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Hi everyone!

Otaknam, JDI...thanks for the encouragement and to you ladies and NJ2NC (and everyone else)...thanks for sharing your struggles & victories. Over 2 years later, its so great to still have this group of support & encouragement...and to know we are not alone in this journey. I'm logging food today...hope I can keep it up. I'm also thinking about making an appointment to have my band checked...my last appointment was a year ago!! I just want to make sure all is well & that it hasn't moved or I haven't stretched my "pouch". Planning to get back to my exercise routine today too. Its a beautiful, sunny day here in Nashville & I work downtown...so I'm planning to walk, walk at lunch today! :) Love me some sunshine. God bless you all!

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Hey everyone! I'm back on track....again.....no one said I was perfect at this! Thank goodness I can always start again. I love My Fitness Pal, truly I do.

So, my new insurance does not cover anything lap band related- or bariatric related. Whatever. Glad I'm really in a good spot with this, fill wise, but it's still a little worrying. Oh well, I won't borrow trouble.

How is everyone doing?


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Hi Everybody!

Had my 2 year check-up today, and when the nurse came out to get me, she said "well, look at you, skinny!" Lol.

Then when she was weighing me (down 7 pounds from last time ... 5 or 6 months ago) she whispered, "Did you get new boobies?" I almost fell off the scale! No, I told her, I just always have worn loose fitting clothes because of my rolls and so no one could really see their shape! Hahaha!

Then, the surgeon's PA came in, also complimented me, and asked that I consider speaking at the next seminar! He said the band doesn't always get the good press it deserves and that I've utilized it to 100% capacity and it's a story that should be shared. He also suggested that I am at a perfect weight now and to not get too skinny. Whaaat? That just sounds so weird to me, coming from a doctor, but he's right. Any extra fat I have on me would really need to be cut off with plastics, and I'm not considering that at my age, so I've been good with where I'm at for a while now. Since I'm so small-boned, I could weigh less, but I am tickled with where I'm at ... And it has been relatively easy to maintain.

So, enough of blowing my own horn ... How's everyone else doing?

Nicki, that's a bummer about the insurance. I am a private pay all along, so I'm used to it. It's $65 for a doctor visit, or $100 (I think, it's been so long) with a fill, too. As for any possible complications, they said they would refer me with a code that would be insurance-coverable ... Not as band-related. That is what you would want to have done, as well (Heaven forbid that ever happening). Being private pay is one of the reasons I have been so adamant about taking it slow and easy.

I am looking for photos to post on here, can't seem to find many "before" ones (never liked to keep them around), and I have to figure out how to get them on my iPad so I can download them!

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Hi Lady B- that sounds like an awesome doctor's visit! New boobies, LOL. The thing is, my doc closed his practice, so I need to find a new one, but really don't want to go to a new one without needing a fill or anything and just pay the visit. But I probably should, just in case something happens and I need a bariatric doc. I would LOVE to see your pix! I was religious with pictures every week for awhile, now it's been probably over a year since I added to those.

I am at 211.8 today. I went to my primary care doc yesterday for something not weight loss related, but mentioned how I keep sabotaging myself. She recommended the weight loss drug Belviq, she said that a patient she had that just loved to eat just didn't feel like it- emotionally, not physically. So there's a 15 day free trial, so I decided to try it. I wont get the Rx til tonight or tomorrow, I'll let y'all know what I think. You're supposed to take 2 pills a day, but since I have the lap band, I think I'll start with 1 pill and see how it goes.

Everyone have a great day!


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How goes it, everyone?

No news here; still maintaining and feeling good.

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Hello..hello...hello..... Anyone out there? I think we're fading off as so many veterans here do after a couple or few years.. ?

I'm still maintaining, still feeling good, getting busy with summer stuff. My check ins with doc have been reduced to once a year, unless I need to see him before that time. If anyone else is still out there, how are you doing?

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Hi LadyB- great minds think alike! Well, here's what's up with me.

Last little fill in December 2013. I changed jobs in January, and the new insurance (super sucky insurance) doesn't cover bariatrics at all. Also, my surgeon closed. So, I got a recommendation from Carolina Girl on the boards for another doc, and had an appointment for today. Since I'd be self pay, it was $500 for the year of fills/unfills, etc, which I thought was a good deal. So I went today.

