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January Surgery Bandsters Group

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Hi all! I'm new to this thread. I was banded on January 18th and my journey has been great. Surgery went well and I lost 20lbs in the first 2 weeks. Since then I've lost about 1-2 lbs a week for a total of 48lbs down. Im having my second fill tomorrow morning and I can't wait! Hope to be 50lbs down by the end of the weekend.

I have been eating healthy and I track what I eat through myfitnesspal.com. I go to the gym 3-4 days a week for weight lifting and cardio. I also did a week of P90X...it's a great workout and I highly recommend it.

I have become a frequent shopper at the Goodwill...I refuse to spend more than $10 for any clothing that will only fit me for a month :-)

You all seem very supportive and I hope I can be an asset to you all.


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N2animals do t be so hard on yourself, you're doing great. As a mom it is very hard to get exercise in. I'm trying to get 5 workouts in a week, each an hour long. It takes a lot and there will always be something else you could be doing. But u need this time for yourself to get healthy for yourself and your family. You can do this!

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126 dee welcome welcome. This is THE place to be and we have a wonderfully supportive group here.

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N2animals. I am going to spend part of my weekend digging up videos of easy muscle toning exercise u can do at work, while cooking & even at bath time. Sound like you have not been working on increasing your muscle mass & you might actually be loosing muscle. What you need is some simple muscle building exercises to get those muscles to burn off the fat & let it melt away!! Maybe I will have one of my kids film me while I demo some of my moves!!!LOL. I can do cardio 5 days a week & I only loose 1lb if that. With 2-3 days of weight training I am loosing my 2 lbs a week! My class is at 7pm. I get off work by 5 pick up kids fr practice make dinner & serve by 6:15 (I put my serving on a plate in the fridge for later) then rush off to workout. When I get home I barely make it through a shower, eat a few bites of dinner & crash by 9. It is a lot to juggle. But my kids know this is for me. And I do feel more energy the next day and a little sore but when I get on the scale I can say I made that happen not the band!!!

Ok. I'll get off my high horse. Does anyone know how to post websites or videos on this thing??

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Welcome Denise!! You have done so well! Congrats on all of you successes!

Where do you live? What size is your band & how many cc do u have in now? Any problems with getting stuck? What is the key to your success and what still holds you back?

Ok those questions should get you caught up.

Oh the clothes question what are you doing about clothes as they get baggy? Any good deals you have see, hitting the goodwill or do you have yrs of saved clothes you are finally able to get into?

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Hey Girls! Long time no post! Haven't been on in a while. OMG Kymie- GREAT job on reaching >50lbs! So excited for you. I had only lost 2lbs up and down up and down in the last month and was having difficulty eating in respects to painful eating except for soft foods. I'm pissed at myself for waiting until my month follow up appt but I kept thinking, "oh maybe I'm not chewing enough. Oh maybe I'm eating too much". Note to self: If it hurts to eat, call your doctor! So needless to say I was at 4cc and she took out 0.5cc. AMAZING that I could immediately eat without pain!

Welcome 126dee! Glad you are with us. I love having to buy new clothes too, but amen to Goodwill and clearance racks!

N2animals- I too have issues with exercise. My NP just lovingly nudged me at my unfill to "get on it". We are our own worst critic, but I feel we have a sisterhood (and brotherhood) here that we can express our feelings. You know we are all here for eachother, even if you PM people. Stay on track, you are doing great!

And regarding onederland........does that mean I'm in twoterland? My husband would say yes. badumdum!

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Hi everyone!

Mags! Hi!!!! Twoterland it is :) Glad you're not feeling pain now! I think it's funny (funny interesting, not funny haha)- you see all the time that someone gets filled, it's too tight and they get a slight unfill and it's good, then they go get another fill and it's okay. I think as we lose weight our bands become looser naturally, so it's good to adjust both ways. Hope that made any kind of sense, LOL.

