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I too had a fill yesterday, up to 4 3/4 - 5cc, not sure. I do have that full feeling & I am glad with it!

Glad everyone is doing so good.

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Hey everyone, just out of curiosity, anyone kind of swaying a bit from their motivation? I'm amazed I've stuck to it this long, but it is probably due to still being consistent about getting on LBT and MFP everyday.

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Good Grief, have had such a hard time eating lately and today I'm a bottomless pit and have eaten anything and everything!

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To 2012 This has not been a "movtiation" issue for me at all! I eat what I can and let the rest go...I'm not tempted to over-eat because when the pipe is full, there ain't room for anything else! And I do have to give you KUDOS for 92 lbs lost!! WOW! I know the rest of us will be so happy to see our goals get closer. I figure I'm more than 1/2 way there...you are doing AWESOME! Do whatever it takes to get to your goal. Just keep reminding yourself how much has changed for you since 92 lbs ago, and how much better it will be when you are where you want to be!

NOW, I will say that I can really put away the ice cream!! So what I cannot eat in VOLUME, I can make up for in CALORIES!! Suffice it to say, THAT is where any "motivation" comes from -- staying away from the freezer!

I do really love sherbet, tho, so I eat that w/ little remorse. Its FF, and one cone will do the trick.

Marie...I think my Dr told me I was at about 1.5cc!! I have trouble enough with that...I can't imagine trying to eat w/ a tighter band.

Linda...that's exactly where I was before this last adjustment. I "think" I might be in the Green Zone I've heard about. I am losing - which is what we want, right??? -- and there are things I simply avoid altogether. The risk of it getting stuck is just not worth it, esp if I am in a group setting. I did have a couple episodes of that last week when the Hub and I were in Maui...Had to excuse myself and almost RUN to the restroom to try and get it taken care of.

Once I do - either get it down or out - I am fine, and can eat a bit more. I am pretty sure I did lose another 2 lbs, so it is working.

The weather is FINALLY warming up here in Indy, so I am closer to getting outside to walk. I know that'll help things, too.

I am motivated - but this "brick wall boundary" has done that for me. I am rarely hungry, and I find that very little will do the trick.

One thing I have noticed is the reality of having to let go of certain things - or at least how I ate them in the past. For instance, I can no longer take a big bite of a hamburger, and savor the taste of it. The risk is that too much will want to slide down the hatch and it will NOT go all the way down.

Most foods I love can no longer really be "enjoyed" - I do miss that. And by the time I do get it all down, (IF I get it all down = rarely), its stone-cold. That's been a kill-joy in the pleasure of eating. Eating has just lost its "fun" - does that make sense? Oh well...its worth it.

Hang in there everyone. Best wishes for continued success and feeling better than ever!


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Hi Ladies! I'm having such a hard time, I'm eating all the bad stuff I shouldn't be eating, I'm sure I've gained like 5 lbs in the last month, I don't think I need a fill 'cause I still get stuck sometimes, I need motivation, I'm just too comfortable the way I look right now, I really wanted to reach my goal weight by July, but it seems so difficult at this moment, I'm tired all the time and just want to eat cupcakes, chips, and all the bad foods.

Even my husband said that I look fat again :( he's not trying to be mean, he is trying to get me moving again, but it's not working

Sorry for venting, any tips to start over?

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I am having the same type problem, to comfortable but at the same time I get stuck really easy so don't want another fill at this point. My husband says it's to tight and me getting sick is not good for me but sometimes I can eat anything at other times nothing. I don't know what to do at this point. It's scary because I know I backtrack way to easy.

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Hi girls....Lucy, I do feel your "pain" in this. Thankfully, I've not gained, but it sure is easy to eat the crap and not focus on either avoiding it altogether or just making better choices.

One of the LIBERTIES of this, FOR ME, has been not having to weigh, measure or count every bite. I AM, however, learning to LISTEN to my body...and if I'm not hungry, I DO NOT EAT. NOW, having said that....do I NEVER eat when I'm not hungry, or do I NEVER eat crap? NO. Of course not! I'm not dead!!! LOL

But, I will say that I am getting better and better about just saying NO, I DON'T REALLY WANT THAT. Like walking out of the grocery store, when I'm alone (because we all know we'll eat all kinds of things when no one is watching!!), and not buying a candy bar....I've done it several times now...and it feels really REALLY good to be able to KNOW that I don't want it or certainly don't need it.

I'm losing SO slowly...but I was visiting my parents this past weekend, in my hometown, and saw lots of friends I hadn't seen in several months. They all RAVED about how good I look, how proud of me they are -- including my uncle, whom I'm very close to. He said, "You're lookin' good, Kimmie!!" That's just to name a few....so it was VERY rewarding to be recognized for HARD WORK -- even tho I am not counting stuff....it's working!

So, just QUIT BUYING THE JUNK, stay out of the kitchen...have some PERSONAL integrity...you know what they say, "Your true character is revealed when you will do the right thing when no one is watching!" -- I'm speaking to me, too, here...so don't think I'm preaching and not listening to my own words. I'm a sugar-holic...I love LOVE sweets, but I love my thinner me more! I have about 25-30 more to go, and a package of Cookies just isn't going to get me there! (Lately I've been addicted to the 'sugar wafer' cookies...they are slim, narrow, flat flaky wafers, with a sugary creamy filling....store brand, name-brand -- doesn't matter...LOVE.LOVE.LOVE them! haha....and if I don't pay attention, I can have an ENTIRE package GONE in no time!!! YIKES!)

I do think we often get comfortable at a certain stage/weight/size. Honestly, I think I 'could' be happy'ish right where I am....but I'm really trying to listen to what my body is saying, and I think it will get me to where IT wants/needs to be...might be another 6 months, but that's okay. Some experts call that a "set point" - your body will settle into a certain weight and stay there. Of course that's providing one doesn't just start eating the house....so that's what I'm counting on...that "set point" that my body will cruise into and I will stay there for the rest of my life.

I am hoping to get myself out the door this evening to start walking again. Its finally warming up here in IN, and I'm ready to get outside. If I could get in 2 miles tonight, I'll be very happy. I have a busy day, but maybe by evening I can take an hour and hit the street.

I still have days when I can barely get anything down, Linda. The next day, it seems all right. Not sure why that is, but again, I just have to listen and OBEY or I'm in big trouble. I'm meeting a friend for lunch today...praying today is a GOOD food day, and that I can enjoy it and her w/o having to run to the bathroom to try and take care of it. Yesterday was NOT a good day for solids, so maybe today will be! I also had a bad day on Saturday, eating out w/ my folks and my brother/family...had to excuse myself from the table, go to the bathroom, then outside. NOT GOOD. I hated missing out on the good food, but most of all, just being with them. But I got in too big a hurry and it was not working.

I don't plan on another adjustment this month...found out that our insurance doesn't pay for them!! So, my choice to be conservative about it is even smarter....can't just run in there willy-nilly and get a fill. $$$ So, we'll go w/o again this month (last fill was Feb I think), and then see, in June, where I've gotten to. If I can average 1lb a week, I'm pretty happy w/ that. So far, I think that's where I am.

Anyway, sermon done!! LOL Hang in there, ladies. Its SLOW, learning new ways and means, setting boundaries for ourselves and finding new ways to reward our accomplishments. My mom gave me some clothes when I was there....they are REALLY cute and the smallest size I've seen in a LONG LONG time. Feels great. And I feel like look stylish and confident. I don't want to look 25 (I'm 51 in June), but I don't want to settle into wearing Alfred Dunner yet either. (I HAVE worn Alfred Dunner...the styles were pretty, but made me look WAY older than I was)

Enjoy today...give yourself the BEST for yourself today!!


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I too am too comfortable with my eating. I am able to manipulate my food. Soft foods go down way too easy! I am trying to go back to the way I was told to eat, Protein first, & if there's room for veg & a fruit second. That worked for me. I have lost 2 more lbs.

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the last adjustment I had, in March, really took me to the next 'level' with my capacity. I have to eat SO SLOWLY...by the time I get even 1/2 of it down, its cold. That pretty much does it with most things.

I'm down an even 40...slow loss, but then, like you, I do find that certain things ARE way too easy...esp sweets!! I can let a bite of cake just "simmer" in my mouth before swallowing...then another and another....or ice cream.

This week I have had TWO episodes of full-out vomiting. Don't know if I just ate too fast or what, but it was not pretty. I know this should be avoided at all costs b/c of the stress it puts on the band, but there was just no stopping it. Once I got it all out, I felt fine. Actually, the one evening I did finish my meal ( 1 slice of pizza)...tho it took me a good 30+ minutes to do so.

I need to also focus on the Protein first...hard to do esp when it gets stuck...still, after my visit w/ my surgeon this week, he said it WOULD come off faster if I'd keep myself clear of the carbs and sweets. Well....yeah. Ha...

Feeling pretty good....still haven't pushed myself to get walking again. I know that'll make some difference, too.

Have a good day and a good weekend, everyone!


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Hi Ladies!

I've been stuck in the same weight for almost 4 months; I was getting depressed so I started looking through some pictures, so here is what I found...

Maybe we don't see it every day but we have come a long way :)

Happy Weekend everyone!!!





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Me too as a matter of fact I have actually gained a couple of pounds back and seem to be going no where! I don't want another fill I get stuck way to easy now. I'm just bummed 45-48 pounds down and it's been almost a year ;( Don't know what I need to do to get things going down again.

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Kim, I see your fb business page so I "liked" it :)

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Linda...THANK YOU so much!! Trying to get to 300 LIKES by my b'day!! Thank you!

I'm sort of 'there' too. Terrible food day - meaning nothing really is going down well. Well, except for OREOs... YIKES. Seems I really really put away the sweets...guess b/c they just MELT in the mouth, eh?? Ugh.

I 'think' I'm down about 42, and Lucy...it'll be one year on July 31. I was REALLY hoping to see a total of 60 by the one-year mark. Not gonna happen. But I do appreciate your photo-reminder of where YOU have come from. I'm still VERY camera shy, so its hard for me to 'allow' myself to be photo'ed. I DID do one or two w/ my hubby in Hawaii...but only ONE is on Facebook.< /p>

Most days are a struggle to get solids down...and I've had a severe issue lately w/ Constipation. Oh dear. Horrible. Not enough Water, I know. I'm back to drinking too much Diet Coke....and virtually NO Water at all some days.

Other thing, with the weight loss, I'm struggling to "allow" myself to even look for clothes in the MISSES section of the store. I head right to the PLUS/WOMEN's dept. And its all too big!! YAY!! But, just cannot seem to get it thru my head that I don't live there anymore. I'm no where near where I really want to be - in fact, I still see my flabby gut and saggy boobs (getting worse as I lose).

I also am not exercising at all. I did well during the winter, with Zumba, but now I can't seem to get my lard butt out the door and just WALK. No excuses. I just don't do it. Starting is hard, you know??

Anyway, we ALL need to make better choices, don't we?? I think we HAVE come a long way, and if you're like me, you only see how far you have to GO...not really where you came from....glass half-empty.

If I have lost even another couple pounds by the next surgeon visit (mid June, I think), I won't get a fill. Haven't had one since March. Can't imagine being tighter than I am now. I just need to avoid the sweets. Have been on a "Sugar Wafer" binge lately...you know the ones - they are think wafer'y things with a SUGARY SUGARY SUGARY cream filling...OH.MY.GOSH. I can eat a whole package of them before I know it. I'VE DONE IT. MORE THAN ONCE. Bad Bad Bad. LOL So, yesterday, I was in Walmart, and I had them IN MY HAND, and I turned right around and put them back on the shelf and walked out without them!! Small victory, I think! But then today, I've eaten about 6 oreos. The rest of what was left of a package I've kept hidden in my office. But once they are gone, I'm good.

anyway, hang in there, friends. We ARE making progress...even if its SLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW. It does add up. Lucy -- you are an inspiration!!



So, lets go, girls.

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Linda...THANK YOU so much!! Trying to get to 300 LIKES by my b'day!! Thank you!

I'm sort of 'there' too. Terrible food day - meaning nothing really is going down well. Well, except for OREOs... YIKES. Seems I really really put away the sweets...guess b/c they just MELT in the mouth, eh?? Ugh.

I 'think' I'm down about 42, and Lucy...it'll be one year on July 31. I was REALLY hoping to see a total of 60 by the one-year mark. Not gonna happen. But I do appreciate your photo-reminder of where YOU have come from. I'm still VERY camera shy, so its hard for me to 'allow' myself to be photo'ed. I DID do one or two w/ my hubby in Hawaii...but only ONE is on Facebook.< /p>

Most days are a struggle to get solids down...and I've had a severe issue lately w/ Constipation. Oh dear. Horrible. Not enough Water, I know. I'm back to drinking too much Diet Coke....and virtually NO Water at all some days.

Other thing, with the weight loss, I'm struggling to "allow" myself to even look for clothes in the MISSES section of the store. I head right to the PLUS/WOMEN's dept. And its all too big!! YAY!! But, just cannot seem to get it thru my head that I don't live there anymore. I'm no where near where I really want to be - in fact, I still see my flabby gut and saggy boobs (getting worse as I lose).

I also am not exercising at all. I did well during the winter, with Zumba, but now I can't seem to get my lard butt out the door and just WALK. No excuses. I just don't do it. Starting is hard, you know??

Anyway, we ALL need to make better choices, don't we?? I think we HAVE come a long way, and if you're like me, you only see how far you have to GO...not really where you came from....glass half-empty.

If I have lost even another couple pounds by the next surgeon visit (mid June, I think), I won't get a fill. Haven't had one since March. Can't imagine being tighter than I am now. I just need to avoid the sweets. Have been on a "Sugar Wafer" binge lately...you know the ones - they are think wafer'y things with a SUGARY SUGARY SUGARY cream filling...OH.MY.GOSH. I can eat a whole package of them before I know it. I'VE DONE IT. MORE THAN ONCE. Bad Bad Bad. LOL So, yesterday, I was in Walmart, and I had them IN MY HAND, and I turned right around and put them back on the shelf and walked out without them!! Small victory, I think! But then today, I've eaten about 6 oreos. The rest of what was left of a package I've kept hidden in my office. But once they are gone, I'm good.

anyway, hang in there, friends. We ARE making progress...even if its SLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW. It does add up. Lucy -- you are an inspiration!!



So, lets go, girls.

Kim, I swear I was reading this and thinking I could write pretty much the same exact thing!

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KK, how did you get those pictures to post. I having trouble with it.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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