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Considering Lap Band, Have Questions

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I just keep thinking about being 70 years old and still having this in place ... like this is a long-term punishment for overeating the last 36 years. I guess maybe I should focus on the immediate future and let the rest work itself out.


It is quite possible you wont make it to 70 if you dont do somehting about yourweight. I know thats the cold hard truth but overweight people are more apt to die of weight related issues earlier than thin people. Thats what made me stand up and take notice. I hit 50 and thought... yikes if I dont get rid off some of this weight I may not be around to see my granddaughter grow up. And that just killed me... so I started looking for a solution because yo yo dieting didnt work anymore.

You will make the right decision.... many of us hear are cheerleaders for the band obviously but it doesnt pay my bills and only you know if you have the dedication to live with it.

If you have any other questions...don't hesitate.

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Let me start by saying I wouldn't reccomend anyone get a band. I reccomend figure out what is healthy? Is it low carbing? Weight Watchers? What works for you? Next, deal with the head issues of stress eating. Because the band won't help you with either of these things. You can still stress eat junk food all day long and the band won't stop you. Now to answer your questions:

What kind of scaring is there? 2-4 dots? Yes - Had mine in since 2008 and can see one maybe 1/2 inch scar in port area under left breast and 3 other very small scars in various locations on belly.

Can you feel the lap band around your stomach? Yes - if you swallow too big a bite, becomes very painful, you begin to get this awful slime in your mouth and if you can't pass the food down the band (again painful if too large a bite), you will puke it back up. Can you feel the fill port from the outside? Yes you can feel the port very easily.

What happens when you are sick and you have to vomit? Can you actually vomit? I was worried about this too and have thrown up with flu and pregnancy a few times. My band area was a little sore, but nothing major. I have heard severe vomitting can cause slippage of the band which can warrant surgical removal.

How long do you wear it? The rest of my life? If so, does it need replaced at any point? I believe the shelf life is around 10 years.. not too sure on this though

What are the complications that you have heard of? For me.. not feeling like a normal human is enough that I want it OUT. I can't eat out with friends without having to plan a menu of band friendly things like Soups mainly. Often I just pick and then take the food back with me to eat later. I have to eat so slowly and chew so much that my food is generally cold by the time I get to it. Forget eating rice and Pasta.. Eating meat is difficult unless sopped in juices/sauce. The only thing I can eat with never a problem is sweets like ice cream, chocolates and other things that go down easily. Hope this helps.

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Wow, you all are incredibly knowledgeable and supportive about all this, I truly thank you. I still do not know what I'm going to do (I haven't met with my doctor yet -- two weeks). She wants me to research "weight loss interventions" as if there is something other than good ol' diet and exercise! I've done weight watchers and myfitnesspal and hired a trainer and wishing it away ... are their other options I'm not thinking of that I should research? I just find it a little amazing how much support comes with something like the lab band procedure, but I'm not aware of any clinics that monitor your weight loss other ways?

I've had some "come to Jesus" moments with myself and realize that lap band still is extreme, to me, and it scares me that I'm headed in that direction. I WANT that to be enough to scare me into eating better, exercising more, and being self-accountable, but this power / rewarding of myself by eating whatever I want is a very, very high hurdle for me. I'm so sad thinking I won't be able to eat what I want anymore, but then you all are so happy with your results, I'm sure I would get to that point. I just keep thinking about being 70 years old and still having this in place ... like this is a long-term punishment for overeating the last 36 years. I guess maybe I should focus on the immediate future and let the rest work itself out.


In response to your msg above... years ago I did Atkins. While tought to give up sweets I lost 40 lbs in 4 months and another 40 within a year without a day of working out and kept it off for 3 years. I got pg, was told Atkins is unhealthy and quit. Gained 70lbs with my baby and have tried calorie counting, working out, weight watchers and lap band surgery and nothing has ever worked for me like good old fashioned eating right. I have now gone to holistic nutrition school and learned Atkins is completely healthy. It's eating the processed starchy food that is unhealthy and I can't wait to get this band taken out so I can eat meat veggies and fruit again and eat enough to feel full. I never feel full with the band. The band physically stops you from eating or you will puke up your food but it doesn't make you feel full and satisfied. I often stare longingly at a piece of spinach and cheese stuffed chicken feeling hungry but only being able to eat a couple of bites. I eat the same portion sizes as my 3 year old and usually get so annoyed with having to chew things to mush that I say screw the healthier Protein on my plate and go right for mashed potatoes.. something I know I can get down and finally feel full.

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Wow, you all are incredibly knowledgeable and supportive about all this, I truly thank you. I still do not know what I'm going to do (I haven't met with my doctor yet -- two weeks). She wants me to research "weight loss interventions" as if there is something other than good ol' diet and exercise! I've done weight watchers and myfitnesspal and hired a trainer and wishing it away ... are their other options I'm not thinking of that I should research? I just find it a little amazing how much support comes with something like the lab band procedure, but I'm not aware of any clinics that monitor your weight loss other ways?

I've had some "come to Jesus" moments with myself and realize that lap band still is extreme, to me, and it scares me that I'm headed in that direction. I WANT that to be enough to scare me into eating better, exercising more, and being self-accountable, but this power / rewarding of myself by eating whatever I want is a very, very high hurdle for me. I'm so sad thinking I won't be able to eat what I want anymore, but then you all are so happy with your results, I'm sure I would get to that point. I just keep thinking about being 70 years old and still having this in place ... like this is a long-term punishment for overeating the last 36 years. I guess maybe I should focus on the immediate future and let the rest work itself out.


Just a couple of additional bits of information to add to the excellent posts previous:

It is possible to have medical complications which are not actually caused by the band, but are the result of significant weight loss. Weight loss does affect the gallbladder in some people, especially if you have any history or evidence of gall stones. I did have an episode of pancreatitis which was precipitated by my gall bladder no longer working. Likely my weight loss exacerbated my pre-existing condition of my gall bladder no longer working, so I did need to have my gallbladder removed.

If you don't yet have any weight related medical conditions, you are fortunate. Research has shown undeniably the negative effects of obesity...increased levels of obesity are referred to as "morbid obesity" for valid reasons.

It is not my intention to scare you, only to share information. My decision to have my band placed was driven by my race against the Type II diabetes time clock. That was to be my fate without intervention...I knew I would never be a compliant diabetic, nor did I want to experience the side effects of being diabetic.

I can't stress the extreme importance of having your "head in the game" if you want to be successful with your weight loss journey...it's essential for you to revise your beliefs about your relationship with food, understand that food is not your friend and cannot be relied on to provide solace or used as a coping tool to manage your emotions. You make a conscious choice to eat to live and not live to eat.

The band is also not a punishment that you have assigned to you for years spent overeating...I viewed getting my band as an opportunity to regain some of the good health that my excess weight was stealing from me.

The band is a self empowering weight loss tool that you must learn how to use properly. You will determine the degree of your success or lack of success by the choices you make every day to comply with the bandster diet.

Best wishes as you consider your options...

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I have the same answers to your questions as everybody else pretty much, except i can eat 90 % of what i used to. i cant eat raw broccoli, thick chicken or thick pork, but thin is fine. after more than 4 bites of biscuts, potatoes or thick Pasta, i get a little heartburn and stop eating them. . I eat steak, pizza, pineapple , thin pasta , all meats, fruits and raw veggies and everything else with no problems . i have no problems with ice cream, candy Cookies etc but limit myself to a small portion every day . (Sorry, but a little chocolate never hurt anybody ) i could care less about the few foods i CAN"T eat, because of what i CAN do now ! I ran 2 miles today, swim 3x a week, have lost 56 lbs in 10 months and wear a slim size 14 skinny jean ! ive gone from 225 lbs to 168, My sleep apnea is gone , my joints dont hurt, i feel really good, im happier and more comfortable in my own skin, i get nice compliments daily etc etc etc ! Need i go on ??? my only regret is i didnt know about lapband sooner ! i dont have a single regret, the positives FAR outweigh the negitives , and i cant wait to get to my goal weight of 140 ! So GO FOR IT !!!!

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I have 5 scars and they are ugly..... But worth it!

I only vomit by inducing it. The ony time I have vomit was when I ate too fast and did not chew and eating big bites too fast. I never vomit unless I make myself to get the food out because it was too big to go past the band.

I do not feel the band but I can feel my port when I push hard on my stomach.

Befoe you get the band, you need to want it and be ready ......not to do it because someone asked or thinks you need to. You have to really want it and want to change. It's not easy! A lot of complications comes from people not doing what the doctor says. You will need to follow diets and exercise like any other diet! I thought when I got my band that the weight will just fall off :( sadly it don't!!! Work work work!! Totally different life style and you gotta be ready for it!

You will have an appetite curve, but your mind still wants the food! I had to give up carbonated drinks..... That was really hard, but I don't want a slip so I gave them up!

You will have to learn when to stop eating, slow down when eating and not eat big bites. Chew chew chew your food so you don't have complications.

Protein is very important! Your hair will fall out if you do not get enough protein!

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In response to your msg above... years ago I did Atkins. While tought to give up sweets I lost 40 lbs in 4 months and another 40 within a year without a day of working out and kept it off for 3 years. I got pg, was told Atkins is unhealthy and quit. Gained 70lbs with my baby and have tried calorie counting, working out, weight watchers and lap band surgery and nothing has ever worked for me like good old fashioned eating right. I have now gone to holistic nutrition school and learned Atkins is completely healthy. It's eating the processed starchy food that is unhealthy and I can't wait to get this band taken out so I can eat meat veggies and fruit again and eat enough to feel full. I never feel full with the band. The band physically stops you from eating or you will puke up your food but it doesn't make you feel full and satisfied. I often stare longingly at a piece of spinach and cheese stuffed chicken feeling hungry but only being able to eat a couple of bites. I eat the same portion sizes as my 3 year old and usually get so annoyed with having to chew things to mush that I say screw the healthier Protein on my plate and go right for mashed potatoes.. something I know I can get down and finally feel full.

I love these posts. It didn't work for me(or I didn't do the work) so it won't work for anyone. Sorry Liz but there are thousands and thousands of people the band has helped to lose weight and to tell everyone "don't do it" is irresponsible.

I do have to agree that no one should get a band or any kind of WLS, UNLESS, they have tried everything else. I guess Liz didn't do that. So, the band was the panacea 4 years ago and the next panacea will be eating hollistically or going back to Atkins? Liz, we're not all made equally or the same. What may work for you may not work for everyone. Even dieters who have tried every diet imaginable aren't always successful. But to those who have tried everything, I would recommend looking at the band. But I would also recommend staying in your own country for your surgery. If you do decide to go outside your country make sure you have a lot of support options because you will need them. The surgery is just one segment of WLS. Support and follow-up is just as important.

And also be aware that the band may not be your cup of tea and it may not enable you to lose the weight you wanted to lose. But make sure it's the last resort and not just the next grapefruit and beets diet that no one can survive on.


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You have recieved great info thus far... so here is mine since you are thirsty for it... I was like you.. poo poo'ed the band and anything else "drastic" for a while... I hd pretty much decided I was meant to be fat.....until I started doing my research on the band.

What kind of scaring is there? 2-4 dots? I had 4 cuts. I do not see any scarring now at all. I am 22 months out.

Can you feel the lap band around your stomach? Can you feel the fill port from the outside?

You cannot feel the band.. its around your stomach which is behind your liver. I can and I believe most people can feel their port at some point. It feels like a rock to the touch but it doesnt hurt or bother me in any way. It protrudes a little bit now that I am almost to goal but no one would notice except me. I have worn a 2 pc bathing suit and tight tops and no one can see it beneath the skin. I have let a few people touch it... and they say it just feels like a hard spot above my waist about the size of a small egg.

What happens when you are sick and you have to vomit? Can you actually vomit? This scares the hell out of me' date=' btw.

Its not really vomitting. Its more like alot of spit mixed in with food and its gross. It happens to me if I eat too much or too fast.... or if I eat something my band doesnt like ... rice, greasy or fatty foods. Its not like throwing up hard like if you are sick... and if it is you need to see the Dr because that is not healthy.

How long do you wear it? The rest of my life? If so, does it need replaced at any point? I was told I can have it removed anytime. But why would I? I do not think I have that much discipline... then it would be just like the other hundreds of diets... you lose weight...get off the diet and gain it all back. No matter how well I have done I think removing it would be disasterous.

What are the complications that you have heard of? Give it to me straight, please! The lap-band websites are all gooshy happy about their product. The band slipping is the biggest complication I know about. I have read stories about other stuff but according to my doctor its rare the band slips with out help...meaning you have to be doing something wrong like drinking carbonation, or washing food down with Water...something to work against the band instead of working with it.

And is it realistic to eat portions like I have the lap band and be satisfied? Realistically, I have very poor Portion Control and no sensation of full until I've really overdone it. I don't know if I trust myself to even do this diet, if it exists, however I'll have to do it regardless, I guess.

Do not get banded unless you are committed to change the way you are eating . Even today I eat so little that it surprises me. But I also make healthy choices. I weigh and measure everything. I count evert calorie that goes in my mouth and when I have had 1000 for the day I am done. But what surprises me more is how much the rest of the world eats. Their portions are just like mine used to be. At McDonalds...I could eat a 1/4 lb burger fries and soda plus another cheeseburger and apple pie for lunch. and then have dinner 6 hrs later. Today I would spit up the 4 fries I might be able to eat after about 15 minutes because they are too greasy... and forget the other stuff...

I hope this helps you. Only you can decide if its right for you and it is drastic so you want to be 100% committed before you embark on the journey.

Best of luck to you![/quote']


Awesome post! I can't believe how little one needs to feel good!

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