PhotoNut 7 Posted February 19, 2006 I got a glorious deep tan in about 12 sessions of 6 minutes each! Sorry if this hijacks the thread, but what kind of tanning bed/booth/whatever gives you a tan like that?? I've -never- been tan, and I wanna! *whines* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandayed 0 Posted February 19, 2006 OK, all I have to say is thank God you wore a bathing suit! You poor thing! I burned my boobies one time at the tanning salon (only b/c they were 8" closer to the bulbs than any other part of me!) Since then I usually wear clothes too! Keep cool & remember pale is pretty too :s Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dutchgrl59 2 Posted February 19, 2006 I am So So sorry this unfortunate accident happened. I've used stand-up tanning booths over the years and never any longer than 10min. Please take care and I will pray that you heal quickly and don't peel. Aloe will help sometime next week, so until then use what the Docs have given you. Heart Hugs, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justbeingme 1 Posted February 19, 2006 poor thing! i went tanning one time and got all itchy, come to find out i am allergic to artificial sunlight! wow hope you get better soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinesqueen 2 Posted February 19, 2006 Oh Christina! Honey! I'm so sorry, and I know all too well how much burns hurt! You poor thing! The silvadine is wonderful stuff, use it like frosting! Sending you tons of white light for protection and blue for healing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunnyDuddies 6 Posted February 20, 2006 OOOOOOOOOOOW I am a pale redhead, and I tell you what, I have had the lobster look so many times in my life. I am a Water baby and spent so much time at the pool or beach growing up I was permanantly sunburned for about 8 years of my childhood. When the burn goes away, I am paper white again. I envy those who can tan. But I do not envy your burn. Aloe in between the medical rubs, to give the skin natural moisture. It will cut down on the peeling. There is a spray on aloe you can get so you don't have to touch the skin. A brilliant idea indeed. Also take some extra Vitamin E during this time to help the skin heal, and some extra milk if you can stomach it. and bathing will allow you to soak in moisture all over your body. A lot of the pain is from the skin cells being so dehydrated and soaking in a tub of water can really help to rehydrate them directly. and spend as much time nekkid as possible. LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I'llsucceed 1 Posted February 20, 2006 What do you guys think about adding baby oil to cool bath Water? ? I feel like I am past the danger part w/ the burn & only have heat coming off my stomach area now. What are your thoughts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhotoNut 7 Posted February 20, 2006 Ack! No oil, it will coat your skin and hold in the heat. Plus I've found (from the old days of laying out in the sun) that baby oil actually dries out my skin. Here are some tips I found online: Medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are useful, especially when started early. For mild sunburn, cool compresses with equal parts of milk and Water may suffice. You may also use cold compresses with Burow solution. You can buy this at a drugstore. Dissolve 1 packet in 1 pint of Water. Soak gauze or a soft clean cloth in it. Gently wring out the cloth and apply to the sunburned area for 15-20 minutes. Change or refresh the cloth and solution every 2-3 hours. Anyone raised in a beach community knows the secret of aloe-based lotions. There are many commercially available types. Ask the pharmacist at your local drugstore. Tearing apart your aloe plant in the yard and applying the cool jellylike substance inside the leaves is no longer necessary. Cool (not ice cold) baths may help. Avoid bath salts, oils, and perfumes because these may produce sensitivity reactions. Avoid scrubbing the skin or shaving the skin. Use soft towels to gently dry yourself. Don’t rub. Use a light, fragrance-free skin moisturizer. Avoid lotions that contain topical anesthetic medications because you can become sensitized and then allergic to that medicine. Obviously, stay out of the sun while you are sunburned. |Medical Treatment| Silver sulfadiazine (1% cream, Thermazene) can be used for treatment of sunburn with appropriate cautions about use on the face. If your case is mild and not life threatening, the doctor may simply suggest plenty of fluids, aspirin, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Additional topical measures such as cool compresses, Burow solution soaks, or high-quality moisturizing creams and lotions may be prescribed. If your case is severe enough, oral steroid therapy (cortisonelike medications) may be prescribed for several days. Steroid creams placed on the skin show minimal to no benefit. Stronger pain-relieving medication may be prescribed in certain cases. If you have blistering, steroids may be withheld to avoid an increased risk of infection. If you are dehydrated or suffering from heat stress, IV fluids will be given, and you may be admitted to the hospital. People with very severe cases may be transferred to the hospital’s burn unit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
La_madam 20 Posted February 20, 2006 Ouch! You poor thing.. I am professional tanner and that 17yr old behind the desk should be one their first time regardless of what bed should go for 25 minutes..I tan all year round and I only go a maximum of 15 minutes depending on the bed..( and Iam tan) I just came from my tanning salon and went to the 8 minute stand up bed.. I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better.. love the heart though :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessiebear 2 Posted February 20, 2006 Yowch!!! You poor thing!!! Silvadine rocks!! I hope you at least turn a little brown after going through all this! Get better quick girlie! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the best me 6 Posted February 20, 2006 Ouch ouch ouch. I'm so sorry, I feel terrible for you! You are a tell more about this Mr. Man I haven't heard about yet?... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kathy473 1 Posted February 20, 2006 WOW!! Sorry you had to go through all of that! I can't believe she left you in there for that long!!! :confused: I just started tanning again for the summer and I told them it had been awhile and they started me at 10 minutes and then after 3 tanning sessions I went up to 12 minutes. And I think that their beds only do 12 minute sessions anyways. I go to a tanning salon that is part of a franchise, Malibu Tan, and the staff is wonderful. They also carry the Mystic Tan Booth which is the spray on tan and that works pretty well but I just prefer the beds and I use alot of tanning lotion before I get in. If you get the thought of tanning again I would try that and see how you like it. It takes just a few minutes and your done! I am glad that you are feeling better. Take care. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I'llsucceed 1 Posted February 20, 2006 Photonut- Thanks for the suggestions- I am already doing most of them. But didn't know about the baby oil. Wonkette-I think I will make a dermatologist appt tomorrow if possible. I think that may be a good idea. Vines- Happy b-day girlie! Hope it was a good one. LaMadam- I totally agree your the tan queen, I should have consulted w/ya first ;0) Today I only took one pain killer so thats great! I bet by tomorrow I will be near 80% healed. At least all my cold systems went away. My imune system was so low when I went to the doctors b/c of the burn I came home w/a cold instantly. Thanks for all the help - i knew you guys would have great ideas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shanna 0 Posted February 20, 2006 :confused: That's just crazy! I can't believe she did that to you! I've been in a similar situation, the 17 year old said I'd be fine but I didn't believe her and got out of there early because it started to feel like I was burning. Good thing, too, cause even with the short amount of time, I still got burnt. But not as bad as you!! I've also tried the spray on Mystic Tan - that's the only one for me now! I hope you feel better real soon, sweetie! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HunnyBun 2 Posted February 20, 2006 Gosh it looks terrible, so sorry that this happened to you! I once got so burned at the tanning salon, I had a high fever from it. It was horrible. Did you tan your face as well? If so, the skin on your face might have suffered a lot of damage. Your dermatologist might suggest that you go through treatment to get rid of the damaged skin and reduce risk of skin cancer. I recommend self tannign gradual tan lotions. The best one I have ever used so far is made by Loreal. It's called 'Sublime Glow'. It doesn't streak like regular tan lotions because it only gives you a slight shade with every day you apply it. After three days you have a nice even tan, and no damage to the skin. It's really worth trying. I have a very light complexion but purchased the one for medium skin tones and it gave me a nice color after only two applications. Please don't ever go back to the tannign salon, but if you do, wear sunscreen! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites