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Drinking Water And Cheating On The Pre-Op Diet

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I feel like this is the silliest question ever, but for some reason I'm not clear on just how to drink my Water after I get banded. I've heard that we're not supposed to drink during meals. Does that mean no drinking at all, or can we still take sips between bites? When you are in the 'green zone', can you just chug away at water or do you still have to drink slowly? Also, I've heard that you aren't supposed to drink out of straws because they make you suck up extra air. Is that true for everyone? I am clumsy like a bull in a china shop (probably worse actually), I like cups with straws so that I can't knock my water over...

I didn't want to clutter up the forums with too many posts, but I had another question too. I'm starting my pre-op diet tomorrow and I'm totally dedicated. My super best friend who lives two states over is coming to visit next week (haven't seen him in two years). He wants to go out and eat some nice greasy, fried Texas food when he comes over, just for one meal. Other than this, we would be eating at home. I told him no at first, but then I decided there was no harm in just calling my doctor's office to see if they'd be okay with me cheating for just ONE meal. To my surprise, they actually told me that was okay as long as I still lost the required ten pounds. The thought makes me feel a little guilty though, I really don't want to start this thing off on the wrong foot, so I'm after some second opinions. Should I cheat once since the doc said it was okay, or behave? Thanks!

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I wish I knew the answers to all your questions but i can answer the drinking and eating one! I was banded June 5 and have lost 28 lbs as of today, first fill yesterday. When I was about 3 weeks post op I could eat whatever with no restriction and was calling my dr begging for a fill, they said I had to wait 6 weeks. I cheated a lot but I never drank with my meals. I didnt want to get into a bad habit. That means I dont drink 15 to 30 minutes before and for 1 hour after. It doesnt really bother me so much except when I'm really thirsty then I'm counting the minutes almost. If you drink with your meal, the food will pass faster and you wont feel full as long.

Now, I am not in the green zone or even close and the first week I drank out of little medicine cups after surgery but after that I started drinking normal. I dont drink any different than before. I usually do not use a straw- I still carry around my hospital cup that has a lid with only a slit in it so I dont spill. Sometimes i feel full I guess from drinking.

I never had a preop diet so maybe I'm lucky? But I did it a lot right up till the day before my surgery actually. I'm not saying you should do that since your dr put a mandatory 10 lb weight loss goal for you. But a couple days of watching what you eat and not going too crazy shouldnt be too bad wouldnt think.

Good luck! Its been an awesome journey for me so far, even with some frustration, I'm super excited!

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Hi Jelly,

Ok here is the dealio, drink before or after you eat not during. and never attempt to chug it. it will only come out as fast as you put in down. Listen consider this as your last meal on death row, eat til the inner fat kid screams uncle, but lose the required 10 lbs before hand, eaiser said then done i know. Try this rather than eating a huge portion of one thing have a small portions that way you'll still be cheating and keeping it light. Congrats on the start of your new chapter, and don't ever feel silly remember the only stupid question is the not asked, You have so many people here willing to help so take advantage of it. If i can be of any other help please don't hesitate!

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my preop diet was 2 weeks of Atkins - you can have good ol texas fried and bbq etc on that b/c it's all meat anyway!! haha!! i agree with just having a smaller portion of it. you want to lose the required 10lbs more than having a "last meal". myself, i fought very hard against the "last meal" concept. i had a sandwich before going on atkins b/c i love sandwiches and knew that bread is virtually impossible post-band. other than that - just remember the band forces smaller portions and new ways of eating. there are somethings that won't agree with you (steak, bread, Pasta, rice, carbonated drinks), but overall you can have the kinds of foods you want, as long as you know if you don't eat healthier, you won't actually lose any weight. i met one lady that can't have milk - dairy products are fine, but just milk makes her sick after surgery where it didn't before. everyone is a little different.

as for drinking, i've heard it's different for everyone. i'm one of those 2 refills before the meal hits the table at restaurants kind of people. very hard habit to break!! i've found that teeny tiny sips while eating, if needed to rinse my mouth, don't bother me. but if i drink heavily or very soon after my meal, it almost feels like the liquid gets stuck. /shrug i'm training myself not to do it. after fills, you'll want to drink a little slower, but i drink at normal speed. i don't recommend chugging, that could hurt. and if you gulp, you could swallow air, and that is uncomfortable.

hope that helps!

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Initially after having your band placed, you may feel some slight restriction from the surgery, however that usually does not last long.

There have been heated discussions regarding the "don't eat and drink at the same time" issue. It's always best to follow the instructions your surgeon gives you. My surgeon has advised that you can drink up until you begin to eat your meal, but then no drinking at all until 1 full hour after your last bite.

As you get your band filled, gradually the amount of restriction you can feel will will increase. Prior to your first fill, most likely you will still be able to gulp down liquids...but after you have restriction, you won't be able to keep fluids down unless you sip them. That's why you are usually asked to practice this new way to drink prior to your surgery, so you will have less trouble adapting post op.

I've found that if I properly hydrate myself prior to a meal, it is much easier for me to wait the hour after to drink. It takes a bit of forethought, but easy to do when you repeat enough times to make it a new habit.

As far as cheating on the pre op diet, I would say, don't do it. Even with the blessings of your surgeon. The reason is that once you have given yourself permission to cheat, it could become progressively easier to rationalize another cheating episode. That initial permission can create what I refer as the "slippery slope" towards regressing back into previously unhealthy eating habits. The psychology behind this is well documented, and the philosophy of 12 Step programs incorporate it into their teachings.

I'm not saying that you have an addiction to food, but generally people do not become obese if they are eating healthy foods in reasonable portions. The lifestyle changes which successful weight loss with the band requires are easily compromised when one redesigns the "rules" to suit their needs, instead of doing what the rules require you to do.

You will discover that there are many opinions on the forum...so ultimately it is best to follow your surgeon's rules, and learn to think for yourself and make informed choices.

Best wishes...

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I feel like this is the silliest question ever, but for some reason I'm not clear on just how to drink my Water after I get banded. I've heard that we're not supposed to drink during meals. Does that mean no drinking at all, or can we still take sips between bites? When you are in the 'green zone', can you just chug away at Water or do you still have to drink slowly? Also, I've heard that you aren't supposed to drink out of straws because they make you suck up extra air. Is that true for everyone? I am clumsy like a bull in a china shop (probably worse actually), I like cups with straws so that I can't knock my water over...

I didn't want to clutter up the forums with too many posts, but I had another question too. I'm starting my pre-op diet tomorrow and I'm totally dedicated. My super best friend who lives two states over is coming to visit next week (haven't seen him in two years). He wants to go out and eat some nice greasy, fried Texas food when he comes over, just for one meal. Other than this, we would be eating at home. I told him no at first, but then I decided there was no harm in just calling my doctor's office to see if they'd be okay with me cheating for just ONE meal. To my surprise, they actually told me that was okay as long as I still lost the required ten pounds. The thought makes me feel a little guilty though, I really don't want to start this thing off on the wrong foot, so I'm after some second opinions. Should I cheat once since the doc said it was okay, or behave? Thanks!

.. regarding drinking water with your meals... i dont do it. probably right at the start if Im having trouble but not usually. i do wait about a half hour before having a hot drink. Also.. have the meal out with your friend. its important for you both. you will find that the band will dictate to you how much you can eat im sure. just dont try and push your luck with it though... take a doggie bag with you....lol. have fun.

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My thought was buy one of those coffee cups with a small slit fill it and freeze it and if you only drink t the stuff that is melting slowly then you don't get a chance to chug our spill.

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.. regarding drinking Water with your meals... i dont do it. probably right at the start if Im having trouble but not usually. i do wait about a half hour before having a hot drink. Also.. have the meal out with your friend. its important for you both. you will find that the band will dictate to you how much you can eat im sure. just dont try and push your luck with it though... take a doggie bag with you....lol. have fun.

i need to correct this post.. sorry.. ive been too hasty here. have your meal... it wont hurt you... judy

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I feel like this is the silliest question ever, but for some reason I'm not clear on just how to drink my Water after I get banded. I've heard that we're not supposed to drink during meals. Does that mean no drinking at all, or can we still take sips between bites? When you are in the 'green zone', can you just chug away at Water or do you still have to drink slowly? Also, I've heard that you aren't supposed to drink out of straws because they make you suck up extra air. Is that true for everyone? I am clumsy like a bull in a china shop (probably worse actually), I like cups with straws so that I can't knock my water over...

