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Nervous About My 1St Fill Monday!!!!:-/

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Ok so now it's kicking in...;-/

Have my 1st fill on Monday and don't know what to expect... Have a HUGE PHOBIA of needles and the size if that needle AND the soft area where it'll be are not making me feel any better!!!:-/

1month ago on my 1st check up visit (1week post-op) I had lost +- 11lbs...

I was expecting huge results 1month later bit here I am today and have ONLY LOST about 4-5lbs in one month!!!!;-(

I do not know if this is normal or not...I'm just super nervous because I've had a very bad experience with my Doctor on my 1st apt...he was kinda obsessed with me loosing weight even to the point of yelling at me so...having only lost 4-5lbs in one month (as opposed to 11lbs in 2weeks) I am scarred he will get very mad at me again!!!:-/ ( for a total of 16lbs in about 6weeks including pre AND post-op...)!

I don't know how he will decide howmuch to fill me up but based on what I read I was expecting to be only able to ear 1CUP per meal around 3-4times a day but this past month I have been hungry and able to eat between 1time the size of my fist to 2times the size of my fist...:-/ and/or eat several smaller portions every 2-3hours because I "feel" hungry...;-/

This is my last filling "included" in the cost of my surgery (paid out of my pocket!!):-/ and after that it's $250!!!! Honestly I really would like and hope he feels me up at a good decent way because I don't want to come back and pay more and more all the time...!!!:-/

What is the REASONABLE GOOD EXPECTED amount I could hope or expect for my 1st time and how does he decide on that...?

I'm really looking forward to losing a lot...therefor I'm hoping I can start seeing a better kick again in my weight lose/week...also this time I'm planning on kicking my workout a notch with a friend of myn personal trainer but my main concern is my hunger and how often...?!:-/

Any advises or thoughts would be so much appreciated... Being somewhat a bit scarred and intimidated by my own doc sure doesn't help so sometimes I feel uncomfortable to open up and restrained to say anything risking to be scold like a bad child...!!:-/

PS: how do they do the injection??? How do they know and see/feel where to insert the needle...?!:-/

Thank u so much for reading and for any piece of advise u'd have for me!!!:-)

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Lots of questions! I'm going to insert my answers and comments into your text, below.

Ok so now it's kicking in...;-/

Have my 1st fill on Monday and don't know what to expect... Have a HUGE PHOBIA of needles and the size if that needle AND the soft area where it'll be are not making me feel any better!!!:-/

1month ago on my 1st check up visit (1week post-op) I had lost +- 11lbs...

I was expecting huge results 1month later bit here I am today and have ONLY LOST about 4-5lbs in one month!!!!;-( Expecting huge results was setting yourself up for disappointment. Losing 4-5 pounds in a month before you've even had a fill is pretty darned good. I lost 6 lbs in the first month post-op and 5.5 in the 2nd, and I was mighty proud of that.

I do not know if this is normal or not...I'm just super nervous because I've had a very bad experience with my Doctor on my 1st apt...he was kinda obsessed with me loosing weight even to the point of yelling at me so...having only lost 4-5lbs in one month (as opposed to 11lbs in 2weeks) I am scarred he will get very mad at me again!!!:-/ ( for a total of 16lbs in about 6weeks including pre AND post-op...)! Had he acted inappropriately in previous appointments? Is it possible he was having a bad day during that appointment? Do you know if he's even the one who does the fills?

I don't know how he will decide howmuch to fill me up but based on what I read I was expecting to be only able to ear 1CUP per meal around 3-4times a day but this past month I have been hungry and able to eat between 1time the size of my fist to 2times the size of my fist...:-/ and/or eat several smaller portions every 2-3hours because I "feel" hungry...;-/ The classic criteria for a fill are:

1. How long do your meals keep you satisfied? If less than 3-4 hours, you may need a fill.

2. Are you losing weight? If not, you may need a fill.

3. Can you eat more than 2-3 ounces of food at a time? If yes, you may need a fill.

4. What types of foods are you eating? Solid, soft, liquid? You're not going to experience much restriction or satiety if you're eating mostly soft, liquid, or slider foods.

