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Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

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Hey ladies good job....I'm down 80 pounds with 50 more to go....I'm excited with hitting the half way point....I hit my green zone at 7 ccs.....now everything is slowing down....my body is looking so different I'm actually excited for the summer .. as far as my friends they are coming around.. its so nice to b the 1 to get the attention woohoo lol...

I'm glad u ladies are doing so good...keep up the motivation I'm actually gonna get the wii or Xbox so i can do zumba also at home.....


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Hey Twin got my 1cc fill on wed I must say it hurt pretty bad. But all is well. Im on 2nd day of liquids doing good but starting to get super hungry at night time so I have been trying to go to bed early. He told me to come back in a month. Im hoping to start losing more weight now. I have been doing zumba everyday my soreness is everyday just because Im doing a diff dance everyday so it's more fun that way. You def need to try Zumba i have a kinect it's so much fun... Well hope your doing ok take care. oh yeah almost forgot he said my incision looks fine so I guess Im freaking out over nothing i guess better to be safe then sorry...

Hmmm...Wonder why it hurt??? =\ Yeah, I definitely try to use that 'ol ''go to sleep early'' trick to avoid the hunger pains. Lol Im glad the Zumba has been entertaining? Have u been seeing any results from it? I'm glad the incision has healed! Great news. I'm doing alright. I feel like my eating habits haven't been too good lately. =\ I'm eating a bit more than I had since I got banded. Which is scary! Definitely need more tightening. I also haven't gotten a chance to hit the gym since Saturday and probably won't be going again till Saturday again. But not trying to dwell and the negativity. Just gotta keep trying to stay on track n definitely have to hit the gym hard next week. Well, keep me posted, Twin!

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Hey ladies good job....I'm down 80 pounds with 50 more to go....I'm excited with hitting the half way point....I hit my green zone at 7 ccs.....now everything is slowing down....my body is looking so different I'm actually excited for the summer .. as far as my friends they are coming around.. its so nice to b the 1 to get the attention woohoo lol...

I'm glad u ladies are doing so good...keep up the motivation I'm actually gonna get the wii or Xbox so i can do zumba also at home.....

<img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Ahhhh!!! 80 lbs!!! Beyond happy for you, Tray! I can't even imagine! I just hope to God, I can be as successful! You must be a completely different person now! How amazing!!! N yes!!!! U take all that attention! N ur friends can just go ahead and get used to it! Lol What are ur meals looking like? I feel like I haven't been at my best lately. =\

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Thank u lady!!!! As far as my meals very small....Mac n cheese n potatoes any style are great lol....meat on the foreman grill only way I can eat it....but very small literally 1 spoon of each n maybe an ounce of meet....I'm very restricted thank god.....alot of food wasted since its just me I'm cooking for .. but oh well...u will get there keep thinking about the new u n keep the excitement from a size 22 to 14 in old navy jeans keeps me going lol...the small things in life lol....

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Hey ladies I hope you guys are doing great! Tray it seems like you got to your half way point pretty fast and thats awesome! I sure wish we lived closer so we could hang out. And Twin all is well with your eating just try to drink lots of Water and make sure your eating Protein trust me it helps. Plus Happy 2 month Bandiversaries a coupld days ago lol. I no you can do this everyday is a new day new opportunity to get the lbs off.

I have been doing ok consistent with zumba or jogging. I have lost a total of 33lbs as of 5-23. I just have been kinda of emtional lately and im not sure y. Im pretty independent by choice (single mom problems) but I have been craving some male attention. How are you guys dealing with this? Or are you guys in relationships. I guess just lonely. Im trying to focus on myself but it wouldn't hurt to have someone around who knows what Im going through to tell me how beautiful i am and be there for me. I don't know i guess im just crazy lol.

Well it's holiday weekend you guys have plans? What are you lookig forward to eating what are you secretly going to eat lol becuz you know we all do it? Well if I dnt talk to you guys soon have an AWESOME weekend and Holiday!!!!

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Hey Nicole it would be nice if we did live closer.....as far as the male scene I'm not in a relationship but I do see someone on a regular n he makes me feel so good about myself...he is also pushing me with the motivation ...33 lbs that's great woohoo ....ill be working sun on so hopefully weather is nice today n tomorrow ....hope u ladies get to enjoy yourselves

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Thank u lady!!!! As far as my meals very small....Mac n cheese n potatoes any style are great lol....meat on the foreman grill only way I can eat it....but very small literally 1 spoon of each n maybe an ounce of meet....I'm very restricted thank god.....alot of food wasted since its just me I'm cooking for .. but oh well...u will get there keep thinking about the new u n keep the excitement from a size 22 to 14 in old navy jeans keeps me going lol...the small things in life lol....

Hey Tray! I'm glad u mentioned the Foreman grill! I actually have been thinking of being one. Cuz I prefer my veggies roasted/broiled over steamed. I wasn't sure if the meat would work on the Foreman if it would be too dry and get stuck. Definitely want it now that u've said that! Lol N heck yes! That is definitely some motivation! How great n just a couple more sizes u'll be able to shop EVERYWHERE ur heart desires! How fab!!!

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Hey ladies I hope you guys are doing great! Tray it seems like you got to your half way point pretty fast and thats awesome! I sure wish we lived closer so we could hang out. And Twin all is well with your eating just try to drink lots of Water and make sure your eating Protein trust me it helps. Plus Happy 2 month Bandiversaries a coupld days ago lol. I no you can do this everyday is a new day new opportunity to get the lbs off.

I have been doing ok consistent with zumba or jogging. I have lost a total of 33lbs as of 5-23. I just have been kinda of emtional lately and im not sure y. Im pretty independent by choice (single mom problems) but I have been craving some male attention. How are you guys dealing with this? Or are you guys in relationships. I guess just lonely. Im trying to focus on myself but it wouldn't hurt to have someone around who knows what Im going through to tell me how beautiful i am and be there for me. I don't know i guess im just crazy lol.

Well it's holiday weekend you guys have plans? What are you lookig forward to eating what are you secretly going to eat lol becuz you know we all do it? Well if I dnt talk to you guys soon have an AWESOME weekend and Holiday!!!!

Awwww...Twin I hope u're in better spirits now! I totally understand the need of companionship every once in a while. I am in a relationship n I must admit it can be very rewarded when those moments strike, but as we all know nothing is without its price. N as great as it is when things are going awesome it also sucks to deal with the stress and anxiety that arguing or disagreements may bring. So don't u worry, just try and surround urself with great friends and ur beautiful baby and it'll be plenty to hold u over. Cuz trust as much as I love my man, it can be pretty darn irritating when he is trying to be 'helpful' and u just want to figure this out on ur on it with people that are ACTUALLY going thru this. Lol I'm glad to hear of the continued weight loss success, Twin! Keep it up!!!

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Hey ladies! Just wanted to let you know...I had another fill today. Now I am at 5ccs! Pretty exciting b/c I still havent felt much restriction. Hate depending on willpower so much. I lost 5 lbs since my last fill, which was three weeks ago. Wish it had been more, but honestly I'm surprised it was actually that much. So I was still pretty happy. Now I will be going every 4 weeks. Was a lil sad to see I'm not going to be seeing my nurse for my fills anymore, now that ou'm officially out of the post-op stage. Ironically, now the one that will be doing my fills will be my actual doctor (which I haven't seen since my surgery), Go figure, Lol

Well, can't wait to hear from the two of you!!! Hope all is well!!!


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Hi ladies it's been a while since I have talked to either of you. I hope all is well and you journey has been a good one so far. I have been doing pretty good lately. I had to buy some new shirts all of mine were really baggy and they were making me feel sloppy instead of cute.

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Hey Twin thats awesome! I dnt go back to get another fill until june 20th but my dr does all mine. I have lost 13lbs since my last fill. I def feel restriction now and I can eat anything b4 11-12 so I have a pro shake and my coffee of course.Im still haveing trouble chewing to fast but Im working on it..... Congrats on ur weight loss.

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Hey Twin thats awesome! I dnt go back to get another fill until june 20th but my dr does all mine. I have lost 13lbs since my last fill. I def feel restriction now and I can eat anything b4 11-12 so I have a pro shake and my coffee of course.Im still haveing trouble chewing to fast but Im working on it..... Congrats on ur weight loss.

Wow! 13 lbs!!! Congrats! That is really great!!! I'm so happy for u! I'm hoping being at 5 ccs will make the difference. I'm on the 2 day liquids bit, but tomorrow I start on the 2 days of mushy. I guess tomorrow will help see how restricted I really am now. Yeah, coffee is something I really haven't been able to give up. Not that I want to! Lol N about new clothes! I feel ya! It's frustrating cuz I don't want to spend a lot on 'transition' clothing, but I definitely don't feel at my most attractive now that my clothes are getting so loose. Definitely feel completely slipping in the way a lot of my pants are fitting. With the tops at least one can accessorize to make it look prettier, but the pants are getting a bit out of control. Luckily I have some clothes from when I was smaller that I never thru away. I'm trying to rummage thru those b4 going too crazy shopping for new. Anywho, glad everything is going so great!! Keep up the fabulous work!


