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Learn From My $16,000 Mistake

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I'm not sure they haven't figured it out I eat my protein' date=' I exercise 4 days a week, my doctor is great so I don't think it's him. The way I feel is my body just doesn't want to lose it, I have been overweight my whole life. Maybe it's the band but the doctor check it and everything is in place and it's holding Fluid. I really wish I knew but if I figure it out I will let you guys know.[/quote']

How many calories do you eat? Have you tried logging your food on myfitnesspal or lose it apps? My weight loss stalled because my band was too tight & I was eating too many calories from sliders. I eat about 1200 calories per day & exercise 5-6 days per week & my loss is on the sloooww side- 1 maybe 2 lbs per week but it's coming off. Good luck. :-)

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People responded harshly because of her approach. The life I want to live? Purée until my jaw hurts? If your band is adj properly and the right size those issues should not happen I know the live I don't want to live is being 400 pounds hardly able to walk or breathe or sleep or even have sex! My band helped me change my life. I am sad for anyone who didn't have the same experience, truly but nobody will poo poo me like a child because theirs was not a success. I am grateful I have it. I was near death in the beginning and if we could all just eat right we wouldn't have been obese to begin with. Share your story but don't condemn those that did well like we were wrong for it because our experiences are different. I have hadn't band one year next month I don't vomit I only PB (yes I say PB because it isn't vomit it isn't coming from my stomach it hasn't made it there) 3 times and I eat very normal foods, just less. I wish everyone the best in their journey whatever road that is.

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I have had my fair share of band complications. I've had two port revisons and need a third. I had to pay cash for them and didn't have the money up front so ended up gaining a lot of weight back in the waiting process.

This last time it closed its self off I couldnt eat or drink and became highly dehydrated and hospitalized.

But I would not get rid of my band ever! Because of it I have lost over 100 pounds. I can tie my own shoes and still breath. I can take a flight of stairs and not have to stop to catch my breath. I can conceive a child and buy jeans not stretch pants.

You are told before surgery the type of lifestyle you will be leading. Small pencil sized bites that will need to be chewed and chewed. That you need small meals and lots of Water followed with exercise because this is a TOOL not a magic trick. If you did not do your homework and prepare yourself for this then it is your own fault.

Just like any other diet plan it is not for everyone.

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I am self pay. Even if the weight I've already lost is all I ever lose (pray it isn't but you never know) it was still worth the money for me. I HAVE tried all the coaching, nutrition, weight watchers, etc. I have been PERFECT at eating right, exercising, etc. for many years and still did not lose weight. My options were quickly narrowing to doing something drastic such as band or dying early and living with diabetes, obesity and a myriad of other problems by staying the way I was. My band was worth every penny because even if it never works again, it's worked this far. I am so sorry you don't feel the same way and I hope you find what you're looking for - for me, band was a wonderful decision.

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Liz,thank you for joining us. I agree that many people go into this with there eyes shut. But as Dennis and others have said, many of us have had to go through nutritionists, psychs , and 6 month diets. This is the last resort for most of us. I, like others, have gone through diets for 50 years. I started in high school because I was slightly overweight and never felt "pretty enough". Finally at 61, wearing a tight 22w, I felt called to the lapband surgery. Thanks. I love it, and have also, had to learn to eat small meals, and quit before I think I am done, knowing that the last bite will be too much. I guess the "skinny" people just naturally do that. Maybe someday, you and the rest of us will learn it , too! Best wishes. Karen

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Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean every one will or has. I understand your frustration but I wonder what you have done to be successfull since you dont have the support of a local dr to help you. I saw my dr monthly for the first 18 months. I never got over filled and lost weight as I expected. But I also worked hard to cou t calories, measure food a d communicate with my dr so nothing bad happened.

I was self pay and seriously considered going to Mexico for my wls...but I was concerned about the after care amoung other things. Your horrible story makes me so thankful I chose a local dr.

Is it possible for you to find a dr who can work with you now to get you filled properly and start getting. BAck on track?

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My heart goes out to you that the lapband journey has been so traumatic. Unfortunately some people do have a lot of problems, some because even though they do all the right things, things go wrong and then there is the other group that do all the wrong things and then say the lapband failed them.

For me so far it's been fantastic, yes there are the ups and downs if learning to eat slower and taking smaller bites, honestly I am enjoying my food and really tasting it this way rather than gobbling it down not really tasting it and then feeling like crap by eating too much. So glad to have broken that cycle. The lapband is reeducation me with nutrition, good healthy food and being active. I feel so much more energetic, no longer need a nanna nap at 3 pm and I sleep better at night time, still snoring but not as bad. Honestly I think we all know what the right foods are that we need to eat and the right quantities. For me it was like my hunger switch was constantly on and the lapband has controlled that for me now.

Before being banded I did my research well, I read about success stories and horror stories. Now that I am in lapband territory and experiencing living with it, what comes to mind is I wonder if some of those horror stories could have been avoided if people learnt how to live with the band.

I know if I have an issue it's my responsibility to be in contact with my aftercare team. If I'm not then complications will arise. My surgeon has stressed so many times if i am having any issues no matter how small He need to know and He will help correct it.

As much as I don't like that you've had such a hard time I don't agree with you warning everyone not to get it done. There are so many people that have had great success.

What is important to point out however is that we all need to keep in contact with our team if we are experiencing problems so they can help us sort them out.

I do wish you well and hope you are on a better path now and have success!

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I do not for one moment regret my decision. I am sorry you are not having success and the band did not work for you, but you also shouldn't assume EVERYONE is going to have the same result.

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It's funny how you stated that you lost 20 lbs in the first month ONLY by eating very little. Which is the whole purpose of the Lapland by the way. And then after that you didn't lose anymore because all u ate was slider foods. In your first paragraph alone, u just stated why you were unsuccessful. If you were truly to tight even sliders would be hard to go down. If you can get sliders down, you can get some kind of Protein down, even if you have to blend it.

When I go out to eat, I usually just order Soup or a salad just in case. I have been out to eat and had to go the bathroom very quickly. It's not the end of the world. Im sorry but it just seems like you didn't do what you needed to do with the band and you are blaming it for failing. I don't know your whole story, but from what you posted, this is just my opinion and you have yours. Im not really feeling very supportive since you seen like you have already given up on the band and are telling a whole bunch of people that could really use it and take care of it not to get it and maybe save their lives. That's what I don't like about your opinion... sorry

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People responded harshly because of her approach. The life I want to live? Purée until my jaw hurts? If your band is adj properly and the right size those issues should not happen I know the live I don't want to live is being 400 pounds hardly able to walk or breathe or sleep or even have sex! My band helped me change my life. I am sad for anyone who didn't have the same experience' date=' truly but nobody will poo poo me like a child because theirs was not a success. I am grateful I have it. I was near death in the beginning and if we could all just eat right we wouldn't have been obese to begin with. Share your story but don't condemn those that did well like we were wrong for it because our experiences are different. I have hadn't band one year next month I don't vomit I only PB (yes I say PB because it isn't vomit it isn't coming from my stomach it hasn't made it there) 3 times and I eat very normal foods, just less. I wish everyone the best in their journey whatever road that is.[/quote']

Totally off topic, but my dog is named Neener, just like your username, and he just happens to be in doggie ER tonight taking a round of steroids in hopes that his injury gets better and he doesn't stay paralyzed from the waist down and it's only temporary.

Again, off topic but I just wanted to say that you have the coolest name on here, even though I cried seeing it. Lol. =(

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using LapBandTalk

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Totally off topic' date=' but my dog is named Neener, just like your username, and he just happens to be in doggie ER tonight taking a round of steroids in hopes that his injury gets better and he doesn't stay paralyzed from the waist down and it's only temporary.