I didn't want to clutter up the forums with too many posts, but I had another question too. I'm starting my pre-op diet tomorrow and I'm totally dedicated. My super best friend who lives two states over is coming to visit next week (haven't seen him in two years). He wants to go out and eat some nice greasy, fried Texas food when he comes over, just for one meal. Other than this, we would be eating at home. I told him no at first, but then I decided there was no harm in just calling my doctor's office to see if they'd be okay with me cheating for just ONE meal. To my surprise, they actually told me that was okay as long as I still lost the required ten pounds. The thought makes me feel a little guilty though, I really don't want to start this thing off on the wrong foot, so I'm after some second opinions. Should I cheat once since the doc said it was okay, or behave? Thanks!

the pre op diet is to help you shrink your liver for surgery.

if the liver is too large, my surgeon said he wouldnt operate.

that made me not cheat (not once). the only thing i can say is

if you cheat, you are only hurting yourself.

most of us w/the band or whatever WLS have (cheated) in the past on our (diets). that is why we are in this position. If you cheat now, are you always?? please note that if you cheat on the post op, you could seriously injure yourself.

i understand wanting to have that dinner w/your friend. but is it worth it?

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Hi, I'm Jean, the founder of GJTL (Genuine Jean Tuff Luv), and I'm here to do my duty as the official LBT wet blanket.

Frankly, I'm surprised your surgeon's office told you it was OK to cheat on your pre-op diet, even once, and especially with the kind of food you describe.

Like CarolinaGirl, I didn't cheat because my surgeon told me he'd bail out of the surgery if he didn't like the looks of my liver.

Also, I just don't understand why cheating at anything is OK. When it involves your health, you're cheating yourself, and the last laugh will be on you. I discussed this issue at some length in this article:


Finally, despite all the arguments for and against drinking while eating, I must say that the most persuasive argument for me was the discovery that if I drink while eating, the Water comes right back up, usually in an extremely unattractive fashion. I guess that's OK if you're eating in solitary confinement, but doesn't work out well for my lifestyle.

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I know you are just asking for others opinions .....but listen to your Dr. if he says no Water before and after do it, if he says no straw learn to drink with out one. If he says lose 10 lbs lose 10 lbs. if that mean no greasy Mexican then no Mexican..

I am a rebellious person at heart before Lap Band I followed the rules that made sense to me and the ones that didn't I twisted or ignored. A little bite here a second there and I ballooned up to 275lbs and hated myself . But once I went through the hell with insurance companys and got the LapBand I decided that my twisting of the rules had gotten me there and I sure as hell was going to listen to my Dr. this time because just maybe he new more then me and the rules were there for a reason. I use to go around asking everyone what I should do until I got an answer that let me do what I wanted to do.

THIS IS YOUR LIFE you get to start over doing things the HEALTHY way it won't be easy but it will work if you do what you are suppose to. So why not tell your friend sorry I can't do that and do what you were told to do. If that statement raises your hackles well then go ahead and eat the greasy Mexican food , it should feel good until about 5 minutes after you finish it, then the regret and doubt will start up , if thats worth it go for it after all your Dr said you could . Just the opinion of a past food rebel you get to decide..

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I'm currently on day two of my pre op diet and without a doubt, it's hard! Especially when everyone else in the house is eating normally! But I have worked too hard to get this far! An old saying comes to mind "Cheaters never win!" Good luck!

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I'm currently on day two of my pre op diet and without a doubt, it's hard! Especially when everyone else in the house is eating normally! But I have worked too hard to get this far! An old saying comes to mind "Cheaters never win!" Good luck!

(hang tough just, its so worth it)

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I did the last meal thing, but I did before I started my pre-op. After that I stuck to the rules and did what I was supposed to. I just don't think it's worth the hassle of an even remote chance of screwing up the surgery. When has anyone ever cheated just once? It's a cycle that has hurt all of us. You have to stop it at some point.

As far as the Water thing....I generally take very small sips during a meal...if I need it to cleanse my palette. I do not gulp only because you can not only have it come back up, but it also help the food move through quicker and you're less likely to get that full feeling when you truly are full.

Just my two cents

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