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Warning: What I've Learned About Eating Slower....

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I've had my band for almost 3 yrs now and I've lost over 100 lbs (now it's less since I've gained a few lbs back). Most of you have probably read my dilemma on another post somewhere, but I'll re-tell it for those of you who haven't:

After losing 104 lbs and being within 11 lbs of my goal of 135, I began having severe acid reflux at nite (so bad that I had to take 1 rx Nexium, 2 rx Prilosec, and 5 otc Zantacs and sleep propped up on 3 pillows). Still I coughed up stomach acid all nite. I allowed that to go for 4 months, as I was afraid the dr might take out some Fluid and I would never get to goal. After 4 mths, my husband had had it. He demanded that I go in. After an xray confirmed that my band had slipped, the PA took out 1/2 og my 9cc fill and let me rest for 4 weeks. The reflux was gone! Slept like a baby for the first time in months. I could sleep on my side, could snuggle with my husband again. Life was grand - except - I was constantly hungry. It was like before I even had my band. During the 4 weeks tho I only gained about 3 lbs. When I went in to start the refill process, I wasn't given another xray to confirm that it was fixed. I should've demanded it but didn't really even think about it. He put 1cc in. Still slept like a baby, also no restriction. 2 weeks later, he put another 1cc in. Restriciton is finally back! Yeah! After about 3 nites, the severe reflux is also back tho. Along with the nightime reflux is almost constant heartburn during the day. The meds help with the heartburn but not the reflux (and there is a difference between them if you didn't know this!). I happened to be out of state for 2 weeks when it started again so I emailed my RN and she replied with "You need to come in and get unfilled again". Made my appt for Monday Aug 6th. They will take an xray 1st.

What my suggestions to all of you newbies: Watch the PB'ing. I call it vomiting because I wretch just like vomiting, altho it's only the food I'd eaten and not stomach bile with it. After finally getting restriciton after 5 mths and 3 fills, I vomited about 4-6 times a week. I eat too fast (even tho I work on it, I'm far from perfect and it's easier to me to vomit than to learn how to eat slower). I've vomited in parking lots (with my head hanging over the car while in the drivers seat), in the yard, in my bathroom, and many, many public restrooms. It just became normal to me. When I first got my slip, the dr warned me to stop throwing up. When he put the 2nd 1cc in, I threw up my pills that nite. I either reslipped my band from throwing up, or it was never fixed in the first place. I'm working on eating slower, and when a stuck episode does happen, I'm working on suffering thru it and letting it play out. Sometimes I'm miserable for about 20 minutes but at least I'm not throwing up as often. Yes, I said as often. A couple of nites ago, I ate about 1/2 cup of banana pudding. To not let my husband hear me, I took the dog outside to potty. I threw up in the yard. He heard me thru his office window. And I thought I was being so sneaky.

I now have 22 lbs left to my goal. I've gained 11 lbs thru this whole ordeal. And this time, I may not even get an unfill. They may have to go in and reposition it. That's another 4 weeks of a liquid diet. All because I made myself throw up so often because I can't learn to slow down. Do I want another band? I've been seriously thinking about it. But my bmi is now only 26, so I doubt my Medicare will even cover an alternative surgery. I think they have to cover band repositioning if it's caused medical problems. Why can't I just trust in what I've learned over the past almost 3 yrs and get it taken out completely? Because I guess I haven't learned that much. I refuse to diet - that means I eat everything I used to eat, just much, much smaller portions. That's why I love my band so much. I can only eat 2 Cookies intstead of 12 ( I know I probably shouldn't be eating cookies at all - but that's dieting to me). I'm terrified that if they take it out, I will regain all of my weight back and I'll be the sad, 248 lb woman I used to be. Who doesn't even have her 3x clothing anymore and can't afford a new wardrobe AGAIN. So, yes, I think I'll have it re-positioned if necessary. I'm hoping they just take out the fluid for a few weeks and we start all over again. It's such a slow process tho. And at $160 each visit and a 6 hr round trip, it's gunna cost a fortune if I have to start all over again.

Why did I do this to myself? Why can't I just learn to eat slower and avoid all the throwing up in the first place?


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Your comments come as no surprise to me. I have been concerned since my first "stuck" episode along with sliming and PB'ing after my 3rd fill. I too still struggle with eating slower and taking smaller bites. I had .25 CCs removed a month ago due to excessive stuck episodes but still struggle with the stuck episodes along with PB'ing.

Your comments come as a shot across my bow and I'm so glad you posted. I'm getting better at this eating thing, but it's a slow learning curve for me and all newbies and long term bandsters should heed your warning.

If there is a list of reasons we eat too fast I'd like to add distraction as one of my major causes. I had my grandkids here for 5 days and the distraction caused me to get stuck every day once or twice.

Thanks again and I'll pay much closer attention now.


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I am sorry about your complications. I have PB'd occasionally... but never on a regular basis like that. I agree with you though that it is not a "light" matter like some people seem to want to make it. My PB's are violent... and while they may not have stomach acid... it definitely is not a good situation. Thankfully over the 4.5 years I have had the band... I would say I have PB'd less than 20 times.

I hope that this time around it will be easier for you to focus on slowing down. Make that your main focus! (once you figure out what is going to happen) It is so hard to be mindful constantly.

I struggled with the decision on whether to remove my band or reposition it. I opted to reposition it because insurance actually covered it (I was self-pay due to bariatric clause). I have been up and down on whether or not I made the right decision. My hunger is starting to return and I have 2 weeks until my "first" fill. I have been measuring my portions and eating slow. Well this afternoon I ate a little faster than I would have if I had restriction... and I was able to eat my entire lunch (1/2 cup spinach, 1/4 cup ground turkey, 1/2 avocado, and a pinch of cheese & salsa). Normally I eat about half to 2/3rd's and toss the rest. When I finished my plate at lunch today... I realized that my band really HAS been helping me. So I am glad I kept it.

I hope you are able to keep yours and continue on your journey to your goal. Something obviously has to change with your behavior, you realize that, or at least it seems that way from your post. It is not worth permanent damage continuing with non-compliant eating behaviors.

Thank you for sharing your struggle. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes.

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Wow I just read your story and unfortunately I have not had any nausea or vomiting but I'm fairly new at this. I got banded in March and I'm up to 5cc in a 10cc band right now.

What I would be scared for you is that you are almost making yourself have a different eating disorder. Your body will get used to just throwing up right after you eat. Which of course is unhealthy and also will keep causing your slippage issues.

I can't believe you threw up in half a cup of pudding!!!?? Something is definitely wrong.

I understand when you say "you like the bad food" I think we all do! So if I was you I would def keep the band. Get it fixed, and make sure you are not throwing up anymore. You just gotta give yourself NO OPTION. You can do it!

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I've been thinking about you a lot since you first posted about your slip...

I'm having some chest pain, and I'm really scared. I've only been banded since April, so I havent been "bad" for long, but in the last couple of weeks my old habits have been returning. Eating fast, larger portions, etc. I don't thnk I'm in the green zone and probably need more restriction because I can pretty much still eat whatever I want. I've never PBd orthrown up, but if I get real with myself, I have to admit that my portions are closer to restaurant size than band size, and I fear that my chest pain is my own fault...

I called the doctor today and am going in Friday morning. They think I probably have food stuck in the pouch that's irritating me. But my worst fear is that I have prolapsed my stomach, have a slip and will need to have the band removed or revised. I feel like such a failure and REALLY identified with your POV on the band, i.e. not dieting, eating mostly what I want but not as much, etc...

Thank you for posting... What do you think is going to happen? I want you to know that I have so much empathy for your situation!!! Wish I could give you a hug. Maybe I need one too. :-(

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I am so sorry that this happened. I can relate. I was banded 4.5 yrs ago and I am at goal. A couple of years ago I had reflux and had a slight unfill and that worked great. I got a small amount put back in and it worked great for a couple of years and then the reflux started again. I was in denial it was the band because I didn't want an unfill. I have not had big issues with throwing up but it was difficult to eat.

I gave in and called my doc. I found out that he has retired so I now have a new doctor. He took out half of the 7 cc's in my 10 cc band. My band had not slipped and my pouch was slightly dilated. I was freaking starving. The hunger was painful. I was determined not to gain so I started counting points. I was in the process of scheduling a Tummy Tuck, lower body lift and breast lift. I had that surgery and was glad my band was loose for that recovery.

My new doc required me to have a camera put up my nose and down my throat to my stomach to make sure all was well before another fill. Luckily all is well. I have managed to only gain a few pounds during this although it is hard to tell what is gain from swelling and what is a real gain. I got a fill yesterday and now I have 4.75 cc's in my band. I don't really have restriction but I do seem to stay fuller a little longer.

I am so thankful my band is ok. I hope everything turns out ok for you. I would definitely get it repositioned if you can.

Good luck to you!

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I've had my band for almost 3 yrs now and I've lost over 100 lbs (now it's less since I've gained a few lbs back). Most of you have probably read my dilemma on another post somewhere, but I'll re-tell it for those of you who haven't:

After losing 104 lbs and being within 11 lbs of my goal of 135, I began having severe acid reflux at nite (so bad that I had to take 1 rx Nexium, 2 rx Prilosec, and 5 otc Zantacs and sleep propped up on 3 pillows). Still I coughed up stomach acid all nite. I allowed that to go for 4 months, as I was afraid the dr might take out some Fluid and I would never get to goal. After 4 mths, my husband had had it. He demanded that I go in. After an xray confirmed that my band had slipped, the PA took out 1/2 og my 9cc fill and let me rest for 4 weeks. The reflux was gone! Slept like a baby for the first time in months. I could sleep on my side, could snuggle with my husband again. Life was grand - except - I was constantly hungry. It was like before I even had my band. During the 4 weeks tho I only gained about 3 lbs. When I went in to start the refill process, I wasn't given another xray to confirm that it was fixed. I should've demanded it but didn't really even think about it. He put 1cc in. Still slept like a baby, also no restriction. 2 weeks later, he put another 1cc in. Restriciton is finally back! Yeah! After about 3 nites, the severe reflux is also back tho. Along with the nightime reflux is almost constant heartburn during the day. The meds help with the heartburn but not the reflux (and there is a difference between them if you didn't know this!). I happened to be out of state for 2 weeks when it started again so I emailed my RN and she replied with "You need to come in and get unfilled again". Made my appt for Monday Aug 6th. They will take an xray 1st.

What my suggestions to all of you newbies: Watch the PB'ing. I call it vomiting because I wretch just like vomiting, altho it's only the food I'd eaten and not stomach bile with it. After finally getting restriciton after 5 mths and 3 fills, I vomited about 4-6 times a week. I eat too fast (even tho I work on it, I'm far from perfect and it's easier to me to vomit than to learn how to eat slower). I've vomited in parking lots (with my head hanging over the car while in the drivers seat), in the yard, in my bathroom, and many, many public restrooms. It just became normal to me. When I first got my slip, the dr warned me to stop throwing up. When he put the 2nd 1cc in, I threw up my pills that nite. I either reslipped my band from throwing up, or it was never fixed in the first place. I'm working on eating slower, and when a stuck episode does happen, I'm working on suffering thru it and letting it play out. Sometimes I'm miserable for about 20 minutes but at least I'm not throwing up as often. Yes, I said as often. A couple of nites ago, I ate about 1/2 cup of banana pudding. To not let my husband hear me, I took the dog outside to potty. I threw up in the yard. He heard me thru his office window. And I thought I was being so sneaky.

I now have 22 lbs left to my goal. I've gained 11 lbs thru this whole ordeal. And this time, I may not even get an unfill. They may have to go in and reposition it. That's another 4 weeks of a liquid diet. All because I made myself throw up so often because I can't learn to slow down. Do I want another band? I've been seriously thinking about it. But my bmi is now only 26, so I doubt my Medicare will even cover an alternative surgery. I think they have to cover band repositioning if it's caused medical problems. Why can't I just trust in what I've learned over the past almost 3 yrs and get it taken out completely? Because I guess I haven't learned that much. I refuse to diet - that means I eat everything I used to eat, just much, much smaller portions. That's why I love my band so much. I can only eat 2 Cookies intstead of 12 ( I know I probably shouldn't be eating Cookies at all - but that's dieting to me). I'm terrified that if they take it out, I will regain all of my weight back and I'll be the sad, 248 lb woman I used to be. Who doesn't even have her 3x clothing anymore and can't afford a new wardrobe AGAIN. So, yes, I think I'll have it re-positioned if necessary. I'm hoping they just take out the Fluid for a few weeks and we start all over again. It's such a slow process tho. And at $160 each visit and a 6 hr round trip, it's gunna cost a fortune if I have to start all over again.

Why did I do this to myself? Why can't I just learn to eat slower and avoid all the throwing up in the first place?


Thank you for sharing your experiences...quite difficult for me to read. These must have been difficult and rough lessons for you to learn. I sincerely hope that you have not permanently scarred your esophagus...there are many medical complications which can result.

From what you wrote, it seems to me that these issues went beyond the reflux and speed with which you would eat your meals. It does seem that through all of your success, your thinking about food and changing your relationship with it did not really transition to healthier eating patterns, save for what the band was able to control.

Your journey has been difficult, I'm certain, and you have shared valuable insights gained. I hope that your health will continue to improve. You have an opportunity to catch up with your learning now...put those lessons learned the difficult way to work for you.

Good luck and best wishes...

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