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tummy tuck with lapband

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i'm going to be getting a Tummy Tuck soon and i'm wondering if the lapband interfers with the procedure. Since in a tuck they pull ur skin down and all does that effect the port placement at all or anything else with the band? :confused:


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It depends on where your port is to begin with, from what I've been told. I've read of people having their port moved during a Tummy Tuck or having the port replaced with a 'low profile' port, but my plastic surgeon said because of the placement of my port, I'll not require either of these things.

Good luck w/ the procedure.

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This is a little snippet that I've posted before when this topic comes up. Maybe some have seen this a few months ago, but it's information I get asked or emailed about a lot, on my blog.


Tummy Tuck after LapBand:

I just had a Tummy Tuck ( T.T.) with Muscle Tightening about 12 wks ago, and after 4 consults with different surgeons. I picked my WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) doctor's colleague for PS (plastic surgery). He'd done more LapBand patients than the other PS (plastic surgeon) that I consulted with... and he works well with my WLS doc. Some plastic surgeons had not worked on any LapBand patients or very many of them - and I wanted someone more familiar with LapBanding, tubing, etc...

1. Swelling from surgery didn't affect band tightness per se, but I had little appetite and wasn't that active for first few days. It felt like a slight fill, but was I needed one anyway, LOL.

2. Normally my Plastic Surgeon consults with my WLS doctor to determine re-position of the LapBand. Actually I think my WLS got to pick the spot and he was in a nearby OR during my surgery.

3. Some people get unfills before their TT surgery. Some of my banded pals with TT got them and some didn't. Both groups did fine.

I guess they unfill some LapBanders for the patient's comfort sake - but I was absolutely terrified that I'd be home on medical leave and munching all day out of boredom so my PS said he'd moved enough bands and didn't think I'd need to unfill. Honestly the band never bothered me after my TT and I was pleased that it worked out so well.

4. I had a lot of skin removed however, so my new tummy and port are much lower than before - my LapBand port is closer to my "new" belly button. Just an FYI

5. People had me scared with TT stories but honestly I found the toughest part to be the drains. Once they were removed I did have more swelling & Fluid retention, but I physically felt much more normal and my healing progressed from there.

6. Wearing the binder made a HUGE difference. With it on, I felt like I good resume a more normal schedule and get back to light activity.

7. Just a FYI - lots of people have other procedures (like Lipo or Boob Lifts) done at the same time at their TT. That does save recovery time and operation costs but I just felt the the TT was enough of a procedure for me to deal with at once. It was a longer recovery than the LapBand surgery was for me, so I am happy I only did one thing. However I do plan later to give 'The Twins' a lift and have some lipo to contour my back, sides, and thighs. With the affect on my circulatory and lymphatic system the TT was enough for one time, and maybe within the next year I'll have the Boob Lift and Lipo done in one procedure - those are more compatible when done together. But I understand while some people do it all at once.

8. Many people think you lose weight with a TT but usually that's wrong. In fact, shortly after the operation, the scale might move UP (yuck :D ) due to Fluid retention and swelling. I ate a bit less due to healing and swelling and maybe lost a pound or so but although my doc says he removed more than 6 lbs (so he says) of skin and abdominal flab (I call it "ab flab") attached - I didn't see myself really get lighter on the scale. Skin is fatty but weighs very little compared to fat & muscle.

But although I didn't really lose pounds, I went down more than a size in my clothes - I can't believe how I was having to stuff all that tummy skin into my clothes, but now I can see a real difference in how even smaller size clothing fits me now. Love it!:clap2:

Of all the Reconstructive Surgeries, the TT can really give you one of the best results for your money, in my opinion. I am hardly looking like a model but I now have a stomach that better reflects my new size and though I don't look like the girl on the "Abs of Steel" book cover, I am looking so my much better for my size.

I don't post links to my post op pictures (all pictures like that are icky, mine included) but I have sent the link to my private online album to other TT patients who are really interested and exchange their own links with me.

Hoping my healing continues - I've gotten so many positive comments since my TT. Yes I lost some weight before it, but having all that abdominal flab & skin removed makes my weight loss really show. It's like people can really see it now!

Good Luck to you,


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Thanks for the info, NewSho! That really does help. I'm having a bit of fill removed before surgery, but not all of it. Luckily, my band doctor is very close by and I never have an issue getting in to see him, so if while recovering I feel I need a fill, I can go get one relatively easily.

