded up wet underwear in the corner but it really didn't take that long. As for the poop, I don't know what to tell you, my two boys just didn't like having the poop in their pants and quickly learned how to do it like Mommy and Daddy.

Patience, persistence and consistency are the keys.

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Hey Kathy,

If he's into Spiderman tell him that if he tee's in the potty ALL day today then thisafternoon you and him (or he and Dad) will go to Walmart and buy him his own SPIDERMAN (actionfigure).

Oh yeah, and when Philip would tee tee (then progresseed to pooing) - me or Mike would make the announcement and it was like a family party. Dancing, clapping, indian woo-woo's.... all 5 of us ended up in the smallest room in the house (bathroom), cheering for the smallest person in the house - together, at the same time!

He liked that attention.

(we almost got carried away with it!)

But heck, like i said, dont stress yourself or him about this. If he cant get it now, wait another month or 2 then try again. For me, this is all part of the process. This was my second attempt for Philip. The first time was in December when he had just turned 3. I tried for a week.

Realized that HE needed more time.

Couple of months later, this task seemed effortless. Just remember, its no big deal.

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He's doing it!!! He has had Superman undies on all morning. We left at 10am and went to Mrs. Lady's house and stayed there till almost 1pm. He tinkled on the potty (the toilet, no potty seat) there once, no accidents. I'm waiting for the poop. We drove home and he went down for his nap with no diaper or pull-up, just the undies. We'll see how he does. I think he needs just one good poop in his pants and he'll be more inclined to sit on the potty for that one! I hate to hope for an accident, but that's how they learn. We are going out for pizza tonight for supper, then to see Grandma at the nursing home. We are NOT doing diapers! But I think he'll be fine if he will just poop at home this afternoon. If he poops in the potty, we are DEFINATLEY getting a Monster truck or Spiderman at Wal-mart tonight!

I hope this stays fun and doesn't get exhausting. My baby is getting so big!!!! :cry:

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