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Freaking Out...!!!-__-

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Hi there,

my name is beverlay. I am new to this site and thank god for it because i have been able to read and learn a lot of information so far...

I am or was terrible exited to be approved for lap bad surgery...this was definitely going to change my life since i have always struggled with my weight all my life!!

Now i am 48hours or less away from my surgery and i am FREAKING OUT!!! I am starting to get nervous, anxious and nervous and it is only getting worst as the time gets closer!!;-(

Due to my high weight, Doctors have ALWAYS had a very hard time finding my veins for blood tests and others so very early they started butchering me all over from arm to wrist to the top of my hand and others to be able to get some blood out of me and sometimes get in several times :-( so you can IMAGINE due to this i started to develop a real fear and phobia for needles and pain!!!:-(

The thought of the surgery is what is the most nerve wrecking for me...!! I do not know what is going to happen...they only told me 1h prep than 45min surgery than that was it...

I am terribly terrified of the pain....when i wake up!! The incisions’, the scares, the band inside, the reactions, the gas...all this is really making me nauseous those past few days so really my liquid diet hasn’t been so bad to keep up with since i am just too nervous to eat!!

If someone please could help me, tell me what to expect and what will happened i would really really appreciate it!!!:-)

i have done researches after researches to calm me down but if anything, all those risks i saw or worst cases made me more scarred and worried than anything else!!!:-(

I am just so scarred for Friday...i know i will feel better once i reach the "other" side but i just wish i didn’t have to go through surgery or pain...:-(

I just hope things will be ok after the surgery... the pain and the recovery process are my biggest question marks and having to anticipate this surgery for so many days or just killing me...i just wish they could have done it the day i found out i was approved for it...

Anyhow I apologize for this crazy message i am sure it must sound crazy but i really would love some help and answers....thank you to whoever could bring some bit of calmness to my soul before Friday...!:-)

thank you again and looking forward to a wonderful journey to a beautiful me...:-)

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Hi, I was Banded on March 13th 2012 - I had the IBand with Dr. Wilkenfeld from True Results. The surgery was not bad AT ALL. Relax - I promise it is not as bad as you think it will be... I had no pain after - a little nasuea - but, my doctor gave me a script to rub on my wrists and it worked like a charm. Congratulations - you are about to change your entire life! I was 279 when I started and 245 this morning. :) 34lbs down in just less than 2 months. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself!

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and CONGRATULATION to you this is amazing!!:-) keep up the great work ;-) i am so excited for you!!:-) I am at 225 and i need to go down to 150 but i will see how i look at 160...i dont want to be bony lol ;-P

well i guess i will have to just take a deep breath and get it over with... i used to smoke but of course i decided to STOP since i was approved so it was really 2 changes in once for me...of course for the best but with this level of stress, cigarette NOT being an option, i have to focus my energy on something else...

How was the pain? How are the incisions? Painful? how many are there? how is the port? does it HURT more by your belly botton??

thank you

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It's different for everyone. For me, the incisions were not painful at all, it was just the gas pain. But I was given liquid pain meds that worked like a charm!!

As far as needles, IV's have always bothered me tremendously!! I had an upper endoscopy shortly before lap-band and the nurse used a prominent vein on the outside of my forearm, and it didn't hurt or bother me in the least!! When they got ready to do my IV before surgery, I asked them if they could use that same spot and they did and it was painless!!

When I woke up after surgery the first thing I said was, can I go home now! I was in no pain. My port is just below my sternum and I rarely feel anything from it at all -- once in a while when I'm exercising I'll get a twinge there, but nothing bad. Go in with a positive attitude and you'll probably do better. Oh, and you're winning in two ways!! You're going to be saving $$ from not smoking and losing weight! It's a win/win situation!! Stay strong!

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Thank you! It is such an exciting time in my life - glad I found this site - I know my family is getting sick of hearing me talk about my band.. LOL

The only pain I had was in my shoulders. They fill your stomach with gas and as that is escaping from your body it hurts. It was BAD - but, the more I walked - the more relief I got. I was up in the recovery room walking with my IV - it hurt that bad. But, NOTHING else hurt! I promise! I had 5 incisions - the big one by the port is ALMOST completely healed - but it took longer because my pants kept hitting it. I could not lay on my left side for about 4 weeks - but, it is fine now - just tender and too sore to lay on...

I know what you mean about giving up two things - for me it was SODA instead of cigarettes... :) I have not had one since Feb 28th - it about KILLED me - but, I hardly ever want to hit someone for a dr pepper now.. LOL

Please keep in touch - I am anxious to hear how you do - I know it will be fine and you are going to be so happy you did it... First couple days - you are out of it - but, all is well after that... :)


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and CONGRATULATION to you this is amazing!!:-) keep up the great work ;-) i am so excited for you!!:-) I am at 225 and i need to go down to 150 but i will see how i look at 160...i dont want to be bony lol ;-P

well i guess i will have to just take a deep breath and get it over with... i used to smoke but of course i decided to STOP since i was approved so it was really 2 changes in once for me...of course for the best but with this level of stress, cigarette NOT being an option, i have to focus my energy on something else...

How was the pain? How are the incisions? Painful? how many are there? how is the port? does it HURT more by your belly botton??

thank you

Hi Beverlay, I was banded on Apr 17th. I was 240 and now I'm down to 217, this includes the pre-op diet of liquids. My surgery went perfect. Yes it's a bummer to get an IV but it's necessary. WIth my surgery. I had to get a quick shot in my tummy for blood clots that I wasn't expecting, but that just pinched real quick and they were done. That for me was the worst part and it wasn't bad. I have 5 incisions (1 longer one on my left side and 4 tiny ones in various place on my tummy). Make sure to take some Gas-x as that will really reallly help with that. Gas is worse by far than the tummy incisions. The port on me is on the left side, and being 2 weeks post op the only time I feel it is when I'm shaving my left leg when I'm bending over LOL. And that is getting better each day. In fact today, I forgot I had a port. I had no incision by my belly button. I feel a ton better since getting the surgery, I can walk without huffing and puffing. And I can see the inches coming off. This is the best thing you can do for yourself, we never do enough for ourselves. Also many of us are on MyFitnessPal, it's an app that you can keep track of your food, weight and make new friends like me :) my name on there is erilis, feel free to add me and we can root each other on!! Good luck and relax you really will be fine :) Keep us posted!

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My first suggestion is, right now stop researching the worst case scenarios! This will only upset you more. I didn't have any problems with my surgery. Was out in a few hours, in pain for a couple of days but feeling really good within a week. My scars are minimal now. This will only change your life for the better!!

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Yep... I was scared to death. It is different for everyone but mine was a breeze. I wanted to back out so badly. OMG.... so glad I didn't. It took me about 4 days to get rid of the gas pains. The were annoying and uncomfortable but not horrible. day 4 i felt like a new woman. I took 2 weeks off from work but could have gone back in 1 week. Don't let your jitters get the best of you. I have had absolutely ZERO problems... not a thing.

Good Luck to you and keep us posted on how it went when you are feeling up to it!

Oh and I started out at 432 pounds!

Edited by TKW

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Hi there,

my name is beverlay. I am new to this site and thank god for it because i have been able to read and learn a lot of information so far...

I am or was terrible exited to be approved for lap bad surgery...this was definitely going to change my life since i have always struggled with my weight all my life!!

Now i am 48hours or less away from my surgery and i am FREAKING OUT!!! I am starting to get nervous, anxious and nervous and it is only getting worst as the time gets closer!!;-(

Due to my high weight, Doctors have ALWAYS had a very hard time finding my veins for blood tests and others so very early they started butchering me all over from arm to wrist to the top of my hand and others to be able to get some blood out of me and sometimes get in several times :-( so you can IMAGINE due to this i started to develop a real fear and phobia for needles and pain!!!:-(

The thought of the surgery is what is the most nerve wrecking for me...!! I do not know what is going to happen...they only told me 1h prep than 45min surgery than that was it...

