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hello my fellow bandsters have not been on in a while went for my dr.visit today and iam only a few pounds short of onderland iam at 202.2 so close yet so far away was told eat more,drink more well that sounds like i will be gaining instead of losing idk..sounds like everyone is doing great keep up the good work !!!!

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Hi Nicki, hi Chrissylu! Good job on the 5-er Nicki, hope it does stick, and Chrissylu, I'm with you.. Nothing down but nothing up this week, the end of the month is quickly approaching and my goal is not!! AND I'm exercising, darn it! Oh well, it's the long run...:-)

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Been stuck up and down on the same 5 pounds the last couple months. But our program with our trainer at the gym started back up again and I've lost 5 pounds last week, so I'm on the move again, literally owwww. So to date I've now lost 80 pounds.

Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk

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Yay, Ready4myJouney! Good going Kymie... 80 lbs WOW! I just started a thread under fills asking if anyone else cannot "feel" their band. It just started this week that I noticed I don't "feel" it anymore. I'm not hungry and keeping on track with small meals so I hope this is normal. It's weird not to have the AM tightness, and I read so much about others being so tight... I see the doc on Wed so I'll mention it.

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Hi all - I know it's been forever since I've posted and there 's no excuse! I've kept up with reading all the posts and have done lots of responding...in my head! It seems I've been very much in my head the last 2 months. I'm struggling with how to feel about all this. Not bad, not good, just processing. Update and victories - I'm at 70.5 pounds lost (yes I'm counting the halfs!) I went for a follow-up on Monday and my doctor was very pleased with my steady 1-2 pounds a week, so no fill. I have had a couple of BAD food episodes since my last fill and they asked if I wanted any Fluid taken out but I left it. I think I'm finally learning to really listen to my body and know my limitations. I had two days of throwing up everything and I couldn't even keep soft foods down so I went the posited route and had a handful of crunchy Cheetohs for dinner... All was well! Who knows? I got back on track with normal eating the next day.

I'm struggling with my husband's response to my weight loss which is ambivalent and almost unhappy. I know several of you have had the same thing. And I know part of it is that he's obese and isn't doing anything about it. I love him the way he is but I worry about his health (all his wight is in his chest and abdomen - the worst place for it!) but I can't say anything or he'll get all upset. And I know he loved me the way I was, but I would think he would be happier for me now. He got upset that I gave away a sweater that was 3 sizes too big because, "it looked so good on you." ummm, couldn't I find a sweater that looks good in a smaller size?!? Then my parents (haven't seen since June) asked at one point, "Do you think you're losing weight fast enough?" WAY TO BE ENCOURAGING!!!

Then there's the clothes issue. I've always been an exaggerated hourglass with a giant caboose and hips, but I bought a dress the other day that was a size 12 because of the cut, but I still have to buy pants in the plus size! Granted it's a women's 14p which is the lowest in the pusses, but it's still GRRR!

Another reason I haven't posted is because I still haven't been exercising. I read your exercise posts and your amazing commitment makes me hang my head in shame. I really need to start doing something now though because I've got some serious sag going on in some places.

Sorry for the 2+ month dump. I've been here reading and I'm amazed at everyone's fantastic journeys! I've just been stuck in my own head.

We're getting ready to go to the beach in a couple of weeks. I will actually weigh a little less than when my hubby and I took our first beach trip together 13 years ago. Let's hope he appeciates me now as much as he did then! ;) Thanks for listening! I don't know what I'd do without you guys!

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Oh, and "posited" was supposed to be opposite... Stupid auto-correct!

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Hi Amica glad to see you here! The beach trip sounds fun and you'll have a blast I'm sure. It's interesting how other people, especially our significant others react to our weight loss. I think it takes time for them to adjust too. Change is scary. I know a lot of people who would react the way your parents did, that's why I didn't share the journey with many of them. I had one friend the other day ask if I was "well" since she's only seen me heavier. And a few people the other day, who see me a lot, said " wow, you've lost a lot of weight" like it happened overnight. Comments about my weight make me uncomfortable whether they're good or bad (the pressure!)' so I try to let them all slide. Don't feel bad about not exercising and such, a lot of times when I post I'm feeling really motivated from a few days "on" and then tomorrow comes! I think we're all doing an awesome job, whether in spurts or slow and even.

Have an awesome weekend, everyone!