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Hello girls! I haven't heard from any of you in a while. I hope all is well. I have to admit I've been slacking a bit. Haven't weighed myself since I went for my last fill. Eventhough, I did tell myself I would only weigh myself at the doctor's office visits anyway. But right now its more out of fear. Lol I'm afraid I probably haven't lost any weight since my last visit. I haven't been monitoring my eating too much. Not that I've been eating too poorly, but I know it could be healthier as it was in the beginning. And I've been partying. I know not good. Too much unnecessary calories wasted on alcohol. I've tried to have the less caloric drinks, but I know its still a bit foolish. I also went to Jamaica last weekend for 4 days. All-inclusive. I think that says it all. Lol. I do have to commend myself on my eaiting, however. For all-inclusive I definitely ate A LOT less than I used to on my previous trips. I wasn't choosing fatty foods. And even my boyfriend was proud that I wasn't over doing it. I was supposed to go in on Monday for another fill but my doc won't be in the office. So I have to go in on the 16th. I'm going to try my hardest to work my ass of till then. DEFINITELY don't want to embarrass myself in front of my doctor but not haven't lost anything, and worst of all, by gaining some back. Well, sorry for rambling. Hope every one had a great holiday and is keeping up a lot better than I have. LOL

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Hi Ladies!! Sorry I haven't been on much if at all.. Been super busy with everything and life.. I see you ladies are doing great (even if they're a few lapses here and there.. I have had them too lol) I'm glad to see you still come on occassionally. I will try harder. I have lost 71 lbs to date and have luckily only had 1 fill. My doctor is super glad with my progress. Until that first fill my weight loss wasn't much but my body got the message with that fill and is magically cooperating with me for once in my life. I am his most successful Lap Band patient to date and he continuously asks me what it is I'm doing. I do keep track of what I eat and what I do throughout the day aka keep it moving! I started dating someone after about 2 months from surgery and although it felt good, I felt I was kind of putting myself in the back burner again and I have a new motto.. "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!" lol Soo after that and him just being a complete ass.. I broke it off after about 2 months lol I'm dating someone new now but definitely taking it much slower and he's much sweeter!

My brother under went Gastric Bypass in May. He's doing awesome too.. Down about 80 lbs. It's kind of awesome because we do motivate each other and keep each other in check. We also share a doctor so he definitely sees the life style changes we have undergone. Other members in my family have also lost weight by making minor changes in their diets my doctor suggested. It's kind of great we made it a family thing.

Continue pushing forward ladies! You can do it and just remember that at the end of the day you're fabulous either way ;) Hugs to all!!

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Hi Ladies!! Sorry I haven't been on much if at all.. Been super busy with everything and life.. I see you ladies are doing great (even if they're a few lapses here and there.. I have had them too lol) I'm glad to see you still come on occassionally. I will try harder. I have lost 71 lbs to date and have luckily only had 1 fill. My doctor is super glad with my progress. Until that first fill my weight loss wasn't much but my body got the message with that fill and is magically cooperating with me for once in my life. I am his most successful Lap Band patient to date and he continuously asks me what it is I'm doing. I do keep track of what I eat and what I do throughout the day aka keep it moving! I started dating someone after about 2 months from surgery and although it felt good' date=' I felt I was kind of putting myself in the back burner again and I have a new motto.. "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!" lol Soo after that and him just being a complete ass.. I broke it off after about 2 months lol I'm dating someone new now but definitely taking it much slower and he's much sweeter!

My brother under went Gastric Bypass in May. He's doing awesome too.. Down about 80 lbs. It's kind of awesome because we do motivate each other and keep each other in check. We also share a doctor so he definitely sees the life style changes we have undergone. Other members in my family have also lost weight by making minor changes in their diets my doctor suggested. It's kind of great we made it a family thing.

Continue pushing forward ladies! You can do it and just remember that at the end of the day you're fabulous either way <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> Hugs to all!! [/quote']

Wow! Glori that's AMAZING!!!! U should be super proud of urself!!!! 71 lbs!!!! U must be looking like a completely different person! And off of only 1 fill?! That's remarkable. No wonder u're ur doctor's shining patient!!!

I on the other hand, have slacked off the past month or so. It's not good. With the summer and activities, I put off working out which I know had made a huge difference with the amt of weight I lost in the beginning. So far I'm down 45 lbs. I know it's still a good amt but I wanted to be under 200 lbs at the six month mark. So it's disappointing. If I can make that extra 23 lbs happen in the next two weeks it'd be great, but I'll be a little torturous to aim that high.

I am at 6ccs now. Actually sitting at my doctor's office right now. But I don't think I want to get another fill today. I feel pretty great restriction at 6ccs, my portions are decently small and I stay satisfied for very many hours. I'm going to tell my doc to leave me as I am today. If I haven't gotten better results by next month then another full it'll be. I feel that once I get my behind in the gym, everything will rev up again.

Well good luck everyone! Would love to know how u all are doing!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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