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Your most embarrassing fat moment (sad, funny, pathetic, turning points)

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My really bad "fat moment" was on the first roller coaster insider Knott's berry Farm. It was a lapbar and I could barely get it over my knees, I'm 6 foot 7, but my belly was preventing it from going down far enough to lock into place enough for them to let the rid go. As we were working on it I heard someone say, "what's going on?" and someone replied, "they can't get the bar down for him." I had them undo the bar, and I walked off the ride and out of the park and sat in our van. I was prepared to wait all day for my family to finish at the park, but after trying to find me over the loud speakers(I could hear them calling my name over the PA system in the parking lot) they all decided to leave too.

The memory that sticks with me is looking up at the queue of people waiting for the ride as they ALL stared at me being to fat to ride the coaster. There must have been 100+ people that saw me hold up the line.

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Pricess you crack me up! I agree it is an art form and any guy would love for me to take the chrome off his bumper but... I have only given my art to a very select few worthy souls.

A BJ is a terrible thing to waste on a jerk!

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Pricess you crack me up! I agree it is an art form and any guy would love for me to take the chrome off his bumper but... I have only given my art to a very select few worthy souls.

A BJ is a terrible thing to waste on a jerk!

Oh I just remembered at Disneyland California Adventure I was going to ride one of those swing rides so after waiting in a long line with my best friend I go to get in one of the swings. I squeezed my butt in witrh some effort and thought there. Then the ride operator comes over to check my slide down bar that keeps you in the swing but it wouldn't go down far enough because my stomach was too big. I said I don't need it. He said he couldn't let me ride that way so I had to get up out of the swing and as if that wasn't embarrasssing enough when I stood up the swing was stuck fast to my butt. I had wedged myself in so good

I had to pull that sucker off. So I did and with all the dignity I could muster I got off the ride and took a place by the rail to watch everyone else ride. I had to laugh. It was that or cry. Later I still laugh when I think about it. I looked ridiculous and dammit I still wanted to ride that thing. That's actually become a goal of mine. I want to ride everything in any theme park and not have to worry if I'll fit in the seats.

Here's to a journey to success--and you're all welcome to join me, K?

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0.o Why do so many people have to just SUCK at life? Reading this makes me want to hug/high five/cry for/buy a drink for EVERYONE who has posted.

After my parents moved me to a small town, I was dubbed "Flabby Gabby" by the neighborhood trash. That felt good. There was my out of control bulimia and cutting through my teenage years, ending when I was about 18. Of course there were the boys who liked my skinnier friends much, much better. When I rode horses there was a comment or two made about the side saddle I needed.

I think I had one of my "best" experiences this summer. I was at the beach laying out with a friend of mine, her SO, and my boyfriend. I am acutely aware of my stomach, always have been, always will be. I will always be grateful to my big boobs for helping me to cover it up, or at least distract from it.

So I'm laying on the beach, and I begin to get paranoid that the guy behind me is talking about me. Then I hear this:

"...Like a beached whale....That girl's stomach is just...ugh....it's so huge...I mean, there's no excuse for that...."

At this point I swivel my head around to make sure that I'm not hearing things, and see this guy making gestures in front of his stomach to emphasis how huge mine is. He immediately realizes that I've heard him, and stops gesturing, and sticks the straw from his drink into his mouth quickly trying to feign innocence. A-hole even had the brainless balls to smile at me in a "who, me?" gesture. I swivel my head back and hear him tell his friends: "Oh shit, she heard me."

Not that it makes it better or worse, but the guy made the comments while I am laying between two women who were much heavier than I am. I am POSITIVE I was the one he was talking about and I'm also positive that I'm the ONLY one outside of his party who heard him make the comments.

It was like the God of Assholes sent down one of his disciples to make a shitty remark about me, specified how to best insult me in order to cause the most trauma to my psyche, and even arranged for it to be only overheard by myself. I sat up shortly after that, covered my lap with a towel, and needed about twenty minutes to choke back the lump of shame before I could tell my SO what had happened. I'm not sure what makes me angrier...the comments, or my shame after them.

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I have many embarrassing fat moments but my most recent sticks out and I am glad that I can laugh about it.

I went to a carnival with my neighbor, her daughter and the daughters friend. The daughter doesnt like rides so I was going on a few with her friend...well we went to go on one of those rides that spins you around and around on your side and all the good stuff. I kinda knew that I was in trouble while we were waiting to get on the ride when I saw a younger but bigger boy have to get off the ride - but of course I thought i'll be fine. so I walk to get in the seat and it is sitting at my lower back so I had to hop up to get into it...YEAH RIGHT lots of luck with that one. so the guy sitting next to me who was a worker gets out of his seat and proceeds to hoist me up by my left leg and I finally make it into the seat after scraping my entire butt and tail bone with the thing that goes in between your legs. then the harness comes down and I close it - or what I thought was closing it. the ride worker comes over and tries to close it and of course I was not surpirse when it didnt close he then tells me I cant stay on the ride. Ok now I have to jump off and then do the walk of shame back to the front of the ride to retreve my flip flops in front of everyone and then walk back to the exit.

at least that was the only ride that I got kicked off of!!

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Wow, I have tried to block these from my memory but we all know they are still there hiding, waiting for the right time to reappear, here goes...

3rd grade another overweight girl stopped me in the hall to tell me if anyone ever calls me fat I could respond by telling them I could diet but they would still be ugly. It shocked me since no one (other than family) had directly approached me about my weight.

A guy once made a comment about me sliding across the back seat of his car implying I would squash the other passenger. Another very dear guy friend also in the car tried to cover the comment but we all knew what he meant.

And finally, the worst...I was at a party had been drinking a lot and had fooled around with a lot of the guys there (I know but after a bottle of vodka I tend to get a little friendly) The next day we were watching video that someone had shot and a guy that I really had a pretty big crush on came out of the bathroom after making out with me in there the person with the camera said what was going on in there? and he replied, "nothing, I don't get off on fat chicks" Everyone saw the video and I just sit there mortified trying to hide how hard it hurt. Wow, it still hurts to write it out. Then years later a no longer friend told my finace about it so I could relive it!

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I am in the doctor's outer office in Mexico, along with other pre-op bandsters, listening to Dr Rumbault talk about the surgery. At that time, I weighed 191#. One of the pre-op bandsters says, "Why are you getting this surgery, you don't look like you need it." " If I were you, I would just try weight watchers and exercise." Before I could respond, Dr. Rumbault said, " she is a lower BMI Bandster, I operate on a lot of them, and they do quite well." "He smiled and winked at me." The tension in the room went away like magic, and I knew I had picked the right surgeon.:rolleyes:

I've read this thread with a mixture of horror, empathy and shame. Ur post, however, made me so angry it motivated me to post for the first time.

For all the horrible moments people have shared, the fact that someone who you would expect to understand could be so mean just blows me away! Thank goodness your surgeon was such a sweetheart!

I have so many moments and most of them I have never spoken about. I think the worst was when I was a young woman. I had a crush on a guy for some time and was so excited when we started to flirt one night. Enter his gorgeous looking mate who also started flirting with me and I had a night I couldn't believe with both of them paying me so much attention. When I phoned my crush several days later he informed me that neither of them liked me, they had just had a bet to see who could get the 'fat' chick. That's 20 years ago and I still feel the punch in the stomach when I think about it all these years later. What makes people so cruel? :cry

Thanks to everyone who has shared in this thread. Large or small, we are better people for knowing that hurting others is neither smart, nor funny.

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I was at my altime heaviest and wearing 'Granny pants' ... you know the kind of underwear I mean... Cotton, elastic waist that has seen the dryer just one too many times...

Well I was visiting a client and had just parked my car in the P. Lot.. As I climbed out of my VAN and thumped down onto the ashphalt . my panties dropped to my ankles!!!

Now it was summer time so I didn't have the luxury of Protective Pantyhose to keep-em in place... so there they went.

I was so mortified that I did a quick look around and over my shoulder to see if anybody saw..

I didn't want to bend down and fumble picking them up or trying to struggle back into them... so

I just stepped out of the suckers and kicked them UNDER my car...

Later on when leaving I peeled out of the parking lot as fast as i could..


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I'm new to this site and like all of you, I have some embarrassing stories but right now I am in a panic. I have had multiple opportunities to travel for work and I have always passed them to a coworker for fear of not being able to fit in a plane seat. The last time I flew, I was 150 lbs but my traveling companion was quite overweight and I spent the whole trip leaning into the aisle to make room for her, which I didn't mind. Well now I am supposed to fly to Hawaii and I am the passenger who is quite overweight (size 26/28). I don't want to say no but am so worried that I'll be too big. I'm trying to check into seat size, possible upgrades, etc. , but since the company is paying for everything I'm not in on the arrangements. Since the flight is 10+ hours, I'm also concerned about the size of the bathroom as I can't hold it that long. I have been losing sleep over this and am tempted to say I can't go...but it's Hawaii for free!! I was banded on Aug 6, 2007 and I was hoping that I would lose before something like this came up again. Didn't expect something so soon! Does anyone have any flying hints or advice? Be brutal as I would rather avoid an embarrassing situation than walk right into one! I just hate living my life trying to keep one step ahead of any possible problems that my weight will pose. That's why I finally decided to get this surgery and I know it will be worth it. Best of luck to you all. By the way, I have 45 days...Aloha?

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I have a few..

8th grade, we had to participate in gymnastics. I couldn't do the cartwheels, but I could tumble pretty darn well. Two of the most athletic girls picked me to be their teammate. Low and behold, our physical ed teacher decided that the whole class would perform in front of the entire middle school. I will never forget this as long as I live. We did our routine to Island Girl, by Elton John. Every time it came my turn to tumble, there were several boys who would yell "kaboom", "kaboom", "kaboom." I have never been so embarrassed! After the performance was over, I was in class, and there was a knock on the classroom door, Mrs. Yaeger, the gifted student's teacher, brought those boys into the classroom and made them apologize to me in front of the entire class. The whole class started cheering for me, made me feel better, made them look like aholes!

My dear old grandpa, bless his abusive soul, would make me so mad. I have a first cousin who is also pretty large. Everytime I saw him, which was about 4 times a week, he would ask if Doris and I were trying to run a race to see who could get the fattest. One day just before he died, he asked me if I liked being fat. I had tolerated him up until this point. I turned to him and said, "I'd rather be fat than a dried up, old hateful fart like you!" He never mentioned my weight again.

My most embarrassing moment was when DH and I went shopping at this craft store on Atlanta Highway. I used to always wear dresses, well this particular day I put a run in my pantyhose and we had to stop at a convience store to buy more. Weren't the kind I usually wore, with the built in panty, so I had no panties on. I put the pantyhose on in the car. We arrived at the store. I got out of the car. Walked to the store window and bent over to look at the window display. This store was on a corner at a very busy intersection. Low and behold, car horns started honking, guys were whistlin', yelling ooohhh baby. I turned and looked at my DH, who was laughing his butt off. I said what are they yelling at? He said I don't know....trying to hide his smirky smile. When I got inside the store I figured out why they were yelling. My dress tail was tucked in the waistband of the pantyhose and my big butt was shining! So embarrassing!!!:embarassed:

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I have 2 moments that are not quite embarrassing but they were very hurtful.

1. while vacationing in Spain with my best friend - we are both big girls - we were just walking around the city enjoying ourselves on a night out. we were walking up the street and there was a group of guys standing outside of a little bar staring at us as we were walking and as we came up to them and walked passed one guys says out loud "you know, you can find something special in any women except those 2" none of his friends said anything and he didnt say anything else but what he had said was enough. once we turned the corner we both just stopped to catch our breathes because it felt like someone had kicked us in the chest. we continued on with our night but it did put a little damper on it.

2. another vacation with the same friend this time to DR we were once again minding our own business laying on the beach in our covering 2 piece suits and these 2 guys walking down the beach made the usual beached whale comment. I was just so baffled by this. I mean what were we doing that was bothering them so much??

the best part of both of these incidents is that the people that made the comments were American and all of the locals in both locations had no problems with us what so ever! in fact they could not get enough of us!!!

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Last Summer my father told me to jump in the pool and make him a big title wave, that hurt so much. Thats when I decided to do something. It took me to lose 50lbs before he could tell I lost weight. It always hurted more when your family member said something about your weight, especialy the ones who don't have a weight problem. No one knows what it is like to have a weight problem if you don't have one. The other day my 7 year old daughter made my day, she said mom you are getting skinny. That felt so good!!!

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Chameleon, I just want to tell you that you are beautiful no matter what anyone says and it's their loss, not yours. I haven't been subject to the same ridicule like you have but I did once feel so hurt by an ex-boyfriend when I saw him again after a couple of years at my job and he looked right at me and didn't acknowledge me when he saw me. I had gotten a little bigger, but didn't think that he would never say hi or anything. When he did that, I went into the bathroom and sobbed like a baby. I was so hurt. I didn't think that I'd be affected by this, but I was. That day I made a promise to lose weight. It's been a journey of yo-yo dieting, losing alot, then gaining alot. I pray that my band will help me.

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Ohhh gosh, I could go on for days about all the embarrasing "fat" moments I've had in my life...here are just a few that stick out in my mind.

Does anyone remember the Jenny Craig commercial with that catchy little jingle "1-800-99-Jenny"? Well when I was in 2nd grade, apparently some of the boys in the class decided it would be funny to corner me at recess and sing "Katie needs to call 1-800-99-Jenny" over and over until someone went and told on them. That was probably one of the most traumatic experiences of my childhood and the first time I ever realized that I was overweight.

At my 8th grade formal in junior high, I remember being very embarrased because while everyone else was slow dancing, I just kinda stood at the edge of the dance floor and watched everyone. It hurt my feelings because I had quite a few guy friends who I was close with that wouldn't even dance with me. I knew it was because I was fat...so yeah, definitely embarrasing.

And finally, I was in the chorus of my high school's musical when I was a senior, and there was a scene where a bunch of us were supposed to be in husband/wife pairs. I was assigned a partner, and we ran through the scene once, and then after that he informed me that he was just going to sit the scene out because he had a costume change. He told other people, however, that he didn't want to be partners with the "fat girl".

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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