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Chrissy, congrats to you. That's awesome. I'm still plateauing but that's ok. I'm not complaining. I get my 2nd fill the end of this week so we'll see if that helps. I was bad last week and exercised only one day instead of four so I can only blame myself. I think it's a good idea if you push it a few more pounds. If you don't make it, you still made it with your original goal. :-D

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Just got back from my first fill attempt. I am very discouraged right now. Under fluoroscopy everything looked good but my surgeon wasn't able to access the port. He used four different needles did a lot of digging, I could feel him hitting the port but it kept giving way under the pressure of the needle. He is now afraid I have a port that has not scared down to the fascia correctly and is loose. He gave me the options of waiting a few weeks and attempting to access the port again or surgery to revise the port. I have elected to wait and try port access again on May 7th. This has taken the wind right out of my sails. Trying not to cry!

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Oh Kganous! It will be okay. May 7 will come quickly, then if it's still an issue he can go in and correct it. Repeat after me- it's a process, it's a process, it's a process. You are still doing well. You are in my thoughts/prayers.

Kymie- good for you feeling restriction! Planning is important, it's tough to be in the groove of it.

ChrissyLu!! Congratulations!!!! Definitely revise your goal :). I have 2 more lbs by 4/25 to meet your birthday goal, LOL.

Mags- I know just what you mean by enough restriction in my own mind!! I think I have ~some~ but not what I want. It's still a white knuckle situation sometimes. I have I think 7cc's in a 14cc band. I have a fill on Monday, can't wait!

Meredith- good luck with the fill! Don't "blame" yourself for only exercising 1 day- just make a goal to increase it!!

I'm feeling okay, plugging along. A long day at work today, but that's okay. I'll get home and go work out right away while watching Dancing with the Stars!

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@Meredith: My last fill certainly helped my plateau! I'm wondering if I might have reached the green zone? a 1/2 cup of food keeps me full for 3-4 hours, I have reached the point where my band is noticibly tighter in the mornings. I now have to have a Protein Shake or something warm to drink early in the morning (or be up for 2-3 hours) before I can eat something solid. Now...at least you did some exercise...and you can make a goal to do more!!! Let's get moving Girl! :) I have a 5k (i'm walking) on Saturday and a walk for March of Dimes on Sunday so I've got to keep moving this week. LOL. Of course, I may not be moving come seven days from now. LOL!

Kganous: Hang in there! As others have said...its a process, and though this could certainly feel like a set-back, I believe there is a reason for everything. May 7th is only a couple of weeks and we're all here for you! Saying a prayer for strength, patience and perseverance!

JDI: Thanks...we got this!

Mags: I feel the same way. I'm praying there's a cancellation at my doc's office between now and 4/25 so I can get one more fill in before my post-surgery 90 days are up. LOL.

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LOL, ChrissyLu, I am going on Monday- 2 days before my 90 days are up!!! Get everything I can for "free"!!!

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Welcome Shonda, Amica, Kganous, and Lady Penelope!! Sound like you are all in the same boat as a lot of us, white knuckling it and on pure willpower. Until we get to the right restriction, we are really on our own. If it wasn't for this website, I might not have lost as much as I have. Everyone encourages me to workout as much as possible, keep my Protein up and drink all the Water that I can (I am not good at the water thing). Well I suggest you post your basic daily meal plan and your exercise routine, maybe we can help figure out why you are not loosing as fast as you want.

Horsegirl & Chrissy congrats on being the first to hit the green zone!! I can't wait to get there!!

I am with you NJ2NC, still hungry, can eat what ever I want and as much as I want, I just choose not to. Well get to the green zone and will just have to rely on each other until that happens.

Mags and Chrissy you guys are doing so amazing, you have lost so much weight! I am glad it is going slow and smooth, less likely to have that loose sagging skin!!

JustDoIt- What would we do without you!!! Every time I log on you have so much positive inspiration!! You always make my day!! thank you for all of your support!!

