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Still deciding..need help!!

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Hello all !! What a great site!!

I can use some :help: I'll fill you in.

I'll start with, as soon as I heard about the Lap-Band, with excitement and anticipation, I ran to the first seminar I could find. Of course it being over 1 hour away, with the traffic, I was 10 minutes late Uggh :angry I got there just in time to hear the few post op people talk, of course none were lap bands. I thought, 10 min. what the heck could I have missed!! Just my luck.... I did leave with a packet of info, video etc.... But with the costs etc., I did more online research to find a Dr that took my insurance, there was noway I was going to afford this fully out of pocket. I saw a Dr in Dec 05 for consult., left totally excited! In the most nicest way possible, (if there is such a way!! lol) He told me I was Morbidly Obese. My BMI's over 40. For clearance I did my shrink evaluation he required, and listed ALL my life long diets that I have done. During all this I'm having highs and lows, I have come across people that try to talk

me out of it, some supportive some not. We'll then I think ok, I'll try AGAIN on my own. But again, what has my past behaviors been....loose it, gain even more back!! Then I received a call last week, the insurance company approved the surgery I just need to get a scope and venous doppler done, once I get that clearance I'm good to go and she can schedule a date!! Again, I hang up excited, wow, this is gonna happen! Finally, maybe I can live my life and enjoy myself. I'm tired of not living and just existing.

So I'm looking for some help, I still haven't called to make the appts for those last two tests....I'm nervous, scared, curious, unsettled and excited at the same time. One thing I keep thinking about is, how will I be able to know I'm full....?? The thoughts about only eating a 30cc cup full at a time.....(thats what he showed me as a visual, a med cup) All I picture is, going out to anything, party, family function, am I just able to take a bite and walk away?? Is that what its like? Then I feel foolish, thinking, I'm such an emotional eater that maybe I'm just over reacting to the thought of taking away my comfort....food? So if anyone out there can give me some insite, anythings appreciated!



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I felt exactly as you do now. But, I've made the decision to change. By doing that, I have to leave the old and tired and comfortable aspects of myself behind. I know it's the comfort zone, but, like yourself, I am tired of existing. I want to live fully and enjoy life. I realize the band is only one tool to get to my goal but it I feel it will give the confidence I need to succeed. I am trying to look at the banding as a journey to a new life and am sure it won't be easy but a process to look back at and see that I did it! I am sure I will be glad that I did. Good luck! Make those appointments, schedule your surgery! That's great your insruance will cover it!!! Unfortunately, my insurance will not cover the procedure, so I am self-pay. I am planning on my surgery date for May 8th.

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Hello 4MyFuture! Wow, you sound exactly like I did pre-surgery. Nervous, excited, depressed, elated, worried if I could do it, what if I failed, let's get this thing done!, but.. but.. my food! *cries*

I just knew in my heart that I was doing the right thing for me. My problem is quantity eating. I was eating so much at one time that it makes me gag just to think about it now. The transition to eating small amounts has been easy for me so far. It's odd to prepare 1/2 cup of food and believe that it's really going to satisfy you, but it really does! I can eat more in the evenings, so I really have to watch myself not to overdo it.

I can tell I'm full when I start to feel pressure behind my breastplate. Not the same overstuffed gut feeling I'm used to, so I have to eat slowly and be on the lookout for that new feeling. If I'm distracted by tv or the computer while I eat, it's easy to miss that feeling. I used to eat fast, and I often felt that uncomfortable feeling of too much food going down the pipe at once, but once it was down I kept eating. Now I have to stop when I feel that. So, it's been a change, but one that's not so very hard to do. I also fear PBs so I'm careful to chew, chew, chew till it's goo. This new way of eating has also allowed my head enough time to get the signal that it's time to stop, I'm no longer hungry.