Again, off topic but I just wanted to say that you have the coolest name on here, even though I cried seeing it. Lol. =(

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using LapBandTalk[/quote']

:( thank you? Lol hope neener is doing ok

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Thanks for posting your struggles. I hope you have good luck with the band removal and future weight loss approaches.

All of us need to go into any surgery and medical approach with our eyes wide open. The discussion may have become heated in this thread but there are some good points made. To make an informed decision both pro and anti views need to be shared. For example when I shop online I always try to read at least some positive and some negative views and then base my decision on the pros and cons.

I am only 2 months in so I will see how this goes but for those who are contemplating this procedure, this thread can only help. In fact the day I went to my doctor's office for consultation, I met a lady who was getting the lap band removed and replacing with the sleeve as she was not seeing the weight loss. That was her choice but it did get me to see that what may be a life changing positive decision for some may not work for others.

Best of luck.

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I think some of you guys are being a little too harsh with Liz1531. Reading her post, she is obviously very unhappy and frustrated after 5 years into her lap band surgery. I have recently began to look into lap band surgery and want to read all the negative as well as positive information I can find. So, thank you Liz and hope that you find a solution to your problem. :)

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Only you can learn from your "mistakes". I have the 4cc band and so far it has worked perfectly for me. I went to a highly respected Dr.in San Francisco and paid cash. It was the best money I have ever invested in myself. Did I have to change my way of eating, you bet I did. Not everyone has a good experience with surgery or anything else in life. What doesn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work perfectly for someone else. It doesn't do you or anyone else any good to be so bitter. Life in general for most of us doesn't ever turn out the way we want it to and sometimes that can be a good thing.

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Out of desperation I sought out the lap band in 2008. I lost about 20 lbs initially probably from being able to eat very little for the first month. After that not another pound. The only foods I have been able to eat easily are junky foods that slither right down. Eating meat unless extremely moist (usually covered in some sauce) has become a dreaded experience. I have to eat REALLY slowly so eating out with friends is now a chore instead of a pleasure. I have to search the menu for something I can get down within a 30 minute lunch experience and not throw up. Screw the polite term of a PB "Productive Burp".. it's puking lunch back up plus a bunch of slime and sometime's it comes on fast so look out anyone in my way getting to the bathroom. Just last week accidentally took one extra bite too many and puked driving down the freeway. It was DISGUSTING.

Is this the life you want to live? Having to puree food by chewing until your jaw hurts? I spent 8500 cash on getting the band and after not losing weight and being disgusted with myself spent another 7500 going back to school and learning about holistic nutrition. I am now armed with the tools I need to eat well but guess what eating meat and veggies beyond a couple bites makes me throw up. So... now I am seeking removal surgery.

Learn from my mistake. There isn't ANYTHING wrong with your body and squeezing off part of your stomach isn't the cure. The problem is the way we eat. We eat convenient processed garbage and then blame our metabolism and thyroids. They aren't the problem. Learn how to eat high Protein and low carb. Learn how to make whole food meals that you enjoy. It can be done' date=' I promise you. Hacking your body up doesn't cure the need to binge when we're stressed, nor will it prevent you from downing sweets. It doesn't magically make you feel full. Just because I will throw up if I eat one more bite doesn't mean I'm satisfied. I often find myself sitting at a meal hungry but knowing if I put one more bite in, I will toss it all back up. My band has been empty since 2009 and I still have issues eating!

Please think twice about learning ways to make a lifestyle change instead of chopping up your body. And for those of you thinking, oh this is just one tragic person, look at all of the fantastic results stories.. I was you before I got banded. I didn't think I would ever be one of those people that it didn't work out for. [/quote']

You ate junk food and didn't achieve the results you desired. I'm shocked...

Seriously, perhaps you should have tried learning how to eat better BEFORE choosing surgery, rather than after. Weight loss surgery isn't a first option...it's a last option.

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