MrsMyers10 2 Posted December 7, 2011 Okay, so I've noticed everyone talking about how they had to do a sleep test, pulmonary testing, etc. before they could get cleared for surgery. I'm just wondering if anyone out there hasn't had to do any of this, besides the usual pre-op blood tests. I keep asking if i'm going to have to do any of these things, or any of other kinds of test and they told me no, just the usual blood-work you have have done before all surgeries.. Is this normal? and also, another question kind of off subject but here it goes... My biggest concern after being banded is the whole 'no drinking while eating'. I always have a glass of Water, bottle water, etc. in my hand, I am ALWAYS thirsty. I can down 3 glasses water or more during meals, and I tried not to drink anything today during my lunch and I seriously thought I was going to die! Do y'all find that it gets easier to do overtime, or that you can at least sneak a few sips in during meals w/o it washing your food out of your band/stomach to the point of constant hunger? I wish I knew why I am so dang thirsty 24/7 lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GermaineF 25 Posted December 7, 2011 Some insurance companies require all those test, mine didn't, just the normal blood work, ekg and chest xray...Made my apt today, get banded next Friday the 16th... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrigan 75 Posted December 8, 2011 Excess thirst is one of the major symptoms of diabetes.If you haven't been tested for it, you will. You're going to have to change many of your habits with WLS. It's a lot of work, I hope you're going through a series of classes to instruct you as to diet, Vitamins and exercise. The band isn't a magic cure for weight loss. You'll get out of it, whatever you put into it. It isn't really hard, it just requires some discipline. I hope you do well, and we'll be here to help, if you need it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cocoabean 430 Posted December 8, 2011 For me, I can sip while I eat..but if I take a big chug of something, chances are it is going to start the sequence for a stuck event. My surgeon said it would be OK to have a few oz of liquid at meal time. I have found over the past few years that it is just more comfortable to not consume liquids with my meals. It happened over time as my restriction increased. I just noticed that my drink glass was sitting there full for the entire meal. Many of the changes we think are going to be so difficult to make, really aren't. They just happen due to a few negative reactions from the band. That feedback teaches you what you need to do, BELIEVE ME. I did not do a sleep study or pulmonary testing. Apnea was not a concern for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
horsegirl315 114 Posted December 8, 2011 I have been put through the ringer. Just take a look at my signature, so many tests! If there was any question about my health, there iant now! I'm actually healthy as a horse (ha)...but I know at the weight I am now, it was only a matter of time before my health headed south. I'm probably just still healthy cause I'm 24...25 in a few days. My last hurdle us a sleep study. While I have done two, i never slept at either one. My Dr. says, no conclusive sleep study, no surgery. So I shall push forward. I have an appt with one of the ppl at the sleep center tomorrow, don't really even know why, but they said maybe he can help me. I get there and startvstressing out, because I know this is the last piece to my puzzle...and just like that, I torture myself all night and go home crying. My appt with my Dr to schedule sugery is dec 20, and I'm hoping all my sleep stuff is done by then. If anything, you should really find out if you have sleep apnea, the anesthesiologist needs to know that for your breathing during surgery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banterwonder 63 Posted December 8, 2011 My COE MD requests a cardiology consult, pulmonologist and endocrinologist.The cardiologist did EKG, echo, dopplers of carotids , abdomen and legs and bloodwork. The pulmonologist did pulmonary function tests( Diagnosed with asthma, put on inhalers), and sent me for a sleep study. I go back for repeat PFT's. Haven't seen the endocrinologist yet, but that will probably mean blood work. Then it's psych and nutrition, then a date for surgery...... Oh, yes, I almost forgot, letter from PCP stating the need for surgery and documentation of 6 months supervised weight loss attempts...... Luckily I have insurance coverage...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oliversmomma 10 Posted December 10, 2011 The only "testing" I had was EKG, Chest Xray, US Abd, blood work, and I had to have an endoscopy to make sure i don't have any major ulcers our anything. Glad I had the scope though. They found a moderately sized hiatal hernia that's apparently been causing my nausea I've had for past 6 weeks. Pretty sure surgeon can fix that too while I'm being banded. Killing two birds with one stone per say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrsMyers10 2 Posted December 10, 2011 They're saying all I have to do is blood-work? Weird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pz1414 0 Posted December 10, 2011 I wish I only had to do blood work... I just had my consultation, nutrition meeting, and psych eval on Wednesday. I am supposed to go in for an endoscopy, ultrasound, and blood work next week. Super nervous Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Violet953 46 Posted December 10, 2011 You are lucky...I had absolutely every single test and appointment all of these people have mentioned....I've done all of it and of course they sent my paperwork in with out sending me to a cardiologist yet so they sent it back saying they won't approve until I see one...then my insurance went into a spend I've been scrambling to get my insurance back so I can get to my cardiologist appointment next Wednesday.. Its been an absolute stressful nightmare. One thing after the next. I went from being afraid to see the doctor at all to going multiple times a week and its been crazy. If I get my insurance back in a couple of days I'll be able to go to my cardiologist and get my surgery date shortly after! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manseaud 0 Posted December 12, 2011 Besides the regular tests, I also had to have an upper GI and a manometry test. Theses are required by my surgeon. I am already using a C-Pap so I didn't have to do another sleep study. So I would say it depends on your surgeon and insurace company. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cakegirl 12 Posted December 13, 2011 I didn't have any testing. Not even blood work. I gues I'd had some blood work done a couple of months before I saw the surgeon, but thinking back, I don't think he ever saw that paperwork or anything. So there you go, I had less testing than you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coalminerswife23 2 Posted December 18, 2011 Wow that is very weird...I started my 6 month "weigh-ins" in June. I met my surgeon in September. At that time I was sent formy 2nd set of blood work, a sleep study, Upper Gi with Barium test, EKG, Chest XRay...and I got on Thursday to have my Psych Evalutation and meet with my nutritionist again. Then i will have another set of bloodwork completed. To think my surgerydate isn't til Feb 14th....U should feel lucking only having to do blood. Good Luck on your journey sweetie!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites