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July Bandsters....lets Here You....

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Well, as I feared...up a little more, for about 5 lbs!!! NOT COOL. Got a fill so hopefully that will help. I am just so eager to just eat ice cream or soft cookies...ugh. (keyboard won't let me start a new paragraph!?) So, I just have to get a grip on these poor choices. He seems to think if I am "good" (my words, not his) I should be able to lose 1.5 lb each week!!! Yikes. Not sure I've done that yet...so I'd have to really REALLY do the right things. Hope all of you are doing all right. Linda, any changes for you??? Drop a note, ladies, when time and energy permit! --Kim

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Hi Ladies,

I am sorry to hear about the struggles and weight gain. I am right there with you! Mostly, I have been at the same weight for the last two months. I'll gain a few pounds and then struggle to lose it. I'm headed in for a fill soon. But I am looking at all the tickers showing all the weight loss. And I think about what that means in clothes size! I bet most everyone has lost 3 clothes sizes! And I think about where I was at last year and will take the slow progress. Hang in there. I am trying to up my exercise. i am registered for the SF half marathon in October. I'd hoped to loose more weight before then. I'll walk a lot of it but its a good goal for now!



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Good morning....just checking in. Again, my keyboard won't let me start a new paragraph!? I'll just try to spread things out so it doesn't look like one huge run-on sentence!? I had a fill on Monday. He said he'd try just a 1/2cc, since I am SO sensitive to the amt in my band. I followed all the rules of liquids for the first 48, then just did softs for a day or so. Friday, I had a "Clif Builder" Protein Bar, no problems. Friday night, we went to Taco Bell. I had a Mexican pizza = ref Beans, ground beef and a LIGHT chip 'crust'...could NOT get any of it down. What DID go down, came right back up. IN ITS ENTIRETY. i.e., VOMITING.

(Hm, that's weird)

Then all day Saturday and Sunday I can barely get any fluids down. When I try to lay down, on my side, I get choked...seems like an AWFUL lot of phlegm/slime seems to be producing?? I finally slept propped up, on my back and did rest...

This morning, I made a Protein Shake, and drank SIPS -- S.I.P.S. -- and still am having trouble. I gave up, and just made a big mug of Water to bring to my craft studio and am trying to sip on that. I did have some sliming w/ the shake, but no vomiting. Still, feeling hungry but I don't dare try anything else.

This worries me. I lost 3 lbs last week (accd'ing to my scale) - which is great - but I know I'm not getting any nutrition.

How long would you go before letting the Dr know?? I'm thinking something I ate on Friday may have just irritated my "tube" and therefore a few days "rest" should make it finally relax and be normal...so "I" am thinking a few more days, just to see how it goes. I know this is forcing me to drink the Water I know I have not been drinking...just to stay hydrated.

But the pressure in the middle of my chest make my neck and head ache...and maybe its more from the stress of it than anything literally physical...?

Anyway, struggling here and hoping it will pass so I can stay on the straight and narrow. I had gained 5 lbs since July 31...not good. So, there was TOO LITTLE restriction with the band = I was eating anything/everything I wanted...but now, this is just nuts.

My Dr did tell me that I am WAY BELOW the "normal" range (for band capacity) for this far in...I've had Fluid removed twice in the last year. For some reason I am hyper-sensitive to a certain amount...and I wonder why??

I keep telling myself "only 20 more pounds; only 20 more lbs"...if I could just get thru this difficult time, I could get there by Christmas!!! But oh the price. Sigh.

Sorry for the whining, friends. Its just that 3 days of this is really wearing on me. And I have plans to meet a friend for lunch tomorrow, at Cracker Barrel...I know I can eat SOFT foods there, but if I can't even get a shake down, I know lunch will be much less pleasurable, company excluded.

Anyway, hope all of you are having successes!! Happy thing is, my rings are almost falling off, pants are REALLY baggy in the seat. I love that!!

Have a good week!


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Hi all, so does anyone on here been doing the low carb lifestyle to lose the weight? I have been on a plateau since April and the NUT put me on basically a Medifast diet, which did not help, but I'll admit I have not stuck to it too well. I too have put on a few lbs recently but I know I did it to myself with beer and eating the wrong foods and my birthday is this weekend, so more crap on the way. For those falling off of the eating good, do you think it's just gotten old since we've all be at it for over a year?

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had that very conversation w/ my surgeon on Monday...we agreed: it ISN'T new and "fun" anymore! The newness has def worn off and we get lazy.

I have only about 20 more to go, too...and it seems like it's taking FOR-EVER to get a grip. Had a fill on Monday...major sticking issues all weekend and today. Feeling better this evening, but haven't eaten much for 3 days. Lost 3 lb last week!!

I have a CARB problem, so no, I'm not following a low-carb anything. I need to. Tho now, with this touchy band, I have to be REALLY mindful of what's going in. Took a spoonful of a malt I made for my son -- BAD CHOICE. Too rich, I guess. Had major sliming issues until it relieved itself. Ugh. Hate that.

But I read on another thread to really "Baby the Band" for at least a week...Guess I didn't do that. Followed the rules on the front end, but must've rushed solids. BAD CHOICE.

If there's little restriction, I'll just scarf down whatever's in front of me.

I don't know...I agree its just not new anymore but we have to be mindful of our choices or we'll just end up back to where we started = FAT. No thanks.


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I agree and that's why I chose to get a fill today :). I think part of my slacking is because I'm getting hungry too. I have been strength training a little (only like 2-3 times a week) so I don't know if that has helped, but I just wish something would budge, it's discouraging to be on a plateau for so long and not see the consistent weight loss like before. I know I'm lucky with the amount I've lost, but still. I hope your band stops acting up for you soon Kim, but you may just be a bit too tight, but I would definitely give it a week. I don't even get the effect of the band until about a week out, odd, but that's happened every time. Good luck, gotta leave for my fill appointment :) Oh and another thing, this cooler weather does not help, I don't know what it is, but it's like a trigger in my head to eat comfort foods. But I agree, we have left the honeymoon phase.

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I've had a MISERABLE WEEKEND...and last night was THE WORST I've ever had, trying to rest. For the first time, I had MAJOR choking with some FIERY reflux...Kept begging God to just kill me. It was really awful. I ended up sleeping in another room b/c all my gurgling and choking was keeping my husband awake and he had an early flight for biz this morning....

I called and talked to the nurse at my surgeon's office. I was sure she'd tell me to come on in and get some Fluid removed...BUT, she talked me thru the week and has suggested that I have just pushed this fill too soon and have inflamed/irritate the band and my stomach, and to just go back to clears for all of today, and tomorrow I can add some Protein Shake.

The problems really started on Friday night, when we went for Taco Bell. I went SLOW and took small bites - only about 3, gr beef/ref Beans, and before the evening was over, I tossed it all.

Next day, I ate some potato Soup. She told me I should have stuck to clears after the vomiting episode - which I didn't do, so then put more stress on the band.

I re-read the manual, and then did just slurp the broth off some chicken/wild rice Soup (Progresso)...but just didn't feel great. Started sleeping propped up, hoping that'd help with the gagging stuff...it did, SOME.

Then yesterday, I was feeling lots better and had planned to meet a friend for lunch a Cracker Barrel. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat much but ordered my FAVE item - chicken and Dumplings, mashed potatoes and green Beans. I figured I can mash the daylights out of the chicken, watch carefully the noodles, manage the potatoes and beans....and I did pretty good, and ate maybe an OUNCE, total.

Kept it down, and felt 'okay' as I drove home. I finished eating (brought the entire meal home) at about 12:30...and I got home at 4. Had only a little Water AFTER the meal...and by the time I got home I felt like CRAP. and the rest of the night was horrible.

I was in so much pain it was all I could do not to take myself to the ER for some help.

I dozed on and off, between the pressure in my chest, and the choking...had WACKY dreams and didn't rest at all.

SO, I was determined to call the dr and get in there and get some Fluid removed. But the nurse felt certain I'd just pushed it too much and that if I would just do the clears today, adding the Protein shake tomorrow, I would find it all settling down.

So, that's what I'm going to do! According to my scale, from Monday to today, I've lost 6 lbs. IS THAT NORMAL? What do you all lose the week or so following a fill???

I feel like I've never been "normal" - I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to be feeling. I had fluid removed about 10 days after the band was placed (7/12)...I was sick as a dog for those days. Ugh.

Anyway, that's where I am. Praying this will settle down and I will see the rest of this weight (20 lbs) come right on off. I need to get moving, too, and I know that'll help.

Thanks for "listening" to my droning...its great to have a place to vent where people will understand and be patient. I do have to get "better" ASAP because feeling as I have, I'm really no good for my family. They need me - and I need them!!



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Hi ladies. KK sorry you are having issues, I know your pain well. I have not lost anything in months go down 2 up 2 back & forth uggg and because I have had a lot of "stuck" issues myself my dr will not do a fill so it's up to be to get back on the band wagon and watch what I eat and exercise which since my hernia operation in Feb I have done very little of it. KK last week for me was like yours this week. I got stuck and everytime I tried anything got sick again I kept saying well maybe I'll lose a few pounds but nope same old scale says same thing :(. Anyway it got so bad by the 3rd day my husband said GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! I didn't and made it, now this week I am back to normal (whatever that is) I can eat but really have to be more careful. I saw you said something about dumplings and potatoes, I can not eat those at all if I even try it goes bad luckily for me I don't miss potatoes so no biggie but dumplings oh yes I would love to have some. Nothing sticky or gooey works for me, I really only eat meats, salads and occasionally mild mexican food. Nothing spicy since my hernia. I get bored with the same old things but it is what it is.

Hang in there. I had hoped to be down more by my daughters wedding but it's Oct 5th so not looking good :(

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As the day has progressed, I'm still feeling sick'ish. My stomach really does hurt, and I think its pure hunger. But I don't DARE eat any food. And I'm afraid to drink much. I sipped some Vitamin Water earlier...probably need to just do more of that. And maybe try some broth. I just hate this nauseated feeling.

I'm sorry you're struggling, Linda...I certainly didn't expect any of this! I'm hoping I feel 100% better tomorrow, when I could potentially start with thicker liquids. I am just simply hungry.

Fingers crossed!

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As the day has progressed, I'm still feeling sick'ish. My stomach really does hurt, and I think its pure hunger. But I don't DARE eat any food. And I'm afraid to drink much. I sipped some Vitamin Water earlier...probably need to just do more of that. And maybe try some broth. I just hate this nauseated feeling.

I'm sorry you're struggling, Linda...I certainly didn't expect any of this! I'm hoping I feel 100% better tomorrow, when I could potentially start with thicker liquids. I am just simply hungry.

Fingers crossed!

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I'm really sorry that the both of you are having a rough time. Kim, I hope the liquids get you back to normal, be patient. I just tried to eat too early (should be doing mushy today) and had an issue, so that was dumb on my part, so I'm back to liquids now. May all of us be better by next week, if not by this weekend!

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You all will be sick of hearing from me....but at the risk of that, I thought I would let you know todays news...

Long story short, ended up having an adjustment - the Phyicians Asst, not my surgeon, removed .7cc from my band. Almost instantly I felt like the old me! It was almost like magic. No more nausea, I drank a SoBe Water (the fuji alpple pear is delish), and will have veggie beef Soup broth for supper! She said I could have a SCRAMBLED EGG tomorrow morning!!! Hallelujah...I'm sure that egg will taste like heaven! Lol

Honestly, I am ME again!!! I know I will have to be VERY careful with my choices and I MUST get in the habit of measuring...I know with less restriction, I will just eat whatever I want, and put back on the 8 lbs I lost last week! Their scale weighs about 3lbs heavier than mine, but the outcome is the same: since the 16th, with all this craziness, I lost 8 lbs!! I don't want to put it all back on.

Anyway, I am feeling so good I just can't believe it. And just so relieved and thankful.

She did tell me that there really are patients who absolutely cannot tolerate the band and end up having it removed. I don't think I am one of them, but certainly I cannot tolerate much restriction, so it means more attention to it all on my part. I am LAZY when it comes to all that, but I am learning a valuable lesson here.

I hope the others who are struggling will find their happy place...both with the band and in your head. That is something we all need help with, you know?

Feeling sooooooo much better!


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Kim! look how little you weigh right now!!!! That's awesome. I bet you are excited and I think its time for you to share some before and after pictures. I am glad you are feeling better. I can't always log in and respond to posts but I always sit at work in meetings and read how everyone is doing. I appreciate all the updates and can tell you I have experienced almost all the same symptoms other have reported. I am really needing to buckle down and get rid of at least another 15 lbs. I'm not sure I am motivated enough to do the additional 30 I had first thought. I feel pretty good right now and most of my clothes are fitting me well. I feel like I throw up too often and know that can't be good for me. I have also had the acid reflux issues other folks have reported. I have been taking papaya tablets (sounds weird I know) and that helps a lot. Thanks for the updates. Please keep them coming.

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Melissa...so great to hear from you! Thank you for the encouragement. I do feel just about 100%, and I can't tell you how great that is. I do know, as I said, I will have to really watch it or I will see the pounds fly back on faster then they have come off. I would not, however, recommend my ordeals last week to anyone. But thankfully I am on the other side and will just look forward.

I will think about the pictures. Frankly, I have very few of my old self. I was very careful to stay behind the camera so it will take some digging, but I will see what I can do.

I do know that papaya is awesome for upset stomach or indigestion. I have used the caplets before. I got some Prilosec today..took one and plan to use the 14-day plan and make sure I am well past all that reflux stuff. I think having Fluid removed will make all the difference, but this is a bit more insurance. I'm just looking forward to sleeping in my bed, with my husband, ALL NIGHT LONG, and not choking half to death! Praise the Lord!!!


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Hi girls... Thought I would just check in and let you know how my first-day-after-my-unfill went!!

I actually ate very little...ended up eating a bowl of Cereal for supper. Tried eating a few bites of a hamburger patty, but it didnt go well. Nothing major but I didn't push it. So, the Cereal sounded good (cap'n crunch p'butter)... It dissolves well so no sticking issues.

No problems at all. I have not had a Diet Coke for about a week. Thought I would just try it today...tasted awful. Guess I won't be slugging it down like I have been. Lots of good reasons not to!

Slept pretty good - NO CHOKING!!! But I woke up at about 3:30-45 with a splitting Headache. Took some Tylenol then waited to make sure it was going down, so I didn't get back to sleep until almost 5. Ugh. Felt it all day.

I went shopping today, for a new bra. LOL...what a trip. Don't know about you all, but boy have things "shifted" with losing 50 lbs!!! I got a new bra in Feb...with a professional fitting. It has become a little "baggy" so I wanted to get a new one. But it just didn't go well. Tried 4 diff brands, and still don't know what in the world I need. My other "new" one was $85...trying to avoid that! Still, it's the best-fitting bra I have ever had. Until now! Oh well. Haha

Anyway, feeling good. Busy day tomorrow...have a booth at a local fall bazaar, then hosting some college girls from my church, for dinner and dessert.

Hope you are doing okay. Thought you would all be interested to know how things have shaken out!!!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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