On a scale of 1 - 10, where would you say the pain was?

I'm having a breast reduction at the same time, so I'm expecting to be out of commission for quite a while lol...

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I'm not good at quantifying pain. I don't like any pain ( who does:confused: ) and the pain was more substantial than my LapBand, but it didn't last long. I think stopped taking pain meds after Day 3, but the biggest problem for me was the drains. Once those little plastic hand grenades were out (I did take a 1/2 dose of pain meds on that day - Day 10 or so), I could maneuver around and didn't feel so house-bound.

So more so than sharp pain, I felt a swelling. It was a Fluid retention, jelly belly kind of sensation. Over time that ebbed a bit... but after 12 wks I still feel swelling especially after a busy and hectic day - or when I've been stuck in any position too long. Ironically, swelling seems to subside when I lie down - so in the morning it's usually at it's lowest.

All in all - I would say the Fluid retention & swelling was more of a prob than the pain.

I'm sure you'll do fine.

Happy Band Journeys to all

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I plan on having mine in December. Our company is shutdown for 2 weeks and I will take an extra week before off. Is 3 weeks enough, like you I only want a Tummy Tuck, no Lipo, etc.?

My band doc will be there and will insert a low profile port, last night he actually said he could place it below the bikini line if I would like. I'm 51 and don't think I'll ever wear a bikini again, but he said once I have the tuck, it is someways easier to access, etc. He said that is what he has experienced in other patients.

My doc does lapbands here in the Bay Area (CA) and also in Utah. The space he shares in Utah is where the plastic surgeon is. He was recruited by a local hospital but still sees/does patients (surgery and fills) every other week in Utah and the PS is his backup for urgent unfills or problems. He said I could fly out with him, have the surgery done, he will be my personal doctor for a couple of days and would fly back with me. Do you think this is doable? I will probably bring a friend with me too. He hasn't done a CA patient there yet. I was his 3rd lapband in CA, he had done about 150 then. So, he definitely has been present when his Utah patients had their tucks. I will probably fly out this summer to meet the PS and get some idea of what I am getting myself into. I love my surgeon and his bedside manner and he says the other doc is that way too. My doc would take out the drains, etc. here. I have had a drain before (had a huge lipoma -- fatty tissue -- underneath one arm that was so uncomfortable that a breast surgeon remove the lump and I had to have a drain under my arm that attached to slacks for about 10 days. the price my doc quoted was about 5 grand. Is that in the range you had? I can also have it done locally too and he will try to work with the PS I select but at this time he doesn't know anyone's work out here to make a suggestion. My PCP's husband is a PS and I may also have a consult with him. He has done bypass patients but not lapband.

If you get a chance, go to low-carb-friends, do a search in the Playground under Divinem and check out her before and 3 week postop pics. They are phenomenal. I am currently working out with a trainer, 13 pounds from my personal goal (149) and 3 pounds from having a normal BMI so definitely have muscle below but also a lot of scar tissue (several lap surgeries -- I think 7 total). I don't want lipo done at the same time. I don't think I will need it, but like you, if I feel I do, I can do it later. This PS does not do boobs but will do a lift. I feel that at least I can wear a good bra and lift them back up but can't with my tummy.

Let me know what you think.

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Congrats, Cady!

I plan on having mine in December. Our company is shutdown for 2 weeks and I will take an extra week before off. Is 3 weeks enough, like you I only want a Tummy Tuck, no Lipo, etc.?

I think a 3-wk recovery is reasonable, unless you do a really physical job. My friends who are flight attendants, for example, took a full month since they are on their feet constantly and always in motion (plus carry large bags) for us regular earth-bound types, I'd think 3 weeks would be plenty. The biggest change (other than the drains) is the fact that certain positions really make you 'remember' you had a TT, and that you don't physically have the strength to carry much right after surgery. (Right after surgery, just carrying a briefcase, or heavy backpack, for example, made my abdomen sore.)

My band doc will be there and will insert a low profile port, last night he actually said he could place it below the bikini line if I would like. I'm 51 and don't think I'll ever wear a bikini again, but he said once I have the tuck, it is someways easier to access, etc. He said that is what he has experienced in other patients.

My first access port was in my waistline... my newer lower profile (much better especially as you become smaller or less fleshy) port is now to the right of my BB.