Something a lot of us other bandsters have been talking about recently is the importance of knowing that the band is not a cure all for eating disorders. Those who have serious disorders are not really good candidates for the band. It doesn't resolve emotional issues, it merely controls the quantity of food we eat. It won't change pizza and cake into health foods. In order to succeed with the band, you will need to be prepared to make some changes. Choosing healthy foods that agree with your band, exercising, taking your Vitamins, and drinking 64oz of Water per day. Yup, that sounds like dieting doesn't it? Well, actually it is a factual thing that we all face in order to be healthy. The band is a tool which helps us keep from falling completely to Point A when we do slip up, but it won't keep you from slipping up.

If you think you're ready to make that kind of commitment to your health, then you'll do fine. And as for you concerned family members, perhaps providing them with more information will help them relax and become more supportive. I know that some of my family's instant reaction was fear, but that's because they didn't know the facts about the lapband and thought I was going for the extreme bypass surgery.

Best of luck to you! Oh.. and get those appointments set up! Don't waste anymore time! *big smiles*

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My wife got her's done 6 months before me. We told my mom about it 4 months in to hers and two months before mine (or something like that). My mom wa like all happy for my wife, and scared to death for me ... My grand father celebrated his 90th birthday last June and my one sister didn't even recognize me, then my aunt "introduced me" to my sister, and she was FLOORED!

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You sound like I was and many others are....emotional! However, only tell those who you feel will be supportive. Make sure you do your research based on mostly facts and some opinions. Each bandster is different. Some my feel restriction right away. Others, it make take several fills.

I have no regrets. Shawn

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Hi 4MyFuture,

I'm in the same spot as you - except you won the insurance lottery and are covered where I am self-pay and emptying my savings account! :welldone2:

I'm worried about 'mourning' for food. Here's how I'm dealing with that aspect of this craziness: Have you ever been in a restaurant at the end of your meal and you're feeling really really full - sort of too full - and you see someone else's food coming out of the kitchen on it's way to be served? Don't you get a kind of almost sick feeling? Thinking, how could anyone ever eat that? Or feeling like you never want to eat again? I get the feeling that if the band lets me feel full on a small amount of food, THAT'S how I'm going to feel. I have to learn to stop feeling hungry with my head and start feeling IF I'm hungry with my stomach. Doesn't that sound right?

I don't know if this logic will hold up post-surgery but that's how I'm hanging in there till the surgery is done.

What I do know is this: The VAST majority of people who lose weight on their own gain it back plus some. I'VE lost 65 pounds 'on my own' in the past and gained it all back plus LOTS. I can't waste what's left of my youth (ha - I'm 44 already) being fat and miserable.

As some wise person once said (can't remember who - see I'm already losing my memory) "If you don't change something, nothing will change." Lap Band surgery is the change I'm making. Can't wait to see the change that follows.

Sorry to ramble - I hope I've at least given you enough of a push to go for the next round of tests - why not, insurance is paying for it, right?

Best wishes to you no matter what you decide.


275/150 (really dreaming of 140)

5' 9"

Dr. Roberto Rumbaut, Monterrey Mexico

March 7, 2006 (wish me luck)

Secret Skinny Dream: I want to wear Victoria's Secret underwear in 2006.

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Hello all, Well I've finally moved myself to pick up the phone and make those final Dr Appts!!! Monday morning I'm going for the Venous Doppler, and Tuesday in the am, off to the hospital for the EGD Scope, and thats it....once my Dr receives those two results, its off to pre-admission testing!!!

I'm so excited!! I'm back into that mode, and I'm not gonna let anyone bring me down. As for those people that constantly try to talk me out of it.....lets just say I no longer even discuss the Lap Band with them. It's all good, I'm just learning to keep certain things to myself. I have plenty other support.

Alittle nervous about getting this scope down the throat, I mean I know they put you out and all....but just the thought. The Dr's office gave me a CD to watch, to see how the procedures done, maybe I'll pop that in tomorrow and take a look.

We'll I'll keep all posted, hopefully next time I'm around it'll be to post my DATE!!!!

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:update: OK I did the testing, and called the Dr's office to let them know all was finally finished.... she said I should hear from her by the end of this week to schedule my Pre-admission testing, and possible be scheduled for the End of April for the Lap BAND ... The insurance had already provided them with an approval...

OMG,....I'm excited!!!! :banana

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Im so excited for you.. I know jow I felt for two weeks before, you will go though , ups downs and some doubts. But remember, you are doing this for YOU.

Congrads and welcome to bandland.

see you when you wake up.


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Tracylou - - - YEAH!! :clap2: How exciting, maybe our dates won't be too far apart!

Vegaswildflower - - - thanks, I'm so excited right now...and I know your so right, I've been going thru the ups and downs....thats what took me so long to get in gear and get those required tests done.:uwelcome: Up until the actual date, I'm sure I'll have those last minute moments,... "should I, or maybe I shouldn't" :decision:

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Hello all,

I'm new to the group and have been working with some friends to get information on the procedure. Just found out yesterday that I can only get financing for 1/2 the cost. Does anyone know anything about the procedures that are being done in Tijuana, Mexico? Please advise.

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hey for myfurture im sure everyone has felt the same way as you. as for the people who arent supportive, let me ask this are they maybe a little jealous, because you were always the big friend or big sister or bigger girl? and now they are worried that they wont have you for that position any more? i know thats kinda what i thought about the people who arent supporting me. well im still in the first steps, and i hope and pray that my insurance covers it ......im ready

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hey for myfurture im sure everyone has felt the same way as you. as for the people who arent supportive, let me ask this are they maybe a little jealous, because you were always the big friend or big sister or bigger girl? and now they are worried that they wont have you for that position any more? i know thats kinda what i thought about the people who arent supporting me. well im still in the first steps, and i hope and pray that my insurance covers it ......im ready

Interesting Danie,

One of my nonsupporters., everytime I was starting a diet would leave my most favorite donuts from Dunkin D's....not just one., two in a bag with a large coffee on my desk! At first I use to be wow, that was nice., then another friend brought it to my attention., why everytime you attempt to loose weight does she sabatoque you?? Then I would think WAIT WAIT.....I'm on my diet why are you doing this....she would just smile and say, I stopped and thought of you. Now don't get me wrong., no-one forced me to eat them BOTH at that.... but as time went on,....this same person would knock all my attempts to loose weight.... why your wasting your time on this ??? or that??? you tried that it don't work...? you look fine? She's overweight as well so I would encourage her to do things with me...not because I wanted her to loose weight thats up to her...but to spend time and do things together as friends.

Needless to say, I'm not discussing this procedure with her at all. She brings me down.... I'm excited and staying positive, and the ones that can't support me or be there will just not be included in my process. Its about me not them. (Imagine that for a change.....doing something for myself) Its about time....

Keep me posted on your process...

My date is May 12th! I'm ready too!

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That is terrible...noone should do that. I have been overweight as long as I can remember (I'm 30). When I was 15 or so, I went to a diet doctor and I got down to the smallest I had ever been (155 lbs). It took me about a year to lose the weight, but I felt great. I found the love of my life at 16 and was married at 17 (right out of high school). We are still together after 12 1/2 years. We have had our ups and downs,,,mostly about my weight. I have put on all the weight that I lost + a lot more in the past 12 years. He wants me to look like I did 12 years ago and everytime I pick up something to eat, he gives me that look and has to say something about everything I eat. I am hoping to be banded in late July. I am ready to do this for myself most of all, but it would be so nice to look like I did back then. I think my husband and mom will be my biggest supporters on this journey. I work inside my home, so I don't have much of a social life, but all I can think about is 6-8 months post surgery, seeing some of the people that I used to work with or associate with and see their reaction when I look so much better. And I also can't wait to be able to shop in the misses department instead of the plus size department. I feel that I always dress like an old lady. Good luck on your journey and don't let anyone bring you down.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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