Well even though I did not feel any restriction after my mere .5cc fill I have kept up with my workouts and watched my food intake and I have suddenly have lost 4lbs!! so I have met my 4/25 goal! Thanks for the motivation Chrissy!! My goal will be to weigh in at 200lbs by 6/13, my daughters high school graduation when I will see my ex-husband after 11 years!!

Have a good Week everyone!!

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I may be in green zone, just trying to figure it all out. I cancelled Monday's fill appt. as I'm eating I feel like I could eat more, but then if I eat more later on, of course I've been thinking about food that whole time, then I will end up having to "get rid of it" . So I may be just before green zone or on the border. It's a learning curve though when u get there, not so black and white.

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I can't wait til I get my next fill. I do think that I have some level of restriction, it's not hard to eat less now- and I do know some of it's psychosomatic, LOL. Like, tonight I will for sure exercise, as WID is tomorrow!

Nicole- thanks for the kind words- I was on eDiets back in the day, and have some experience with posting encouraging words! I too will see my ex husband in a month or so, and though I'm not at the weight I was when I last saw him, I'm lighter than I have been in a LOOOOONG time!

Kymie- I agree, it is a process and you may just be on the edge of green, and a super small fill gets you solidly there. But I agree with you, sit where you are and then tweak it as needed!

Hoping for another lb- I think it's 2 more will meet my ChrissyLu goal! Maybe 3- can't remember, need to write these things down. I also do Larry's monthly challenges here- I think I have 4 more lbs to lose to meet that goal by the end of the month. I like these shorter goals, it's motivating to me. I have 12 more lbs to meet my 50 lbs lost by my birthday goal- birthday is in July, so hopefully I will be able to revise my goal and have more lost!

I'll check back in later, everyone have a great day!

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You should try coconut almond milk, its a blend with only 60 cals per cup and it tastes amazing!!! Love it in a Protein Shake, and makes iced coffee so creamy.

Your daily menu sounds really good. Except triscuits and I don't get along anymore...but wheat thins are ok! The peanut flour is interesting...does it give a peanut taste? I don't have Breakfast often, but when I do, I have 1/4 cup oats with 1/2 cup coconut almond milk, one beaten egg...microwave for about 3 mins, then top with spray butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar blend splenda....its like french toast...so good!

Horsegirl - Thanks for the oatmeal recipe - I LOVE IT! I made a Stevia simple Syrup with maple to go on top (need to figure out how to thicken it up but flavor is good!)

I'm back on the losing track! After last week's .5 cc fill I'm up to 4 cc and am definitely feeling restriction! I could probably stand to feel some more though, because most of my problems have been from eating too fast and not chewing enough. I was rushing around last night trying to cram in some dinner before a meeting at church and it didn't go so well. I ended up having to pull over on my way to the meeting to get rid of some slime! Blech! Learned my lesson though!

I'm down 37.5 pounds. My goal is to hit 50 by my niece's graduation on 5/26 and 60 by the June 21. We go to a comic book convention every year and most of our friends there I haven't seen since either last year or at least pre-surgery. What a shock it will be for them!

I've also been slowly cleaning out my closet. It's killing me (in a good way) to toss all those clothes on the giveaway pile, but there's only so much cinching a belt can do! HA! My next step is to get more exercise. I know I use my arthritis in my hip as an excuse, but every time I try to walk or do anything with any sort of impact I end up paying for it that night and can't sleep for the pain. I bought one of those vibration plate machines and it should be delivered on Saturday. The reviews have been really good, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks to everyone for the positive posts! If nothing else, we've got each other! Keep up the good work!


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Oh I forgot my NSV, I have a smaller booty! Was beginning to think I would just keep changing bra sizes forever and nothing else.

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Hello All,

Kganous, sorry to hear about the issues with your port...hopefully May 7th will be a positive visit and no surgery will be necessary...prayers.

Chrissylu - "43 by 43" thats great.. glad you are able to increase that goal..

Congrats to all that are meeting there goals, getting restriction and doing well especially with those NSV's.

I went to my nutritionist appointment today..she says I'm doing well even though I fell off the exercise bandwagon over the last week or 2 (6.4lbs lost in 6 weeks). I think I'm finally feeling some restriction well I did right after the fill on Friday into Saturday. I can go at least 3 hours before I think "am I hungry or thirsty" usually Water help fill me up for a good while before my head is in the fridge.

Well only 12 more pounds till "onderland" so I have something great to look forward too! if I get my butt up and workout hopefully I reach it soon..but its a process! I know. My NSV include going to LB's and buying 38 instead of 44 bra's during the buy 2 get 1 free event. The sales person said..wow your bra is too big why are you wearing that..I just smiled and said "that's why I'm here"

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Congratulations to all on your sucess! It is motivating to hear everyones stories, both the highs and lows. I know this will sound kind of bad, but its nice to hear there are others struggling with the band as well.

I have lost 20lbs since I started the process. It has been 6 weeks since my first fill, and I think I lost only 2-3lbs. I have my second fill tomorrow, I cant wait. I am a little nervous as I was having PB issues about 2 weeks ago. I know I have not been making the best food choices and even though I am not necessarily hungry, I want to eat. From hearing others, it is mostly in my head and I need to stop letting my mind win the battle.

Even when I have stuck episodes and PB, I am still hungry and will wait a few minutes and continue to eat. As I am writing this, I see how horrible that sounds. Why dont I just stop eating? Sadly, I have not started any excersise routine and keep giving excuses, tired, kids, work, etc. How do you all get your head in the right mind frame? Today I have decided to take my kids to the park after work, they can play while I walk the track, its a start. I have started to track my calories on myfitnesspal. I am trying to make sure I fill it out everyday. So far I have 5cc in a 10cc band.

Tomorrow is a new day!

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Kymie- Yay, smaller booty! I hear it on the smaller bosoms, really didn't want ALL my weight to come off there, LOL.

NJ2NC- yay on smaller bra's- and only 12 lbs til onederland!!!! That's awesome!! And you can always get back on the exercise bandwagon!!

n2animals- it is definitely a process, and sometimes a struggle. When I decided to do the surgery I decided that I was worth it- sometimes my family would have to plan around me instead of vice versa. Head hunger is hard- if we could just stop we wouldn't need surgery! So it will take time to get the bad habits out. You do just need to stop eating, though, as hard as it is- you don't want to defeat the purpose! The journaling in myfitnesspal will really keep you on track and honest- no way do I want to honestly enter 1/2 gallon of ice cream into that thing!! LOL How do I get my head in the right frame? Honestly, sometimes I"m just not, BIDIA- but I do it anyway. Sometimes, like brushing your teeth or cleaning the toilet- you do it because it needs to be done.

Keep moving forward (from my favorite Disney movie, Meet the Robinsons).

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The skinny on my month of April so far. Had 2nd fill on the 8th. I am very restricted. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing. Spend 50% of the time vomiting up food and Water. I am at my lowest scale reading in over 4 years. I have gone from a size 24 stretchy jean to a size 18 as of today and fit into a size 16 dress without tightness. So been working out and alot of cussing.

I had my first out in the publics eye for a event yesterday and all I heard was OMG you look great!! I wanted to say " I have always looked great! (on the inside)" But I was nice and said Thank you.......

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Otaknam quoted: I had my first out in the publics eye for a event yesterday and all I heard was OMG you look great!! I wanted to say " I have always looked great! (on the inside)" But I was nice and said Thank you.......

I just love your "inside voice" comment, "I've always looked great!" Its a wonderful feeling to get accolades when we lose weight but no one knows what we are feeling on the inside as a heavy person.

Kudo's to you and all of us on here who always looked great before, during and after losing our weight, getting healthy and feeling GREAT!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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