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Oops forgot to answer ur questions

1. Chewing- I am getting worse about it as time goes by. I am also guilty of eating & doing something. The worst was eating & driving. I got so stuck I kept gagging but there was nowhere to pull over. I tried drinking Water & it just made it worse. It got better after I got out & walked, but I was uncomfortable most of the day.

2.working out- 2 days @ gym, 3 days elliptical or 3. elliptical & 1 circuit training.

4. The needle?? It was horrible! I am glad I was lying down for it & I normally don't mind needles

5. Fills- I was told I would get one every 4 wks & the 1st 2 would be 2cc, then 1-.5 after that for 6ths.

6 changes- no hair falling out yet, but ally fat is jiggling even more than before, it is annoying!! Hopefully as my muscles start to tighten it will pull everything in tighter, only exercise & time will tell!

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I had my first fill 2/9. I go 3/9 for my second fill. At first when I got my fill it was great, but lately I feel like I can eat a lot more than I should be. During the week I do great, but weekends, not so much. I'm still losing (down 33lbs) but want to get more control over stopping "when I'm feeling full". Why do I find the need to eat everything on my plate? Maybe I'll start journaling again.

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Was banded on Jan 30 2012. Only down 10 pounds. I know they say slow and seady 1 or 2 pounds a week. And I know 8.5 pounds a month times 12 months is 102 pounds but I lost 20 pounds in the month I did nothing but liquids. So what next. I get my first fill on the 8th of March. Hoping that will kick me into gear and not feel hungury. I am open to suggestions. I am also looking for a local support group in Mankato, MN.....

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Need another fill! My dr says every 2 weeks I can come in....unfortunately he's closed tomorrow and he only does fills on Monday's so I have to wait another week. A little frustrated cause again I have no restriction and feel I will be a week behind now. I'm running Into this void of not knowing what I should eat and also thoughts of if I ever lose all 200+ pounds my skin everywhere will be old looking saggy and droopy what if I look terrible and need surgery? What if I can't get or afford surgery to fix skin? I know my health is priority #1 for sure, but I still wonder. I have felt overweight since I was young. My family made me feel overweight since I hit puberty, even though I didn't start gaining weight till high school. And I was never obese until after my kids around 23. So I've been overweight for 13 years. My whole adult life. But felt overweight for 20 years. I often think I have no idea what I'm doing and it's impossible for me to be skinny. I bought weight loss surgery for dummies. And weight loss surgery recipes for dummies this weekend. Hoping I can gain some inspiration and drive from them. Also finding our hospital support group to be all people who have been at it for years and not come near goal weight so Im Wondering where are the successes?

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Banded 1/4,1st fill 2/26. Lost 28lbs. 18 1st 3 wks now 2-2 1/2 wk. I am feeling hungry every 2-2 1/2 hrs again. It is mainly due to boredom, stress & feeling like i need a treat it doenst help that the family still has crap food in the house. I am working with my shrink to find replacement behaviors. I found one for bored. While watching tv or reading if I chew gum it helps. I stalked up on desert flavored gum. Love the chocolate chip mint!! It has worked to take away the need for munchies. As for wanting a treat I have either sugar free pudding or 100 cal fudge bar. I was also thinking if trying a sweet tea. As for the stress eating I am at a loss. I feel I should do something physical, but I already work out. If I get out of the house I spend money I don't have. Any ideas do placed to go without spending money?? I just need a break. From it all the family, work ex-mother in law. You get the point

So any good ideas for my 3 behaviors that need replacing? Boredom, stress and just want a treat???

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Hi All!! I got my first fill this morning- it was a breeze! I got 1 cc- I have a 14 cc band, and he had put 5 cc's in during surgery, so total of 6. The PA who did the fill said with a 14 cc band the sweet spot was usually between 7-9 cc's but different for everyone. They do 1 cc at a time there, so my next appointment is April 2nd. Right now (about 2 hours after), I don't feel any different. On full liquids today, mushies tomorrow, then full foods Wednesday. It was super easy, I was so glad!

Nicole- some suggestions- I've been thinking of taking up crocheting or cross stitch- journaling helps me. Go to the park, read a book, get on the treadmill (or do crunches or jumping jacks, etc)- even if you've already worked out, a little more won't hurt, LOL. Stress eating- just think about why you shouldn't- how much weight you've already lost, the NSV's you've already experienced, how much better you feel- that is head hunger, not real hunger. Journaling about your stress might help with that too!

I'll post more if I think of any.

Kymie- that's a bummer, but you're not a week behind, you're still going to lose weight!! You're doing great. 32 lbs is awesome! And about the skin- cross that bridge when you come to it. It will rebound some, I think, especially with exercise. And someone on the boards- I think it was SHirley54 or something- said something about talking to the head surgeon at a burn unit- they need skin there- who sometimes will do it if you donate the skin! Whoda thunk it? But don't borrow trouble- lose the weight! Maybe you'll win the powerball and can get all kinds of plastic surgery (remember who your friends are, LOL). Tell us any good recipes you come across.

Hi Otaknam! Slow and steady DOWN is waaaay better than going up, LOL. Someone on these forums reminded me that the first little while is for surgery and healing, then comes the several months of fills to get to your sweet spot, then comes the losing!! So you're doing awesome!!!! It 's a marathon, not a sprint.

Mags- weekends are hard for me too- I do a LOT of talking myself out of eating things. I too am a card carrying member of the clean plate club- let's tear those membership cards up together!!!!! Let's be a member of the "Leave a bite (or lots more) for Miss Manners" club, LOL. Journaling will help you be aware, for sure. I think it just takes several fills to get to where we feel like it's not such a struggle always.

We are doing awesome! It's been only a month or two for all of us, depending on surgery date!!!!

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Oh, and for the just want a treat- pick things that will satisfy you that aren't high in calories, or good substitutions- or just eat what you really want and log the calories. I don't believe we need to deprive ourselves, just eat within calorie range.

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Banded 1/4,1st fill 2/26. Lost 28lbs. 18 1st 3 wks now 2-2 1/2 wk. I am feeling hungry every 2-2 1/2 hrs again. It is mainly due to boredom, stress & feeling like i need a treat it doenst help that the family still has crap food in the house. I am working with my shrink to find replacement behaviors. I found one for bored. While watching tv or reading if I chew gum it helps. I stalked up on desert flavored gum. Love the chocolate chip mint!! It has worked to take away the need for munchies. As for wanting a treat I have either sugar free pudding or 100 cal fudge bar. I was also thinking if trying a sweet tea. As for the stress eating I am at a loss. I feel I should do something physical, but I already work out. If I get out of the house I spend money I don't have. Any ideas do placed to go without spending money?? I just need a break. From it all the family, work ex-mother in law. You get the point

So any good ideas for my 3 behaviors that need replacing? Boredom, stress and just want a treat???

Do you have a Barnes & Nobles nearby or county library?. I go to B&N and take a table, bring my laptop or just read a book. You don't even have to buy anything at the coffee shop there. Bring Water, a snack, etc. and bring a book or magazine and relax. We have a county library close by that also encourages people to come in, have a cup of tea or coffee, and relax on one of their comfy couches and chairs. Cell phones off, peace and quiet and come out regenerated.

Same goes for movie theaters if it's during the day. Matinee's are pretty reasonable, I think. Of course, taking a walk in a nearby park, boardwalk, etc. Put on a pair of sneakers, Ipod, and take a nice walk in a nearby mall. Good luck.

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Nicole1, you're doing great! I'm doing pretty OK, too. Down 5 more pounds in the last 3 weeks, had my second fill today (each just 1 cc). I'm a believer of the slow and steady method. As for what to do for stress hunger -- I take a bath! A nice long soaking bath with Epsom salts for a magnesium boost. A former diet counselor of mine (who was sucessful bypass herself) reminded all of us in her class that most of us really, really needed to do at least one thing a day for at least 15 minutes that is just for ourselves and no one else. She said she took bubble baths and ate shaved ice with sugar-free Syrup in a champagne flute! I don't do the shaved ice part, but I find a good, hot bath really mellows me out. And since being banded on Jan 18, I am super, super clean I tell you! :-D

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I am in the process of trying to deactivate my "Clean Plate" membership!! I have always thought Empty Plate = Done. I am trying to retrain my brain to understand and accept that Full = Done. :wub:

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Banded 1/4,1st fill 2/26. Lost 28lbs. 18 1st 3 wks now 2-2 1/2 wk. I am feeling hungry every 2-2 1/2 hrs again. It is mainly due to boredom, stress & feeling like i need a treat it doenst help that the family still has crap food in the house. I am working with my shrink to find replacement behaviors. I found one for bored. While watching tv or reading if I chew gum it helps. I stalked up on desert flavored gum. Love the chocolate chip mint!! It has worked to take away the need for munchies. As for wanting a treat I have either sugar free pudding or 100 cal fudge bar. I was also thinking if trying a sweet tea. As for the stress eating I am at a loss. I feel I should do something physical, but I already work out. If I get out of the house I spend money I don't have. Any ideas do placed to go without spending money?? I just need a break. From it all the family, work ex-mother in law. You get the point

So any good ideas for my 3 behaviors that need replacing? Boredom, stress and just want a treat???

Hey there,

I think working with a counselor (Shrink as you described lol) to help replace those behaviors is a great idea. Sound like you have great snack choices I also get the sugar free fudge bar or pudding. However i was told to stay far far away from sweet tea, so I'll do un-sweet with a little stevia or splenda just to remind me how much I love and miss sweet tea. Stress eating can be hard. Fortunately I am a stress non-eater. I've been under a lot of stress since my 1st fill on Feb 24th so I don't know if the band is keeping me full or the stress. I realized at 1 point I hadn't eaten in over 16 hours..stress can be bad either way!

I had my appointment with my nutritionist on Monday morning and was told I lost 29 pounds since my 1st pre-op weigh-in on Jan 5th I was so glad to hear that and needed to hear so great news! I'm back on track with eating properly and feel great. I hope you are feeling good too.

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Hello ladies! In one week, I will have a fill! I find myself counting down to it, just like I was counting down to surgery! Did I mention I can eat like I did before too?! AAAAGH! I did have a fabulous NSV today, though...was finally able to buy some Alex and Ani bracelets, as they no longer look ridiculous on my fat (no longer as fat) wrists! I got one for each 5 lbs I lost...which came out to 4 bracelets...and I'll be due for a new one soon!!

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Hi there! Horsegirl, that is awesome!!!! I have noticed that my necklaces look better on me now, LOL.

NJ2NC- 29 lbs, that is awesome! I wish I were a stress non-eater!!!!

I lost 3 lbs last week! Total of 26 lbs lost forever, never to be found again. The exercise is really helping, and I'm loving logging all my food, then getting to subtract calories burned, LOL. I actually treated myself to a small brownie last night, logged it, and was still way under calories!

I wish I felt some better restriction, I have 6 cc's in a 14 cc band, so I'm psyching myself up for at least 2-3 more fills before I really have it- but so far so good!!

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cant wait till the 15th of this month i get my first fill..i hate the fact that i can eat like i did before i got my band i also cant wait to see if i have lost any weight or if i have gained any i refuse to step on the scale till i see my dr.. have been so stressed out due to my dad bein sick stage 4 throat cancer,,, talk about stress idk feel like climbing the walls, i have been doin zumba for the wii and trying to control my eating i do need to slow down when i eat that is something i need to work on well thanks for letting me b#^c^...............

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Hi Ready- anytime! That's what we're here for, LOL. I feel for you with your dad being sick, that must be so hard. Even if you can eat like you used to, still try not to- this is the time before fills and restrictions that we have to "white-knuckle" it and just commit to losing weight the old fashioned way. How do you like the Zumba for the Wii? I have that, but haven't tried it. I love Zumba at the Y, but haven't been in awhile, I've been doing the elliptical at home. I should break it out and give it a whirl!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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