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My (not so) Secret Skinny Dream

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Buy clothes that reflect my age instead of my weight.

<>>>>> I wanna dress YOUNGER! I never got to.. I wanna dress like a 20 yr old.. not 40!

Buy a bathing suit and wear it out in public.

>>>eeeek.. That would be nice.. but even with plastic surgery I wouldnt do that.. cept the YMCA of course

Buy a pair of Jimmy Choo high heels - just because!

>>>Dont know WHAT your talking about.. (actually I do, but I am gonna refuse to admit it)

Visit my ex-boyfriend at work and let him drool.

>>>> I might have a few of these kinds of plans up my sleeve, havent thought much of it before.. sheeeet, I been OBESe since age 16

Ride a rollercoaster again.

>>>>>HECK YA, I cant wait.

Go skiing.

>>>>ALWAYS has been on my list!!!

Go to my high school reunion.

>>>hummmmm.. I dont think I ever get invited.. lol

1. Remind myself daily that just because men look at me, it doesn't mean bad things are going to happen.

>>>Deep and I get it.

2. Buy my dream outfit - faded jeans, white cotton button up shirt with a collar (tucked in), a navy blue blazer, and some boots with a heel. (a bit odd but very me)

>>>mine is a white eyelet dress, sandles and a beach hat.

3. Go camping

>>>>I go several times every year, its a staple in my life I would DIE without.. (I live in oregon) BUT WOW how much easier is it gonna BE!!!

4. Go hiking (is this really any fun??lol)

5. Take my grandson to the park - and PLAY with him

Ack, grandkids.. they are surely gonna happen in a couple few years... GOTTA be prepared! (I got two sexually active girls.. ON BIRTH control)

6. Attend a week long outdoor photography workshop in Yellowstone Park.

>>>>love it.. I hope you get to!!

7. Go back to my home town and shock everyone (they knew me skinny and fat)

>>>they all know me both ways, fluck them.

8. Sit on my husband's lap, facing him with my arms around his neck (I've never sat on his lap)

>>>my boys MAKE ME.. but it'll be nice to feeeeeel comfortable ya know!!!

9. Wear shorts in public

>>>> I dunno.. CAPRI's would be good.. (I do that already though)

10. Ride a horse again

>>> I nEVER have.. It would be cool to see what its like.

11. Go on snowshoe trips with my mother (yes, she can outdo me!)

>>>>I LOVE SNOW, but thats like a hiking thing again.. I cant see how walking is fun yet.. lol

15. Get a set of nails

>>>>>DO IT NOW!!! NO reason to wait.. (well, for me there is.. WIPING my BUTT) BUT I do it sometimes. well I used to.

18. Have a family portrait done - with me in it!


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Great thread! It's funny how so many of us have things in common.

ok my list:

  1. I will buy a bikini and sun topless on the beach (yeah thats right...topless!!! Here in Portugal its totally normal.)
  2. I will shop for cute clothes in all the cute quaint boutiques here on the streets of Portugal with my mother in law. (she will be so happy we can shop together she might pay!)
  3. I will stop wondering if people in the mall are staring at me. :nervous
  4. I'll wear low cut blouses and suggestive skirts to all my adult language classes so I can make the college boys fantasize about their English teacher....:guess
  5. I'll let my husband show me off to all his college buddies at the next reunion instead of being ashamed to be his wife in front of his friends (even though he isn't ashamed of me)
  6. Most of all....I'll thank God (or Buddha, or Allah, etc..)for being happy and healthier then I have ever been my entire life. :clap2:

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This is a great question and one I will give a lot of thought to as I prepare to be banded next week but right now I'd have to say:

A. Wear a strapless evening gown.

B. Go bungy jumping (you know they write your weight on your arm)

C. Do it with the light on.

D. Go to my school reunion

E. Through out ALL my Nancy Ganz stuff

F. Wear a skirt on a hot day and not chaffe

G. Be greatful - really greatful for Lapband

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When I am skinny...

I will walk without joint pain. (Osteoarthritis)

I will buy a full length mirror.

