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Considering Lapband...is It Worth It?

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hi everyone..i'm new here..24yr old female...my doctor recommended lapband surgery to me over a year ago...i've always struggled with my weight and have suffered from severe depression because of it...i heard the word "surgery" and instantly thought "NOO WAY"...i've never had any kind of surgery before...but now that i've gained about 50lbs since that doctors visit..i'm absolutely disgusted with myself and can't believe that it's gotten this bad..i'm at 254lbs and i'm 5'5..(BMI over 40)...my number 1 problem is overreating..no question about it, i am addicted to food and the high i get from it...i know that this surgery could be a wonderful tool to help save my life..but i'm soo nervous about the whole process..so i'm just wondering if anyone has felt like this? i feel like if i have something that will physically stop me from overreating then i will be able to be successful with losing weight...but i just don't know if it's worth all the risk...help!! thanks so much for taking the time to read my rambling!! :)

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You can still eat too much of the wrong thing on the lapband, so this surgery won't magically make you stop being addicted to food. I can still eat a whole block of chocolate easy. But the band CAN stop you from over-eating in general if you're prepared to eat well. Protein takes longer to go down, so a balanced, healthy diet will mean you probably will eat small amounts. And only once you're restricted.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: it's worth the risk IF you are ready to make a lifestyle change along with having the band. The band can help you with Portion Control but it will not stop you putting too many calories in your mouth. If you're ready to make some changes, then yes, IMO lapband surgery is completely and totally worth it. If you're not ready, it won't be worth it.

I have a friend who got banded a year ago who did it because she saw how much success I had with my band. She still eats chocolates and cookie dough and ice cream, and has only lost just over 20lbs in a year. She doesn't want to go for fills, she doesn't like being restricted and unable to eat as much as she likes, and therefore she hasn't lost any weight of significance. Ad she resents the lack of success she's had. But at the same time, she knows the changes I made and isn't prepared to make similar changes. To me, if you're going to have that mindset, don't get the band. It's not worth it.

But if you really want to lose weight, are prepared to put in the effort required to lose weight, the lapband makes it exponentially easier. So you have to decide if it's worth the risk, weighing all of that up.

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hi everyone..i'm new here..24yr old female...my doctor recommended lapband surgery to me over a year ago...i've always struggled with my weight and have suffered from severe depression because of it...i heard the word "surgery" and instantly thought "NOO WAY"...i've never had any kind of surgery before...but now that i've gained about 50lbs since that doctors visit..i'm absolutely disgusted with myself and can't believe that it's gotten this bad..i'm at 254lbs and i'm 5'5..(BMI over 40)...my number 1 problem is overreating..no question about it, i am addicted to food and the high i get from it...i know that this surgery could be a wonderful tool to help save my life..but i'm soo nervous about the whole process..so i'm just wondering if anyone has felt like this? i feel like if i have something that will physically stop me from overreating then i will be able to be successful with losing weight...but i just don't know if it's worth all the risk...help!! thanks so much for taking the time to read my rambling!! smile.png

In my opinion, no weight loss surgery procedure will cure food addiction or emotional/stress eating. And if you use the band to physically stop you from overeating, you will suffer a lot of very uncomfortable side effects and possibly cause your band to slip out of place, which could require more surgery to fix. Although the band has been called a "restrictive" procedure, implying that it will restrict the amount of food you can eat, Allergan (mfgr of the Lap-Band) is now moving away from the term restrictive because it is so misleading. The band is meant to reduce your appetite and physical hunger and to create early and long-lasting satiety. That's all it does. There's nothing in it that makes you lose weight - all it does is change your appetite, hunger and satiety messages so that it's easier for you to reduce the amount of food you eat. All the rest is up to you: good food chocies, Portion Control, exercise, dealing with eating in response to things other than physical hunger.

Having said all that, I want to add that I consider myself a food addict too. I love food and the way it makes me feel. I know a lot of other bandsters who feel the same way, so you're not alone. That doesn't mean you can't succeed with the band (or any other WLS procedure). As lellow said, if you really want to lose weight and are prepared to put in the effort required, the band will make that easier. When I had WLS, my surgeon & nutritionist made it crystal clear that I would have to make a lot of lifestyle changes in order to lose weight and keep it off. I decided that this was my last chance (I was 54 at the time) to get right with God, so to speak. I felt that I was willing to do whatever it took to lose my excess weight. I think that my positive, can-do, will-do attitude was a big help.

Even if you're not sure you can tackle such a big project alone, it can work if you ask for help - from other WLS patients & support groups (online and in person), from your friends & family, and especially from a counselor who's experienced with WLS and eating disorder patients. You're very young (from my elderly point of view). I wouldn't want you to spend 3 more decades suffering from obesity the way I did. Now's a great time to get yourself onto a healthier life path. It's totally worth all the effort, I promise you!

Good luck!


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Is it worth it? NO! It works for some. Doesn't work for most long term. I spoke to someone at a bariatric office recently that said that he has seen ppl get the band and "not lose one ounce"! It's very much a crap shoot.

As far as the actual surgery its self though there is not much too it. Very simple procedure. If it's the fear of surgery it's self that is the problem, well ppl have surgery all the time. No big deal in most cases. I would strongly suggest RNY, VSG or DS. Alex has another forum:


Check that one out.

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I would say 100% worth it! I have had my band for 18 months and I have lost 70lbs and am almost at goal. I feel so much better about myself and my health! I'm 40 and I feel 24 again! I am 5'5" and weighed 225 at my highest. I'm now at 155 with about 20 more to go to be at goal. I was depressed about how I had let myself go too, but it doesn't have to be that way. It's not a quick fix and it does take work, but I have never regretted the decision.

My advice would be to start the process! You will have to go through a whole bunch of tests and meetings. You will learn if it's something you can handle or not. But start the process and learn more about it from a surgeon in your area. If your doctor is suggesting it and you trust your doctor, then you owe it to yourself to get informed.

I started looking at this website when I was considering it, but in no way did I form an opinion one way or another if I was going to have the surgery. There are too many opinions and situations. Good luck to you in making the decision and no matter what you decide, you are a beautiful young woman!

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Is it worth it? NO! It works for some. Doesn't work for most long term. I spoke to someone at a bariatric office recently that said that he has seen ppl get the band and "not lose one ounce"! It's very much a crap shoot.

As far as the actual surgery its self though there is not much too it. Very simple procedure. If it's the fear of surgery it's self that is the problem, well ppl have surgery all the time. No big deal in most cases. I would strongly suggest RNY, VSG or DS. Alex has another forum:


Check that one out.

Why are you on LapBand talk if you don't think it is worth it? Just curious, no judgement.

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Why are you on LapBand talk if you don't think it is worth it? Just curious, no judgement.

Well I didn't think the site was just for ppl that like their bands? It's suppoe to be a research and support site. Don't ppl with failed bands really need the most support???

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Well I didn't think the site was just for ppl that like their bands? It's suppoe to be a research and support site. Don't ppl with failed bands really need the most support???

I completely agree with you, but all the posts I have read from you, seem to be rather aggressive and negative more than supportive. I am sorry you didn't have a great experience with the LapBand, and I hope you found support.

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Fluffy, why do you believe your band failed? What types of food did you eat, what types of exercise did you do?

if the band failed, how did you lose the weight? I saw your blog and can see that you are skinnier.

You always seem to use scare mongering tactics when someone asks anything, which frankly discredits anything of value you may have to say. PLEASE tell us your story and what you believe went wrong with your band.

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Fluffy, why do you believe your band failed? What types of food did you eat, what types of exercise did you do?

if the band failed, how did you lose the weight? I saw your blog and can see that you are skinnier.

You always seem to use scare mongering tactics when someone asks anything, which frankly discredits anything of value you may have to say. PLEASE tell us your story and what you believe went wrong with your band.

And what makes u believe that my band did NOT fail??? Why would you even bring that up? What possible motive would I have to come on here and lie about my band?!

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I completely agree with you, but all the posts I have read from you, seem to be rather aggressive and negative more than supportive. I am sorry you didn't have a great experience with the LapBand, and I hope you found support.

My posts are agressive and negative. B/c my band experience was a NEGATIVE experience! Your band posts on here are possitive b/c you had a possitive band experience. You were LUCKY!

And as far as support...........well that comes in many forms. Support is NOT telling someone what they want to hear. Support is telling them the truth. I only wish someone had "supported" me in that way BEFORE I got my band! :-(

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My posts are agressive and negative. B/c my band experience was a NEGATIVE experience! Your band posts on here are possitive b/c you had a possitive band experience. You were LUCKY!

And as far as support...........well that comes in many forms. Support is NOT telling someone what they want to hear. Support is telling them the truth. I only wish someone had "supported" me in that way BEFORE I got my band! :-(


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And what makes u believe that my band did NOT fail??? Why would you even bring that up? What possible motive would I have to come on here and lie about my band?!

Why are you so defensive? I asked you a question in regards to how you were so successful in losing weight and you jump to the conclusion I am accusing you of lying about your band?

I think that your input and experience may be beneficial to some, but you never share your actual experience and the way you ended up being successful- you only say that the band did not work. I'm sure there are more people than just myself who are curious about how you overcame obesity on your own if you had started out with the mindset that WLS was the only way.

This is why I said that even though you may have useful information for other bandsters or bandsters-to-be, you never actually talk about the HOW involved in your journey. You also only use negatives and say things in a way that many people will just role their eyes and move on. You do no credit to yourself and your own journey.

This is the last time I ask you anything directly about your own journey, because I have posed the question on more than this thread and you never feel the need to respond. I don't know the motivation behind your silence, but it seems to me if you are trying to convince people that this is an ineffective WLS, you would explain why you believed that to be the case.

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Why are you so defensive? I asked you a question in regards to how you were so successful in losing weight and you jump to the conclusion I am accusing you of lying about your band?

I think that your input and experience may be beneficial to some, but you never share your actual experience and the way you ended up being successful- you only say that the band did not work. I'm sure there are more people than just myself who are curious about how you overcame obesity on your own if you had started out with the mindset that WLS was the only way.

This is why I said that even though you may have useful information for other bandsters or bandsters-to-be, you never actually talk about the HOW involved in your journey. You also only use negatives and say things in a way that many people will just role their eyes and move on. You do no credit to yourself and your own journey.

This is the last time I ask you anything directly about your own journey, because I have posed the question on more than this thread and you never feel the need to respond. I don't know the motivation behind your silence, but it seems to me if you are trying to convince people that this is an ineffective WLS, you would explain why you believed that to be the case.

I'm defensive b/c you said: Fluffy, why do you believe your band failed?

That to me indicates that you think that I am too stupid to know if my band failed or not. I "believe" it failed b/c I had 17 fills and no restriction. If that doesn't qualify as band failure, I don't know what does!

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I can only speak for myself. I was banded July 25, 2011 and am very satisfied with the band. There are times that I encounter problems with eating certain foods but that is what the band is intended for. It makes me stop eating at a certain point......or choose foods that I can handle. Naturally if I sit down and eat a gallon of ice cream....which I can handle .....I will not continue to lose weight. So far I have lost about 42 lbs and I know I could not have done this without the band. The surgery itself was not bad at all. Some mild discomfort....but nothing to talk about. Had surgery at 7am and was walking the halls at 1 pm that day. Released from hospital the next morning. Took only tylenol when needed. Back to work and driving within a week. I am no youngster and thought long and hard about doing this. It was a hard decision but I'm glad I did it. Get compliments every day and most of all I feel better. Blood pressure down, knees no longer hurt, no back pain, more energy. Everone must make their own decision but for me it was a good one! Good luck whatever you choose! CAT

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