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Liquid Diet Pre And Post Surgery

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Right I get what you are saying. But who's to say my surgeon is correct. Always helps to get other people's opinions. Sorry if this was a dumb question. :(

*whose to say my surgeon is correct*......i would assume that your surgeon who knows you and is about to operate on you is correct. His is the only advice you need to follow as my dr is different and mis72 and dd's are different. so if any doubt, refer to your surgeon/doctor only.

you will do just fine. all the best. just keep your head in the game.

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Right I get what you are saying. But who's to say my surgeon is correct. Always helps to get other people's opinions. Sorry if this was a dumb question. :(

For your health, safety and wellbeing before and after surgery, I pray that your dr is correct. Not just with diet but with after care, choice of anesthetist, placement of the actual band, etc. I know this doesn't answer your original question, but if your dr has given you any reason at all to doubt their ability, listen to your gut. Find a dr who you have faith in. Your life, and quality of it, is worth more than loyalty.

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Oh lord I trust my doctor. But lets face it. It never hurts to ask questions. All doctors are capable of making mistakes they are indeed human beings. They aren't perfect. Obviously I wouldn't go under the knife if I didn't trust my doctor. Thanks for your opinions.

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My surgeon also said the pre-op diet was to get the liver ready. When they go in to do the surgery the liver has to be moved out of the way...and if it's too heavy it can cause problems. He said one time he had a liver "snap" - it was prepared and everything - but that's why he insists on making ppl doing the pre-op diet.

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Hi everyone....I started my liquid diet today...for two weeks. Procedure is scheduled for July 31.

I started this day with GREAT DREAD, because, like most of you, I AM A FOODIE. I love the taste, texture and comfort that REAL food gives me...and to go w/o that for two weeks, well....its not something I'm looking forward to.

I HAD to purchase a Protein shake from my surgeon's office. They require this because there are SO many varieties out there, they want to be sure I am getting the most for my $, and that I am adequately prepared for the surgery.

I have had TWO shakes today, and must say that I have a LONG way to go to get it figured out. Its gonna be a LONG two weeks!

I have been encouraged, watching some YouTube videos "before/after" stories....and those have re-enforced my resolve that this is THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Finally.

I'm 50 y/o, and still have lots of years ahead. Want them to be the best ever!!

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kkccmom - congratulations - only two weeks to go. go for it and hang in there. The liquid Protein diet can be a bummer but it isn't too bad. Try them in your blender, with ice and some extracts. It really does help the flavor. In fact one of the ones I fix tastes like an almond joy and I am a pickey eater. You can do this. 50, 60 whatever age, you are strong and you are doing this for YOU and YOUR HEALTH. Good luck my friend and stay in touch

Melinda in Florida (60 yr old)

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Thank you, Melinda, for the encouragement! I did try the shake in my blender the first day -- decided it wasn't my bag. I felt that it was just prolonging the awfulness...it about tripled the volume!! So, today I mixed it with 10oz Zero Water (citrus flavor)...shook it w/ some ice cubes, then poured it over ice and slammed it down thru a straw. It was do'able that way.

Would give almost anything if I could add fruit!! Strawberries or peaches....oh my. Trying REALLY HARD to not think about it long, tho....no point in making it worse, eh??

Yes, only 2 weeks. I keep telling myself "You can do this!"... starting to believe it.

Problem is, I find I am not drinking one at all rather than HAVING to do it. Which means I know I am not getting the basic calories I need and will just not thrive on so little. I do the same thing when I'm on WW...if I can't decide what to have that's w/in my points range, I opt for nothing. Eating too little doesn't help either, I know.

So, I've got to do better. In fact, I think I'll get up and go get a shake right now!!

Thanks for the note...I'll be reading up on what others are saying. Need all the hand-holding I can get these days!


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The before and after photos are really keeping me motivated! I'm thinking about posting them around the house to be honest. lol

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The before and after photos are really keeping me motivated! I'm thinking about posting them around the house to be honest. lol

Rachel/Melinda...it's kkccmom...tried getting in from my iPad, but had to re-register...changed user name to MYBESTSELF...thought that fitting!

Rachel...love the photos, too, but can't seem to get them to roll smoothly with the iPad Still, I do look for photos online. I feel like a stalker, sort of...but I need the visuals to.inspire me, too.

I have only had two shakes today...not enough, so will try to get in at least two more before the day ends. Also, I promised a friend (who had by-pass a few years ago) that I would get in 15 mins of walking today, too, and every day from here on out. I know I must do this. Starting is just so hard for me. Anyone else struggle to START???

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I had a one week liquid diet pre-surgery and it was carefully explained to me, that it would shrink my liver which would make the laprascopic surgery easier to do without a giant flapping liver sitting on top of the stomach. Mine consisted of broth, certain Protein shakes, sugar free Jello, and I needed to intake 60 grams of Protein a day. I was dreading it to be honest and was sure I wouldn't be able to stick to it, but I was pleasantly surprised. The protein makes you feel full and takes the edge off your hunger (4-5 a day at regular intervals will help with hunger and meet your protein goals). Add the hot broth and Jello and I wasn't frantically hungry. I also understood that I wanted the safest surgery possible, and if I had to stick to a liquid diet to make it so, then I was going to do so.

I researched the various protein diets before I started - I had 6 months to prepare for this surgery undergoing a medically supervised few months to qualify for insurance paying for the surgery. I found the Proti Diet fruit Protein drinks were good - I don't care much for shakes of any description. However, the Atkins Protein Shakes were just about tolerable, and I found another one sold at Walgreens called FRS Blackberry Acai shakes that were very high in protein and low in fat and carbs that made me feel full and energized, awesome things.

If you sign up for this journey, get your head in it first - if you cheat you are only cheating yourself and what is the point? Its just for a week or two and its for a reason. Think about the long term and what you will gain out of this minor minor sacrifice...! Your health and happiness is worth it, right? Do lots of research before you embark on the journey and be prepared with a stock of Protein Drinks you can stand, lots of stock, jello, and your attitude all ready to go.

Good luck!


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I had no choice with the Protein shake product...it is MANDATORY and supplied by my clinci, for $225!!! I have 'cheated' with a couple SMALL bites of what I was fixing for my family, but I'm extending lots of grace here, KNOWING this will NOT go on. Like you said, if I give in to all the gnoshing, 'what's the point?' FOR SURE.

I selected vanilla shake powder, thinking that was at least a little more flexible than the flavored ones. However, all I've found so far that even REMOTELY is down-able, is mixing it with 10oz of Citrus "Zero Water", shaking it w/ ice cubes, then pouring over ice and slamming it down thru a straw.

I know it could be MUCH worse, but I figure just get 'er down and all is well.

I do admit it does take the edge off the hunger, and I am determined to do this.

I have considered some sort of procedure for a few years now, and only this year talked my husband into "letting" me go this route. He had fears about the long-term unknowns with the Sleeve, AND the risks with by-pass. SO, we're on for July 31, and there ain't no going back!!

I will say when I left the clinic yesterday, after picking up my DELICIOUS & NUTRITIOUS shake mix for $225, I was thoroughly depressed. Worried sick about actually having the courage to do it, and do it right. I have sinned (akin to a 'white lie' I think), but will not let that derail me.

I felt afraid, basically. and today I read over ALL the instructions for what to eat, when, etc etc etc, and I must say its pretty overwhelming. Sooooooooooooooooooooo many rules and restrictions and potentials issues....how many times will I puke because I did something wrong??? THAT scares me.

So, I know you are right about getting my head in the game. I think, for me, this is going to be a DAILY battle. Not a "I'm THERE!" kind of victory, but day-by-day, thinking through the reason I am doing this (MYSELF, my health and my family having me around for a while longer!) and keeping in mind "Its only two weeks!" -- so small in the whole scheme of things.

Thanks, Rachel! I'll keep an eye on you -- please do the same for me!!


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Kim - STOP saying that you "only walk 15 minutes"..how long did you walk before - probably NONE. When I started walking, I walked all the way around the block (and it is a small block) and then came home to rest. No one starts out doing 5K or longer or taking 30-60 minute walks. It is part of the process. Be PROUD of your 15 minutes and keep it up. Before you know it, it will be 20-then 30-then 40 etc. Don't shoot yourself down. And if you can't do it one day (too tired, raining, too hot.etc) find something else to do, but do move in some form - I scrub the bathroom floors (on my knees). It really does help.

Now about those Protein shakes. Delicious aren't they (NOT). Try this..I mix mine with a cup of Unsweetened vanilla Almond Milk and a tsp of Vanilla extract or Almond Extract or Coconut extract. It does help. If you are just chugging it down and gaging your way through this, you are in for 2 terrible unsatisfying weeks. These Protein drinks are in your future too, not to this extent, but there will be days when that is your Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Post op you will drink them some too. You need to make them better for YOU. I use powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury (you can buy it on line but my Doc sells it too). But go to the website and they have suggestions to make your drinks better. I am sure it would work with any brand of powder mix. So sorry you had to buy $225 worth of that stuff. Unjury is much cheaper. I also went to the health food stores and tired some of their brands - poured many down the drain and wasted a ton of $$. I feel your pain.

Hang in there Kiddo, you can do this. Once your surgery is behind you and you are dropping, you will look at this differently. Besides, you may loose a bunch pre-op (I lost 15 in one week). Kim, this prep is very important. You want your surgery to go quick and perfect. This prep is part of the process. I thought it was crazy, but I followed the directions and I am glad I did. I did not want any hold ups or problems with my surgery.

Do good, my friend, and stay in touch. Loved hearing from you.

Melinda in Florida

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YOU ARE RIGHT, Melinda, ON EVERY POINT. And frankly, its not news to me, but ALL OF IT bears repeating - and LISTENING-TO, over and over.

I am notoriously "half-empty" when it comes to ME. I have a wonderful husband (who married the "chunky me" 13 years ago), 4 awesome kids (DD24, DD21, DS12, DS8), a lovely home, a fulfilling cottage-industry business (www.kcarddesigns.biz) , friends who do not judge me because of my size 20W, nor will they love me more when I am a 12/14M. ... Its ME who can't give ME a break.

I was a trim kid/teen/college student. I was 140'ish when I married in 1983...started gaining w/ my first child in 87, and its been snowballing ever since. Lots and LOTS of stressors thru the years, and some underlying "Payback" attitudes toward my first husband during our 13 year marriage (I lost him to cancer in 1996), and some "control" issues in my second marriage...I'm a head-case, to be sure.

SO, there are some "issues", just like most everyone else, and lots of SHAME that had accompanied my weight-gain. I hide from the camera like a criminal, either avoiding it altogether or hiding behind someone or some thing. Sadly, my young boys will have FEW pictures of their mama...until now.

Boy, do I need therapy or what?? ha.

Anyway, I appreciate the nudge regarding improving the shakes. I will definitely look into it. The coconut idea sounds really great. Never thought of adding extracts!!! Duh. I wonder if I had the chocolate variety, if I could successfully (read: DELICIOUSLY) add Peppermint Extract and enjoy it?? I LOVE chocolate/mint anything....hmmmm....maybe I should consider that!?

I did manage a 25 min walk last evening. Went the main-loop of our subdivision. Didn't feel overly winded when I got back, but it was stiflingly HOT & MUGGY here in Indy, so I was a sweat-ball when I got home. I cooled down, then took a cool shower. And felt VERY PROUD OF MYSELF for having DONE IT.

My friend has also applauded my success and has me committed to doing something today too, as you have!! Thank Heaven it is raining in our area right now, but maybe later today I will get to the street to make another circle.

I did do some deep cleaning on my kitchen this morning, working up a nice lather. That surely counts for something??? Still, walking is my best thing, so once I get over "starting" I'm usually good to go.

Anyway, thank you again for your kind encouragement. I know I will likely lose some weight in this pre-op stage. I'm counting on it!!... but I also know the critical reasoning behind it, and I do want everything to go smoothly.

I stepped on my scale this morning: 221.8 (I need to figure out how to add one of those meters.) It was 224 at the clinic on Tuesday...don't know what it was here, tho. Still, obviously easier for me to track on mine than theirs, so I'll go w/ that. It is empowering, because I know a month ago I was knocking on 225-226. Encouraging.



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I am a little envious of some of the pre diets I've read because mine is strickly liquids. The only "food" I can have is grits with spenda, low fat sugar free pudding or Jello. Diet fruit juice, veg juice, sugar free low fat sherbert which I can not take to work because our freezer does not work. It's been very hard but I'm on day 3 and I'm doing it! I just keep my mind on the goal and when I get hungry I find something to do. I've never liked grits but right now I'm loving them!

I had the same thought about if I can do this why am I having surgery but I know I would not stick to this like I am without knowing if I don't it will not happen.

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Linda...I'm with you! Mine is STRICTLY the shakes I had to purchase from my clinic. Day Three is down, and I did it, too! I am not getting in as much as I know I need...today was a crazy day and I was away from home all afernoon, so got in only 3 (should be getting 5)...

Got in a 35 min walk yesterday and 20 today. I KNOW that is A MUST for this to work. HOWEVER, I am not willing to turn into an exercise fanatic...I've done that before, lost weight, but it is not something I can reasonably maintain...the crazed exercise, I mean.

WALKING is reasonable, 4-5 days/week...but I cannot see going hard and strong and not being able/willing to keep it up...then I am bound to see a slowing of weight loss, and THUS discouragment - which gets to me very easily.

So, I'll do some every day I'm on this liquid diet to be sure I maximize the results for surgery, but I am not willing to say I'll walk every single day, for an hour.

Best to you, Linda! Keep us posted on victories - NON-scale and otherwise!!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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