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Has anyone here gone to Dr. Rodriguez in Monterrey to get their lapband??? If so how was the experience? I'm seriously considering going to him to get banded but my Mom is nevrous b/c its Mexico and all she kept asking me if the Water was safe to drink lol icon_lol.gif . Anyway if anyone has used hime please tell me how your experience was with the doc, staff, hospital, surgery etc.(im getting the $7,900 package) and if you have to go back there to get fills or if a doctor near your hometown was able to do the fills for you so that you didn't have to travel all the way back to Mexico.


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Hi wannaB, I know a doctor here in Reynosa, Mexico(2-3 hrs. away from Monterrey), he offers the lap-band for $8,300, he includes everything, since your arrival to his office until your departure home. What i know is that this is a package price, and he includes transportation, hotel stay(Holiday Inn) for 3 nights, he uses the only lap-band approved by the FDA, and he is the only one certified to do this kind of procedure, here in Reynosa. The package includes hopsital room, surgical room, surgical team, medicine, and everything, in other words, worry free package. How do I know this, because a friend of mine got banded by this doctor, whose name is Dr. Felipe Cantu, assisted by Dr. Henry Mansur, both certified by the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, what I know is that both have a vast experience, and years of training. What I know is that he does the fills in Reynosa, or he can help you find a doctor near you, who does the refills. If you are interested in knowing more about Dr. Cantu please let me know. And one question, where are you from? He might even give you a discount...

Want more info, you can call him at his toll free number: 1 888 520 0924

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I am considering him also. I am looking towards the middle of May. I have requested information on him on this site and probably had 5 or so responses. All of the feedback I got was excellent. Let me know what your plans are and I can keep you abreast of mine also. I am thinking of the same package in the smaller clinic/ hospital. Have you contacted anyone at his office yet? I am also considering the Dr. Rumbault in Monterrey also but more expensive and I personally know of a few people that have been to him..But I am self pay and looking at price..

keep me posted..!!

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I'm going to make just one suggestion...don't pick a doctor based on price. This is your health and the rest of your life. I went to Dr. Rumbaut because he had the best creditentials. He is a member of the board of the Inamed band. He is a wonderful surgeon and I was extrememly happy with the outcome of my surgery.

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Hi seminole, I´m so happy you are interested on you wanting to contact Dr. Felipe Cantu, from Reynosa, Mexico. He offers the lap-band for $8,300 dlls, which is a worry free package, they make all the arrangements for you, you don´t have to worry about anything else. He includes the air ticket, but if you come driving, he could even give you a discount. The only things you might have to bring is a blood test result, a Thorax X-ray, and an EKG, that´s all. If you want more information you can contact him at his toll free number, monday- friday from 9am-8pm at 1 888 520 0924

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I was banded by Dr. Arturo Rodriguez in July 2004.

If anyone has any questions about my lapband surgery in Monterrey and/or my experiences with Dr. Rodriguez and his staff, feel free to pm or email me privately, I'll be happy to chat with you :D


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Have you made your decision yet? I am have narrowed it down to two doctors in Monterrey. Let me know with a PM what your feeling in the search for the right one.

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hey all i had my surgery by doc arturo rodriguez on march 25th. he's a great doc really nice good staff. i'm a week out and doin fine i cant wait till i start the mushies tomorrow! i wanna chew lol!! anyway no regrets other then i didnt go with a low profile port(im smaller then most of the people that get lapband done, so my port sticks out already) but thats all.


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Dr. Rumbaut is the best dr. in Monterey not to say Mexico, just check out the stats on him, besides he is a bandster himself. Safety comes first I would advice you to spend couple more grand, facilities are the best in Monterey.


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Go with Dr. Rumbaut. Go with Dr. Rumbaut. Go with Dr. Rumbaut. I'd type it a thousand times but someone out there would probably shoot me if I did! I know the cost of surgery is an important factor but experience is worth the extra (less than) $2000. Rumbaut is a genius. The San Jose Hospital in Monterrey Mexico is the nicest hospital I've ever been in and they're EXTREMELY picky about sanitation and sterilization and not re-using tools which are meant to be single use. Even hospitals in the states re-use some of these tools which were never intended to be used more than once. I'm not kidding. Dr. Rumbaut has a less-than 1% complication rate which is extraordinary.

Go with Dr. Rumbaut. Go with Dr. Rumbaut. Go with Dr. Rumbaut.

You won't regret it.

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That's a big statement to say that hospitals in the U.S. use things more than once, and it just isn't true. Sterilization and cleanliness are of the utmost importance. You can't even compare us to Mexico when it comes to cleanliness. You get what you pay for. As a nurse I know for a fact NOTHING is ever used more than once on any patient. There temp isn't even taken without putting a new cover on the thermometer. The FDA has guidelines for the hospitals and massive inspections that can happen at anytime. No one in the U.S. would risk losing their hospitals because of misuse of any instrument or anything else. Just want you to be informed, and not in any way going to bring this subject up again, but it just ain't so....that's all she said!!

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Sorry to offend you Dody. I'm just repeating what my doctors U.S. Patient Coordinator told me. After re-reading my post it sounds like I meant hospitals are re-using single use items. What I meant to say is that some items are recommended for single use and that SOME hospitals are re-using them, both in Mexico and in the United States. By all means, stick up for the U.S. but I stand by my statement - the hospital in Monterrey was nicer than any hospital I've ever been in in the United States. If I have further elective surgery I plan to return to the San Jose Hospital in Monterrey.

Good luck on your weight-loss journey.

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I absolutely agree...the hospital in Minterrey is better than any hospital I have ever been in. The rooms are twice the size as US rooms and you have your own bathroom with a walk in shower which is great the day after surgery. Another thing about Dr. Rumbaut...I got really sick after I got home from Mexico. It had nothing to do with the surgery, but he or his assistant called me every day to check on me. No doctor in the US has ever done that.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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