N2animals- Hi there to you too!! Post no matter what you're feeling, we're all here to help each other. As far as exercise, I am TRYING to get up in the morning at 5:30 to do it, but so far it hasn't happened. So, I usually do it first thing when I get home after work. My kids at home are 4, 7 and 18 (well, 3 and 17 now, they'll turn 4 and 18 on Saturday!)- anyways, they're big enough to understand that this is important to do, and to just chillax until I'm done. Luckily for me, DH usually cooks, so he's making dinner while I work out. If he doesn't, then I just do something really quick after I work out. On rare occasions I workout after dinner, but I don't love doing that because I have to wait for some sort of digestion to occur, LOL. You've lost 26 lbs, that is awesome! Think about it, how much would you have lost before, right? Just do what you can, I think Nicole's advice about weight lifting is good too...but do post, we're all in this together.

Denise- welcome welcome! You're doing awesome! I definitely need to hit the Goodwill, I have one pair of pants that kind of fit, the others just look stupid, LOL. How do you feel your strength training has helped your weight loss? I think that's really the next thing I need to get cracking on.

Kymie- Hi there!!

Nicole- with your weight lifting testimonial, I will definitely start adding that in. I haven't been on a plateau, but only- "only"- losing 1 lb a week. I'm not complaining about that, mind you, but would love for more. I have no ideas about how to post videos- not at all technologically savvy! LOL.

Tonight is the kid's birthday dinner at Angus Barn. I'm so looking forward to it! I'll have a small steak, some asparagus, and probably a bite or two of mashed potatoes. And a small, very small piece of cake (my fave in the world!). It's all planned. As I kind of mentioned, I was going to get up at 5:30 today to get my workout in, but it just didn't happen. So, today is my rest day.

Everyone have a great day!!

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I live in South Jersey just outside of Philadelphia. Honestly, I know nothing about my band...I don't know how big it is or how many cc's are put in. I had my adjustment today and never thought to ask...my Dr. did say I was one of his best patients though :-) Nothing has gotten stuck and I am not having any problems with the band at all. The biggest problems I am coming to is plateaus. It took me over 2 months to lose 12 lbs and I was frustrated. I'd lose 5 lbs in a week then lose nothing for 3 weeks then lose 2-3 lbs again. I know it's my fat turning to muscle and I see my weight shifting but it was frustrating not seeing the scale move. Since I became active on a regular basis about a month ago, I am seeing a steady weight loss. I use myfitnesspal to track my calorie intake. I see the nutritionist monthly to discuss changing things up...I tend to eat the same thing over and over with little to no change.

I do still eat sweets and I crave greasy things during that girly time of the month. I indulge in a Dove Dark chocolate square once in a while. I also eat a small serving of potato chips when I get the craving. I use to eat a whole bag in front of the tv, now I get the small bag and feel satisfied after.

As for my clothes...I have a friend who is 100lbs heavier than me. She had gastric bypass and will be at my beginning weight (238) very soon. She is more than happy to take my old clothes. I want them out of my house and out of my life. All I kept was the outfit I wore in my before picture. It's making me teary eyed right now thinking about my "fat clothes". I hate that I got to the point I could no longer shop at my favorite store. New York and Company, buy I am also happy knowing the clothes I had are now out of my life.

My closet ranged in size 6 to size 20. I am now in a 14 and can fit in some 12's. I have hit the goodwill in my area for some business pants and a pair of jeans. The stuff looked like new and I even hit a 25% off sale on the goodwill items!

Whew...now that you all know more about me I will take the time to go through this entire thread so I can know more about all of you wonderful ladies. I may need to take notes so I don't confuse anyone.

Good luck to all,


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nicole1 -That would be great to see some of your "moves", thanks so much for offering. You definately have a busy day and still get your workouts in. I know I am definately making excuses! I will say I tried going around the track with my 5 & 3 year old. My oldest son was yelling at me like a drill sergant,...come on mom, run, faster, you have to excersise to be strong then you can relax! It was so funny and motivating. The only down side was my youngest son complaining and not wanting to run or walk, I was draging him along. We only made it once around the track, but it was a start.

mags2u - Thanks for the pep talk. I am not really as sedantary as I make myself out to be. I am an outside sales rep. so I am constantly walking going door to door of businesses. I just need to do more besides that. Cross my fingers that my husband pulls out my treadmill by the end of the week and I actually get on it!

JustDoIt130 - Your right, I should post no matter what, this is a support site after all! I hear you about getting up early, I wont even set that as a goal for myself as I know I will surely fail that one. I am proud that I lost 26lbs. Everyone sees it and comments, I just dont see it as much and wish it would be faster to come off, LOL.

126dee - have you tried the healthy choice fudge popsicle. They are a great for when you have cravings for sweets. They are only 100 calories each.

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I have been stalking everyone. I send encouragement and love! You all are doing great and I am glad we have a place to go for support from people who understand.

I am doing well. The fluctuating calorie intake is working! I lost another two pounds making a total of 52lbs. I go for another fill tomorrow. I think I am almost to the green zone, I bet this one will do it and I am excited!

I am looking forward to my workout tonight, Jazzercise and then two on two basketball with my sister and her dh, both very fun!

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126dee...welcome. Wow...I am so far behind on catching up with everyone's posts...so I'll just say "Great job Everyone!" Even if the scale isn't moving,we can still find things to Celebrate. For instance, all my rings are spinning around my ring finger. I'm having to wear some on my middle & index fingers. I put on a size 20 skirt this morning...and honestly...I think I could wear an 18 right now! So my point is...whether the "metal monster" is moving or not, look for those NSV's to keep you going....and come back here for honesty and encouragement. We're all in this together!

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Erica, whoo hoo! Plateau buster!!! Good for you. I too am hoping for at least closer to the green zone with my fill on Monday.

N2- I hear you on wanting it off faster- but I tell myself, "Self, this is not a magic solution. It took time to get fat, it will take time to get UN-fat- and also, Self, exactly how much weight were you losing BEFORE???" LOL

Denise- it's true that exercise is important. I know there are people who lose weight and aren't exercising, but I also believe it's good for more than just weight loss. It really does make me feel better, more upbeat and goal oriented, better cardiovascular health, etc. Sooo, that's why I chose justdoit as a user name, LOL. That is really nice of you to give your friend your clothes! And I don't think this is all or nothing, a piece of chocolate or a small bag of chips aren't going to undo anything, even skinny people eat that once in awhile! Like you say, it's way better than the whole giant bag in one sitting!

Wish me luck with my dinner out tonight! I'm going to look at the last meal I had there that I logged, and have that again, LOL.

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I love love Healthy Choice Fudge Bars!!

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Ugh, you guys, help.....I ate way too much last night, and here's my problem- I did eat actually much less that I would have pre-band, for sure. BUT- I COULD eat it, if you know what I mean. I had 1 1/2 onion rings, 2 bites of ravioli, a big spinach salad with a little dressing, a 7 oz steak, oscar style (hollandaise, asparagus and crab meat), prob 1/2 to 2/3 c mashed potatoes and a very small piece of cake. I am feeling it today- as well as last night- but I had no feeling of "stuck" or anything like that. I had hoped with like 8 cc's in my 14 cc band that I'd feel SOME sort of restriction! And I guess I do, really, a little bit, but I sure hope that the NP at the doctor's gives me a full cc for my fill, because I'm feeling like this is a whole heck of a lot due to my own willpower and not due to the band. I'm okay with that to a point, but I had the surgery because my willpower only takes me so far for so long and then I totally revert back to old ways.

Sigh. I need some encouragement.

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Well just remember Scarlett O'Hara..."tuh-marrah is anutha day"...well...today is another day. Start over my friend! As I sit right now, two people have brought in baked goods from a bake sale at one of our ad agencies. So far I've had 1/4 of a whoopie pie and a sliver of a toll house cookie bar. ugh! I have two weeks to wait for a fill. I had Protein Shake this morning (started right after my workout this a.m. and finally finished it 2 1/2 hours later. Then about an hour ago I had a 1/2 c. of scrambled egg w/a mushroom in it. I still feel like I'm hungry. I don't like it...no sir...not one bit.

Okay...now that we've hashed it out and vented...Time to start again. I'm tired of the scale not moving this week so gotta figure something out. I might do a Protein shake diet again for a few days.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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