bandfree 0 Posted April 26, 2012 *Disclaimer-1. My Doctor is the best in his field,very personable and caring, my band removal had nothing to do with his "work". 2. My intention for this post is to somewhat educate(if possible) and not discourage anyone from taking the leap to doing whats best for yourself* Today, is my first day without my band, I am extremely happy that its gone,I had it removed yesterday at approximately 10AM. My decision to remove my band, had everything to do with an autoimmune disease that showed its face 2 years after my band placement, and nothing to do with my Dr or the band itself. My band was placed in June 07, and I cannot tell you how excited I was, I never " charted" my weight loss progress like I shouldve BUT I was very aware of my shrinking body. Now almost 5 years later I tipped the scales at 156.6. BUT Anyways, enough about me...My sole purpose was to inform those that are looking to get their band removed and there is not enough information on the web to educate. This is my account of having my band removed. I will try to update everyday if possible but please dont hold my feet to the fire! Im still in recovery-mode. Today is my first official day being bandfree...I woke up this morning craving anything that could go in my belly. The last time I ate any food was Tuesday at 1pm and this was THURSDAY 9AM and needless to say, I WAS STARVING. After I was discharged I was given my scripts and headed home to battle it out.The removal itself only took and hour max and I was in recovery for another hour, I dont remember much going in, all I do remember is cracking jokes and a sense of gratefulness that I was able to remove it. Anyways, so you may have problems speaking because of the general anesthesia but that will go away. I was given all liquid meds. no pills I am horrible with liquids, my reflex will just kick it right back up&I am trying to keep all of it down so that I can get rid of some of this pain. So I have been going at this without any pain meds*I have a high pain threshold* Today I was finally aboe to take down a small bowl of Soup and crackers I was so excited just to have something in my belly.I am still laying down on my back with the ice pack securely placed under my ribcage, it really helps. Laying down on my back has been my security...I have to get of out the bed in I have a step stool on the side so that I wont over-extend any of my limbs and cause more pain/damage to the healing tissue inside.I will not have any more weight loss surgeries because I have been very diligent in working out and keeping my weight off. The last time I had a fill was about a year and a half ago. I work out every other day, whether its cardio/weights. Im just that committed to staying alive. I was on all kinds of meds before the band but now they are all a thing of the past, the band really helped me get the weight off but I had to come to the conclusion that it was the catalyst for me getting off of that plateau and moving forward. I will answer any questions that anyone has, I will even share some of my exercise tips, Im not selfish,I know this is a tough journey but with the help of others it can be so easy. Ill try to update,on my progress tomorrow. RIGHT NOW..its bed time! LOL. be encouraged-never give up! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites