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Welcome Melissa!! I'm on my phone and my dang thumbs make it hard to type much, lol. More on Monday but glad you're here with us!!

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Getting back on track!!! Lost the few pounds I gained since May and I'm feeling great. Using myfitnesspal and my fitbit to keep the momentum going.

My last adjustment, over 2 weeks ago, has been awesome! I do get stuck more often when I eat breads and lettuce. I'm cutting back on both and chewing more than ever. That stuck feeling is the worst but it makes me aware of how I am eating.

Anyone have any chicken recipes they would like to share? I'm getting tired of my homemade turkey meat balls and I'm looking for something new!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Stay on track.

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Hi everyone! I'm Melissa, married mom of 2 boys. I was banded on January 17, 2012. My starting weight was 380. With the pre-op diet and the band, I am 316 this morning! I have been a lurker since day one of my surgery. I love this site. So many of you inspire me to do better! Just wanted to introduce myself! Thanks for the posts of issues and inspirations! Hope to be in the 200's soon!!! ;)

Welcome, Melissa!

Stop lurking and join this wonderful group. Share your experiences with us. We can all learn from one another. I found this recipe from Bethenny Frankel's Skinny Girl website. I tried it and both my husband & I enjoyed it immensely. Never thought to marinate chicken and red wine together but with all the ingredients, it was very tasty.

Sundried Tomato Grilled Chicken

Makes 4 servings


1/2 cup red wine

1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes packed in oil, drained

1/4 cup fresh basil leaves

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 cloves garlic, chopped

2 teaspoons fresh ground black pepper

1 teaspoon salt

A few sprigs of parsley (optional)

4 small chicken breasts


  1. Combine the wine, tomatoes, basil, olive oil, garlic, pepper, and salt in a blender and mix until smooth
  2. Add the blend with the chicken to a zip lock or storage container. Make sure the chicken is covered in the sauce.
  3. Marinate overnight in the refrigerator
  4. Grill about 20-30 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 160F.
  5. Garnish with fresh Italian parsley
  6. Enjoy!

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Getting back on track!!! Lost the few pounds I gained since May and I'm feeling great. Using myfitnesspal and my fitbit to keep the momentum going.

My last adjustment, over 2 weeks ago, has been awesome! I do get stuck more often when I eat breads and lettuce. I'm cutting back on both and chewing more than ever. That stuck feeling is the worst but it makes me aware of how I am eating.

Anyone have any chicken recipes they would like to share? I'm getting tired of my homemade turkey meat balls and I'm looking for something new!

126dee: I got mixed up in my posts. I sent Melissa below a chicken recipe that you might like or anyone else out there. Good luck on your journey and hope to see you more on here.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Stay on track.

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Chrissylu: Kudo's to you for hitting the 80lb mark! That is awesome!

Well another new week, and hoping I can stay on track now that things have calmed down. Last week was a busy week with visiting family down at the beach and then sisters' weekend at a spa resort in north Jersey. On the whole, I have to say we ate pretty healthy, although I had a few cocktails at the pool. Came home to find I gained one pound over the weekend! I thought for sure it would be a good 5lbs but nope, I checked it again and it still was 186. Fortunately, our room was the furthest from every where in the resort so we had to walk all over which was fine for me. Never thought to bring my fitbit as I thought I wouldn't be getting much exercise having some spa treatments and sitting poolside for two days. Duh! I wish I brought it with me but that's ok. Next year.

Have my work out clothes on all morning but haven't had the energy to get up and work out!!! Weather is very dark skies, pouring and thundering but finally left for the south area of the state. I am just too tired and want to take a nap!! Fortunately did all my house cleaning and laundry yesterday instead of my normal Monday routine but darn, I feel I fell and just can't get up!!! LOL

Seeing my dr Thursday night and will probably get a small fill since I seem to always have a problem not being able to keep things down afterwards. Noticing I'm getting more hungry sooner then later. It's been a good two mths since I had a fill and I've plateaued since then basically at 185, give or take a pound here or there from Water rentention but always go back to 185. Time for both hubby & I to get back on track, get a fill, and exercise.