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Hello!! I have been reading but not posting. I know that it's bad. But I'm here now. Thanks to all of you for your support and suggestions. So I basically have been in survival mode for the past few weeks due to work & depression and I am still doing pretty good. As some of you suggested I did pack my lunch with high Protein low carb & low cal. And just packed it the same everyday. So even though I am not tracking I am still paying attention to what I eat. I continued to go to my circuit training class 2 times a week & that has helped. my trainer knows what I am going through and has been very helpful through motivation and humor. I had a fill and am at 3.9cc I have felt the stuck feeling but just stop eating & let it pass. Some times I get that extra dose of saliva but never throw anything up. According to the dr scale I lost 4lbs in 6 wks which is the same as my last appt. as for onderland I went back up and came back down so I am at 198 and have been for a week so I think it will stick!!

I am also having the evening munches. It starts around 8pm so I have been trying to drink flavored water instead but then I have to get up and pee at 12 & 3 am!! Part of the munchies is the kids started leaving their junk food on the counter & I see it so I eat it. Time for a family meeting. I was doing well with my own food cabinet & never touching their cabinets. Out of sight out of mind!!!???ˆ

So the weather has changed over night!! From 90 to 65!! Big problem I don't fit into my size 12 goal pants (remember I bought them from Eddie Bauer on clearance) and I only have 2 pair of slacks. looks like I am hitting the goodwill! Oh and have any of you tried on your old winter coats!!! Oh my gosh it looks like 2 of me could fit in it!! Can't wait to go coat shopping in the normal sizes they come in so many colors!!

I love you all. You are all amazing women!! I will write more this weekend and make comments. This novel is enough for now!!???˜

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Amica, it's great to see you back on here but also good to hear you've been keeping in touch with the group. You're doing a great job. Keep it up and try not to get caught up with what other's say. I know it's hard when it's your husband and parents but try not to allow anyone to make you feel bad. Only you can make YOU happy. Good luck and hope you have a great vacation. Like it's been said here before, this is a journey of ups & downs, physical and mental changes for us as well as our loved ones.

It reminds me of the 12 steps of AA. Although we don't need liquor or drugs to survive, we do need food. Food is our drug. It's there around every corner, whether at home, in the car, work, play, it's everywhere enticing us at every turn. It's a slow process. Two of my old habits were {& are}, drive thru fast food places instead of eating Breakfast or lunch. Especially White Castle. I would order 8 cheeseburgers {no soda or fries} and after eating them wished I ordered a few more! Prior to the pre-surgery diet, I went there for the 'last time' and bought 10 and totally enjoyed them even though I was stuffed. I've been back there only once 7 months after my surgery and bought 2 and enjoyed them. Have passed many a fast food place and W.C. since and have no desire to do a drive-thru but a drive-by. I make sure I have plenty of Water with me, Protein Bars to snack on if I am hungry, but most important, eat a healthy breakfast & lunch before I leave the house. Now, for my other bad habit, I have yet to conquer, is the night time eating. I'm working on it. Again, it's a journey not a race.

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Quick NSV. My underwear is too big they sag!!! LOL. Gotta love it!!???‹

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Hi everyone! Had a good productive weekend. Went to zumba, had a walk, and did yard work (my arms are sore from the weed whacker!).

Readyformy journey- I"m right there with you at 205!! I don't know if it's psychological or what, but I'm plateauing....grrrr. We can be Onederland buddies and power through to that goal, okay? I need some motivation :)

Kymie- good for you! It is great to get moving again!! Glad those 5 lbs are gone, and 80 lbs is awesome!!!!!

Ladybandido- I WISH I weren't hungry- but honestly I'm not nearly as hungry as I used to be. But I still do get hungry, and really have to watch my first bites when I eat so I don't get stuck. I think that "feeling" the band probably changes with weight loss, etc, why we need fills after we lose some weight. Let us know what your doc says.

Amica- I count the halfs too!! That's 2 sticks of butter, girl!! I too have had some awful stuck episodes, but seem to have gotten the hang of eating with this fill, finally. Like you, the crunchy seems to be no problem. Weird! But I'm back to normal too, and can eat whatever as long as I chew and take small bites. Um, how long has it taken me to figure this out?? LOL. Husbands are funny- I think they take awhile to process change and worry about it. Just reassure him that you love him, and don't buy any junk and hopefully he'll follow your good example and eat more healthily. And don't get me started on women's clothing sizes! Whatever!! They are so whacked, don't let that number get to you!!!!

Nicole- I do that, pack the same thing every day for lunch- I know the calorie count and know it will go down okay. For the night time munchies- I have started eating kettle corn- gives me the salty sweet fix I need, and goes down fine for me. If you can eat popcorn, that might be a low cal solution. I too have the pee all night problem if I drink too late!! Let us know the good finds you get at Goodwill, and you'll get into those goal pants soon! LOL on the winter coats- here in NC we hardly need them, and on the days we do I just suck it up, cause I'm not out in it for very long, and being from Iowa I feel like this NC winter is nothin, LOL. And yay for saggy underpants!!

Meredith- you are so right- drug addicts can live without their drug, you can't live without food. I too was a fast food addict. Now I'm choosy, and boy I learned the hard way I can't eat and drive!!!! My habit I have a hard time breaking is eating while reading. As you say, a journey!!

I had a good friend who was a body builder (she competed at 45! She's over 60 now) design me a strength workout to do 2 days a week, one day upper body, one day lower body. I'm going to do cardio 3 days a week and then 2 days strength training.

I feel like I have the exercise down, pretty much, now just need to reign in my eating a little more. Usually I'm okay, but this plateau I think really isn't a plateau, it's me getting complacent and letting more calories creep in, as well as a little bit of eating around the band. It doesn't help that my new office has more junk around than my old one- everyone at the old office was doing low carb or dieting- not these folks!! So I have to be a bit more vigilant than I've been. I don't think I'll meet my goal of Onederland by the end of the month, but I'm still keeping on!

Everyone have a great day!!


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just do it i cant wait to get to onederland have been forceing my self to eat more and have gained 2 pounds wtf ??? dont think iam gonna keep this up going back to listening to my body Protein Shake for breakfast lunch dinner and one snack not 3 meals and 3 nsnacks like the dr said idk so confused also just stopped getting stuck with almost every meal,duh now i know i gotta chew little bites i swear my head is thick and dont let me get started on husbands mine has not had a weight problem a day in his life but since i started getting smaller it seems he has grown distant came home the other night with a phone number whatever its not like i have not been smaller before cant fiqure it out and iam not gonna stress over it,it is what it is hell i lost 85lbs before we got married..well i feel better and know i look better size 14 fitting like a glove.....

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Hi Ready- you only do Protein Shakes and a snack? That doesn't seem like you can sustain that- maybe have dinner at least. You have to be able to keep it up, girl!! And what the heck, your husband came home with a phone number of another woman????? What did you do about that???? I too had a hard time with the chewing little bites thing, but haven't been stuck in awhile, so I guess I'm learning too!!

Everyone, post!!! What's up?

Our "good" car broke yesterday, and DH does not deal well with these things. It's so frustrating, he just makes it so much worse. I swear I hate being an adult. Hate it. LOL

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no i only do shakes for breakfast,i eat lunch and dinner and one snack..lol,the phone number yeah idk still dealing with that inside myself we have been together for 18 years and married for 10,never has he given me a time to ?? anything untill now !!!! sorry about the car men can be such babies about things i know also iam with you wish i was 16 again this adult stuff is for the birds lol.....

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LOL on the "adult" thing, girls, we're all in agreement there! Weird about someone else's phone number, if he told you about it, it would seem like he's trying to get a reaction or show he's desirable too; sure would be better if he talk about it! JustDoIt, men DO overreact, don't they?! All that testosterone! Cool on your trainer friend helping you out, that's priceless.

On my spectrum, I went to the doc today. He was pleased with my 17 pound loss over the past two months and agreed that my band was probably looser because of that. But he said, get this, "just because you've lost and the band is looser we don't want to get into a knee-jerk reaction where we adjust again every time you lose weight!" Since I really didn't want another fill because I'm OK with what I'm eating and I'm going on a trip in October and don't want any surprises, I quickly agreed. Later I started thinkining, but isn't that what the band does? IDK, it's confusing sometimes.

I DID find out I have 2.8 in my band, 1 cc fill in Feb, 1 cc fill in March, .3 cc fill in April, .3 cc fill in May, and .2 cc fill in July.

I asked him if I was supposed to "feel" my band, and he said "no," that it was good as long as I continue to be satisfied with less food. He said it is preferable if I can do it without that "tight" feeling and it's possible for it to still work without it feeling tight in the morning or at all as long as I'm not physically hungry. Whew! Big relief, I can be such a worrywart. Now I just hope I keep losing, because I haven't this past week!

Have a great week, everyone! Keep posting. :-D

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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