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A thread for super-sized bandsters - starting BMI over 50?

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Hi Lizrbit,

I am so sorry about the trouble you are having:hug:. I wish I had some magic advice to make it better. Right now it is difficult to see that in time this will be an experience of the past and something better is happening. Stay with your Dr.'s advice. I think your list of foods you want to taste again is brilliant. It will be interesting to see if you sitll want them when you are able to have them.

Use this board to vent your frustrations and even though you may not see a response, know that there are bandsters that read your brave posts and think good thoughts for you.:cheer2:

Take care and keep fighting the good fight :fencing: - you are worth it.


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thank you so much MMT, it means a great deal to have read that.

i feel very weak, and still hungry. still on clears. i keep falling asleep and lathargic. I get full liquids tuesday. i cant express how im looking forward to a cream Soup. applesauce. sweet glorious applesauce.

you know, when i fasted preop for the initial surgery, i was surprised. i had no idea people could live on Clear Liquids, or even full liquids for a week or more. im trying to recapture that suprise and im just not finding it much.

Im really really crabby. ive been barking at husband and kids and trying to stay out of the way. i smell them cooking meals and it is almost too much to bear. mercifully without being asked, husband started taking kids out to grab fast food and eat outside. helps.

if i have any surprise right now, it would have to be that i havent lost a chunk of weight from doing this. like three lbs, thats it. I would have thought id lost more in Water but i think because of the TOM im retaining it instead. hopefully things will set right in a few days. I cant wait for Tuesday.

I live in maine, and theres a place downtown that serves the BEST fish chowder (i know it doesnt SOUND good, but its remarkably good). I grew up in oklahoma so its still a magic and novel thing for me. Tuesday i think im going to go and have them strain off the potatoes and fish and just give me the cream and sherry broth from it. yum.

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OH..and GUM...

Dear Sweet fellow bandsters and prebandsters...

if you have to do a liquid diet for any amount of time....

remember this, if you remember nothing else..

sugar free gum.

it allows you to chew and taste something which takes some of the panic and hunger away and brings the game back into an "okay i can live with this a few more hours" place.

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I'm so sorry to hear of these problems you're having. I hope this regimen your doc has you on will fix the problem. Clear liquids for that long would be a real challenge.

I think your fish chowder sounds great! I love seafood! I had some really good chowder on the WA coast a few weeks ago. It was Tomato based, kind of Italian seasoning, with all sorts of seafood in it. It was just a little tiny cup, but it came with my dinner, so I couldn't eat more than a couple of bites before passing it on to my DH because my dinner was coming, too! I had just moved from the mushy stage to soft food so I wasn't pushing anything and was being very cautious about how much I was eating. But I keep thinking of that chowder and wondering about trying to make some. It had to be low cal being tomato based and all seafood. If I find the right combination of seafood at the grocery store I'm going to give it a try.

I have a VG band and I'm finally getting my first fill tomorrow. I'm a little apprehensive and hope everything goes smoothly! It'll be under fluroscopy, so should go okay.

I know Oklahoma well.... just moved back to WA after 15 yrs in OK. Yeah, not much in the way of seafood there, but they sure know how to do BBQ!! Another favorite of mine.

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Hi all,

I posted this message on another thread a few days ago but after going over past postings, I see this is the place for me!

Panic Time

I'm new to this site and like all of you, I have some embarrassing stories but right now I am in a panic. I have had multiple opportunities to travel for work and I have always passed them to a coworker for fear of not being able to fit into a plane seat. Well now I am supposed to fly to Hawaii and I am the passenger who is quite overweight (size 26/28). I don't want to say no but am so worried that I'll be too big. I'm trying to check into seat size, possible upgrades, etc. , but since the company is paying for everything I'm not in on the arrangements. Since the flight is 10+ hours, I'm also concerned about the size of the bathroom as I can't hold it that long. I have been losing sleep over this and am tempted to say I can't go...but it's Hawaii for free!! I was banded on Aug 6, 2007 and I was hoping that I would lose before something like this came up again. Didn't expect something so soon! Does anyone have any flying hints or advice? Be brutal as I would rather avoid an embarrassing situation than walk right into one! I just hate living my life trying to keep one step ahead of any possible problems that my weight will pose. That's why I finally decided to get this surgery and I know it will be worth it. Best of luck to you all. By the way, I have 45 days...Aloha

I've seen a couple of posts that address this problem and I guess I'm looking for a little encouragement.

I'm not sure how much I have lost to date, but I was banded Aug 6, 2007 @ 346 lbs. ( I'm 5'8" ) Weighed in at 337 one week post op. Not sure what I weigh now because my scale couldn't read my pre or post op weights so I don't know how accurate it is (it's been reading about 225 but I'm not going to trust it yet).

I am going to see the nurse tomorrow for my first monthly follow up, keeping my fingers crossed. I'll let you know how it goes.

Hi Queenmama,

I know there have been alot of tips on the flying thing, I have some more that may help. I am 5-8.5 and before I was banded was 360, all hips too. I have to fly 2-3 times a year for work and have found the following helpful:

1. I ask for an extender the minute I get on the plane, Look the attendant right in the eye, works everytime, they are very good about quietly coming by and handing it to you. (Better than having to hit the attendant button).

2. Since I tend to get cold on planes, I wear a hooded sweatshirt with a pocket in the front. I put my IPOD and a book in the pocket and stuff my bag under the seat in front of me. If I have magazines I put them in the pocket right away. It is HELL to get to the bag if the flight is booked and this way I have all my entertainment at my fingertips.

3. The tray table is not an option. Bring a snack that can be easily eaten without it. drinks, order something that you do not mind holding <or> bottled Water from the airport.

The window seat is nice because you dont get bumped every 2 minutes, and dont worry about the bathroom, you should be fine. I agree that the back of the panes the seats tend to have less leg room. So try for the rows closer to the front.

I hope your trip goes well!

Take Care.

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Ok, I've been feeling pretty good - I've lost 35 pounds so far, I workout 6 days a week, I'm at good restriction - so it was tough getting a little dose of reality from a kid today. After dropping my son off at school, I was walking back to my car when a kid commented to his pal "Earthquake!" as I was walking by. Now granted, I was wearing my workout clothes (not very flattering) but the comment really surprised me. It is so easy to view yourself through your own lens and forget that other people don't always see you that way. Here I was, feeling strong and skinny and confident, and one punk kid brought me right down.

Welll, phooey on that. I'm still strong, skinn(ier) and confident that I'll continue to succeed. I am (fat) woman, hear me roar! :-)

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Ok, I've been feeling pretty good - I've lost 35 pounds so far, I workout 6 days a week, I'm at good restriction - so it was tough getting a little dose of reality from a kid today. After dropping my son off at school, I was walking back to my car when a kid commented to his pal "Earthquake!" as I was walking by. Now granted, I was wearing my workout clothes (not very flattering) but the comment really surprised me. It is so easy to view yourself through your own lens and forget that other people don't always see you that way. Here I was, feeling strong and skinny and confident, and one punk kid brought me right down.

Welll, phooey on that. I'm still strong, skinn(ier) and confident that I'll continue to succeed. I am (fat) woman, hear me roar! :-)

I was attending a seminar once when the speaker brought up the topic of disapproval and people making derogarotry comments about us or to us. She said, "See that sign at the back of the room... big RED lit-up letters that say EXIT?? Well, when you experience something like that EX-IT out!" I always remembered that though it was probably 20 years ago. EX IT OUT!! Irrelevant!! Does NOT apply to you!! Don't let it get you down. You have lots of reasons to feel good about yourself!! You're doing GREAT!! PERFECT, as my 5 yr old granddaughter described her first day of kindergarten!!

:music: I CAN'T hear you!!

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man...i hate when people say that stuff and i know exactly what you are talking about. I was sitting with a friend having coffee a few weeks ago who doesnt know im banded, and the wieght subject came up. this is a dear friend who i respect. I realized in that conversation that since the day i left to get on the plane to go out and get banded, id dropped seventy lbs. I still have a little under a hundred to go. I felt really great about that for two seconds when i saw his face and the look was disbelief. My friends didnt realize i was at the size i was. i didnt stay on it because im deeply afraid his opinion would crush me.

we are doing fine.

we might be slow, but we will get there.

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Man have I struggled with this one. My first reaction would have been to smack the kid...8 years ago (not the most productive reaction):). Now, I almost always turn it around. I would feel sorry that the adult influences in his/her life were influencing the child in such a way to set them up for great unhappiness and prejudice. For me it is important that I don't give such comments too much power. Those things hurt because I let them (not something I overcame overnight).:painkiller:

A long time ago I was out with my nephews. The oldest (at the time was around 9-10 years old) said I was fat. It really hurt, I got upset and yelled at my nephew:embarassed:. I thought "children can be so cruel". Then I spoke with his dad (my brother) about it. He said something to the effect he was being honest. You could have knocked me over with a feather.:faint: He was right. I was caught in a personal nightmare. My nephew was being exactly what I wanted him to be...honest. This combined with some other experiences has led me to a place where I don't get so upset when those things happen. Sometimes I will try to figure out what the person's (the adult offender) issue is. It may not be as obvious as mine, but could be an addiction that has robbed them of happiness, an unhappy marriage, just not loving themselves. I have learned that we may wear our unhappiness on the outside via our "fat suits", but we can change that and we are doing that. It takes time and I think the important thing is that you make forward progress in not allowing such comments to hurt you. It took my nephews comment to start me on the road to looking at it differntly.

