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January Surgery Bandsters Group

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How long do we have to wait to exercise again? U cannot trmember?

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Sara-You can start walking right away! the strength training they want you to wait 6 weeks, but I started just doing light stuff at 4 weeks and I was fine. I did squats, lunges, 5lbs curls/flies/chest press, and I tried to walk a mile a day. I would have to go back and look at my old posts and see what I really did! LOL but that is what I remember. At 4 weeks I hired a private trainer and it was the best decision I ever made!

So everyone else who is struggling with the eating and the ups and downs of weight, I have a suggestions. Counseling! I started this journey with bimonthly counseling sessions and during really tough times I increased it to weekly. September was a very emotional month for me as some of you can remember and she helped me stay sane and maintain my weight for the month and get back on track. I don't think I could have done it without her. I know I am an emotional eater and will always be an emotional eater, but having that person to help me sort out my emotions so when I do eat I don't over eat have been really important. We all have baggage that has caused our weight gain and until we work on it and deal with it we will always struggle with eating.

I originally thought I could just get the band see my doctors monthly and therapist every few weeks and be fine. but I quickly learned that was not enough. Here is what I have in place now:

1. Personal trainer once a month and a semi-private circuit training with him 4 days a week, once a month nutrition check in

2. counseling 2 times a month

3. My fitness pal daily

4. Lapbandtalk weekly or more if needed

5. Dr. visit monthly

6. Hospital support group monthly (I can't always make it)

that is a lot of support and I needed every one of them to get where I am today.

Well of to meet with my trainer for my 1 year anniversary with him! I am going to have full measurements and a weigh in!! I will report back as to how many inches I have lost. Oh and he is going to look at myfitnesspal diary and help me with better choices, since they have not been so great lately!!


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Nicole - thanks for the awesome suggestions! I know I'm bad about thinking I can do it on my own, and I also know I absolutely can't do it in my own. My surgeon didn't require any counseling but recommended the hospital support group, but I know some docs do. I kind of wish he had, but I've been pretty lucky so far that I can recognize when I'm emotionally eating; the challenge is to actually stop it. I've got pretty good restriction so that helps. And of course this group has been amazing! I think the fact that we've all experienced some of the same issues at the same time has really helped me at least.

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Hello Everyone!

Long time, no read, talk or anything for the most part on LBT for the last few months. Since being displaced by Sandy, my whole LBT routine has taken a back seat. We still have many months to go before we're able to move back into our home so it's time for me to step up to the plate and get back my mojo. No perfect day then today as it's my 1 yr Bandiversary! Kudo's to me.

Since starting this journey last year, I have lost approx 50lbs, and many inches from working out and dealing with the ups and downs of our foreign body which isn't so foreign anymore. :-) Since Sandy, I've put on 12 lbs and getting that darn spread back again! Started back to work in Sept after being unemployed for 2 year, and now sitting at a desk for 8 hrs a day, finding no reason to wear my fitbit 24-7 like I did before taking on the job. Don't need to be reminded of the fact I'm not hitting my miles or burning calories like before the job. However, prior to Sandy, I was still working out at home and eating healthy. Sandy took that all away and more for my husband and me. I now come 'home' to our apt and deal with my emotions and lack of energy by eating all evening junk food. I know it's wrong but it's all my comfort foods I enjoyed and put me in this mess in the first place!

The weather started to break here on the Jersey Shore the last two weekends, crisp, cold but sunny, I started walking on the boardwalk on the weekends. It was truly invigorating. I had my fill removed a good two months ago as it was causing me problems, which I'm sure out of no where was due to my internal stress with this whole change post Sandy. Never before did I have many issues. Finally, I got a small test fill 3 weeks ago which didn't amount to much however, it was a start. I went back this past Thurs and he gave me more this time. I can feel it once again working. So, no better time to find my mojo but on the eve of my 1 yr bandiversary. I promise to look in more often, try to catch up on what's been happening, and hoping I'm not the only one who fell from grace these past few months. You all have helped me through this process as I hope I've helped you from time to time.

Wishing all of us Banders of 2012 a Happy and wonderful Bandiversary!

Hugs, Meredith

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Happy bandaversary! Glad all is well with you! I know it has been really tough and I think you are dealing really well with it! My bandaversary is coming up too, 1/30.

Glad to hear from you!

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Hi there! My bandiversary was Saturday. I have my physical with my primary doc today and also my 1 year check up with my surgeon. I can't wait to see what my bloodwork shows as far as my numbers go, see what's up with that.

Sarasota- as Nicole said, start walking as soon as you can! No lifting above 10 lbs for awhile, but definitely walk.

Sue- congrats on your size 12's! I wish I were in them. I still can be, just have to get back on track!

BUT- a small NSV- I had been wearing some Just My Size shorts I had bought before my surgery, and they are really big on me, I just tighten the drawstring. But I was cold yesterday, and I went into a dresser drawer I hadn't ventured into in years and pulled out a pair of knit pants- not tight like leggings, but knit- if you know what I mean. Anyways, they were size xl, normal xl not womens, and they fit just fine, not tight, looked okay! So that was good.

I just need to freaking stop with the ice cream! We were having bad weather here, and so I justified it. So dumb.

Speaking of bad weather in NC, where is NJ2NC? Did you survive the ice??? And where are our others- Otaknam, etc?????

Everyone have a great day!

MEREDITH!! I fell off the bandwagon hard, with my nemesis, ice cream. I mean hard. And I did it again this past weekend. I had done well for a couple weeks, then birthday cake in the office meant all my good stuff went out the window. Sigh. But it's a process, it's not like it's easy, even with the band. You will get back your mojo, let's get it back together, as I need it!!

Nicole- all your suggestions are very good! My DH is absolutely against counseling of any type. Like, absolutely. So that's why I post here a lot! Y'all may not be "counselors" but you sure help me! I love your trainer post, the YMCA I go to offers it for free for 6 weeks, and I really should take advantage of that.

Amica, you speak the truth- I TOTALLY know when I'm eating emotionally, it's the stopping I seem to have a problem with, LOL. My surgeon didn't require any counseling, beyond the prerequisite for insurance.

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got a fill today. havent had one in quite a few months. have 10.8 in my 14 bad. so far so good. might as well use it for what its for!

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Hello ladies (why do we not have a man on our forum? Lol).

Nicole, your counseling suggestion is a very good one. If I had some xtra funds I just might do that, have done it before and loved the sessions actually. Like Nicki, I find some solace here too.

Kymie, I am envious of your fills, and yet I am so afraid of being too tight. Like whenever I get upset (angry or frustrated actually) my band tightens like it is closed. Doesn't happen often but is scary when it does ... And that's at 2.8 in 10 ccs.

JDI, nice on the NSV, and you have to know that we are all willing and praying and demanding that you put the ice cream down ... For 3 weeks to start and then we revisit it...game?

It's Monday and my weigh-in is 168.

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I like ice cream too, but have been able to cut it down to two bites when I have it. Go to SperWalmart and buy Sweet Freedoms No sugar added. It is awesome. Creamy like real ice cream. That is a great treat. Put a little in a small small bowl and walk away from the kitchen, eat it slow and enjoy it!

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Was just sitting down to my cup of tea and thought I should share this ... In the evening way after dinner, I have a hot cup of rooibos herbal tea with a packet of stevia-in-the-raw for sweetener. It's an herbal reddish colored tea (in most every store I think) and with the stevia, it is a warm, sweet drink that is very comforting with no calories at all.

I've also been crunching a few dill pickle slices during the day... The vinegar seems to cut head hunger for a while and the "crunch" is satisfying too. You have to find a crunchy brand though!

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So I had my physical and my 1 year check up with my surgeon. I asked my primary care doc what the highest weight they had for me was- they've seen me since 2001- he said 293. I weigh the same as the lowest weight they have for me, which was in 2001, at 217. So that was good. Several years before, he had recommended going on crestor/lipitor for my cholesterol, with this blood work he said that, while not perfect, he wouldn't recommend any meds for cholesterol (which is good as I wasn't taking them anyways). So all in all that was good. Then on to the surgeon. He is happy with my progress, I've lost 40% of my excess body weight. I really love his nurse, I can tell her anything, and I told her all about my ice cream- so we made a pact, no ice cream for the month of February. I did get a fill and I"m really tight, I can tell, but maybe I need that! We'll see, I can always get an unfill, we'll see today is mushy food, regular tomorrow.

I know, Ladybandito, it's so back and forth! Just so so much stress going on in my life, it's really hard to deal with and seemingly unsolvable, so I turn to my old comfort, ice cream....

Sue- I just can't seem to stop is the problem! If it's in the house, I want to eat it! It's truly a trigger food that I really just don't need around at all....

Well, so I just went through all this other car stuff, and our other old car just died- transmission. I just borrowed a ton of $ from my parents for the other car, so I think I''m going to have to see what I can dig out of my 401k, if that's even allowed....sigh....and DH is doing badly, the stress isn't helping, and I just can't do it all by myself.....

Well, looks like I need a whammmbulance, LOL.


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Nicki you should be so proud of yourself! No meds! Yah!!! And 40% loss that is awesome!! You have been through a lot this past year and physically it sounds like you are healthier than you have been in years, so Celebrate it. Don't keep beating yourself up it is only putting you in that crappy cycle we all get in of eating bad, feeling bad about it which makes you want to eat more! I have a few ideas for you. Since you use this site as your counselor you should go back to the beginning and read all of the posts. You will notice some of the best suggestions were yours!! Go back and take your power back. You have posted more than anyone and have save me from myself multiple times, so go back and read and maybe you will motivate yourself!! Another thing post on your fridge a before & after pic. Every time you go to get ice cream look at it and remind yourself how amazing you are and you don't need it to feel that way!

I have fallen off the wagon 2 weekends in a row with pie slices. So I am going to look at pics before entering any grocery store and stay out of that damn bakery section. I might have to have others grocery shop for me for awhile while I reboot my system!!

Meredith I am so glad to hear from you again!! What can we do to help you "reboot"? Do you have a gym near by so you don't have to deal with the cold? Or does your apartment have a gym? I will be honest I am a little jealous of you. Right now I would love to have a small apartment I could clean in 30 minutes!! I hate cleaning & I hate clutter and it feels like I need to do a donation & dump run but that would require cleaning!!LOL let me know if you need any workout clothes or shoes & what size I might have some for you! And work clothes too! Send me a separate message if you don't want to post sizes!!

Ok it is really late and I still have not responded to half of you. Sorry!! Well at least I can close wit a big HAPPY BANDAVERSARY EVERYONE!!!!

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Hi ladies! Life has been busy so I haven't been posting, but I knew I absolutely had to come on for my bandiversary and give you all an update! Exactly one year ago, I remember like it was yesterday, I was sitting in the preop area, scared to death. Wondering if I would be one of the people the band didn't work for. I am happy to report it has been a wonderful year! From my starting weight of 262, I am now weighing in at 185-188 depending on the day. I no longer feel self conscious about doing much of anything. I get compliments left and right about how great I look...which is kind of getting old, I kind of wish people would forget how big I was lol...I can ride my horse with confidence, I have begun taking lessons with an Olympic level rider--something I would have been way to insecure about before. I workout in some form daily, and I actually enjoy it. I love life now, and have my band to thank. It was the best decision I ever made. I would like to thank you ladies for being here all along, through thick and thin...LOL...I may not be the best about posting on the regular, but I know you will always be here if I need some support. I am friends with a few of you on Facebook, and I can say you ladies are some of the most wonderful people on my friends list. I truly love you all, and for my bandiversary resolution, I promise to try and post more :))

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iam so bummed out tmwr is my one year mark,today i had to have all my Fluid removed.had a stomach bug last week so from all the vomitting i had stomach pain,night cough reflux etc called dr office yesterday,in today for x-ray study yep prolapse so complete unfill iam so scared dont want to gain no weight but i hope when i go back in 3 weeks it will be better and start getting fluid back in ... glad everyone is doing well gonna go cry in a corner ....

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iam so bummed out tmwr is my one year mark,today i had to have all my Fluid removed.had a stomach bug last week so from all the vomitting i had stomach pain,night cough reflux etc called dr office yesterday,in today for x-ray study yep prolapse so complete unfill iam so scared dont want to gain no weight but i hope when i go back in 3 weeks it will be better and start getting fluid back in ... glad everyone is doing well gonna go cry in a corner ....

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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