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New Here- 4.5 Years Banded....no Support For 3.5 Years. Lots Of ?'s

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Hi. I am new on here. I just wanted to introduce myself and ask a few questions. First, I was banded back in fall 2007. My surgery was supposed to be outpatient, but I ended up with severe complications from the "gas" pains and was in for 5 days.

I have read so many success stories. It's really nice to see. I have had some success of losing and keeping the weight off, but no where near my goal.

I experienced vomiting up to 10 times a day almost every day since my surgery. I really feel my surgery went wrong and my band was never secured or in the correct place. I did bring that up to my Dr. on several occasions and even had him meet me at his office on a holiday weekend to take out the "fill". I have not had a "fill" since Oct. 2008. When filled, I couldn't even keep down Water. Without the fill I can keep water down, but no healthy amount of food without feeling stuck.

Two weeks ago I went to the ER I was vomiting violently and couldn't even hold down water. They xrayed my stomach and said they didn't see anything wrong and diagnosed me with Gastritis (stomach flu). I wasn't happy with the answer because it didn't feel right and I am not even sure this particular ER had any experience with the lap band to know if it was in place properly or not.

I did a follow up with my own family Dr., as I am uninsured and unemployed and can't afford the payments for all the specialists. My Dr. then diagnosed me with Candida or Strep- either way they said it would be cured with antibiotics. I am finishing my 3rd week of antibiotics and they gave me prilosec.

Today was the first day I was able to get back into my old jeans that I was able to wear a year after surgery. Today was also the very first time that I was able to consume food without having that stuck feeling. I didn't realize it until tonight that I haven't vomited in 2 full days, haven't felt stuck. I ate 1/3 of a very small steak and some mashed potatoes (6 small bites) I know I should have had the broccoli, but it felt good. I was full, but not stuck!!!! Finally. I hope that just with me being ill 3 weeks ago maybe it readjusted my band? Perhaps even pulled it off entirely, not really sure and have no answers.

Anyone else have any complications like I had? I followed the plan the first few months very strictly. After 3 months I learned to just either not eat at all until late in the day or to just eat what I could hold down, either Soups or very cold things like frozen yogurt. But after years of suffering from vomiting, I had to go back to eating regular foods- I just would vomit it back up.

I feel pretty good today too. I have SLE Lupus with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. So, I am used to not feeling great all the time.

I hope that this can be a new beginning for me. I want to stick by good healthy choices and continue on to see my success hopefully fall into place with hard work and determination.

I have never been to a support group or meeting. So, I really don't know what to expect.

Sorry this is so long. I will leave it at that. Thank you for taking time to read it. I will be reading and following as many posts as I can as well.

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So sorry to hear that you have had so many problems. But it also sounds like things are looking up. I have not had surgery yet but am nearing that life altering decision. If you were me knowing what you know now, would you do the surgery?

Please tell me about your journey. Your starting weight, the amount of lbs you lost over what period and how much more you want to lose.

I have been fighting a massive weight problem for a long time..tied to extreme stress, depression and using food as an outlet. I have taken the weight off two times and 30 or 40 pounds numerous times.

I am very concerned about all the problems I hear people having with the band. But most, with the exception of one who had a lot of problems, would do it again. I just don't know. When you get stuck .....how do you get unstuck since you're not suppose to have liquids with your meals..any info would be most helpful - I wish you the best as you move to resolving your problems.....

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I'm sorry, but insurance or not, I would have gone to a doctor sometime in the last 4 years, if I was vomiting up to 10 times a day.

Were you actually vomiting, or just productive burping (where food comes back up, but without retching)?

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So sorry to hear that you have had so many problems. But it also sounds like things are looking up. I have not had surgery yet but am nearing that life altering decision. If you were me knowing what you know now, would you do the surgery?

Please tell me about your journey. Your starting weight, the amount of lbs you lost over what period and how much more you want to lose.

I have been fighting a massive weight problem for a long time..tied to extreme stress, depression and using food as an outlet. I have taken the weight off two times and 30 or 40 pounds numerous times.

I am very concerned about all the problems I hear people having with the band. But most, with the exception of one who had a lot of problems, would do it again. I just don't know. When you get stuck .....how do you get unstuck since you're not suppose to have liquids with your meals..any info would be most helpful - I wish you the best as you move to resolving your problems.....

Most people don't have complications like this. Just as with everything else, the people with problems talk, while everyone who aren't, don't speak up.

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hi lava and welcome!

Wow you have had quite a journey. I'm so sorry it's been so rough.

Did anyone ever do a barium swallow to make sure the band is, in fact, in the right place? If not, one really needs to be done. What you've been experiencing all this time isn't normal at all. I fear your suspicion is correct and it may have been placed incorrectly this whole time. Or, all the vomiting for so many years caused a slip.

It's interesting you're feeling better after being ill, especially after vomiting. It would be so weird if the vomiting actually somehow moved the band into a better place. All the more reason I'd have it checked regardless of whether or not you start having problems again.

Btw, I have Multiple Sclerosis, so my heart goes out to you with the chronic conditions. It definitely makes life all the more difficult when you're always in some degree of pain and never feel quite "normal" anymore.

Best wishes to you.

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I think for all of us this would be so difficult to deal with. Sounds like you sincerly want to lose weight. I like my surgeon but I love my dietician/nutritionist. I think if I ever experience any problems I would seek her advice before my doctor's unless it might be surgically related.

My nutritionist is a full time bariatrics nutritionist. She only works with bariatric docs and bariatric patients. Nutritionists are much less expensive to consult with than a doctor although it sounds like you could use a very competent and caring bariatrics doctor. I just don't know if they exist? Most docs I've spoken with want to keep their visits to 10-15 minutes where you can spend up to an hour with a nutritionist for $50. Each doctor is so wrapped up in his/her own practice that most will not take on a consultation type roll for a patient who had surgery elsewhere. I'm sure there may be one but where?

I'm assuming you're relationship with your surgeon went South? You should try to see him or ask around about a bariatrics nutritionist.


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So sorry to hear that you have had so many problems. But it also sounds like things are looking up. I have not had surgery yet but am nearing that life altering decision. If you were me knowing what you know now, would you do the surgery?

Please tell me about your journey. Your starting weight, the amount of lbs you lost over what period and how much more you want to lose.

I have been fighting a massive weight problem for a long time..tied to extreme stress, depression and using food as an outlet. I have taken the weight off two times and 30 or 40 pounds numerous times.

I am very concerned about all the problems I hear people having with the band. But most, with the exception of one who had a lot of problems, would do it again. I just don't know. When you get stuck .....how do you get unstuck since you're not suppose to have liquids with your meals..any info would be most helpful - I wish you the best as you move to resolving your problems.....

99% of the time, a "stuck" episode will result in the pouch massaging a food blockage through the portal in 10-20 minutes. It's not a big deal unless it happens with most meals and then a small unfill usually remedies the problem.


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I would be very cautious about eating steak, no matter how little you have. Considering the battles you have had keeping food down maybe sticking with mushies is a good idea. I have had no problems except for when i have tried to eat meat or breads. It is like a slap upside my head when I eat something i know i shouldn't then I end up with slimming.

I hope to stay on the road to good health and no problems!


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LUPUS is a contra indication to banding because the band will agrivate your lupus and fibromyalgia and make your lupus worse. YOu should have your band removed.

Your body is seeing the band as a forgien entity and is causing great inflamation within your allready burdened immune system. Shame on the MD who banded you knowing full well you have lupus.

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So sorry to hear that you have had so many problems. But it also sounds like things are looking up. I have not had surgery yet but am nearing that life altering decision. If you were me knowing what you know now, would you do the surgery?

Please tell me about your journey. Your starting weight, the amount of lbs you lost over what period and how much more you want to lose.

I have been fighting a massive weight problem for a long time..tied to extreme stress, depression and using food as an outlet. I have taken the weight off two times and 30 or 40 pounds numerous times.

I am very concerned about all the problems I hear people having with the band. But most, with the exception of one who had a lot of problems, would do it again. I just don't know. When you get stuck .....how do you get unstuck since you're not suppose to have liquids with your meals..any info would be most helpful - I wish you the best as you move to resolving your problems.....


I think I would have had it, if I had not had Lupus. But, If not for that I think I would do it again. I have seen success with it. It's a great tool for helping to lose weight. I really don't miss eating full meals. I miss certain foods that you are allowed with the band, only because my stomach couldn't tolerate them, such as steak and chicken.

It's such a personal decision for you. Take into account your health and the benefits and if you can stick by it. It does take discipline.

Good Luck. Hope to see you on here again.

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hi lava and welcome!

Wow you have had quite a journey. I'm so sorry it's been so rough.

Did anyone ever do a barium swallow to make sure the band is, in fact, in the right place? If not, one really needs to be done. What you've been experiencing all this time isn't normal at all. I fear your suspicion is correct and it may have been placed incorrectly this whole time. Or, all the vomiting for so many years caused a slip.

It's interesting you're feeling better after being ill, especially after vomiting. It would be so weird if the vomiting actually somehow moved the band into a better place. All the more reason I'd have it checked regardless of whether or not you start having problems again.

Btw, I have Multiple Sclerosis, so my heart goes out to you with the chronic conditions. It definitely makes life all the more difficult when you're always in some degree of pain and never feel quite "normal" anymore.

Best wishes to you.

Thank you. I did my research online and I do plan on having the barium test done. I also didn't mention that less than a year after the surgery, I lost my companies, got diagnosed with Lupus (already had fibromyalgia) and my husband of 20 years up and left me and my 2 kids alone with no money and all the bills (ran off with the office secretary). Which now leaves me in a position of being low income- child support and alimony, with all the issues I have had, I have been unable to work. So, money has been a key factor. If I had maintained my insurance and had my income situation been different I would have had this issue resolved years ago. The doctors just want too much money (can't afford) and won't take payments. I won't be able to have the test until next month.

It was weird because I made the trip to the ER only because I was afraid or erosion or slippage. This vomiting was very violent and from down deep into my stomach. It was the worst sort of vomiting with dry heaves. I need to get my Xrays so I can take them to my doctor. I have serious doubts about the ER doctors knowing if the band was in proper position or not.

Even though I am feeling better I still want to get it all checked out to avoid issues that might occur in the future, don't want a loose band floating around in my abdominal cavity.

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LUPUS is a contra indication to banding because the band will agrivate your lupus and fibromyalgia and make your lupus worse. YOu should have your band removed.

Your body is seeing the band as a forgien entity and is causing great inflamation within your allready burdened immune system. Shame on the MD who banded you knowing full well you have lupus.

Thank you. My family agree's with you and that is their suspicions too. At the time of surgery I did talk with the Dr. about my fibromyalgia and that my mother, two Aunts and two cousins have Lupus. Knowing that it runs in families and the Fibromyalgia is a contraindication. He said it was fine. No problem, I could still have the surgery and would be fine. It's on my paperwork- on my application where it asks you to fill out the form. Not sure if our discussion is written out on his notes, but it is on my paperwork. It was a concern of mine at the time. But, if you can't trust your Dr. who can you trust?

Also, I was supposed to have surgery at 8am, being the first patient. The dr. didn't even arrive at the hospital until 7pm and started my surgery at 8pm (so I laid on a hard bed -one intended for exams only for 12 hours) I woke up during the surgery, which was scary and had woke up with severe gas pains in my shoulder - Stabbing pains for 5 days. I didn't sleep, didn't eat and only drank a few sips of Clear liquids. I waited for my morphine shots every 4 hours on the dot so I could get in 15 min. of relief from the pain. So, I do think that maybe the dr. was rushed. But every time I brought it up to him that I was throwing up, he just said go back to liquids. I can't do liquids only for years- impossible to function.

I would give the advice to anyone who has ANY auto immune disorders to NOT have the surgery.

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I'm sorry, but insurance or not, I would have gone to a doctor sometime in the last 4 years, if I was vomiting up to 10 times a day.

Were you actually vomiting, or just productive burping (where food comes back up, but without retching)?

I didn't know what to call it, but when I explained it to my dr. I said it was almost like a burp, but all my food came up, sometimes it would be a few hours, sometimes within minutes. I didn't have the violent vomiting until a few weeks ago.

I go to my primary care dr. He's the only one I can afford right now. During the last 4 years on top of being sick, my husband left me (20 years married). I lost all my companies during the Real Estate market crash. My home was in foreclosure. I was diagnosed with the lupus during that time and the amount of child support and alimony barely covered my current bills. So, seeing the bariatric doctor was impossible.

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I didn't know what to call it, but when I explained it to my dr. I said it was almost like a burp, but all my food came up, sometimes it would be a few hours, sometimes within minutes. I didn't have the violent vomiting until a few weeks ago.

I go to my primary care dr. He's the only one I can afford right now. During the last 4 years on top of being sick, my husband left me (20 years married). I lost all my companies during the Real Estate market crash. My home was in foreclosure. I was diagnosed with the lupus during that time and the amount of child support and alimony barely covered my current bills. So, seeing the bariatric doctor was impossible.

That's productive burping (or PBing).

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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