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And the pants go to today's winner Otakman!!!!!

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Hi everyone!!! Haven't checked in for over 3 weeks, was on a two week vacation stretch, now back to work for 1.5 weeks, and trying to play catch up. So incredibly busy! Just finally took time to read all of the posts - can't even begin to try to comment on everything I wanted too, so I will just say this.... everyone is awesome!! I didn't meet my birthday goal either, with the vacation mindset and on the road eating every meal for 10 days. i actually ended up gaining 6 lbs - which I knew I probably would. I spent the last 4 days of vacation with my favorite cousin and daughter - both of which have horrible eating habits, which I gladly adopted while with them. It was fun while it lasted, but I felt horribly guilty once I got home and saw that gain. It took me a few days to readjust my mind set and I am so happy to say that all 6 lbs. are gone now, actually after just 1 week of back to mindful eating and back to my daily routine. I know that without the band - those 6 lbs. plus lots more would be here to stay. So, I hit my 6 month bandervisary on the 31st - down 35 lbs. total. It is no where near some of you, but I will take it. I am much more motivated now and am finally in the green zone - even getting stuck on a regular basis to remind me that I need to act like a banded girl!~ I feel like I am finally on the way to start my accelerated weight loss - at least I hope so. Doing some things differently and hoping for better results.

Anyway, I am still at work and ready to go home - looking forward to being more active in our group and sharing more in the future. Love to you all! <3

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Hi All! I spent the day yesterday with DH at a medical procedure. Yay! I ate okay, but did not get a work out in yesterday. I was going to get up this morning to work out but just didn't. So I will do something tonight, for sure. We may go to the beach this weekend- it's supposed to rain, but there's a reptile thing at the convention center in Myrtle Beach that dd (7) would love. Not sure if DH will be up to it, so it's up in the air. Sigh. I had a really bad stuck episode at dinner on Monday- really dry fish, I was bad for a good half an hour and pb'ed/slimed like never before. Ick. But then yesterday I ate a grilled chicken sandwich (no bun) and fries, no problem (the hospital cafeteria)- but boy did I take small bites and chewed like crazy. I am up 1 lb, but for the past 2 weeks still down 4.5 lbs, so it's all good. I feel bad for not exercising, but I figure since I'm good MOST of the time I am NOT going to beat myself up for the little bit of time I don't quite make it.

Savannah! That is awesome to have lost your vacation weight gain so quickly!! I agree, before LBS I would have kept that on, plus who knows how much! It is nice to be on vay-cay, but good to be back into a routine. And 35 lbs down in 6 months is awesome!!!!!

Hi to everyone, I hate to miss a day posting because I get a lot from all of you, so post!!


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Helloooooo ladies! I am happy to report that I am (slowly) tackling my plateau. I was up and down between 224-220, but am now much more consistently hitting 221-220 daily for the past 5 days or so, even that for me is a small victory! It's been so hot, and between building a horse barn and renovating our house, I haven't really exercised too much, but walk when I can and have been riding a few times a week. On the plus side, I have a lot of deadlines to meet, and have been running around to look at building materials, kitchen sinks, etc...stressful and keeps me busy so I haven't been snacky, which is great. I try to at least keep busy during the day, that way if I'm not exercising, at least I'm running around like a nut. lol. Also, I waitress two nights a week which is like exercise in itself, we are a very busy restaurant. I'm working three nights this week instead of two, which is almost a guarantee to help me get over the plateau and under 220.

Savannah, your profile pic is awesome, I'm glad you had a good time on your vacay, you enjoyed yourself, and have gotte home to continue to live the skinny life! Good for you! I must say, I went for ice cream with some (skinny) friends the other night, and we all got a Peanut Butter sundae...There was so much peanut butter, along with a lava cake with peanut butter INSIDE. OMG. I finally, once in my life, felt so horrible about that sundae even being in front of me--all I could think about was the fat and calories it contained, I couldn't even bring myself to eat it. After a few bites, I felt like I had indulged enough, and didn't want to ruin all my hard work. I felt really triumphant about that. It's a great feeling to know we have the control we never had, isn't it?!

Nicki, I hear you on the chewing. I recently had some rotisserie chicken..which is supposed to be moist...but was incredibly dry...and I just had to keep chewing, chewing, chewing....until it was like sawdust...which ends up just being gross lol. I find getting stuck, a lot of the time, taking a few really deep breaths, like so deep I'm almost shrugging my shoulders, will release the offending food. But I have always wondered this...if what we have is a small pouch that holds our food for hours, why do we get stuck? The food doesn't go through right away, so it's not stuck going through our stoma, so where is it actually stuck? The opening of the esophagus? This is something I wonder quite often!

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I forgot a few NSV's. So on my flight to CA I almost missed my flight I had to run from security all the way to the farthest gate (of course) last year I would have missed the flight but I was able to run the full length & made it!! I also did not need an extension seatbelt and I didn't get that "your too obese to fly" look. I enjoyed my flight for the first time in 7 yrs!!

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I know I statrted participating in this forum a few months ago and then dropped of the face of the earth...why??? Ashamed. I was doing so weel in the beginning. I started my journey at 238, after my surgery on Jan. 18th I was the best student my doctor ever had. Then around May (I was 186 lb) I lost my mojo. Today I stepped on the scale and I'm back up to 193 lb. Sure, I'm still down 45 pounds, and I know that is great, but then I think where I could be if I didn't lose my momentum and I get depressed...where is the ice cream?

So today I had my 3rd adjustment. I don't know how many cc's are in my band but my doctor uses an x-ray machine during the adjustment and I look like I am pretty tight. I am now sitting at my desk, drinking my Protein Shake and realizing I need to complete the journey I started last year when I sat at the seminar and made the decision to save my life.

So my goals for this weekend...stick to liquids though Saturday as instruced by my doctor. This will be difficult since I have a wedding to attend tomorrow, and a party at my house on Saturday. Luckily, beer counts as a liquid and I only need one of these to have a buzz these days. I also intend to write out a menu, via fitnesspal, for next week and stay within the 1,300 calorie budget my nutritionist has given me. Hopefully I can be close to the weight I was in May by the end of this month.

Wish me luck and thank you...reading your posts has provided me with the encouragement I need.

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Welcome back Dee!! We love it when others return! You have come to the right place for support!! As you probably read we have all had our down falls and ups and downs. It is important to remember what this would have been like a year ago you would have gotten depressed binged, saw your weight go up got more depressed & binges again creating the never ending cycle and 40lbs late said it is time to diet only to be disappointed by the slow progress. Now you have the incredible tool of the Lapland and getting back onboard to eating right and working out WILL show results right away and keeping off the Lbs easier!! Good luck this weekend!!

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Hi everyone- Dee- welcome back!! That is the wonderful thing about the lap band- you can start back up again!! Good goals to have, but while on liquids do a Protein Shake or 2 (or 3 or 4) to get some Protein in. Also, are you exercising? Maybe start doing a little just to bump up the calorie burn. And probably don't exercise while just on liquids, that would be hard! I do between 1000-1300 calories a day, depending, except Sunday is my big ice cream eating day. I splurge that one day, but still count it in my calories!

Nicole- awesome NSV's!! I have avoided flying and amusement parks because I was too fat. Now I am "regular" fat, LOL and able to do whatever I want :o.

So I found a great recipe for protein ice cream! I am going to try it- it doesn't seem lower calorie particularly, but protein packed- I'll let y'all know if it's any good.

I am doing good, did get my exercise in last night and will go to zumba tonight. Not sure about tomorrow as I will be heading to the beach tomorrow night- we decided not to go tonight, just head down there tomorrow after work and spend all day Saturday (that's when the reptile thing is) and part of the day Sunday. So I'll bring my workout clothes, my parent's clubhouse has a little gym thing with an elliptical. Exercise is important!!

Have a great day-


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Hey Nicki, I'm down here in MB North by Fantasy Harbor just until tomorrow night when I fly back home to NJ. Hanging out at family's home today after driving all day to get down here. Rand to Tanger's Outlet to buy some shorts. Ran into Lane Bryant and found a cute pr of chino cropped pants on sale but my step daughter told me to stop buying clothes there. Hey, it was a size 14! I guess it's time to think out of the box and get out into the misses sizes. However the khaki shorts I did get were at Columbia. :-)

Have fun at the reptile convention. I'm definitely passing on that! EWWWWW!

Catch up with all when I get back. Have been reading posts but have to get back on here to chat with ya'll!

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Wow, no posts over the weekend? I was playing with 15 foot long king cobras, what's your excuse?? LOL

Meredith- awesome shopping! I love those outlets, can't wait to spend a whole lot of $$ there.

A lot of walking, no real "formal" exercise though. I did my Firm video this morning, it was tough being out of it for 3 days, bidia (but I did it anyways). Got some.....news...on Friday right before I left- I will be leaving my company but have an interview that is a "formality" for a sister division. So that kind of sucked, I love where I am...but better than being without a job. So I had that stress. And we did 3- count 'em 3- buffets in 2 days. A chinese buffet, Golden Corral, and KFC buffet. I did well. I did PB bad on the way down and once at my mom's house. No bread for me anymore! I also let myself go too long between eating sometimes then eat too fast, have to work on that.

I hope everyone's weekend went well, post post post!

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Wow - what an awesome week!!! I am finally in the green zone, both physically and mentally!! I have lost 7 lbs. in the last week! I have never done that - ever. Definitely was the motivation I needed to keep my head in the game. Now only 7 lbs. away from ONDER(FUL)LAND. I am so excited and never been this motivated before in my life. I have failed to meet the goals that we have set in this group throughout our journey - but no more. I bought an a wesome costume for Halloween (wicked Renaissance Dress with corset) which is super sexy. It fits now and looks good, but the corset can be drawn in another 8 inches, which would look great! My goal is to be less than 190 lbs. before Halloween so I can cinch that corset up even tighter. OK - off my Cloud 9 for now. How's everyone else doing?!?!?!?


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Hi Everyone. I'm back and with a vengence! The past 8 weeks I've been off my game for one reason or another, however, it's ok. I've plateaued for all that time, staying the same weight which I'm ok with since I haven't been really exercising for the most part. My step daughter is back home for school and now I can get back into my routine.

Started back yesterday with Leslie Sansone's 5 mile fat burning DVD. Today will be Denise Austen's kickboxing DVD. Need to shake it up a little and get the scale going down.

Nicki: sounds like you're having fun in Myrtle Beach. Hope the weather improves.

Savannah: Congrats on the 7lb loss. That is a big motivator for sure. Don't beat yourself up about not holding to your past goals, we've all been there but as long as we're going forward that's the most important thing. We're NOT giving up! Often we need something for ourselves to boost our morale and set goals and it sounds like the Halloween outfit is and will be the right fit for you. Even something as small as a DVD, new sneaks/workout clothes can give us the incentive to get back in the game. Whatever it is, and it works, go for it.

While waiting for my stepdaughter while she went to marshal arts class, I spent the hour walking the strip mall until Marshall's opened up. I went crazy buying yoga pants, racer bras and running shirts. Right after WLS, I went to a running store and had a running analysis so I would get the right sneaker for working out. I saw all those cute small running clothes for women {and expensive} and said to myself, "I will get into those one of these days". Went into Marshall's bought a pair of yoga pants, took them home to try on and fell in love with them. Love the spandex that controls you and hides the cellulite and other lumps and bumps as well as the cheaper price. Went back another day and bought a few more outfits. It probably would've cost me the same amount in the running store for just one of their outfits when I got 4! Crazy! So, I am now wearing these outfits to run out to the store and doing errands and feel extremely comfident wearing them and not self conscience.

