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I Backed Out Of My Lap Band Surgery!

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I agree with many of the posters and I am not telling anyone for the same reason as Flaquita - I want to research, talk to others that have had nad make my own decision. I will tell once it is done. I have a date set, November 22nd. I have gone through all the insurance requirements not sure if I was really going to do this, but as it gets done to the wire, I think I am!! I have high blood pressure, bad knees and just turned 50 but feel like I am 20 years old. I have no energy to do anything, huff and puff walking up 1 flight of stairs and the thought of losing 100 pounds is just overwhelming, so I'm giving myself a push. But you have to do what you have to do.

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I just want to say thank you to ALL of you for your post. It has really made me do some more thinking. (i dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing lol) I just need to decide what is best for me. I honetly know that WLS will probably end up being the only way for me because i am not dedicated enough to go out and do hours of exercise and strict dieting. just need to make up my mind. thank you all again for the inspiring words.!!

I respect you for taking your time with this decision as well as continuing to collect information on what's ultimately going to be best for you. While I am newly banded, I don't think the Band is right for everyone. From what I've read here, it seems like the Band is probably right for you, but I don't think there's anything wrong with taking more time with the decision. This is a big life adjustment, and while the Lapband is probably the least risky WLS, there are still some small risks you'll want to consider. Best of luck to you on your journey!

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Having been banded a long time ago I know the band is not a cure and it is not as simple as it is often made out to be. I also know if you think you will fail you are setting yourself up to and YOU (nor anyone else) deserves that. You have to treat yourself well and always do it. Not just for the first year. I am starting all over and doing it without fills or anything else. I was a size 7 almost a 5 and I could not seem to gain a pound no matter what I did.

I was not trying to gain please don't think I was. I happened to have depressing life stuff happen and I put my life and my band in jeopardy. Now I am starting over without the band really. It is there but I have not had a fill since 6 months after getting banded.

If I could offer you any advice it is this. If you can do it without you can do it with. Put yourself on a liquid diet for a week and see how you do?

I truly believe a huge part of what keeps our weight down is us going back to the liquid diet after a stick or a PB or whatever? Then training ourselves to eat correctly cause to be quite frank "that **** hurts"!

I taught myself to eat around the band. Why cause even with it we are food addicts. You could break your jaw everytime you left a buffet and get similar results.

The band is obviously a much easier choice. But you have to stay on track. Not just move on from support ect when you lose the weight. I lost so fast I forgot where I came from. I went from 250 to 158 in probably under 8 months. It was crazy.

It is a tool I am thankful but regretful I have:( I am not sure after eating around it and almost losing it I will ever be able to eat normally again? Even band type normal.

As for those who say (doctors included) that the band gives no restriction without a fill. I do not believe that at all. I have never been able since the thing was put on to eat normally. I have not had a fill in almost or maybe 6 years and I still can not? Everyone is different! But we here are all similar enough to teach each other something?

Not trying to scare you! It is a wonderful tool. But it will not work if not cared for.

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How about they were literally about to put the mask on me and I freaked out and said NO I can't do this......all I kept thinking about was omg i'm going to be starving for the rest of my life...I know that sounds crazy but I was so scared of everything and let me tell you here it is 2 months later and I am scheduled for surgery on Oct 31st. I regretted not going thru with it...I kept beating myself up trying to figure out what to do. OMG the emotions were out of control and I think mainly because I was on liquids for 3 days and was STARVING, weak, and just wanted to EAT. It's 4:52 am and I am wide awake thinking about this surgery. I am more excited than nervous this time around but i'm still scared....I don't know what is right for me, but I do know that I need to do something and can only pray that this tool will let me break out of this lifestyle and into a new healthier, skinnier me :) Good luck to you and I know you will make the right descion....it's all about you and thats what I am also learning thru all this...I need to do ME!!!! I'm still scared tho lol

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How about they were literally about to put the mask on me and I freaked out and said NO I can't do this......all I kept thinking about was omg i'm going to be starving for the rest of my life...I know that sounds crazy but I was so scared of everything and let me tell you here it is 2 months later and I am scheduled for surgery on Oct 31st. I regretted not going thru with it...I kept beating myself up trying to figure out what to do. OMG the emotions were out of control and I think mainly because I was on liquids for 3 days and was STARVING, weak, and just wanted to EAT. It's 4:52 am and I am wide awake thinking about this surgery. I am more excited than nervous this time around but i'm still scared....I don't know what is right for me, but I do know that I need to do something and can only pray that this tool will let me break out of this lifestyle and into a new healthier, skinnier me :) Good luck to you and I know you will make the right descion....it's all about you and thats what I am also learning thru all this...I need to do ME!!!! I'm still scared tho lol

Everyone here will say follow your doctor's instructions, but I'm going to make a suggestion for you for your second time to surgery. Don't do a 3 day liquid diet. Day 3 was actually my worst day in the 14 day process and I hear that from a lot of others on here. Do more. 2 weeks if you can. By the time I went to surgery, I was not hungry and I knew it was something I could do. 3 days after, I am still not hungry. During the 14 days, I also spent a lot of time thinking about being head or stomach hungry.

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Hi: I think we all get very worried and nervous about the surgery. After being denied by ins. I stopped the whole procedure. Then I decided I really wanted this and appealed. I won the appeal and then got really nervous since this was going to happen soon. I tried to relax and tell myself I could change my mind at any time. I really wanted this but was afraid. I had the surgery in July and told only my close family. I did not want to hear any negatives from those who really did not research the band. I read all the bad stuff too. I decided to do it and am so happy I made this choice. As far as the food choices after being banded.....I can only speak for myself....but I cannot eat fast any more, the band will not let me. I cannot eat everything in site....the band will not let me. I was a big carb & Pasta eater and now I really don't desire it any more. I am never really hungry the way I used to be. If I get hungry I am easily satisfied with a small amount of food. I no longer spend my day thinking of what I will eat at my next meal. I don't know why this is happening but I can assume it is the band doing its job. I do not have a fill and don't want one at this point. Sometimes after a few bites I get a certain full feeling that tells me I am done. The band does its job but you must also. If you are not ready just wait until you are comfortable with your decision. The band will be there waiting for you. CAT

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I have just recently been banded Oct. 13th. We all go through the scared phase. Your nerves and your worries can get the best of you. I have been researching and going to support group meetings through my doctors office to educate myself and to get info from those who have had the proceedure. The best thing for you is just like so many other comments is for YOU to educate yourself so that you feel better about what your getting yourself into. For me surgery was a breeze. You do have a slight discomfort for about a week with some pain and gas. But it all gets better. Its not so bad because you do get medications to relieve these symptoms. You have a diet usually to follow but take from me it is very easy to stick to because your just not hungry any more. Just like another persons post you will soon learn the difference between HEAD hunger and REAL hunger. Your lap band will let you know that you can only eat small portions. Just that small bit of change helps you lose the weight. Only YOU can make the right decisions for YOU. Write down the PROS and CONS of getting the surgery and just remember: WHO, WHAT & WHY ARE YOU GETTING THIS DONE? I have been very happy with all that I have accomplished in such a short time for myself and I can't wait to reach my goal weight. Please feel free to reach out to any and all of us for any HELP that is what we are all here for.GOOD LUCK!!

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None of us are you- we don't live in your skin. I'm amazed how many people are telling you that you made the wrong choice. Above all you need to listen to what your gut is telling you. Yes, I chose to be banded, but that doesn't mean that I think EVERYONE should get one. Please don't have the surgery if you are full of doubts and concerns!

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Well just as I was supporting you with your decision, last night I got a dose of negativity :-( I did not tell many people about this BUT the one friend that knows actually had the Lapband. We went out last night. She just got a fill a couple days ago so she was only able to eat 1/2 of a Soup just the broth and an Iced Tea. So in the middle of dinner, she starts telling me how hard it is...blah...blah...blah and I started to freak!!!! I actually started to think that maybe this surgery is not for me. I understand she is trying to make sure that I know what I am getting into. