Liz1531 3 Posted October 5, 2012 Out of desperation I sought out the lap band in 2008. I lost about 20 lbs initially probably from being able to eat very little for the first month. After that not another pound. The only foods I have been able to eat easily are junky foods that slither right down. Eating meat unless extremely moist (usually covered in some sauce) has become a dreaded experience. I have to eat REALLY slowly so eating out with friends is now a chore instead of a pleasure. I have to search the menu for something I can get down within a 30 minute lunch experience and not throw up. Screw the polite term of a PB "Productive Burp".. it's puking lunch back up plus a bunch of slime and sometime's it comes on fast so look out anyone in my way getting to the bathroom. Just last week accidentally took one extra bite too many and puked driving down the freeway. It was DISGUSTING. Is this the life you want to live? Having to puree food by chewing until your jaw hurts? I spent $8500 cash on getting the band and after not losing weight and being disgusted with myself spent another $7500 going back to school and learning about holistic nutrition. I am now armed with the tools I need to eat well but guess what eating meat and veggies beyond a couple bites makes me throw up. So... now I am seeking removal surgery. Learn from my mistake. There isn't ANYTHING wrong with your body and squeezing off part of your stomach isn't the cure. The problem is the way we eat. We eat convenient processed garbage and then blame our metabolism and thyroids. They aren't the problem. Learn how to eat high Protein and low carb. Learn how to make whole food meals that you enjoy. It can be done, I promise you. Hacking your body up doesn't cure the need to binge when we're stressed, nor will it prevent you from downing sweets. It doesn't magically make you feel full. Just because I will throw up if I eat one more bite doesn't mean I'm satisfied. I often find myself sitting at a meal hungry but knowing if I put one more bite in, I will toss it all back up. My band has been empty since 2009 and I still have issues eating! Please think twice about learning ways to make a lifestyle change instead of chopping up your body. And for those of you thinking, oh this is just one tragic person, look at all of the fantastic results stories.. I was you before I got banded. I didn't think I would ever be one of those people that it didn't work out for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! 12,703 Posted October 5, 2012 I'm sorry you had problems, but it's obvious something was wrong with your band from the day it was placed. Maybe it's in the wrong place, maybe your anatomy simply doesn't work well with the band, I don't know. But I do know the fact you've been living on slider foods since the first month being banded means something is wrong. I might also add you have a 4cc band. There's a reason those are no longer used in the United States- because the company said there were way too many complications with them and now only approve the larger bands. Again, that is completely not your fault, however it stands to reason that band was too small for you from the beginning hence forever being too tight even when empty. I hope you find what you're looking for after it's removed and I mostly hope you find good health. But please don't come on here acting like everyone who is banded is making a mistake. We're not you and the statistics are in our favor, especially with the new bigger bands. I've lost almost 150 pounds in 9 months and I couldn't be happier. I never PB, I've never vomited, and it's extremely rare that I get stuck. In fact, I can and do still eat whatever I want without any problems. Some of us are extremely happy and successful with our bands. 37 Kass90, horsegirl315, kidlaa and 34 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wallflower 188 Posted October 5, 2012 Sorry you had so much trouble. I think people who get the surgery though are pretty much at the end of their rope & desperate. We all know the pros and cons, and possible risks associated with this but at least for me it seemed less risky than continuing to deal with out of control diabetes and hypertension. I do think its good that people read some posters bad stories along with the good....especially the ones who may think this is the easy fix. Do u think its possible u didn't lose weight because by ur own admission, u only ate junk food?? 8 mimi81082, ♕ajtexas♕, ☠carolinagirl☠ and 5 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liz1531 3 Posted October 5, 2012 Of couse I haven't lost because I live on slider foods. I want to eat whole foods but often throw them up or get stuck on them... so maybe the bands are better now but there are still plenty of people out there who are having problems. I want to put out there that it's not all roses, becuase when I was reading posts to make my decision that's all I wanted to see. I didn't believe I would end up one of those bitter people who hate their bands. I was sure this was the answer. If insurance is paying, what have you got to lose? Go for it, but for self pay people, you can spend less money on getting the nutrition guidence and mental support that is needed to be successful at weight loss without having to undergo the knife. I am still paying $200 per month to pay off this surgery that did nothing for me. It has been physically, financially and emotionally taxing and my story deserves to be heard as much as the success stories do. 2 Ronnie Rae Scott and cheryllm63 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sojourner 2,446 Posted October 5, 2012 No slight intended, but I would never want to entrust my health and well being to surgery, doctors and devices used in a foreign country...I do realize that Mexican doctors have some success stories, but for myself I would never feel comfortable with taking the risk. You did not mention if you ever sought another medical opinion from a US doctor...I'm a strong advocate that we each need to be assertive in areas which concern our health and well being. In other words, WE need to take the responsibility for our own health and well being. From your posts, it reads to me that you were not proactive to resolve your medical issues with your band. For that you have only yourself to hold responsible. Not everything about pre op and post op education and nutrition education is related to money. And, after all, you did have the funds to travel to have your surgery. Just saying... I hope you do find peace and health with your decisions...however in your situation I believe you are more interested in placing blame than accepting your lack of accountability to yourself. And, your insight is wrote that you are bitter and disappointed. For every failure with a band there are many, many more successes... 18 knewland, wallflower, A New New Dawn and 15 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wallflower 188 Posted October 5, 2012 Of couse I haven't lost because I live on slider foods. I want to eat whole foods but often throw them up or get stuck on them Did ur doctor try any interventions on you? I know a girl who had this problem do the doctor took all Fluid out and they slowly worked their way up to the sweet spot. And I didn't say u didn't have a right to share ur story. I said it would be good for people to read a bad experience. Calm the hell down. 7 futurbander2007, ufscrapper, mimi81082 and 4 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KassieRose 60 Posted October 5, 2012 Sure, you are welcome to share your opinion here, but to say that you don't want people to make the same mistake as you is ridiculous. Not everybody has issues with their band, and a good majority go into it knowing it isn't "all roses" and that there is a chance of it not working. It sounds like you weren't mentally prepared for it either and thought it was going to be some miracle fix. Not to say that it's the reason the band didn't work, but I think it heightened your disappointment and frustration when it didn't. If you have cancer and a doctor says you can have a surgery that might help, but it might not, would you get it? Of course you would. I am almost 9 months out, lost almost 90 pounds, have never thrown up, and never gotten stuck. How's that for a success story for you? For every failing band there are multiple people who have success. Just because you and others haven't had luck with it, it doesn't mean that nobody should try it. 11 Maddysgram, Jenilou78, roloe639 and 8 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☠carolinagirl☠ 18,721 Posted October 5, 2012 i dont regret my $30,000 band. it gave me my life back. and if complications occur, i will deal but now, i am living and i am grateful. (sorry you and others have/had issues) but not everyone does. 16 wallflower, neener1970, Ronnie Rae Scott and 13 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigDennis 236 Posted October 5, 2012 Hi Liz, My heart definitely goes out to you and I sincerely hope you are able to find relief and happiness. The process to receive a band is in place for exactly the reasons you pointed out. It actually took me approximately 18 months to get approved, which gave me plenty of time to research exactly what to expect and all my available options. My doctor, dietitian, and nurses stressed and communicated the fact that the band is only a tool to assist me lose weight and not a magic pill that would work without a great deal of effort on my part. Nothing has changed, it has been and always was up to us to lose the weight, but we all felt we needed the assistance of a specialized tool to overcome weaknesses in our willpower. I lost 135 pounds through LA Weight Loss, so I know you can lose weight the good old fashioned way, but keeping it off is another story entirely. This is where I need all the help I can get from not only my band, but also the support of all my new friends on LBT. Liz, thank you for sharing your story with the group and hope you find relief soon. Dennis 8 Elliemayclem, JerseyShoreDisneyDiva, Maddysgram and 5 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marketingdude 79 Posted October 5, 2012 Hey Liz: My brother got the band done and he went from 429lbs to 155lbs. And one thing that I've observed (and learned from) is he let the band BE THE BOSS. He doesn't force or fight the band....he lets it tell him what to do. Its like with people in can FORCE YOUR WAY on people...and chances are you won't bare the fruit of healthy relationships(if you do). Comparatively....FORCING YOUR WAY with the band and always getting what YOU WANT.... positions you to not be successful with the band. I'm not saying you are doing this (trust me...i'm not). But rather...sharing some wisdom that I've learned from my brother....and could encourage you if the situation fits with your unique situation. I FEEL YOUR PAIN....AS MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU. But if there is anything I can encourage you with is.....PLEASE DON'T QUIT SIS....we are here to encouage and help well as your doctor and support staff. Respectfully submitted, MD 8 RobinGirl, kll724, Lapbandster and 5 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lapbandster 496 Posted October 5, 2012 What a tragic story I'm sorry to hear this. You did not write if you followed up with your doctor or not. A good doctor is not just someone who knows how to insert a lapband. A good doctor listens and guides the patient even YEARS after the surgery. If you didn't get proper aftercare then that may have been part of the problem. I don't understand why you couldn't eat out with friends- could you not even keep down soup/mushy things like soft pastas in small bites? (If that was the case then the LB should've been removed IMMEDIATELY imho) As someone else has said- for most of us we're doing WLS because we've tried EVERYTHING ELSE and were not fruitful. WLS is not for someone who has any other options. Seems like you have other options that work (holistic nutrition) Hope you do well with whichever other weight loss tactics you pursue 1 ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Linda Hamsing Rosen 1 Posted October 5, 2012 Hi Liz, I feel a lot of compassion for you because I have had similar problems with the band. The band does not work for everyone according to my surgeon and that is a fact. I feel like some of you are really coming down hard on Liz. We just need to accept that it doesn't work for everyone for a variety of reasons. End of story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jodi8135 6 Posted October 6, 2012 Hi Liz' date='I feel a lot of compassion for you because I have had similar problems with the band. The band does not work for everyone according to my surgeon and that is a fact. I feel like some of you are really coming down hard on Liz. We just need to accept that it doesn't work for everyone for a variety of reasons. End of story.[/quote'] I'm glad Liz posted this my band doesn't help me at all and I was feeling really depressed thinking it was just me so thank you Liz I now know I'm not alone. I'm three years out and lost 20lbs and I'm in the green zone and I eat right I just can't lose. I look on this forum for help and sometnimes it just upsets me because everyone is doing great and no matter what I do I can't lose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marketingdude 79 Posted October 6, 2012 I'm glad Liz posted this my band doesn't help me at all and I was feeling really depressed thinking it was just me so thank you Liz I now know I'm not alone. I'm three years out and lost 20lbs and I'm in the green zone and I eat right I just can't lose. I look on this forum for help and sometnimes it just upsets me because everyone is doing great and no matter what I do I can't lose. In YOUR opinion, why do you think you only lost 20lbs in 3 years? Surgeon related? Issues with the band? Bad food choices ? Lack of exercise? I'm curious as I can (as many others) can learn from you. Blessings, MD 1 Maddysgram reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jodi8135 6 Posted October 6, 2012 I'm not sure they haven't figured it out I eat my Protein, I exercise 4 days a week, my doctor is great so I don't think it's him. The way I feel is my body just doesn't want to lose it, I have been overweight my whole life. Maybe it's the band but the doctor check it and everything is in place and it's holding Fluid. I really wish I knew but if I figure it out I will let you guys know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites