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If You Could Really Turn Back Time, Would You Get Banded Again??

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This is such a no brainer for me that I can't even believe the question is being asked. It was a life-saving, life changing amazing decision for me. If people described me now they might even mention having a good body as part of the description. I really should put some befores and afters up. The band has been easy and fabulous and good to me and I truly can't say enough about it.

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I guess it depends on what is important to you. I went to my first seminar Mar 2011 and thought I don't need the band, I can lose the weight on my own. Three months later I was 10 pounds heavier. I had to face the music...I need help to get this weight off. My surgery is scheduled for June and I am so excited to think that I will be able to play with my granddaughter and to walk at a decent pace and not get out of breath. I am also looking forward to getting off my cholesteral and blood pressure meds. And to get some new clothes!!

I find myself taking bites of food and swallowing and then realizing I didn't chew it very well. I am already becoming more aware of the way I eat and the things I eat. I might be wrong but I feel this surgery will be easy. I have had a hip and a knee replacement and they made a great change in my life. I plan on my band surgery to take me to a better place in my life.

Good luck in your decision. Only you can make the decision because you have to live with it for the rest of your life.

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I know how you feel...I've been thinking to myself, "I have to keep doing this?" I'm almost a month post-op and I'm getting a little burnt out dealing with this on a daily basis. I just want to take normal sized bites again, and enjoy food the way I used to. I miss that. I'm working on my mental state now. I'm so happy when I step on the scale and see that Ive lost about 22 pounds. I'm not eating correctly yet. I rarely had heartburn before all of this, now I have discomfort a lot in my chest and throat, even on liquids or small bites. I'm hungry sometimes, but feel like I can't eat that much. I have some anxiety about meal times now, like what am I going to be able to eat?

Would I do it again? Ask me again in 6 months. If I lose the weight, yes I think it will be worth it...

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I haven't been banded yet but I'm meeting the surgeon next week. I wr really on the fence for years. But I'm 27 and a nurse and my back hates me everyday. I wake up in pain and go to sleep in pain. Another bid deciding factor is my future kids. I don't want to be 280 and gain 40 lbs pregnant and have gustational diabeties and put my kids at risk. I want to run and play with them even though they are not here yet. I think restarting foods is worth that

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Wouldn't think twice. It was the best thing I ever did for myself and I'm just sorry I was on the fence for 3 years trying to decide to get it done. I have had a few rough spots but nothing like being over weight and unhealthy. I have dropped 4 sizes since December and am on my way to a new me. So keep reading the posts and find a really good Dr since that makes all the difference in the world. Good luck to you and hope to see you on the other side of being banded

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Yes!!! The only thing I would do is have pushed for more aggresive fills. Took me 6 months to get restriction. Maybe I did'nt take really large bites presurgery because I don't have trouble with having to think about smaller bits.

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No, I definately wouldn't have lap band ! I don't know too much about gastric bypass but in hindsight, that seems more realistic to me now. I felt that the lap band would be less invasive and body altering. I lost the recommended 13lbs. pre-surgically. My surgery went fantastic. I had it done at 5 PM and I was back home by 9PM same day. Next day, and for about a week I had severe gas pain in my chest. I had some incision pain for about 3 weeks. I am 20 months post surgery. I have only lost 50 lbs., I get "stuck" every day and I am hungry alot. Sometimes I even get stuck on Water. I have had fills then fills removed, more fills, more removed, finally I thought things were great and then almost every time I ate.... the food got stuck, so I opted to have some removed and haven't gone back to the doctor as I am disgusted. My goal was to lose 134 lbs.. I don't think I will ever even hit 100lbs. One year ago I was cooking roast beef. I took it out of the oven and took a teeny bite to see how it tasted and immediately got stuck. I ended up going to the ER because after 6 hours, I couldn't get unstuck. I was constantly "slimeing" large amounts, I tried to vomit because that is what it felt like I should do. I think I brought up the meat but a mucous ball had formed blocking everything up. I was on the brink of hysteria. It happened about 2 PM and I finally was back home in bed at 1 AM. Very tiring and discouraging day for me and I will never forget. Cost me $1500 in the ER and that is WITH insurance. Some days I am tearing the kitchen apart trying to find low cal. food to eat cause I'm hungery alot. Other days, I am full after eating a few bites and feel like I will vomit if I go on, which is fine, that is what I want. But I would like more consistency. I also feel severely guilty wasting food. I must also say that my exercise routine is lacking because I had a knee replacement in July and now my other knee is also going bad and I'm probably headed for knee replacement #2 . I think the best part of this is that I now drink lots of Water. I used to drink copious amounts of soda,but no more soda. That is my discouraging story. Maybe other people had better luck than I did.

I just suffered a slip that caused me to DIE, and after 4 minutes of chest compressions they jolted me. That brought me back. They explained in x-ray that they see more and more now that the band has been around a while. "What did you think your the only one !" Well i figured low numbers, and he laughed and said we see more and more, but your lucky ! Your still alive, most die from the slip. I thought I was going to faint, what I truly loved, killed me.

So if your having problems, and your not happy with your results, see your Dr., and tell them how its working for you, and how you feel, before you end up like i did. In other words do something about it instead of complain. Or the outcome will be do to your own decision.

To th person that started the thread: do your research on which band has the potential for less of a slip.

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I have lost 77 pounds since I was banded on Jan. 6' date=' 2012 and I would do it again in a heartbeat. This is by the far the best thing I've EVER done for myself.

My only regret is that I didn't get banded years sooner.[/quote']

Wow. What are you doing for so much weight loss?

Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk

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In a heartbeat. I am about 120 lbs down from my heaviest and 85 of that due to the band and I have gone from a 54-56 inch waist to a 38-40. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at age 26 and now at 30, I am free of all my meds and insulin. I no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I was taking up to 5 pills and 3 shots of insulin a day. I am at a point where my goal weight is in sight and I couldn't feel better. I think I had read a post above that someone was having frustrations with the changes that come along with the band. To that I can say that measuring food and remembering to chew and take small bites is so worth it since the alternative would be me still eating 5 (or more) double cheeseburgers from the dollar menu at one time and feeling like a complete failure. I was actually thinking the other day while clothes shopping (at a regular store since I don't have to go to the big boy store anymore) that I couldn't remember the last time I got tired from just walking around. Or being drenched in sweat from just moving around, or feeling self conscious about my weight on a date, or being embarrassed about needing a seatbelt extender on a flight, or feeling uncomfortable in my own skin.... the list goes on and on, but I think you get the point. NSVs are now a part of my life and FAR outweigh any frustrations or changes caused by my band. During the clothes shopping trip that I mentioned above, I tried on a large size shirt. When it actually fit, I literally had to sit down in the fitting room and collect myself I was so happy. I was 10 the last time I fit into anything in the large size. The band has helped me take control of something that was pretty much killing me. In 2008 when I was admitted to the hospital after I collapsed at work, the doctor told me that I was diabetic and not only that, but I had severe diabetic ketoacidosis too. I had no idea I was diabetic and thought I just had the flu. It was so bad that the team of doctors figured that my organs were hours away from shutting down. I was going to leave work early and go home to take a nap. If that had happened the doctors thought I might not have woken up. I remember being hooked up to every machine imaginable and then being told it was a good idea if I saw someone to help me put my affairs in order "just in case". I was in the hospital for 9 days and they were THE scariest days of my life. It was a more extreme wakeup call than most people get, but I honestly don't think I could have come this far without my band. I feel lucky to have been given the opportunity to have it. I consider it the best gift I have ever given myself.

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I am 4 months out and down 50 lbs.

I ran my first 5K last month when just 3 months ago I couldn't walk a mile. I have more energy and feel better than I have in years. At 31 I was taking blood pressure meds 2x a day. I am no longer on meds and am training for my next 5K. I am working on a 12 minute mile. I have NEVER run a 12 minute mile in my life!!! I would absolutely do it again only sooner!!

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Yes, only I would have done it sooner.

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No, I definately wouldn't have lap band ! I don't know too much about gastric bypass but in hindsight, that seems more realistic to me now. I felt that the lap band would be less invasive and body altering. I lost the recommended 13lbs. pre-surgically. My surgery went fantastic. I had it done at 5 PM and I was back home by 9PM same day. Next day, and for about a week I had severe gas pain in my chest. I had some incision pain for about 3 weeks. I am 20 months post surgery. I have only lost 50 lbs., I get "stuck" every day and I am hungry alot. Sometimes I even get stuck on Water. I have had fills then fills removed, more fills, more removed, finally I thought things were great and then almost every time I ate.... the food got stuck, so I opted to have some removed and haven't gone back to the doctor as I am disgusted. My goal was to lose 134 lbs.. I don't think I will ever even hit 100lbs. One year ago I was cooking roast beef. I took it out of the oven and took a teeny bite to see how it tasted and immediately got stuck. I ended up going to the ER because after 6 hours, I couldn't get unstuck. I was constantly "slimeing" large amounts, I tried to vomit because that is what it felt like I should do. I think I brought up the meat but a mucous ball had formed blocking everything up. I was on the brink of hysteria. It happened about 2 PM and I finally was back home in bed at 1 AM. Very tiring and discouraging day for me and I will never forget. Cost me $1500 in the ER and that is WITH insurance. Some days I am tearing the kitchen apart trying to find low cal. food to eat cause I'm hungery alot. Other days, I am full after eating a few bites and feel like I will vomit if I go on, which is fine, that is what I want. But I would like more consistency. I also feel severely guilty wasting food. I must also say that my exercise routine is lacking because I had a knee replacement in July and now my other knee is also going bad and I'm probably headed for knee replacement #2 . I think the best part of this is that I now drink lots of Water. I used to drink copious amounts of soda,but no more soda. That is my discouraging story. Maybe other people had better luck than I did.

well.. on reflection i think i went in not knowing the full extent of the change that was coming... but, hey, what did i think it was going to be?? im not sorry at all but its been a very deeply stirring experience for me, mostly emotionally i think.

Not an easy time at all. IN all of this im finding that some of my old habits and mind sets are still rearing their ugly head. I know its goign to take time for all this to dispel .

It has been one of the hardest things Ive had to deal with. Mostly because when i am having a bad day i cant just ''get off the train ''.lol. Discipline has not been one of my strongest points for many years now. Im 66, learning that i have to be renewed in my mind regarding food. Also, im finding that whats equally as important is that i have to change how i feel about myself. I know it will all come together..

its going to take some time though. Meantime the results have been just staggering as far as my health is concerned. More than id ever expected, especially so quickly after surgery. This has been an awesome boost for me. i think that was meant to be to encourage me.

All in all?? yes, i would have it done again... a thousand times over. Nothing else was going to force me to confront my ''demons'' thats for sure.

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268 down to 190...yes I won't forget my aching ankles and crippled feeling, shortness of breath in stair climbing, or the heavy woman clothing store that I was a slave to....no regrets the bads are outweighed by the goods!

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yes yes a thousand times yes, i would do it again in a heartbeat ! i may be only 4 months banded and while i had to change my eating habits , the payoff so far has been huge for me ! ive lost 32 lbs, my digestive problems have gone away, i found i love my swim class 3-4 times a week, so that gives me a lot more energy ! ( walked 4 miles today !!). my clothes are getting too loose (again! And i just bought those pants 3 weeks ago !) im getting lots of nice compliments and im starting to feel comfortable in my own skin again. Hell yes , I'd do it again !

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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