Have to say, I'm not complaining about the plateau. 50 lbs lost is a major start and I feel sooo good. If I never had this surgery, I would've put on a good 10-15lbs over the summer. Not sure if I need to lose another 25lbs but perhaps 15lb and really tone up. Then we'll go from there. I have no goals of sizes or numbers on the scale. Just being able to feel better, healthy mind & spirit, look good in smaller size clothes, and get my confidence back is all that I ask for. Is that too much to ask?


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Hello everyone. I have been off the grid for awhile. My depression hit an extremely low point this month & it has been really hard to do anything. I have not been logging or even watching what I eat. I have even been hiding food again. I saw my counselor last week and she asked if I have been posting & I told her no I am not, I'm too embarrassed and ashamed. My problem is I am too much of a perfectionist and if I can't do it perfect I won't bother to do it at all and I don't like to let anyone down either. So hence if I'm not going to eat right why bother logging. If I am just going to let myself & everyone else down why bother posting. Today was my lowest point. It was my 1st day back at work (I'm a school psych) and it was horrible they laid off 204 teachers & staff and moved 40% of remaining staff, I got moved & hate where I am. After I dropped off my daughter at soccer I went to the store bought cheesecake, Cookies and chips and went home to eat my feelings. To my disappointment what used to make me feel better didn't. Normally I would bite into a cookie and feel a calm wash over me it didn't happen not with any of it so after a few bites of everything I gave up and put the rest in the dumpster. Then I just cried & cried. I am still crying a little now and I actually feel a little better. The rude awakening today is twofold. In one sense it is good the food no longer gives me the instant feeling that everything is going to be ok, but the other side is if the food doesn't make me feel better what will? Don't worry about me I have another appointment with my counselor and psychiatrist tomorrow and a fill next week.

I know it was a long downer post, but it feel like a relief to tell this to people who really, really understand the impact of food on my life. My family tries but they just do get it.

Thanks for listening and for being there for me. I love you guys!!

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Hi everyone! Nicole, I am so glad u posted. We do understand. You will find a healthy way to cope! I'm glad u have an appointment tomorrow. food is fuel, not a friend. Please keep posting! We don't expect perfection, just trying!!

Meredith, glad your spa weekend was fun!

I'm doing this on my phone as I started my new job yesterday and don't have a computer or my own desk yet. The good thing is my new manager asked what I needed as far as work environment was concerned, and I told her I have lost a lot of weight and needed to take my lunch hour to work out and if I was a little longer than an hour I didn't want to worry, I wouldn't take any other breaks. She seems fine with it, we'll see, I'm going to the y today. It's only a 5 minute drive from the office. They have some high expectations of me, and I intend to get some of what I need too.

More later when I can take better notes!!


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Nicki- kudos to you for working out during lunch and letting it be known to the higher's up.Good luck with the new job. That's awesome. Loved your post to Nicole1 and thank you for reminding us {me} that food is fuel.

Nicole1: Sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time right now. I, too, suffer from depression and it stinks! It doesn't matter how much knowledge one has of this disorder, when it happens to you, you know it, but it's hard to find the energy to do anything about it. It has to take it's course more times then none.

You're going through lots of changes, summer's over, getting back into the school season for both you and your child. {I have plenty of friends who are teachers. I never knew how you all could take 12 weeks off and go back to work/school. I'd definitely have a hard time doing that}. Then on top of that, all the changes taking place there at work, losing friends, moving your class and possibly fearing you might be the next to go. Damn economy!

We are all here for you and hoping your visit with your psychiatrist goes well. Perhaps you need a tweak in your medication or a good talk with he/she. Good luck and keep us in the know.

I can relate to Nicole1 re: food and losing it's luster for it. Never thought I would say that. Like ChrissyLu, tuna salad is my go-to food. And Santafe Rice n Beans from Smart Ones. If I can't get either one of those down, I'm a dead duck! LOL

Our wedding anniversary was the other day. Normally we go out to dinner to Celebrate but since we've both been banded, neither one of us gets enjoyment going out to dinner whether it's for a special ocassion or just getting a bite to eat. That can be depressing in itself. Like someone said earlier, food was our best friend. It played a major part in my life. Where ever I went, whether it was running to the store, and hadn't had Breakfast or lunch, I would run to Burger King for a quick burger. If I went shopping, day trips, movies, take your pick, there was always that 'carrot' dangling, saying where and what do you want to eat? Now it no longer is. I even lost my taste for a social drink. Weird but that's ok because I always need to eat after I have a glass of wine and I'm not talking healthy foods here! :-)

So, this banding process is still new to my husband & I. We are both trying to find something that'll fill that emotional void that food played such a major part in our lives. I am starting to read again as my gardening is coming to an end for the summer which took up a lot of my time. Reading is healthy and keeps my mind pre-occupied. Exercising is another good thing. Little by little we're slowly getting there where ever 'there' is but we know we're not alone. And that's a good thing.

Tomorrow I have a second interview for a medical practice that I would love to be part of their team. Wish me luck. Just getting back into the workforce will help me with getting back into an every day routine. Hugs to all.....

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Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to stop by and say I got the job I interveiwed for!!! It's been 2 yrs being out of work and I was wondering if I would ever find the right fit/home and I think and hope I have. I go in Friday for the preliminary testing Friday {drug test/criminal background test} Thank God I've always been a good girl when it came to that. Test me for Cheetoz within the past 30 days and I'll definitely fail!!! LOL

On a serious note: We had strip steak last night and some asparagus for dinner. First time having that particular steak and boy did I have a major PB! I know some people have a problem with the asparagus but so far, I haven't. I only had a bite of that anyway but I don't know if I didn't chew enough of the steak or it just wasn't working for me.

Later, after pbing, I felt better and we went and got some soft vanilla ice cream. I had all to do to make it to the car where it was dark, and pb'd again!! PB'd when I got home and had the gurgle going on when I got up to take my meds this a.m. I had a cup of coffee which was fine but waited a few hours before I had my breakfast quesadilla from WW which seemed to go down without a problem. We plan on going out to dinner tonight to Celebrate my job and our wedding anniversary that was last week but I was away. I'm just hoping I won't have a problem there.

I was planning on getting a teeny fill tomorrow night but not sure if I might need more taken out. My husband suggested I have an x-ray to see if there's a problem with my band since I've have some problems on and off for the past few months which I think is a good idea. We'll see.

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This new job has me so busy! I'm sorry for just lurking...and I'm so far behind! LOL.


Meredith...congratulations on the new job...so happy for you! I feel you on the restriction...had just a small fill last week and I believe I'm totally at restriction. Haven't tried my beloved tuna salad in a few days. lol.

Nicki...make that new gig work for you! :) Good for you to use your break to excercise.

Nicole...i'm glad you posted too. Please don't ever feel like you are alone in this or that anyone is going to judge you for how you feel, or for making a possible mis-step. You have a brand new day...heck..a brand new minute...to start over. Its good to know though that food doesn't make you feel the way it used to. That is a great accomplishment.

I'm sure I've missed something but I have been reading posts. One day at a time, ladies...one pound at a time. :) Love to you all!

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Hi everyone! Finally got computer access at my job.

Meredith- congratulations! You're a practice manager? That's a busy demanding job!!! I had a pb at a restaurant last Friday- my old job was taking me out to lunch and I excused myself to go to the bathroom and luckily I took my napkin with me as I pb'd in it- gross! But better than not having the napkin, LOL. I think that pbing will be a potential part of our life no matter what, to a small extent. I have another appt next week- maybe I'll ask for a little fill, i feel like i need it a little.

Chrissy- good for being busy!

I think I"ll be able to post first thing in the morning, not sure about throughout the day, but I can always check in on my phone, though I hate typing on that touch screen- dang thumbs! I lost 1 lb this week, missed my goal by .5 lbs (I wanted to get to 77 lbs lost, that's halfway). I'm at 76.5 lbs lost, so not at all unhappy really!! I have been getting to the Y while at work, so that's good, trying to get a routine down so I'm not away from the office too too long, but want to get a 45 min workout in. Today I'm going to try changing into my workout clothes at the office instead of at the Y- just put my shoes on there, I hate wearing my workout shoes outside. So that should shave a few mintues off.

Everyone have a great day!!


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Hi Everyone!

Thanks ladies for the good wishes. It'll be interesting now that I'll have to eat at 'normal' times instead of eating breakfast at 11am, lunch around 3 and dinner around 8pm while not working. Like everything else, it'll all work out.

My DH & I just came back from our 6 week visit with our surgeon. Apparently I am in my sweet spot even at the small amount of fill I have in me. I wasn't planning on having a fill tonight since I've had some issues lately. Still not sure if it's my many year's of habitually taking that first bite and basically inhaling it after so many hours of not eating. She did say that beef is difficult for most people and that's what I had a major problem with the other night. Even hamburgers. So, I need to step up my game here, stop eating the fruit thin Cookies a few times a day, start getting back into the gym on a regular basis and get my mojo back!

My husband had a 1cc fill which he desperately needed as he's been munching on tortilla chips and sour cream most weekends. Oh well, summer is almost over :-( and a new season starts soon.

Gotta go and 'study' for my drug test tomorrow morning. LOL

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Hi all- kind of slow, so thought I'd post. I've been exercising at lunch on the ellipticals at the Y, so feeling good about it. It's nice to not have to go home and take time from the kids to exercise. I'm not doing as much strength training though, need to add that in, maybe some at night. My hips hurt, though, from all that ellipticalling! I'm hoping that translates into smaller hips.

I had a bad stuck episode last night on some dry chicken. I do have an appointment on Tuesday, maybe a small adjustment, I still feel like I'm not really satisfied on a small amount of food, even though I don't keep eating. I am religiously using myfitnesspal and working out, and still losing weight, though not as fast. I didn't quite make my goal of 207 this month, but I'm setting my September goal to be 199.5 lbs!! I want to be under 200, so that's my goal!

Anyone else have September goals???


ps- post post post all you lurkers, LOL! I want to hear from YOU!!

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whew! What a Saturday...busy busy. Hi everyone! Well...I've decided that I am definitely at restriction. Just made taco salads for everyone for dinner. I measured out a 1/2 cup of the beef mixture. Added a tbsp of salsa, tbsp of sour cream, tbsp of sliced black olives and just a few tortilla strips. I really didn't think it added up to that much but it must've been a full cup of food. Oh my word...I am absolutely stuffed!!!! But I'm also satisfied with that. 8 months ago...I would've gone back for another cup full. Today was 1/2 price day at Goodwill, and DH and I both had OT on our paychecks this week...so we went shopping. Well, I shopped more than he did. LOL. We went to two GW stores. I came home with three kitchen towels, two toys & a t-shirt for my son, a t-shirt, golf shirt and a pair of LEVI's for the DH, a pair of slacks, 4 skirts and 6 blouses (one of which can be worn like a jacket also). I didn't spend over $45!!! But the big "WAHOO!" NSV of this day is....all of the clothes I bought were 14's!!! You have no idea how long it has been since I've worn a freakin' size 14! I still have 17 pounds to go for my primary goal. I'm now thinking to myself that I might actually see a size 12 again!

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OK I tried to post this on Wednesday and my phone would not work, so I saved it and here it is:

Yesterday and today were better days. My psychiatrist did not change my meds but encouraged me to see my counselor weekly for awhile. My counselor asked me what is it I really feel like doing. I told her I feel like hiding in my room curling up in a ball and crying myself to sleep. She said go for it. As adults we think it is not ok to cry it out that we need to "suck it up and move on". So I don't ever cry it all out. I typically "suck it up" food wise. So I had a good cry. Then cried some more and cried in front of my kids. And you know I feel a lot better!!

So as for my original goals I have logged all of my food for the last 2 days, worked out twice so far this week and read this forum daily. So far so good for this week. I also am doing liquid except for dinner to get the sugar out of my system. Kind of a reset button on my weigh loss

Thank you everyone for your kind words it really meant a lot to me and reminded me of the importance of a support group!

Thank you!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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