I will cut-up my Lane Bryant & Catherine's Credit Cards.

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I will stop wearing long loose shirts.

I will enjoy moving my body again.

I will enjoy the looks I get from men!

I will buy cute smaller clothes rather than sewing them from size 28-32 patterns.

I will look for a new job.

I will give thanks every day for my wonderful band.


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1. I will walk around without clothes in front of my husband.

2. I will wear sexy clothes.

3. I will not be ashamed to wear a bathing suit in public.

OMG I have to many to continue on.

I WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROFL! I believe you, Mary!!

Teresa - Don't ever, ever, ever stop dreaming and hoping. Let your mind believe, and invision yourself thin.

Now.. make your list. :( *big hug*

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1. Sit down next to guy I overhead saying that all fat people should sit at the back of the bus. HMMM ... I might not wait for this one!

2. Go for a long walk and not worry how to make the return trip.

3. Get on a plane and not worry if I am spilling over to the next seat.

4. Buy clothes that require the blouse to be tucked in and belted.

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I made a stationary last year for e-mail titled The Dream Song featuring the song of the same name by Colin Raye from his Counting Sheep album. I included pics of my boys sleeping and linked the song. My mother recently sent this back to me and I thought I would share a couple of verses b/c it made me think of this thread. We don't have to sleep to dream...LET'S make our dreams come true.

The Dream Song

Lay your head on your pillow now

Close your eyes

I'll tuck you in and I'll kiss you goodnight

While you and your Teddy Bear are countin' sheep

Next thing you know, you'll be fast asleep

Sleep now my angel your long day is done

The very best part of the night has begun

Cause we get a present when we go to sleep

We get to dream

If you have a dream your dream can come true

A whole world of wonder is waiting for you

life's an adventure there's so much to do

If you have a dream your dream can come true

You can go walkin' on peppermint clouds

And see yourself bein' a real circus clown

Sail on a river of strawberry cream

Be a star or an astronaut, follow your dream

If you have a dream your dream can come true

A whole world of wonder is waiting for you

life's an adventure there's so much to do

If you have a dream your dream can come true

Dream on...dream my love

A dream is a whisper from above

If you have a dream your dream can come true

A whole world of wonder is waiting for you

life's an adventure there's so much to do

If you have a dream

If you have dream your dream can come true

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I'm an avid scuba diver. Scuba now, you don't need to be thin! Diving in Cozumel is soooo great. Anything in Cozumel is soooo great. Go now!

1. I will shop until I drop. Maybe I'll go to the MOM because they have great stores and no sales tax on clothes. I will spend all day at Cache, Anne Taylor, and J Crew. And when I'm not there, I'll be at banana. And if I get bored, I'll go to Mark Shale. Buying all those clothes I could only look at for so long, because I had to buy what fit, not what I wanted. I reminded my husband yesterday that when I hit goal I'm going to literally shop until I drop, and he said, "I know, and I want you to. You'll have earned it." Woohoo! We'll have to use our luggage to pack bigger luggage, so I can bring my new wardrobes home wih me!

2. Parasail

3. Take a trip here. Maybe for our 10th anniversary, in 2008. (Can I reach goal in 2 years? hmm....)

4. Ride the MS 150.

5. Walk at my Master's graduation (2007), which I will fly my entire family to. I didn't walk for any of my undergrad degrees, partly because I didn't want to be seen. My parents have always said they missed seeing me walk.

6. Wear shorts! I haven't worn shorts in 5 years, at least!

7. Be comfortale on July 4th. It's always a big family day, and it's always 100 degrees and 90% humidity, and I always have to stay inside or not go out for long because the lightest, airiest clothing I have is still a big huge tent compared to what all the "normal" people can wear.

8. Victoria's Secret is also on the list. Huby has already told me he's taking me there and buying me whatever he wants. :(

9. Go to the doctor when I need to, not grin-n-bear it because I don't want to have to be weighed.

10. Get pregnant (at a healthy weight), hopefully!

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ok I seriously love this thread!! There are so many things that I want to do. Some of the main things on my list are...