5. Are you having any negative symptoms (PB's, stuck episodes, reflux, etc.)? If yes, you may need an unfill.

This is my last filling "included" in the cost of my surgery (paid out of my pocket!!):-/ and after that it's $250!!!! Honestly I really would like and hope he feels me up at a good decent way because I don't want to come back and pay more and more all the time...!!!:-/ I understand, but most surgeons do fills gradually because an aggressive first fill would be like going from 0 to 200 mph in 30 seconds. You're going to need time to adjust your eating skills after each fill, or you're going to run into trouble that could cause complications like a band slip. I hope I'm not the first person to tell you this, but most people need more than one or two fills to achieve optimal restriction. So start saving your pennies.

What is the REASONABLE GOOD EXPECTED amount I could hope or expect for my 1st time and how does he decide on that...? Depends on the size of your band and your surgeon's "take" on how much you need. If you know someone in your local in-person support group who has the same band, you could ask her/him what her/his first fill was, but don't count on yours being exactly the same. My first fill was 1 cc in a 4 cc band - so, 25% filled. If you have (for example) a 10 cc band, then a first fill of 2.5 cc might be reasonable.

I'm really looking forward to losing a lot...therefor I'm hoping I can start seeing a better kick again in my weight lose/week...also this time I'm planning on kicking my workout a notch with a friend of myn personal trainer but my main concern is my hunger and how often...?!:-/

Any advises or thoughts would be so much appreciated... Being somewhat a bit scarred and intimidated by my own doc sure doesn't help so sometimes I feel uncomfortable to open up and restrained to say anything risking to be scold like a bad child...!!:-/ If he treats you inappropriately, tell him so. You could say something like, "It's hard for me to tell you what's going on with me and ask you questions when you say things like that." But you can't possibly read his mind to know he's thinking you're a bad child. Maybe he's thinking about the fight he had with his wife, or about another patient who's having complications. Yes, he should concentrate on you when it's your turn, but he's human, not God. And face it, doctors aren't trained in bedside manner. It's nice if they have a good one, but if they don't, it doesn't make them bad doctors - just insensitive ones. For all you know, he acts that way with everyone in his life, and that's why he had that fight with his wife last night!

PS: how do they do the injection??? How do they know and see/feel where to insert the needle...?!:-/ Different surgeons have different procedures. My surgeon's NP had me lie on my back on an exam table. She poked at my belly to locate the port (they're trained how to do that, it isn't like throwing a dart at a board), which not surprisingly was near my biggest incision. Then she swabbed the area with betadine, and gave me a shot of lidocaine to numb the area. Then she again palpated my abdomen to steady my port, had me push out my abdominal muscles, and inserted the fill needle (which is small) into that area, sometimes moving it around a bit (without withdrawing it) to be sure she was sticking it into the port membrane. Then she removed the needle and put a band-aid on the injection site. When the lidocaine goes in it stings a bit, but after that I never felt anything but pressure. You're probably not going to be able to see anything when lying in that position, but it's OK to close your eyes if it makes you feel better.

Thank u so much for reading and for any piece of advise u'd have for me!!!:-)

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oh my, have not had my 1st fill yet, I am 8 days in and have lost 11 lbs. I'm terrified about getting

a fill. My first appointment is on the 15th.

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I was in your same boat 2 days ago. I had my first fill yesterday!!! I was freaking out but I had surgery in Las Vegas and had to come home and find a doctor that would do all my follow up visits including my fills!! I have insurance and only have to pay 45 dollars to get a fill so on that note i will fill you in on my first fill experience.I am just 3 weeks and 2 days out from surgery and noticed that i could"guzzle" Water if I wanted which I did a few times and I could actually eat anything I would put in my mouth,which I must say took alot of control and will power on my behalf!!!I have lost 28 lbs in 4 weeks but the last week i started to gain back 4 lbs so I went in and he said It was time for my fill. He the doc layed me back on the table but first I had to go get an x-ray to make sure how my port was sitting and to check how my band was sitting.He did not numb me and I asked him WHY???He said the numbing shot hurts way worse than just doing the fill he felt for the port to get a good position on it and he also made me push my stomach out and he inserted the needle you can believe me or not but I did not feel a thing didnt even know he was in!!!!There was a little pressure on the port but NO PAIN at all!!!Just felt kinda wierd.He had me sit up with the needle in my belly and drink water a little at a time to get the right amount of Fluid in my band.I think he said he put in .5cc's in because I just had surgery 3 weeks ago so he said there was still some swelling in my stomach so he just gave me enough to take the place of the swelling that had gone down since surgery.Now today I feel full all day I have managed to drink water/crystal light and about half the amount of Protein Shakes Im suppose to have so I definately feel no hunger and some sort of restriction.so good luck and dont be scared on Monday its really not as bad as u think and this is coming from a BIG OLE SCAREDY CAT!!!

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Your doctor can call in a prescription for cream that numbs the skin over your port. When you get your fill, there is a small stick that REALLY numbs the area and viola, no pain. I presume this is pretty standard procedure. I was SO scared when I got my first fill and the fear was much worse than the reality.

Look what you've already done...you can do this too! Just do it :P

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Waw THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone for ur kind words and advise... I feel a bit better about the pain of the filling... I've been pinching a small part of my skin right in top if my port and saw the pain wasn't so bad... I guess it's just the fear of the unknown...;-P

Well I can not wait to continue my journey and keep loosing the weight...!!:-) though loosing 2lbs per week sounds about correct in average... sometimes it does feel a bit like I'm stagning a lot for so much effort in so 4weeks worth..!!!:-/

I guess I still need to drill in my head that this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE AND JOURNEY rather than a quick temporary drop off diet...

I have a big fancy 16th bday in mid july so I'm really motivated...!!!! Would LOVE to push it for 1month and loose 15lbs to round it up to 30lbs and wear a nice sleek slender gown...haven't seen and won't see much my family until then so that will be my big moment of revelation to shine and I'm really counting on some waw factor!!!:-P HOPEFULY my filling will help me reach that goal....;-)

Anyways...thank u again ladies for everything and will keep u posted Monday on how it went..!!

Until then...enjoy ur weekend!!!;-)

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I just got my first fill on June 7th and it didn't hurt at all. And my doctor doesn't even numb the spot.

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I have to tell you a funny fill story.

During one of my first few fills, I was lying on the exam table chatting with my surgeon (my original surgeon, who didn't use lidocaine to numb the injection site). I couldn't see much of what was going on. I said, "So, how much are you going to put in this time?" and he laughed and said, "We're done already! I put in .5 cc."

I hadn't felt a thing!

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Hi. I know you are super nervous. It's really not a big deal. My office does not even use a numbing agent. Also, doctor does not do fills they are done by a nurse practitioner. My first fill was 3 CC's in a 11 CC band. Before I had lost much weight she had me do a small crunch which made the port more "feelable". Took me 6 months off fills to get restriction.

Weight Loss. Most doctors say you can loose up to 2 pounds a week. At about 15 pounds lost you have gotten rid of all the Water weight you had. Everything now is solid fat. You need to either burn 3500 cals or reduce your intake by that amount to loose 1 lb. When you look at it that way every pound is a VICTORY.

I am not trying to be a downer. Some of us are slow loosers. I am at restriction, eat around 1000-1200 cals a day and do between 1 1/2- 2 1/2 hours of moderate cardio daily.

If your doctor is demeaning call him/her on that. You are not their child or employee. The two of you need to meet as equals. My NP says while she is an expert on Biology I am an expert on my body.

Portions. My doctor never told me to eat by volume. Instead he wants me to have 3 oz of solid Protein lunch and dinner. I have a contain of Greek Yogurt for Breakfast (with half a scoop of Protein powder, benefiber, walnuts, high Protein Kashi Go Lean). If you have not gotten a kitchen food scale do so. Weigh the protein and then eat low fat/cal veggies until full.

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