Although, I still have moments that I just want to lash out at people that don't think about what they are saying and just blurt out something thoughtless, hurtful, mean or cruel. It is hard to overcome the negative reactions to such comments and one thing I can do is fight to never be that kind of person. :boxing:



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Hi lizrbit,

At first I thought, "what a dufus" your friend must be, but then I saw that your friend was a male...no offense to the men out there, but they do not always see the obvious (except for guy friends who are gay, they notice and want to go shopping with me). One day he will suddenly notice that you are different and will say something like, "Did you get your hair cut, you look different". That is it, Celebrate it when it happens, unless your friend is sensative to it because of experience or a loved one, that will be your ticker tape parade.

I struggled with the desire to hide my lap banding from everyone except an important few. Always in the past when I have dieted with that intent and vigor, I did not share with friend and family that I was doing it. I wanted to surprise them...well I always ended up with the surprise of yo-yoing back to a weight greater than when I started. This time in particular, I felt I needed the support of everyone I could get. Those that chose not to support me could just keep thier opinions to themselves and would find that my time with them is lessened, I need support on this. Fortunatly for me, if there are skeptics within my support group they are witholding their skeptisism (sp) and giving me the opportunity to prove this is working and so far I am. I just wanted to share that the support of my friends and family is one of the things that helps me with this. Now when I call and I say I'm having a bad day and want a #1 from Taco Bueno, they let me talk it out and I feel better. It also shows them a vunerable side of me (hard for me to do).

Keep up the great work and you decide when/if and who you tell about this change you are making. You are the only one to walk in your shoes.

Happy banding,


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I have been struggling for about the last two weeks. The scale was not moving. I felt my size changing, but no appreciable scale weight loss. Finally this week the scale moved. :rockon:I attribute it all to the personal training sessions. It is nice to not have to think about it. I just show up and do as asked. Each day I have this week the scale showed a difference the following morning. I surpassed a mini goal today in breaking 360.:car: My next goal is just 5.5 lbs away. My first larger goal is to lose 10% of my body weight. I hope to accomplish that over the next ten days or so. Stay tuned and thanks for watching.:thumb:

Happy banding,


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congrats on smashing your plateau!!

i agree, my personal training sessions are the best because i dont have to think about it, she asks, i roll my eyes, sigh heavily :car: and do it ... LOL

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congrats on smashing your plateau!!

i agree, my personal training sessions are the best because i dont have to think about it, she asks, i roll my eyes, sigh heavily :car: and do it ... LOL

I was thinking about getting a personal trainer but thought I should lose more first as I am over 350 pounds. Does the trainer take this into consideration when she works you out? I am afraid to do more damage to my joints if I overdo right now. What do you gals think?



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Good morning everyone. I was just reading back after a month of not checking in. The stories that really caught my eye were the ones about being called "fat" or just plain honesty.

I took a long look at myself a long time ago when my daughter started going to preschool and coming home crying because the kids were telling her that her mom was fat and teasing her for it. I was devastated at first. I was angry. I took a stand. I went to the school and talked to the teacher and let the teacher talk to the children in a big group. I felt better. My daughter wasn't teased after that, but when it does happen, she sticks up for me. I have taught my daughters about differences in people and how it isn't nice to point them out. I have taught my daughters that you love people for who they are, not what they look like or the lifestyle they choose to live. Every person out there has feelings and they get hurt.

One proud moment in my life as a parent was this.......My daughter was having a birthday party and she wanted to invite friends over for a slumber party. I agreed. She made all of the invitations to the slumber party herself. I allowed her a certain number of friends to invite. She made out invitations for 10 girls. Out of the 10 invitations she only had 3 girls that came to the party. The reason the other 7 girls gave her for not coming was a girl named Sage was invited and she was fat and didn't know why Brittany would invite her. They told her they would come if Brittany would tell Sage she couldn't come. Brittany looked at these girls and told them she wouldn't hurt her friend because they didn't like her. If they wanted to come and if they were her real friends, they would come, if not, oh well.

I was so proud of my daughter. She doesn't look at people for their differences, she gives everyone a chance to be her friend. She is a beautiful person. I love her dearly. My girls are the first to stick up for me when someone says something that might her my feelings. I let them know that it isn't a big deal and that it only hurts if you let it.

It did take a long time for these things not to hurt me, but I just look at it as...this is the way they were brought up, I have done differently with my children. If you know you have done right by your own children, that is all that matters.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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