Shop at stores like American Eagle, Buckle, Gap, Anne Taylor, etc

Go on the girls trips with my family and not shop by myself because I have to go to plus size stores.

Not be the only bigger person in my family pics

Be Skinnier than my husband

Be one of the normal girls in the salon

Finally wear a cute swimming suit for the family reunions and for the river in the summer

Be able to wake skate and tell my brother in law "in your face"!!!!

Finally have some self confidence!!!

Well here are some of my dreams. I love alot of the stuff other people have said too! Great Thread!

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Okay.. I've thought about this "skinny dream thread" for a couple of days now.. I have a lengthy list of things I will do, will no longer avoid, and won't do anymore. Sooo here's 20 or so items on my list........

1. I Will go into The Gap, American Eagle, Express, Limited, banana Republic without feeling like everyone is looking at me like "what is SHE doing in here?".

2 I will never step foot into Lane Bryant or ask another sales lady at a department store where the "Womens or Plus Size" department is.

3. I will ride roller coasters again (and not even bother to read about the ride's restrictions because I don't have to worry about it).

4. I will not be afraid to book flights on Southwest Airlines because I'm afraid they'll pull me aside at the gate and tell me that I have to purchase an additional ticket to accommodate my weight (also, I won't have to ask for a seat belt extension on other airlines, or hold my breath half of the flight cause the belt is too tight).

5. I won't look at the ground or avert my eyes when I see a good lookin man ("afraid he'll think what's that fatty looking at").

6. I will not worry that the GNC store at the mall has weight detection devices that are hidden under the floor.. I swear every time I walk by there that stupid weight checking thingy says" Have you checked your weight today?" and I feel like it knows I'm fat!

7. I will go canoeing (don't think they make canoes in XXX wide, do they?) and hiking and scuba diving and snorkeling and not be embarrased to wear a bathing suit.

8. I will not worry that my car is tilted toward the side that I'm sitting in because I'm so heavy (can you say Paranoia?)!

9. I will not be the fattest one in the family.

10. I will no longer be the incredible invisible fat girl! (My perception, I know..)

11. I won't worry that chairs are gonna collapse, fold, disentigrate under my weight.

12. I'll be able to wear more that just the perfume from Victoria's Secret.

13. I'll go dancing!

14. I'll flirt, a lot!

15. Next time I buy a treadmill, I won't have to pay extra to get the one with a 300 lb weight capacity...

16. I won't feel ever again that I was passed over for a job because of my weight.

17. I will go jogging with my dog (she's a fatty too!)

18. I won't have to wait for the nurse in my doc's office to find a bigger blood pressure cuff...

19. This one needs a little explanation. For some cruel and unusual reason, my local Weight Watchers meeting is located directly next door to one of the best bakeries in town.. Every time I go to the bakery I feel like all the WW attendees are looking out the mirrored windows thinking "Whats she going in there for? She needs to be in here". SOOO when I'm skinny I will not go to the bakery, and I will not have to go to WW ever again!

20. I will live life, instead of just existing.

21. I will no longer have to take a hanfull of pills in the morning, and I'll no longer have to sleep wearing my oh-so sexy CPAP mask! Is that hot, or what!

Thanks for the thread! Had lots of fun thinking about my skinny dreams... I'm sure I'll think of more. Man, I'm ready to get my band. This threads go me all revvved up!

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Next time my husband's work has the Franchisee Awards Night I will not have to throw a tantrum and end up in tears over not being able to find anything to wear. I will not have to wear the same stretchy pants and tunic top that I've worn for the last four years and then go and spend a gazillion dollars on hair, make up and tanning to cover the fact that I'm wearing a sack. He hates that job but I hope hes still there for one more awards night.

I'm going on a clothes buying frenzy. Doug put $700 aside this month for clothes for me, and I'm blown away buy how much less normal size clothes cost. I was thinking "I want more, I want more" because it honestly wouldnt have bought that much but I've got a bursting wardrobe. I need to lose another 5kg to look good in any of it and it will only last me probably 3-4 months but who cares? I'll just go shopping again!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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