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January Surgery Bandsters Group

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Part 2

Nicki- I know how you feel about the ice cream. I was wondering if you have thought about buying just one of those sample ice cream containers each week. they are around $1-$2 depending on the brand and sales. I will buy one if I am craving. As for the motivation/determination waning it is totally normal so don't beat yourself up over it. Write down a plan for the week and stick to it, but give yourself some wiggle room, so you don't feel like you have let yourself down. Such as workout 3-4 days a week and log 6 out of 7 days, etc. I notice when I write down my goal I stick to it, but life happens and a miss a log or a workout. Do you have a pair of goal pants or shirt for this month? I just think we need little things to look forward to. As for the mental part ... it is the hardest part!! Our lives are a roller coaster to start then to top it off we are making huge mental changes, rethinking what we eat, when we eat, how we eat!! It has taken me 39 years of learning bad habits with eating so it is going to take more than surgery and 9 mths to change my old way of thinking especially with the holidays approaching. I think we all need to be proud of ourselves and give ourselves a break, We have made it a long way in a really short time and honestly there is no deadline or finishline. We need to enjoy the victories we have and look forward to the ones to come,

Holidays..??? What are we going to do to survive?? Maybe we need to create holiday eating goals. LOL

I'll be back later to post responses to everyone, kid needs to go to the store!! TTYL

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I'm back! Just took my daughter to return jeans at Levi and it was kind of cool to try on stuff with her! I don't think she was cool with mom shopping in "her" store!!

Ready-how is the heart burn issue? I had the same repair and have not had heart burn since the operation. Good luck with it! Let us know what the dr. says.

Meredith-did you get your groove back yet? With your new fill it might be easier. I have been eating badly lately too, it kind of goes in cycles. We are only human! Skinny people must eat bad food too!!

Chrissy-I had the same experience of weird sizing too! I didn't buy a pair of 18s even though they looked awesome on me, but they fit like all the 14's did, I just didn't want that size in my closet ever again. I know stupid, but I am just so proud of myself for being a 14 again. Congrats on the 12, that is my actual goal size!! What is your goal size and why did you choose that size or weight?

LadyB-Sorry to hear you are stuck at 172 hopefully by the time you read this you will have dropped below. I can't wait to be at 172!! My goal weight is 165, what is yours?

Horse-I know you can get to onederland soon, you are so close!! keep up that riding!! Is it true that horseback riding makes your thighs smaller??

NJ2NC-oh my gosh your pic looks amazing!! It doesn't even look like you!!! I have not been logging my food, but make ok choices, but I agree that the portions is the issue. I think portion size will be my big issue during the holidays, especially when the patters go around the table for seconds!! You're right about the compliments they are the best part and make us want to loose more!!

Valann- how was it shopping at The Limit? It must have been a lot of fun being able to shop at such a fancy store for work clothes!! You are right about last summer having gained weight instead of loosing.

So what are we going to do for goals about the holidays?

How about we can have seconds if our first serving is supper small!!

No seconds on desert, but have some thing and enjoy every single bit!!

Any ideas?

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Chrissy - wow you are definitely an inspiration! I would love to be able to call myself a "runner" one day tho. I'm not a good fast walker, I feel like I can stroll or jog no in between pace for me lol weird, I know! I'm going to register tomorrow for the Nov 10th FreetoBreath lung cancer 5k my father-in-law passed of lung cancer so it would mean alot to make this my 2nd run! I haven't "run" (using that term loosely lol) since last Saturday until today OMG it was like starting all over again I barely made 2 miles total.. Good luck with the Mayor's 5k Challenge next month and 90 pounds is fantastic!! WOW you'll be at 100 in NO TIME.. I was hoping to hit 75 by Thanksgiving but I dont think my body want to agree that would be almost 22 or so pounds, that would be tough to pull off since I've been stuck this last month+ in the upper 190's (197-199).

Nicole.. thanks! I'm not big on posting pics. I was waiting to do my "after" picture till my bandiversary on Jan17th.. but with the holidays I may not want to lol My goal is to always drink a Protein shake before visiting anyone's home and recruit my mom to do all the cooking so I'm not snacking through it. Everytime I feel I'm hungry I'll drink a glass of Water first to buy me more time (if it's too soon to be eating). Finally I recruited my oldest daughter (14, who btw loves to run with me & my biggest supporter) to fix all my plates over the holiday and only focus on veggies and meat lol thats a start of trying to keep the extra pounds off! :D

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Hi everyone- so it seems this last fill hasn't really changed a thing- I am not really tighter in the morning than I was, and no PB's since the fill- but of course my ice cream goes right down ;(. We were at the fair and I ate a little bit of funnel cake (not much) and I had about half of a bloomin onion- with no trouble at all. the funnel cake I took really small bites just in case, and didn't have very much at all. I just thought if I could be a bit tighter I would not eat so much....but not so tight I'd get stuck all the time. I have no idea how much is in my band, but it's probably around 12 cc's in a 14 cc band. I will have to ask next time. I just really need to focus and get back on track- but I have decided to not stress, and just eat what I want but smaller amounts, and keep up with my exercising and at least not gain. That's my goal. I will make other goals, though, I like Nicole's idea about holiday goals.

Chrissy- moderation goes OUT THE DOOR with ice cream, LOL. I told my DH that when I decide to kick the ice cream habit he couldn't buy any that I knew about, and he agreed. Not sure when I'm going to be ready, though...

NJ2NC- congrats on the scale moving! And the 5 k sounds great, we did one as an office for 9/11, and I did pretty good time, way better than when I was 284 lbs!!

Nicole- good ideas- ice cream is just one of my true trigger foods, once I start I can't stop it seems. I really just need to eat other things that don't do that to me- just not ready to yet. Funny thing is I didn't eat ice cream until a couple months ago- I go through phases- like I don't eat it at all and then I gorge for awhile, then I get away from it. So dumb, I know. True about it taking a long time to mentally get where I have been, so I need to give myself some credit. I think I've lost like 46% of my excess weight and my doctor is super happy with my progress.

Sigh, I know if this was easy we'd all be thin with no issues.


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Halloween Hording!

Well last year and probably all previous Halloweens I would buy the candy in bulk and "hide it" from everyone in the house so there would be some for the trick or treaters. LOL yah right! Since "I" knew where it was I would probably eat about half of the stash. Also since I work at a school, but not as a teacher I would float from class party to class party collecting yummy goodies.

Well this year it has made it half way to Halloween and I haven't even thought about buying candy. NSV!! I was at the store today and noticed I was in the seasonal isle and didn't even think about grabbing a bag! I also have a very busy day scheduled for the 31st to avoid classrooms & staff rooms. If I start to feel worried I might just call in sick!! I will not gorge myself this year!!!!!

So being in the season what are your Halloween should not and will dos??

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Hi Nicole- that's a good post! Halloween is an easier holiday for me for whatever reason (let's not talk about Easter candy, LOL). For me, we are going to a fall festival at church- a potluck- where I will have one or two bites of dessert after an appropriate dinner (they're serving chili, so at least I probably won't have to worry about getting stuck!). I think this will be my hardest event of the Halloween season, and that's my plan!

Stuck at 202- well, let's be honest, it's not a plateau, it's a not doing it right with food and not losing weight. But I know it and right now I'm okay with it.

Do you guys think we can stretch our pouch out with overeating? I'm not eating to where I feel "Thanksgiving" stuffed (well, a couple times over the last couple months, not consistently), but I'm definitely eating more than a cup sometimes. But sometimes I'm just fine. What do y'all think?

Sigh. I posted on the fill board my worries that with like 12 cc's in a 14 cc band (though I'm not totally sure the amount I have) that I will not be ever at the restriction I think I should have. In fact, with this fill I really don't feel any more restriction, if anything I feel a smidge less. I haven't gotten stuck once- but that could be I'm finally not pushing that like I was. But I'm still hungry sooner than I think I really should be, but that could be all the stinking sugar I"m eating with the ice cream. Let's face it, the ice cream really needs to go, I'm just not ready.


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So I went in for a fill got .2cc a total of 3.8cc. So I have lost 8lbs in 4 wks! Amazing considering last night I had only lost 4lbs!!

So on an interesting note the doctor want me to take bite no bigger than my pinky nail chew 20 times swallow wait until I feel it hit the band & go down then take my next bite. Does anyone else think that sounds weird?? Or tedious?? I thought we were to learn new habits not look stupid eating!!

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JDI....yes you can stretch your pouch. I think I have done that, in addition to the band relaxing somewhat. I've gone from being able to eat only a 1/2 c of food to a cup before...within just a few weeks of having a fill. And...on the ice cream note...I tried some Health Choice vanilla bean Greek frozen yogurt over the weekend. Yum!

NJ2NC: If I already posted this...I apologize. i did do another 5k just 2 or 3 months after surgery, then did a 2 mile walk the next day for March of Dimes. My next 5k is about four weeks away and I've already walked the route on my lunch hour one day last week. I'm looking forward to it. Keep it up...you'll be calling yourself a "runner" in no time.

Nicole 1: My doctor has told me to do the same thing...pretty much since the day of my surgery. Its tough to do sometimes....but I do try to cut my food into very small pieces. Someone gave me a great idea of using a baby spoon and fork to eat with. It might look silly, but it does help to take smaller bites. i found a shrimp fork at a store called Old Time Pottery...and its perfect!