I didn't like having my original port so close to my waistband, especially in snugger fitting garments, but I haven't noticed any irritation with the new port & placement.:P

My doc does lapbands here in the Bay Area (CA) and also in Utah. The space he shares in Utah is where the plastic surgeon is. He was recruited by a local hospital but still sees/does patients (surgery and fills) every other week in Utah and the PS is his backup for urgent unfills or problems. He said I could fly out with him, have the surgery done, he will be my personal doctor for a couple of days and would fly back with me. Do you think this is doable? I will probably bring a friend with me too.

OK, wait. Is the "he" you mentioned above, a reference to your WLS surgeon or your Plastic Surgeon - would your WLS doc be the one flying with you with surgery? :) Wow - I commend folks who fly for their plastic surgeries - but for me, carrying any kind of luggage & long walks were a challenge those first few days. So an airport trip would have seemed like a lot. Of course with a doctor with you - he'll make sure you get a wheelchair,, luggage carts, etc - so I assume you'll be fine.

He hasn't done a CA patient there yet. I was his 3rd lapband in CA, he had done about 150 then. So, he definitely has been present when his Utah patients had their tucks. I will probably fly out this summer to meet the PS and get some idea of what I am getting myself into. I love my surgeon and his bedside manner and he says the other doc is that way too. My doc would take out the drains, etc. here. I have had a drain before (had a huge lipoma -- fatty tissue -- underneath one arm that was so uncomfortable that a breast surgeon remove the lump and I had to have a drain under my arm that attached to slacks for about 10 days. the price my doc quoted was about 5 grand. Is that in the range you had?

Depending on whether you get muscle repair or tightening, etc - the most common range for TT's is from $5000 to $7500. Of course adding lipo can add to that total.

I can also have it done locally too and he will try to work with the PS I select but at this time he doesn't know anyone's work out here to make a suggestion. My PCP's husband is a PS and I may also have a consult with him. He has done bypass patients but not lapband.

And for plastic surgery considerations, that's pretty similar. The only difference would be the moving of the Lap Band port itself. Sounds like your WLS doc has a colleague that does it all the time. But if you could get a local PS who would let your WLS doc sit in the surgery and actually move (or assist) with the moving of the access port, I'd probably go local. I had the world's most possessive LapBand surgeon so it's good that he got some input on how the access port was re-positioned. Ask around for more Plastic Surgeon referrals locally - you'd be surprised what you find out from other patients, hospital staff, nurses, and etc. Really!

If you get a chance, go to low-carb-friends, do a search in the Playground under Divinem and check out her before and 3 week postop pics. They are phenomenal. I am currently working out with a trainer, 13 pounds from my personal goal (149) and 3 pounds from having a normal BMI so definitely have muscle below but also a lot of scar tissue (several lap surgeries -- I think 7 total). I don't want lipo done at the same time. I don't think I will need it, but like you, if I feel I do, I can do it later. This PS does not do boobs but will do a lift. I feel that at least I can wear a good bra and lift them back up but can't with my tummy.

I consulted with 4 surgeons and they all felt anything within 15 to 20# of goal weight or less was perfectly doable for a TT. A well done TT can usually accommodate a weight change of 15-20# of loss, or a bit less of that amount with a weight gain - and still show good results.

Let me know what you think.

Sounds like you have really done some great research and are considering your options. What I'd suggest (which may sound crazy) is asking your LapBand or WLS surgeon what he would suggest for his own wife - getting it done in Utah by plastic surgeon #1 (his colleague) or getting it done locally by plastic surgeon #2 who you could continue doing post-op follow up's with. See what he says - if your WLS surgeon would recommend a family member would go with one or the other, that's generally a good idea of what he thinks of a plastic surgeon's work. Mine said he'd recommend my PS with no hesitation to a family member, so that was good enough for me. Plus a scrub nurse I met said she always told her family "If I'm ever in a bad accident, don't let some ER doc sew me up - make them page (my plastic surgeon) no matter where he is and let HIM handle the incisions." So then I was sure of my choice of plastic surgeons.

Good Luck! :)

Happy Band Journeys To All...

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Thanks for all the great information!! There are 2 local PS I will look into and then the Utah doctor. I'm sure my doctor would refer the colleague of his as I have only heard wonderful things about him. I will talk to him next time I'm in.

Thanks for your very honest answers.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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