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Hi Chris! I just had my fill today. I tried to have it last week and the Dr. couldn't find my port! So I had to do one in the X-ray center where he could use imaging and find it. I've been told this happens every once in a while. I received a 1.5cc fill and we will so how that goes.

I'm down about 22lbs and holding for the last 3 weeks. Going to the gym 2-3 times a week. I know that number needs to be 4 times a week but this is our busiest time of year and I'm doing 12-16 hour days in the office 6 days a week so it's tough! January will be much easier.

Talk to you soon!

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Very interesting day today. Traveled 4 hours (one way) with my wife and I. It was a good trip. Here were the details:

1) Very surprised that .4 of a cc was actually in the band. The Nurse Practitioner said that is not surprising because they do test and put saline in the band to make sure its working and sometimes they don't get it all out. Dr. Kuri told us he was going to put no fill in the band at the time of surgery so needless to say this was a surprise for me personally.

2) She put a total of 1.4 cc's in the band total (including putting back the original .04 that was there at the time of surgery). My band has 4cc capacity as a whole. So as of now, my band is 35% full (yaaaah)

3) Very strange as she was putting the saline in, she told me to sit up and drink some Water as she was putting the saline in. She was testing if I can handle the increased pressure of the band once she started putting the saline in. Some people can handle it and some can't. I asked her why she asked me if I can handle it and she said: some people start sweating and get dizzy because of the increased pressure the band puts on the Vagus Nerve. I told her no...and I was fine. A strange question she asked me was: Do you feel less hungry as I'm pushing the saline in your band? I'm thinking....I wasn't hungry when I came in...so how can I feel less hungry as the she is putting in the saline. Just a strange question but maybe the band has this effect on some.

4) There were 5 total girls in the room with my belly and scars exposed to them all (while the she was injecting the saline in the port). Apparently, she was doing some training with the local girls at the Junior College who were in the Nursing Program. Although uncomfortable intially, I had fun with it and said: I didn't think I would drive 4 hours one way to have 5 pretty girls in one room....looking at my belly (lol....they all laughed hard)

5) Lastly, on the 4 hour drive home, I started to get dizzy and lightheaded. My wife being a nurse said the following: "I think your brain is finally feeling the effects of the band being tightened which has put a little more pressure on the Vagus Nerve. Without going through the Nursing Lingo...apparently, your blood pressure changes as well as your breathing which causes you to get a little dizzy or light headed when the Vagus Nerve has pressure on it.

In closing, I'm so happy I got my first fill. Looking forward to working with this tool and making some adjustments to my lifestyle. One thing I have to do is discipline myself with Protein in the morning and not to exorcize late at night (8pm-10pm) because then I get hungry late and stay up late.

Cheers to everyone on this Journey !! Thank you Dr. Kuri for helping us make this journey possible :)

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MD, did she put you on just liquids for a couple of days? I did 48 hrs liquids, 2 days mushies and added back solids very slowly. My band did not get angry until 4 days later.

Work that Protein and drink that water!

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Hey y'all - update! I was banded Oct 19th by Dr. Kuri and it was a great experience. Unfortunately, the nurse that I had do my fills didn't have floro and couldn't get a successful fill. I have decided to go back to see Dr. Kuri beginning of Feb for a fill. Honestly, all the docs around here charge transfer fees - basically the cost of two visits to Kuri so I figured I might as well.

Due to the holidays and not working the "Rules" - I haven't lost much weight. I am starting over on the rules, and working on eating gluten free again (I have a sensitivity) - so I will post again after my fill on Feb 5th.

-Elizabeth :)

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Hey y'all - update! I was banded Oct 19th by Dr. Kuri and it was a great experience. Unfortunately, the nurse that I had do my fills didn't have floro and couldn't get a successful fill. I have decided to go back to see Dr. Kuri beginning of Feb for a fill. Honestly, all the docs around here charge transfer fees - basically the cost of two visits to Kuri so I figured I might as well.

Due to the holidays and not working the "Rules" - I haven't lost much weight. I am starting over on the rules, and working on eating gluten free again (I have a sensitivity) - so I will post again after my fill on Feb 5th.

-Elizabeth :)

I'm in the same boat.....I've lost wait...but I am in the process of using my tool wisely. Any weight that I haven't lost ...is my fault in my opinion. That said....I've only had one fill....and I'm getting betting with food choices.

Now...I'm eating Protein in the morning, invested in many Protein Bars (for snacks), small food choices, not drinking wine late at night, not eating past 7pm, exorcizing more ect....

P.S. Now...I'm losing a little more weight...and I sense I'm about ready to bust through MY SET POINT (i.e. the barrier that the body sets so you don't lose more weight or gain more weight).

2013 is going to be a good year. Thanks for updated us Elizabeth. Thank you for keeping us informed on your journey as I believe you got surgery the day after me with Dr. Kuri.

Continued success,


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Getting banded by dr kuri in February 7. Excited. Nervous. Scared. I have lots to do still. Anybody have any pointers on what to bring to the hospital? Thanks all n

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Make sure to bring a robe and slippers. For me...the biggest SHOCK was when they pulled the catheder out of my pecker (haha). Didn't see that coming. My wife and dad laughed like little kids when they heard me moan and yelp like a dog [lol].

Seriously....that surprised me. Had no idea I would have a catheder in me.

You will do fine there Ashly...no need to worry there. Dr. Kuri and staff are very professional there. Having surgery in Mexico is the least of your worries there. They are a class act.



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Make sure to bring a robe and slippers. For me...the biggest SHOCK was when they pulled the catheder out of my pecker (haha). Didn't see that coming. My wife and dad laughed like little kids when they heard me moan and yelp like a dog [lol].

Seriously....that surprised me. Had no idea I would have a catheder in me.

You will do fine there Ashly...no need to worry there. Dr. Kuri and staff are very professional there. Having surgery in Mexico is the least of your worries there. They are a class act.



Dude, Please keep your pecker to yourself. Or talk about it in the men's forum.

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Common Jean :) haha.

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Hey y'all - update! I was banded Oct 19th by Dr. Kuri and it was a great experience. Unfortunately, the nurse that I had do my fills didn't have floro and couldn't get a successful fill. I have decided to go back to see Dr. Kuri beginning of Feb for a fill. Honestly, all the docs around here charge transfer fees - basically the cost of two visits to Kuri so I figured I might as well.

Due to the holidays and not working the "Rules" - I haven't lost much weight. I am starting over on the rules, and working on eating gluten free again (I have a sensitivity) - so I will post again after my fill on Feb 5th.

-Elizabeth :)

Elizabeth - you're in AR right? Have you ever thought of coming to Houston for your fills? I found a bunch of Dr's that would do my fill and ended up going with Dr. Singh : http://www.healthgrades.com/physician/dr-harvinderpal-singh-2mvlt/address

Cost was $200 for the fill. They couldn't find my port on the first try so we did the fluoro thing in at the hospital a week later. I forget how much more that added (less than $200). But since he did mine he might not need to know that he knows where Dr. Kuri puts his ports? LOL.

I know first hand that Little Rock is an 8.5 hour drive and a really cheap 40 min. flight from Houston (I bought a car on eBay a couple of year's ago and flew up and drove back).

If I can be of any assistance I'd be glad to help in any way I can.

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After getting my fill on 12/11 I made the commitment to go to the gym 4 times a week, and while I regularly fail to make it 4 times I always make it at least 3 times. I'm up to running 4 miles and lifting weights approx. 45 minutes each session (1.5 miles run to warm up, then lift for 45 minutes, then finish with 2.5 mile run). I'm not breaking any records in weights or speed but I'm improving each week and my goal is to get that number up to 6 miles running and 1 hour lifting in the next 90 days.

As far as food goes most days I do not eat either Breakfast or lunch; my fill is pretty constricting and it hurts a bit to eat earlier in the day. Most days I just do a Protein drink for both Breakfast and lunch. dinner is usually fish, chicken, Soup, chili and/or veggies. Trying hard not to cheat but damn it I'm human and it happens...

As of this AM I'm at 274, so 35lbs lost. My waist is down 4" and that's actually my proudest accomplishment.

I'm finally at that point where the gym is not a nuisance or a pain and I can go at lunch time, grab a quick shower and then back to work and not be crippled or hurting the next day. I say this because I've been at this point before in my life (I lost about 50 lbs and got down to my goal weight of 208lbs, the lightest I've ever been as an adult). When I was at this exact point previously; this is when the weight loss began to happen very rapidly. I think because my body was in much better shape and could take the extra work that losing more weight demands from it. If I'm right, things are about to get interesting.

Last thing; last week I received the best news I could have ever received: After trying unsuccessfully for the last 4 years (starting 1 year after the birth of our 5 year old) to have another child (spending a ton of $$ on fertility treatments, I'm not kidding, I mean Porsche $$), my wife is pregnant! So does it have anything to do with the surgery? Who knows, maybe not, maybe....

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Dr. Kuri did my band on 1/8. It was a great experience - nice staff, he was the best, and hospital was clean and felt very safe. I have appt. for my first fill on 2/13 locally and my insurance is going to cover, yeah! No problems at all. Other than the incisions itching, I am doing great. I have yet to find a good Protein Drink I like but the search continues. Good luck to all!

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After getting my fill on 12/11 I made the commitment to go to the gym 4 times a week, and while I regularly fail to make it 4 times I always make it at least 3 times. I'm up to running 4 miles and lifting weights approx. 45 minutes each session (1.5 miles run to warm up, then lift for 45 minutes, then finish with 2.5 mile run). I'm not breaking any records in weights or speed but I'm improving each week and my goal is to get that number up to 6 miles running and 1 hour lifting in the next 90 days.

As far as food goes most days I do not eat either breakfast or lunch; my fill is pretty constricting and it hurts a bit to eat earlier in the day. Most days I just do a Protein drink for both breakfast and lunch. dinner is usually fish, chicken, Soup, chili and/or veggies. Trying hard not to cheat but damn it I'm human and it happens...

As of this AM I'm at 274, so 35lbs lost. My waist is down 4" and that's actually my proudest accomplishment.

I'm finally at that point where the gym is not a nuisance or a pain and I can go at lunch time, grab a quick shower and then back to work and not be crippled or hurting the next day. I say this because I've been at this point before in my life (I lost about 50 lbs and got down to my goal weight of 208lbs, the lightest I've ever been as an adult). When I was at this exact point previously; this is when the weight loss began to happen very rapidly. I think because my body was in much better shape and could take the extra work that losing more weight demands from it. If I'm right, things are about to get interesting.

Last thing; last week I received the best news I could have ever received: After trying unsuccessfully for the last 4 years (starting 1 year after the birth of our 5 year old) to have another child (spending a ton of $$ on fertility treatments, I'm not kidding, I mean Porsche $$), my wife is pregnant! So does it have anything to do with the surgery? Who knows, maybe not, maybe....

Haha...that is so awesome about your success. We are all different and I can't wait to get to those disciplined habits that you are "flowing in" right now. Congrats again on many fronts.

P.S. Any advice on help getting you fertile? My wife and I are having a hard time getting pregnant and I assume its on my end. Any advice?

Blessings !

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After getting my fill on 12/11 I made the commitment to go to the gym 4 times a week, and while I regularly fail to make it 4 times I always make it at least 3 times. I'm up to running 4 miles and lifting weights approx. 45 minutes each session (1.5 miles run to warm up, then lift for 45 minutes, then finish with 2.5 mile run). I'm not breaking any records in weights or speed but I'm improving each week and my goal is to get that number up to 6 miles running and 1 hour lifting in the next 90 days.

As far as food goes most days I do not eat either breakfast or lunch; my fill is pretty constricting and it hurts a bit to eat earlier in the day. Most days I just do a Protein drink for both breakfast and lunch. dinner is usually fish, chicken, Soup, chili and/or veggies. Trying hard not to cheat but damn it I'm human and it happens...

As of this AM I'm at 274, so 35lbs lost. My waist is down 4" and that's actually my proudest accomplishment.

I'm finally at that point where the gym is not a nuisance or a pain and I can go at lunch time, grab a quick shower and then back to work and not be crippled or hurting the next day. I say this because I've been at this point before in my life (I lost about 50 lbs and got down to my goal weight of 208lbs, the lightest I've ever been as an adult). When I was at this exact point previously; this is when the weight loss began to happen very rapidly. I think because my body was in much better shape and could take the extra work that losing more weight demands from it. If I'm right, things are about to get interesting.

Last thing; last week I received the best news I could have ever received: After trying unsuccessfully for the last 4 years (starting 1 year after the birth of our 5 year old) to have another child (spending a ton of $$ on fertility treatments, I'm not kidding, I mean Porsche $$), my wife is pregnant! So does it have anything to do with the surgery? Who knows, maybe not, maybe....

Congratulations !

So happy it worked out for you and your wife.

My daughter & sil on 2nd round of IVF and yes, mortgaged the house.

Best wishes to your family!

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Haha...that is so awesome about your success. We are all different and I can't wait to get to those disciplined habits that you are "flowing in" right now. Congrats again on many fronts.

P.S. Any advice on help getting you fertile? My wife and I are having a hard time getting pregnant and I assume its on my end. Any advice?

Blessings !

Thanks very much MD. I don't know that my advice will be of much help with regards to fertility; my numbers were 'good' or 'acceptable' and everything was physically fine with my wife, it just wasn't happening, for whatever reason. One thing that the Lapband may have influenced is by being in better shape our frequency of trying to conceive went up and therefore the odds of conception went up. I know it's a pretty simple answer but we had stopped all treatments, deciding to take a break for a few months and look at our options. Other than that and just luck I don't know that there are any other variables.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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