Well gotta go, the gym is calling me. Missing everyone!

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Oh my! I'm so far behind! LOL. Welcome back Dee! Welcome back from vacation everyone. I was on vacay last Thursday through the weekend...and just haven't had a chance to post. I'm off work today for the kiddo's first day of seventh grade...so I had a few minutes before he gets home. I did okay during the vacay. didn't really gain except for a bit of Water weight. At the theme park on Thursday, I had a double serving Protein Shake on the drive from Nashville to Santa Claus, IN. We got into the park and I did not eat again until about 530!!! Didn't even think about food. However, they have free drink stations throughout the park so I did drink a lot pre-sweetened tea and lemonade. LOL. It seems like everyone has either done okay or rebounded from vacations/summer break. Time to knuckle down and get back on track for me. Gotta get back to an exercise routine besides just walking. These abs and thighs are NOT going to tone themselves. lol. I have a check up on Monday. Don't know if he will do a fill. I feel like my band is fairly tight most of the day. I just have to do better about what I'm putting into my body. (i just ate miniature mounds candy bar!) Hope you all are doing better than I am. Oh...I DO have an NSV. I'm officially into size 16 (not 16W), down from almost a size 26! And...the 16's are loose in the waist and hopefully will be loose enough to go to a 14 soon. Have a great day!

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Chrissy, that's an awesome NSV! You must feel so good and should be proud of yourself for all your hard work.

I have a job interview tomorrow, wish me luck, and thought I had some slacks I could still wear in the closet. Good thing I tried them on because they were 18's and they were swimming on me! All 3 prs! I ran out to SteinMart and was able to get into a 14 but right on the edge of being a little too tight so I went with the 16 and that was ok. They were a totally different cut of slacks, not like Lane Bryant's forgiving curves, they were all more straighter but with a little curve so I was pleased with that.Actually didn't mind going shopping and trying on clothes.

Oh yeah, I had an NSV the other night. I flew home from South Carolina Saturday night. This was the first time since I flew 2 weeks before surgery and I was able to sit in the seat with room to move around and I was in the middle seat between two strangers!!! No bumping into them feeling like I was spilling over into their space to boot! I know others' here can relate to this NSV as a major accomplishment and a comfortable one at that.

Like you Chrissy, exercise is key for me. Even though I felt active without working out, I could see my body becoming flabbier where it was once starting to tone up. I also made some poor choices last week with eating. Found out I can eat one of my favorite past times without any problems, Cheez Doodles! Ate a bag in two days instead of finishing it in one sitting. Not good. Oh well, I think I got them out of my system for now. Not bad after not having them for 7 months. Anyone else here have some of their old favorite's rearing their ugly heads to entice us lately>

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Meredith...Good Luck on the job interview!!! btw...I have discovered too many favorites that are not causing problems: potato chips, popcorn, and mounds bars. on the flip side, I've started having trouble with rotisserie chicken and deli ham and turkey. Those WERE my go-to foods. If I'm not careful, I can get stuck on my fave...tuna salad. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't eat tuna salad. LOL. I might have to start living on Protein Shakes.< /p>

Okay...on a rather gross note....I have a question. I know that early on in this thread, we discussed having irregular BM's. Before surgery...BM's were regular, every day. After surgery, it became more like 2, 3, or 4 days. It became common for me to have to have a laxative at least once a week. However, over the past few days, I'm almost back to my pre-WLS schedule. Anyone else experiencing this? Could it be a sign something is wrong...or just my body finally adjusting to the new way of life?? I have not really changed anything as far as my eating habits go and have not added Fiber to my diet. The only difference is that I have not had my Multi-Vitamin in over a week ( I keep forgetting). I've missed the MV before and not had this happen. Thoughts??

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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