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So what happens if you do stretch your pouch? Can it go back in shape?

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Nicki try liquids for a few days and see if it will shrink back. I have hear of them doing an unfill one day. Let your stomach settle then fill you back up. I would defiantly call your doctor if the liquid diet doesn't help. Good luck!!

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So I gave in and bought new PJ pants and they are a size Large!! Note X-Large, but Large and fit just right!!! Oh and I got new underwear that doesn't sag!!

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Hello All, I decided to get another fill haven't had 1 since Aug 7th. I only lost 5lbs since Aug7th but funny my clothes are fitting better and better. I needed an emegency pair of sweatpants..got caught in the rain needed to run an errand and didn't want to go wet...so ran into Target to find a pair of sweats so I grabbed a pair of 12-14 eye'ing them only thinking "Lord, I hope they fit"..purchased, ran to the bathroom they fit with room to spare! I was so happy I double checked the size and everything!!

So I'll stop worrying about th scale. A few weeks ago, My friend told me to go to NY and Co because they were having a pants sale..I looked at her and said "girl I can't fit anything in there" she laughed and said "you don't look in the mirror very often, I bet you can NOW GO!" I still haven't but that was a great comment to hear! I've really gotta get Lane Bryant off my 1st place to stop and look for deals. I purchased pants awhile ago from LB's 14's and now they are all a little baggy. Next time I'm ready to shop I'm going anywhere but Lane Bryant and Ashley Stewart! it's all the coupons that keep me drawn! I guess I better start signing up at other stores now. OK I'm rambling. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I'll be starting solids today wish me luck! If I bite smaller I'll be ok I think.

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sounds like everyone is doing awesome,iam stuck at 195..but also just realized i have not had a fill in 4 months i go back to the dr the middle of next month, i feel like iam eating way more then i was and at night forget it,rootbeer floats are my weakness,also apples with Peanut Butter, but the rootbeer float ice cream is low fat and diet soda i know,i know but i cant help it. i do so good for so long then bam !!! well my 14 are fitting just fine if i could get in a 12 i will be in heaven. my niece told me the other day not to lose no more or i would start looking sick,just tone up your belly she said,mind you no one in my family knows i had surgery oh well......work in the a,m so night all !!!!

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Hi everyone! Looks like there have been some good NSVs! I had to go for a slight infill last week (.2 cc's). The sinus drainage I'd been fighting finally got so bad I couldn't even drink anything. Of course this morning I realized it had been coupled w/PMS. Oh well...it only pushed back my checkup by a week. However...i feel like I'm eating everything in sight.ugh! So..little restriction plus TTOTM cravings equals Chrissylu not hitting that 100 pound goal anytime soon. On the other hand, my sis-n-law gave me four nice suits that are in the 13/14 range. They all fit..yay! Hang in there everyone. I'm sure trying to.

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Hi everyone! I'm still on my self-imposed plateau. I too am eating everything in sight- eating around my band for sure.

I was wondering what you all do about breakfast- I do a Protein Shake in the AM, but then am HUNGRY all morning. I wonder if I skip the Protein shake early in the morning (I leave for work around 6:30 and drink it on my way), and just take some cheese and almonds to snack on around 8:30-9 am or something. It seems like I am just so hungry all morning!! I do worry about not getting enough protein in if I give up my shake. I don't know.

I do know if I"d just kick this stupid sugar habit (read ice cream) I would be better off. I go through such phases- like I didn't have any ice cream from my surgery date until like 2 months ago, and now it's almost daily. I really can't have it even once a week it seems. I need to give it up, but am not ready to. It's a journey....

I haven't exercised since last Thursday, unless you count walking around the state fair on Saturday. I will be at the Y today for sure!

Chrissy- that is awesome about the suits!! And you'll still hit your 100 lb goal, but better to not be so dang stuffed up you can't even drink!!

NJ2NC- hope you get to NY and Co! Great NSV for the sweatpants. I think I wore a size 5x sweatpants to my surgery (I could have probably worn 4x but wanted them lose around the waist)- I should try them on now, I"ll be they won't stay up.

Nicole- a pants victory for you too!! Yay!!

Ready- good for you in your size 14's- 12's are right around the corner! Toning is something I really need to do too.

I am also considering another job- I was referred by a former colleague and spoke with the hiring manager yesterday. He had me do the online application and the assessment- which I hate doing, LOL, so stressful. So I got that done last night and we'll see what comes of it. It's still a long commute, but there may be some possibility of working from home, and it's more money which we need. Keep me in your prayers!!

Well, everyone have a great day today. It's always a new day to start, right?


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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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