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A thread for super-sized bandsters - starting BMI over 50?

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Greetinsd my super sized friends! I've been looking a bit like the Saggy Baggy Elephant in my droopy tops and pants that only stay up because I have them belted. But at the same time the average lifespan for new clothes is around 3 - 5 weeks before they're too big, so I've been hesitant to buy muchbut I broke down and went shopping yesterday and bought SIZE 24 with room to spare! And had to buy new shoes, too, because I've been walking out of my shoes at work. I was wearing a tight 32/34 when I had my surgery.

And last week I had to fly Southwest (ugh) and know what? I actually had to tighten my seat belt! Let me tell you, I was so happy/proud, I was flopping that extra 4" of seatbelt around like it was a 5ct diamond, making sure everyone could see. :confused:

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Well done everyone!

Wheetsin - thats the nsv I want!! not having to ask for an extender belt on an airplane!!! way to go...

I got my first fill today, he put in 3mm in a 9mm band although he says the most he would ever fill it to was 7mm. He's really pleased with my progress, although I know my weight has been the same since end of august, by there weigh ins i've lost 7lbs!! since I last saw them.

I was feeling as if I had come to a standstill and was doing sooo badly but when I stood in that office with other people who were waiting for there first fill and they had gained or not lost anything at all, although i was sad for them it made me very happy and proud to realise that I had actually achieved 39lbs loss, so pat on the back to me....LOL

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Today is my five-month bandiversary, and to Celebrate, I had my fourth fill. According to the doctor's scale, I have lost exactly 75 lbs! Hooray for me! My BMI is down 12 points.

And here's the best possible news: I am no longer on ANY of my medications -- for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. I am managing Type 2 diabetes by diet and exercise alone, and my blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are now optimal. Wow, I owe it all to the lap band!

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Today is my five-month bandiversary, and to Celebrate, I had my fourth fill. According to the doctor's scale, I have lost exactly 75 lbs! Hooray for me! My BMI is down 12 points.

And here's the best possible news: I am no longer on ANY of my medications -- for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. I am managing Type 2 diabetes by diet and exercise alone, and my blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are now optimal. Wow, I owe it all to the lap band!

Congratulations! I am at 5 months too! You are doing awesome and being off of those medications is the best reward! Enjoy your success and we're proud of you!

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congrats! wt down, bmi down! the supersizeders are kicking butt!

i had my first fill and the nurse told me i have lost 25% of my body weight! wow! my goal is 20 more lbs by thanksgiving but i know that's a little optimistic.

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:confused: :update: Hello All t

The 2 weeks of liquid peop diet was very hard but I did I lost 24lbs in two weeks. I am at home now but very very sore and have no desire to eat anything I am making myself drink and drink the Isopure have to at 3.49 a bottle. Thought I would let you know how things went and how I am doing. Not going back to work till October 10th. I am feeling over all pretty good and they said I was a good patient, just right now can';t do alot of things that require bending and hard to get dressed but my roommate is helping me. If you have any suggestions on how to make the soreness go away quicker please let me know email me or call me at 423-255-4750 Thanks I have none of the gas that they talked about , and fluids seem to be going down well. Not driving yet of course and my roommate told me if I tried he would beat me I told him he did not have to worry I am not stupid..

Well I have made I am a bandster now. I don't have the gas or anything but very very sore and hard to get around or sit or lay down. Once I do it is okay. Mike is helping me alot but I know I must be driving him crazy as there is alot of things I can't do right now. Like bending over is one of them i can a little bit but if I drop something on the floor I can't get it. I know this is temporary but it sure hurts right now. Sorry for whining just had to get it out of my system. Other than being really sore not takes me forever to get somewhere a snail or the US Postal System can move quicker even though a snail and them are about the same pace. Sorry I have to laugh or I will cry!!!!

My surgery started at 10:30 and the actual surgery last about Hour and fifteen minutes if that long I was back in recovery 2 around 1 or so but I was out of it. The last thing I remember is helping them to move myself to the surgery table. The last thing I did was ask how long does it take for the anesthesia to work never got an answer. Next thing I know I was waking up in recovery and asked them when we were going to start. They said we are done and I said really!!!!

Than on to recovery 2 and this is where the fun began i think the nurse let me stay in bed for hour to recover some more and than she said its time to get up. I told her no I was not ready and she said yes you are. Man did it hurt. Than she gave me 30 minutes or so till Mike got back and they made me walk around the nurses station a few times and I felt very nauseous but she gave me something for it. Surgeon came in and talked ot me and said I did very well much easier surgeon than he thought it would be, asked how I was feeling told me he wanted to see me in a week and I could go home.

Yesterday and today I have been very sore and crying and wondering why I did this to my body but know deep down its the best thing I ever did and this stage will pass. I feel very fortunate that I have no gas and things seem to be going down liquids ate 3 small bites of Jell-O and was full yesterday. food means nothing to me right now but making myself drink liquids.

How long will I stay sore I had to sleep on my back? Sorry if I rambled but lonely and love to talk. Also any suggestions on how to make the soressness feel better quicker? Besides getting up and down. The ice pack felt really great yesterday but it did no good.

The heating pad is making me feel good today is there a reason I should not be using the heating pad?

I am so gland to be banded and overall the surgery was fine never worried about the tube has a little bit of sore throat but overall it went well. Just can't wait to quit being sore and I can go dancing Just kidding I will take being able to get up and down without hurting or wanting to cry out.

Wanted to let everyone know I am alive and kicking. Mike did not get to collect the life insurance this time better luck n exty time. Smile Sorry warped sense of humor I know but better than crying or feeling sorry for myself. In all actuality Mike has been so good during all of this and still is, he is taking very good care of me, as right now there is alot of things I can't do for myself such as bend down, and even hard to get dressed on my own. He is at work now but not far away I told him he was probably glad to go as he would work less there than he is here. I know it will get easier and that is what friends and family are for.

Trying to move around as much as I can in hopes it will help the soreness. Sorry I did not send this sooner I tried last night but was not real with it kept falling asleep so I gave up on it till today.

I am glad that the surgery is voer starting to get sleep again, any tips on how to get in and out of bed without it hurting so much let me know please? I am making myself get up around every hour and still no desire to eat but making myself drink so I don't get dehydrated? One question if I drink Crystal light is that the same as just drinking plain Water or do I need to do both? Right now sipping on my Isopure and feel myself getting sleepy. I can walk a little bit and get real tired quick is that normal? I am so happy I don't have the gas. HOw long I be sore? Is it normal I don't want to eat anything yet? Is heat or ice better for it? Yesterday ice worked well today the heat seems too. Any other tips you have to make the soreness go away quicker let me know? Yes I am being made to get up and down. I am so glad I have Mike and these boards as they make me feel so much better.

For those that are waiting to be lap banded it won't be long and those that just had lap band surgery done i wish you well and fore everyone have a wonderful weekend and keep up the great owrk. I don't always know how to post but I admire alot of you.

Write soon

Hugs Larry:Banane48:

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Larry, a big hug on getting your lap band! I know you're still experiencing post-op pain and soreness, but believe me, you're going to feel better each and every day. So take it easy, watch a movie, read a book, move around little by little, use a heating pad to your heart's content. Be good to yourself! By the time you return to work on 10/10, you'll be a new man -- and a smaller one! The payoff for the post-op discomfort you're experiencing is a BIG weight loss in the first month.

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hi my name is jackye and i was replying to the comments on body lifts, i lost 80lbs several years ago and had a full body lift only to regain the weight and now am scheduled for banding in mexico on 11-7-06, i am doing this a little backwards ha ha , but anyhow the surgery was actually not that painful, i only took narcotics for 2 days and the went to motrin. the only thing is, it is hard to get comfortable for a while because they have you bandaged and have an abdominal binder on and a girtle? . hope this helps. oh yeah, and by the way,:clap2: would do it again in a heartbeat, even though i have regained the weight. jackye

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Larry,, awsome job !!!!!! I'm glad your doin well,, just take it easy a while,, remember what all the "JOCKS" in school used to say, "No Pain, No Gain",,, God,I used to hate to hear that,(LOL)but we can use certain things to our bennifits. Keep your chin up my friend,, I'm a little while away from it,, no date as of yet,,, but I'll be needing a shoulder, and a few encouraging words, down the road. And what the hey???, I'm sure you could enjoy makin your roomy run a little?? Some where deeeeeep down?? Maybe a little sadistic??? Just a bit?????:heh:

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hey I was banded in June 05 with BMI of 51, I always felt like I was the biggest everywhere I went, my BMI is now 29 and still has a ways to go but I am so happy for the weight loss so far, it has gotten really hard to lose. but it is still creeping off, maybe I say that cause it was so good and consistent at first. I will not give up or get discouraged since I have come this far and you shouldn't either. AS for the pain of a body lift, after the pain of carrying all that weight, what could be worse, pain don't scare me anymore I feel so much better. good luck in all your decisions, and I hope like I have learned to you enjoy the journey to onederland.

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:funscale: :confused:

Good Morning All,

I am still alive and kicking. Still very sore am going to have to call and get more pain meds as I am going to run out but not sure I can do that on a Sunday anyone have any ideas? Especially if you are in Chattanooga or use Dr Walter Rose.

I can at least get in the bed okay now without help just getting out hurts and sitting down for the first time making myself walk every hour.

wanting to go to support group tomorrow night but not sure since I am still so sore that I cry out sometimes when I sit and I don't people to think I am crazy or a baby. I can deal with pain in my own way lol :faint: :confused:

Still no real desire to eat just making myself drink when I can. Drinking myy Isopure right now i can watch commercials all day and don't bother me in the least lol

Have a great day

:biggrin1: :P :confused:

I know a few more days I will be Rockin and Rollin Smile

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As day's go on,,, I'm sure it'll eas up a bit,,, it's tough for me to give much support, as I have yet to get my date, but rest asured you wouldn't have been given the LAP-BAND if you couldn't have handled the operation,,You know you can do it, same with your Doc.,,, and your H.P. (I say Higher Power as I am unsure who/what you believe in to pray to, and really am not trying to offend anyone this morning) Best of luck to you today Larry. You WILL make it through today,,,because,,,,well just because everyday comes to an end,, look forward to tomorrow, as you will be a Lighter-Larry,, and there will be LESS pain!!!!

(Admit it!!!! You got your roomy running right??)

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Hey Jim, Yes my partner is running and taking good care of me and helping me with things I have a hard time with. I will owe him more than I can ever repay.

Again you are right if I could not have handled it I would not have gotten it as it is a gift from God. It takes alot more than that to offend me I work as customer service rep and get cussed out and insulted often. So no worries here

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EEEEEwwwwwwww costomer service,,,yuk!!! I worked as a cook/Chef for a long time, the worst people in the world are the ones that BELIEVE they should have gotten more than they had expected,, even though what they were to get was SPELLED right out to a "T". I guess I'm a little insecure about the way people take me,, sometimes when I try to say whats on my mind,,, something totaly different comes out. I'm glad your feeling better, though I can't for the life of me think where you can get a script filled on a Sunday,:cry :cry :cry , unless you got a WALGREENS or something around. Hehehehe,, or get a STREET SCRIPT, hehehehe),,Kidding!!!:P

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Hellos there, my prettiess.... its me Raynie!

I will be banded on Oct 26th. i am nervous and scarred and hapy at the same time. I weigh 296!! Holy cow I am so mad- you see back in May I begged my husband to let me hire a personal trainer at my gym- 24 hour fitness! I spent $1500. I weighed in at 296. I lost some, and throughout the summer I slowly stopped going to the gym. I felt awful as people walked about to me saying how they used to be fat and to keep working out and you can do it... etc etc. the wholetime I am on the treadmill all I am looking at is the thin gorgeous girls! Ugh... anyways ....so i would get so depressed I would go smoke some pot after my workout! lol and along with that came the munchies. so here I am back to my weight of 296. My trainer sessions ran out and I still have all my Apex diet pills and Vitamins. I am not sure what the heck to do with em. I stopped smoking pot but my portions are still way to big, as they always have been all my life. I mean seriously eating a 6 oz yogurt is a one serving? lol I get a kick out of that my whole life... reading about what is considered to be a serving size. I crave for the day to feel full off a normal serving size! geez.... so I am joining your biggums group... hehe I read almost all those posts from you guys... I feel obssesed about Lap Band as if I have no other life. Some of those posts are so great! and some just make me want to cry! I get scarred thinking My god, I just had my husband fork out $8500 for another diet! Is it really going to work? I have no problem eating healthy.... I just cant regulate my portions! I hate eating bigger portions then my husband and still want seconds sometimes.. so embarrassing. But anyways I think this is longer then a quick reply heha... I have to loose weight before the surgery- the say about 5% BMI I am freaked out... do I take those diet pills my trainer gave me? and still work out? Or will I gain the weight back after I stop taking the diet pills once I have the surgery. I have been on that roller coaster ride one to many times. I am so freaked out about not losing the weight that I already started my "pre diet" but damn... I dont want to get discouraged by the end of the month and crave in for a "last Meal' and my liver swells up. But how the heck can I go that long ? whew... ok me stop talking now. Any replys is good! I still have lots of questions... chat latter- ~Raynie!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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