My appointment was at 8:20. I got there at 8:15, signed in, did forms, etc. At like 9:30 I still was in the waiting room, so I asked and they said, "you're next." Great. So they take me in to the fluro room, which I had never had done, and I did the barium swallow. I could see it was slow- and I had already decided to ask for a slight unfill, as I'd been eating around the band and just felt like I was too tight. So I sit in a room, and sit and sit. At 10 I finallly go out and tell them I'm going to just have to reschedule cause I'd been there so freaking long, and the woman said, "you really shouldn't go, your band is practically closed off, he'll be just a minute, please stay." So I did.

So, turns out I have a hiatal hernia. And that's one of the reasons why I have never really felt full. The doc was great with explaining things to me, he said the hernia was probably there from the beginning but obscured by the fat around it, and now with the fat gone it is now making my pouch expand up into the diaphragham (sp?). He said I was a success at the band as I'd lost the weight expected. He did say it was 50/50 whether when they refill the band it works the way it has been- he said it might not rebound elasticity wise, he said there's no way of knowing. So I'll get this hernia fixed the week of July 4, then after a month or so- or I cant' really remember what he said exactly- they can start refilling the band and then see if it works like it should. I am positive it will. So he took out all my Fluid today- 11.5 cc's in a 12 cc band! I did have bread today, for the first time in 2 years practically, which was fun, but I'm really going to have to watch it with this. I really want to start drinking diet dr pepper again, LOL, and I might have one or two, but I'm not going to get back on that bandwagon.

So that's it with me- I know if I log my food, etc, I'll still be successful. He explained why I never really felt full- since the pouch expanded above the diaphragam, I never got the neuro signals that I was full, so it's not like "oh no, the full feeling is gone now." I never really had that, was just uncomfortable eating certain things or felt full because of the size of my pouch.

So, I'm a little bummed- DH was on me to get an unfill as I was totally eating around the band, and gaining some weight back because of my ice cream addiction, and now this- but I guess it's better that I find this and repair it and get on with the journey. I have to say, it's been great this afternoon drinking big glasses of water!

So, I'm super glad things are going well for you! I just need to get my mojo back, deal with this surgery for the hernia (not looking forward to the Hair loss due to the anesthesia), and soldier on. I really don't want to gain weight back- more than I already have.


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Wow, Nicki! A hiatal hernia. I have a feeling that the repair will make a huge difference for you, as for feeling full. I vaguely remember Mis73 posting a similar repair after her band .. And we all know how well she did. I had no idea you had so much fill in your band. With over 11 cc's you must surely have felt discouraged that the weight wasn't just falling off! I'm so glad you got the flouro check and found this out!

The $500 for the year does sound like a good price. Since I am self-pay, mine is $65 to see the doc and $135, I think, if I get a fill. I haven't had a fill in a long, long time --and none under flouro -- but I still get the full feeling .. And even more so now that the temperatures are creeping up.

I am in awe that you have been so successful even with the hernia. You will do even so much more after the repair! I hope your new insurance will cover that op. So glad you posted; I think of you often.

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Yah, the fluro was interesting. I knew I had a lot of Fluid in the band, holy cow! And I was definitely eating around the band big time. The past couple of days being unfilled have been kind of fun, I ate a sandwich for the first time in a couple years, ha ha!

You have done so well, I would be happy to get to 165 or so! I know I'm going to have to watch it with no fill. My hernia surgery is scheduled for 7/2, and luckily it is covered (except for our huge deductible, oh well). The doc said that the kicker will be when they start refilling the band to see if it will work the same way, or if it was too stretched out. Who knows, with all that fill in it, if it will bounce back well, but honestly I think it will- and even if I just get a bit more of the full feeling without being so super tight. Time will tell!

I am glad to have this tool- and the doc said I am a band success since I did get down to 201- and am now 213. I just need to get back to exercising and logging my food. even though it's hard.

I will private message you my info so even if I fall off here, we can still keep in touch!


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Well I had a rough month last month. Today went in thinking a small infill would balance me out. WRONG I found out my band has a slight slip. But lost 10 ponds. So did a crazy and they decide to take ALL Fluid out of band for at least 3 months. All I can say is the F word. food, failure, fast weight regain. I am so scared not to have my band working correctly. I know what and how to eat. But my brain kicked into overdrive. Thoughts of all the summer foods... I am scared of gaining back anything. I have even said to myself " I knew this was to good to be true" hoping this will settle down and will be back on track in a few months. But until then just got to try and stay on track. Oh darn it. Thanks

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I'm going in for a check up in a couple of weeks myself. I'm concerned that I might have a slight slip also. Thanks for sharing Otaknam! Once again, our sharing has made me realize we're not in this alone! Just take it one day at a time and remember the basics. I'm even going to ask my doc for a food plan and to give me a list of no-no's again. I'm just going to try to start over, whether they adjust my band or not. :) We're here for you! BTW, hi everyone!! Sorry haven't been on much, but I think about you all every day. God bless!

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So, the past week has been horrible. Anytime I would try to eat I could feel it backing up and finally go down hours later. Got so bad that I couldn't sleep at night due to constant reflux and coughing. Today I finally went to the doctor and he took all the Fluid out of my band and it was instant relief!!! I can finally eat solid foods again and I feel it going down. Thursday I see the doctor again for barium/xray to be sure the band did not slip and hoping it was just too tight. I am hoping it was just too tight and he will put fluid back in...until then I may just eat some Chinese food, I haven't had that in over 2 years!!!

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Hi everyone! Otaknam, I feel ya, girl. I have been eating like I did before the band, and of course that did not help me lose weight back then. Becoming unfilled really emphasizes how our heads were not banded. Just hang in there. Do you log on my fitness pal or anything else? That will keep you on track perhaps. It is hard, not gonna lie.

126Dee- that has been my problem- eating bread cause I can, now, after not for two years. And my bad soda habit is back in full force. I have given myself until my surgery on 7/9 and then back to the "grind" even though I won't have any fill in my band. At some point I have to help myself and diet until I'm back in a sweet spot.

Chrissy- why do you think your band has slipped? Does your doc do the fluro fills? I havent' been on my fitness pal in a zillion years- are you using that as a tool? I know, I need to get back to basics and just diet until I can use this tool again.

Oh, and my surgery has changed from 7/2 to 7/9, which is a bummer, but oh well. I have a regular physical next week and I know I will have packed on the lbs which is my own dang fault. I posted something on these boards asking if anyone had gotten re-filled after a complete unfill, as my doc had said it was a 50/50 chance that my band would be as effective after the refill, and one person posted something about why would I go back to bad habits, even being unfilled. That was a good question- I guess my answer (and it's not a good answer) is because I could. I could have bread again, I could eat a "real" hamburger again. I could eat lettuce and Tomato again (after being really too tight to eat that for awhile). My emotional eating isn't in check, never has been, but the band helped LOTS. So I still have work to do, and right now I don't have my band for support, but I am still worth it.

Losing weight/keeping it off is hard.


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I know I have to continue to eat like I did. And try to block from my mind that the band is unfilled. I know with the heat my band will tighten on one a bit. My goal is fresh veggies a still keep one cheat day ever other weekend either Saturday or Sunday. Oh great good thing I only have 2 graduation party to go to one is early even and I do not eat after 7PM. So safe on that one. I told a few of my friends what is happening. I told them if you see me eating something good tell me to SPIT IT OUT!!!! And I won't lie I am sure I will be on the scale way more then I should till this slip repairs its self or has to be fixed. I am still waiting to here back from the contouring surgeon. So maybe good for now. Thanks for being out there for me. My support group here in town are all bypass people. No banders. So they have no clue how I tick.

I will stay strong I hope.....

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Oh, my. I haven't been checking on here as often, because a lot of us lagged off, so I was surprised to see these posts. I'm hoping that all of you have great outcomes in the weeks ahead, and JDI, darn it on the postponement, but I really have faith that you will do well this go-round.

I cannot imagine an unfill, but then again, I don't really "feel" my band as it is, so I wonder if it would feel different? What are the signs that are making you feel like there's a slip, or leading to the check of one? I don't get fluro checks, so I want to stay on top of any subtle symptoms.

You will all be in my prayers tonight. Much love and support for you, my banded sisters!!

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