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Very Unhappy With Lap-Band - Options?

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I was banded 9 months ago and have GAINED about 20lbs. The only time I lost was when I was only having liquids just following surgery. At the beginning I could still eat as much as I wanted without get full any quicker than before I had the surgery. After the second fill, I couldn't eat anything without food getting stuck. So doctor has removed most all of the fill. I experience two things: 1) I can eat as much as I want and still not getting full any quicker OR either 2) everything gets stuck. Sometimes things that never got stuck before start getting stuck. Some days everything gets stuck. I "slime" and the food comes up then can go back and eat something else such as ice cream and seems to take forever to fill me up. I am so dissapointed in myself but had much better expectations of what the lapband would do for me. I thought it would cause me to be able to be satisfied with eating a small amount. Some days I can eat Pasta, some days not. Some days can eat scrambled eggs, some days not. My doc told me I should be able to eat a chicken breast or occasionally a small filet steak. There is NO WAY I could eat either! What are my options now? Would insurance pay to have it removed? Would insurance pay for me to have the Sleeve surgery at this point?

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I would start with your surgeon. You almost sound like you need to start back at the beginning. Make sure your mind is in the right place to lose weight and work with the band though. I'm not criticizing at all, I'm offering support, but saying that ice cream goes down easy, and the Pasta can sometimes go down makes me question your food choices.

Unfortunately, the band won't stop you from eating, or trying to eat, anything. It's a combination of the band working to help you feel fuller, faster, and you working for your band. You've got to be committed to the protein/veggies/fruit regimine (or whatever your nutritionist/surgeon recommend).

If you're absolutely done with the band, your surgeon might have some better ideas and they can work with your insurance company if you decide on another WLS.

Again, please don't take this as me being critical, everyone lives their life differently....I would just hate to see you go through something like the sleeve or bypass and have it be unsuccessful.

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I agree you're supposed to be able to use the lap band as a tool but you're supposed to be able to maintain a correct diet. Dietitian gave me a strict diet to stick to. And those Pasta and ice cream are not on that list. Like Jr guru said you must do Protein and then your veggies and then your extra if you're still hungry.

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Thank you both for your response. The problem is that I'm not able to eat Protein. I agree I am definitely not following the rules for diet. I'm eating ice cream because that is something that I can eat without any problem. Got tired of potatoes, grits, and broth. The Pasta I'm speaking of is what is in the SmartOnes frozen meals that I bring with me to work for my lunch. Sometimes I can eat the SmartOnes but many times the small pieces of chicken in those just get stuck. I went back to surgeon several times for fills, unfills, etc and just cant seem to make him understand the problems. I think he doesn't believe me. I just finally quit going in because he is a total absolute jerk and don't want to be talked to like I'm an idiot (again). I'm seeing a different doctor in 6 weeks.

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You should be able to eat solid food, including Protein, without all that struggle. When you're able to do that, the band does provide the early and prolonged satiety that you were hoping for. So, don't give up until you've gotten a 2nd opinion from the new doctor.

In the meantime, I strongly suggest that each time you have a stuck episode or other eating problem, immediately stop eating, and follow a liquid diet for at least 24 hours to let everything in there calm down. After that, try eating pureed food, then soft food, before you try solid food again.

Good luck!

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One more thing...I live in west TN and your surgeon is infamous in this area for his lousy bedside manner. So it's not just you who has a problem communicating with him. I highly recommend Dr. Weaver at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis, although her partner in that clinic is anti-band.

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Thanks, Jean. Dr. Weaver is who I am seeing in 6 weeks. Or it could be they have me see her partner. I called about three months ago and was told they had so many transfer patients that they now can only take 4 each month. So you are right -- others are experiencing problems with other surgeon and transferring to Weaver. I have never tried waiting following a liquid diet, etc when have a "stuck episode". I sometimes have to throw up two or three times during one meal. It was not suggested to me to go back to liquids so I will try that. I appreciate the advice.

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(this is a letter to my GF who had bypass 5 yrs ago- we have both had a regain) I hope you find it helpful

"I had an appt. with Dr. Y (my Lapband Surgeon) to discuss switching me over to Gastric Sleeve, or Gastric Bypass.... as I have not had much success in the past 5 years losing weight with my Lapband.

He told me that in Ontario, you cannot get SLEEVE, you can get BYPASS but you have to go thru a provincial clearing house and HUMBER HOSPITAL (Toronto) is the only place that does them... you need to get on a waiting list and wait for a call... My family doctor already made the referral 2 weeks ago and I've heard nothing so far... it could be months before I get an appt. That is why I asked if Dr. Y could do it for Cash... nope, he can't.

I had also been researching having Surgery in Mexico, and Dr. P in Michigan... I had put in a telephone call to Dr. P and he is on holiday but said he WOULD call me back on my cell to discuss OPTIONS.

So I pack all my protien shakes for the day, and pile into the car to head for Toronto.

Usually this drive takes 2 - 2 1/2 hours... I follow my GPS and its no problem.

Well today, there was so much construction I was starting to panic that I'd be late for my Appt. with Dr. ..... then my Cell Phone rings.... Hi Its' DOCTOR......??? you know cell phones.. sometimes info gets dropped or there's road noise (yes I pulled over to answer my phone).

Doctor and I have a VERY lengthy discussion on Lapband vs. Sleeve Vs. Bypass... he is not convinced that another surgery would do me any good as "you already know how to cheat the band, and ALL weight loss SURGERY can be CHEATED".... (oh, sinking feeling!)

20 minutes later I decided to give all of the Doctors recommendations my BEST effort... (as I had already decided to recommitt to healthy lifestyle SAT a.m.) but, his suggestions were VERY different than what I was doing or was going to do...

Back to Basics... 1) First eat 1 cup of food, every 3 THREE hours, (don't wait for lunch to roll around, or wait all day until dinner to eat a proper meal... then graze all night in front of the TV) Set my watch, or cell phone with a 3 hour CHIME to EAT... just do it.

2) Eat only SOLID protien 1/2 cup, chew well then eat 1/2 cup of whatever else I chose... Vegetables, fruit, Carbs

3) Hard protien does not mean oatmeal with Protien powder, or High FIBRE Cereal with yogurt... these are SLIDERS and Not SOLID PROTIEN!

4) Eat meat, eggs, NUTs, Fish, chicken, Game for Breakfast, LUNCH, snack, DINNER AND SNACK 9 A.M 12 P.M. 3 P.M. 6 P.M. and last but not least 9 p.m. and if I am awake until midnight eat again...

5) No more counting calories, protien grams... yada, yada, yada.... He insists that I make my plate (luncheon plate, or bread and butter size) with HALF "His "way )ie protien., and HALF Veggies, Fruit, carbs what ever I choose... oh yeah, and if I want cheese or yogurt... is gotta be "MY" half of the Plate(second eaten)

6) Blood sugar maintenance is CRITICAL, thats why I will eat so often, never get to the point of being HUNGRY cause then I have waited TOO long to eat... Once you are hungry you've gone past your stomach clock by 1 hour.... so back up the schedule ... so that you are always eating BEFORE you are ravenous... this way your blood sugar levels never waiver... with NO big dips in Blood sugar... I won't get hypoglycemic and want to Eat off everything in site... and also MY Binge foods.

7) I should NOT deprive myself of ANY particular food.... so Have a pce of chocolate, no more than 1/2 cup and EAT IT ONLY AFTER I"VE EATEN my HALF PLATE of PROTIEN.....

8) These special occasion "cARBS" MUST not be kept in the house routinely, walk to the store for a SINGLE serving of Icecream drumstick, or GOOD quality Dark Choc.

O.k. now here is the REALLY funny part...

I finally wind my way thru all the downtown construction and get to my lapband Clinic, 1/2 hour late for my appointment....

Dr. Y comes out of his office and ushers me into his den... We sit down, and discuss MY wants and needs ie. another surgery.... vs. LIVING A LAP BANDERS real LIFESTYLE..... What do I eat, how much do I eat, is my restriction o.k. , can I eat A CUP of FOOD....

The goes into this schpeel of rules... explaining everything, then giving me analogys likening Eating Food/Appetite with BREATHING.. we breath in and out all day and never THINK about it... What if I made you hold your breath for 4 minutes until I was blue, eyes bulging... and then said o.k. breathe.... Well YOu'd GASP and take is as much air as possible... you'd be anxious right???

So consider eating a tiny amount at breakfast, a 200 cal amount at lunch.... waiting all afternoon to have dinner at 7 p.m.......what happens? I want to EAT everything ALL evening long... because I haven't followed the Bandster rules. My Blood sugar then is extremely LOW on awakening and I only feed it 200 cals. then I make by body with 4-5 hours for its next meal (blood sugar has tanked by now) then I eat my Favorite MEAL at 7 pm. and probably too many calories.... then... the growly HEAD Monster awakens! because my sugar levels have crashed again... this is why I CRAVE all the CARBS... why the CARBS? because my body knows I am LOW SUGAR and the quickest way to REMEDYD that situation in my blood stream is to eat REFINED CARBS... BECAUSE I thinks it is starving.... when you stretch too long between eating your body thinks its gone into starvation mode and when you put that NEXT food in..... the BODY will store those calories as FAT.... its a Primal survival mechenism that is Hard wired into our Brains, Hormone systems etc....

No more calorie counting, just take a picture of each of my plates a day and EMAIL them to him..... then in one month I will go back and review menus and make any needed adjustments.

Can you guess what has happened by now.....?

DR. P did NOT call me on my cell..... Dr. Y looked at his day sheet for appts. saw that I lived in -------- and was going to save me the trouble of coming all the way into TORONTO for our meeting....!!!!!

Once I figured this out, I just remained and LISTENED to everything he said.......AGAIN!!!!

He never did clue in that I was the SAME patient from. ________that he had already called on the cell earlier....

Oh my gosh, what a crazy story.

But you know what, I got to HEAR WHAT "i" NEEDED TO HEAR TWO TIMES OVER..... I think it will stick.....what do you think?


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I'm a strong advocate for each person taking a proactive role in their own self care, all aspects of it. The issues you have written about should have been addressed with your surgeon months ago, and he/she are the best resource for you to get some of the answers you are seeking. If your surgeon does not provide you with solutions or does not take the time to address your concerns, that would be a strong signal to me to find another doctor. They are not donating their services to you; they are compensated well for their expertise.

Consulting with a dietitian would be very helpful; there are a number of foods you mentioned which are forbidden on my list of allowable food choices. They would be able to help you come up with a viable diet to loose weight with.

And each bandster has to learn how to work with their band to be successful with weight loss. Just because you can keep down slider foods and foods which contain way too many carbs does not mean that you should be eating these things. When you find yourself in a stuck episode, there is nothing better to do than go back on liquids, allow the area to calm, and then start back with Protein shakes.

I've read some posts which people had the sleeve as an post band alternative. I just did not like the idea of my internal anatomy being permanently altered.

Best wishes as you search for a solution...

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Oh forgot, you have to Chew Hard Protein 20-30 times in your mouth, until it is the consistancy of Paste...

If you eat your protein First, then your 1/2 cup of veggie, fruit, cheese, yogurt whatever you want to make up the balance of your ONE CUP meal...then you will not get stuck.....If you cannot eat a cup in this fashion, then you may need a tiny until.

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I could have written your post in the past. In fact I HAVE written something VERY similar. I just recommitted to my band a few months ago... and wow.. what a difference it is to work with the band when I am MENTALLY ready and on board.

You have to be proactive in the choices you are making. Pasta and ice cream shouldn't be in your diet right now. Period. Down the line, when you are in maintenance... sure... add them in, but right now you need to focus on Protein and low sugar and carbs. Period.

Small portions. Exercise. Water. Lots of water! YOU need to do these things. The band is there to help keep you satiated on smaller portions.... it isn't there to stop you from eating. I can always eat around the band. Trust me, I am an ice cream addict... and ice cream will ALWAYS go down. So I forbid it now. I treat it like an alcoholic treats alcohol.

You say you can't eat Protein. Then you are either too tight, not chewing well enough, or eating too fast. I too thought... I can't eat chicken, I can't eat beef, I can't get these healthy foods down. I was mad and angry, and blamed the band for my poor food choices. In reality... I WASN'T READY!

Well guess what... I COULD eat those things... when I slowed waaaay down, kept my band at a looser restriction, and really focused on pre-measuring my portions and STOPPING when the food was done. Did I want to eat more? HECK ya! Do I stil? Heck ya! I ALWAYS want more food. That is why I am FAT. I have to trust that the head hunger will pass (it does) and that the small portions will keep my body satiated (they do).

Start over. Go back to basics. you are still so fresh into this! The sleeve is another restrictive surgery. If you still make poor food choices, you will get poor results. I too thought of revising. Hell I scheduled a revision at one time!! But after a lot of soul searching I decided to give it one more HARD try. I have lost 32 pounds in the past few months. I FEEL great. I FEEL supper motivated. It has NOT been easy. This is NOT what I thought being banded would be like. I thought it would be easy. Effortless. Boy what a shock when it wasn't.

YOU CAN DO THIS! Sit down and really think about what you have been doing so far. Are you following the rules? Are you measuring your portions? Are you chewing slowly? Are you not drinking with meals? Are you exercising?

We are all here for you. For support. Hang in there!! If there is nothing medically wrong with your band... please... give it another shot. It can really be a great tool if used properly!!

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Would insurance pay to have it removed? Would insurance pay for me to have the Sleeve surgery at this point?

What your insurance will cover depends on your particular policy. My insurance paid for the removal of my band and will pay for my sleeve surgery because my surgeon was able to prove "medical necessity". In your case, the "necessity" could be the inability to tolerate fill in your band and frequent side effects (like stuck episodes, regurgitation, etc) when you try to eat with fill in your band.

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Thanks, Jean. Dr. Weaver is who I am seeing in 6 weeks. Or it could be they have me see her partner. I called about three months ago and was told they had so many transfer patients that they now can only take 4 each month. So you are right -- others are experiencing problems with other surgeon and transferring to Weaver. I have never tried waiting following a liquid diet, etc when have a "stuck episode". I sometimes have to throw up two or three times during one meal. It was not suggested to me to go back to liquids so I will try that. I appreciate the advice.

If no one told you to stop eating and switch to liquids when you have an eating problem, you've probably gotten into a horrible and never-ending cycle of eat-stuck-irritation/inflammation-eat-stuck-etc. etc.

I hope St. Francis doesn't assign you to Dr. Weaver's anti-band partner. That doesn't sound likely but it wouldn't hurt to call and verify it. The office staff there is very helpful and there are a couple of patient advocates (mine is Janell Gill) who can help coordinate your care and communications.

After recommending Dr. Weaver, I have to add that I'm not sure she's pro-band, but she's the one who does all the band surgery at St. Francis, and she's smart, compassionate, and has a great bedside manner.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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