I am terribly terrified of the pain....when i wake up!! The incisions’, the scares, the band inside, the reactions, the gas...all this is really making me nauseous those past few days so really my liquid diet hasn’t been so bad to keep up with since i am just too nervous to eat!!

If someone please could help me, tell me what to expect and what will happened i would really really appreciate it!!!:-)

i have done researches after researches to calm me down but if anything, all those risks i saw or worst cases made me more scarred and worried than anything else!!!:-(

I am just so scarred for Friday...i know i will feel better once i reach the "other" side but i just wish i didn’t have to go through surgery or pain...:-(

I just hope things will be ok after the surgery... the pain and the recovery process are my biggest question marks and having to anticipate this surgery for so many days or just killing me...i just wish they could have done it the day i found out i was approved for it...

Anyhow I apologize for this crazy message i am sure it must sound crazy but i really would love some help and answers....thank you to whoever could bring some bit of calmness to my soul before Friday...!:-)

thank you again and looking forward to a wonderful journey to a beautiful me...:-)

Yes, your anxiety is definitely running away with you! Some have made the point that it is usually the rare complications which are written about. But the odds are way in your favor to have a positive and uncomplicated surgical outcome. You have to look at the risk/benefit ratio to really understand the positive side to having this surgery. You did not mention your age, but if you have never had to undergo surgery before, it is very anxiety to think about what surgery does entail. I had to have abdominal surgery BEFORE I was allowed to get medical clearance for the lap band surgery, so all of my anxieties were much lower.

You will be under general anesthesia for about 45 minutes. I never even saw the inside of the OR; then I remember being in recovery. I was in the car traveling home from the hospital 5 hours after arriving for the surgery.

Be certain to have prescriptions for pain and nausea in hand before your surgery. I never needed the nausea medicine, and took the pain medication only 2 times total. The pain for me was just about totally gone within 4 days, and I relied on liquid Tylenol for most of my pain management needs. I have 3 small incisions (1/2") and one which is about 1.5" inch, as opposed to the 4 " scar from my other surgery. I healed quickly, and now feel wonderful!

The best advice I can share for managing your anxiety is to use distraction; you can control your thinking with being aware that you are fixating on the surgery, and to intentionally STOP your thoughts from being focused on the surgery; do something else. Go for a walk, clean out a closet, have a conversation with a friend...just do something which involves physical activity. If you catch yourself thinking about the surgery, repeat the same drill...this does work if you refocus your thinking. It takes some practice, but is totally "doable"!

Accept that you are creating a belief that this takes on a "larger than life" appearance with the surgery, and focus on the thousands of individuals who have successfully had the surgery done, and are using their weight loss to regain the health that their obesity has taken away from them.

Good luck with your surgery...you'll be fine and be glad that you did something so positive for yourself!

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You will be fine I was banded on Jan. 27 I am down 47 lbs and I feel great I had no pain did not have to use my pain Meds or anything I have only had one fill which I think hurt more than the band . Congratulations on Friday I had mine on Friday as well I was driving on sunday back to work on Monday yahoo I think you will do fab

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I had mine on a Wednesday and drove home (6 hours) Thursday then work on Monday. I wasn't even groggy after surgery. My husband said it was about 30 minutes in surgery and 45 minutes after I woke up until they discharged me. I walked every hour all over that hotel. It was not bad at all. I was nervous to and wanted to back out but you will regret backing out.

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Hi, I was Banded on March 13th 2012 - I had the IBand with Dr. Wilkenfeld from True Results. The surgery was not bad AT ALL. Relax - I promise it is not as bad as you think it will be... I had no pain after - a little nasuea - but, my doctor gave me a script to rub on my wrists and it worked like a charm. Congratulations - you are about to change your entire life! I was 279 when I started and 245 this morning. :) 34lbs down in just less than 2 months. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself!

Hey there...I was also banded by Wilkenfeld with the Lapband on April 3rd. You have lost a lot of weight so far....congratulations! Have you had a fill yet?

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Hi everyone! WAW so much replies!!:-) what can I say: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!:-) this really helped me a lot to calm!!:-) every single if your answers have brought positive thinking and attitude in me! I will keep reading all your comment until the last minute in the surgery!;-P

This site is reLky AWSOME I am so glad I found it and filled with so many amazing ppl and beautiful successful stories!!:-)

Some ppl around me too were very jugementaly about my surgery! Some where very bad saying I was going for the easy way out to lose weight instead of the regular tough way to diet and exercise like everybody does but I ignored then! As for the rest, they are getting tirred to hear me freak and talk and talk about it...:-/ I just can't fibd no support since they just don't understand!! Therefor I am SO GLAD I found this site. At least we have ALL that thing jn common we can talk about all we want and be happy for each other!!!:-)

I am just a bit sad because I was scheduled for Friday than a nurse called me back today with my blood results and said I had to come in Thursday morning ASAP for an other blood test because my potassium level was too high by 0,1!!!:-( therefor they need a 2nd check just to make sure!!!:-( I had no idea shag was potassium or what were the risks or causes...:-( they just told me NO SURGERY YET until ur potassium level is lowered (if it IS indeed too high!!) I was so sad I had FINALY got to bra g my hopes up with all ur responses and now I have to wait AND get throu AN OTHER blood test!(needle :-/ GGRR)

I pray it was only a lab mistake and that I can stay scheduled Friday!!:-)

I don't know if it is true but they told me I could be all fine and dandy back to work the very next day!!:-0 is that true? I found this hard to believe unless pushing urself too soon and risk some internal bleading or smthg?

As for the fill...:-/ I am not too thrilled kr exited on that one!:-/ I'm trying to take one step af a time and not THIBK about it get but I know it will only be a matter of time till it is due!!:-/ I heard they numb u with some cream 1st before they stick the big middle in??! Hhuuurrgghh:-/

Anyhow thank u ALL again so MUch for all your help and support! I feel really blessed to see so much ppl care for me and understNd me!!:-)

I will DEFINITLY keep you all posted on what happens tomorrow... HOPEFULY potassium was a falls alarm ( because I know I am fine inside me so...:-/)

By the way my age is 27. I'm 5'7 for 225 as per my last weigh in on Saturday... After that I hVd been in liquid diet fir a few days so now idk...:-) idk what should be my ideal weight but I think 160 would be good...:-) lets see!..

I never went under big surgeries...I don't have any kids yet... I only has my appendix removed at 18 and do remember the horrible pain of the gas inside!!:-/ main am I not looking forward to living that again...!!:-/

What is Gas X? Are u only recommended To take liquid medicine?

Do u feel the port when u sit down? Does it bother?

Thank u again everyone for your kind words and to all CONGRATS to all ur amazing success!!!:-)

Looking forward to being part of this amazing journey myself with all of u ( very soon I hope..)


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honey this is anything but easy!!! This is just a tool but you still have to put the hard work in. I chose not to tell anyone but my bestfriend who had lapband before me and my husband. It is hard to keep the secret because people always want to know why I'm not eating much. I didn't want the judgement or to fail and be judged even more. I have lost 50 pounds in a year but I was a low BMI bandster so I am very pleased with my weight loss so far.

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Hi, I was Banded on March 13th 2012 - I had the IBand with Dr. Wilkenfeld from True Results. The surgery was not bad AT ALL. Relax - I promise it is not as bad as you think it will be... I had no pain after - a little nasuea - but, my doctor gave me a script to rub on my wrists and it worked like a charm. Congratulations - you are about to change your entire life! I was 279 when I started and 245 this morning. :) 34lbs down in just less than 2 months. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself!

So glad you've had good results. My surgery is scheduled with Dr. Wilkenfeld on May 8th. How did you do on the pre op diet?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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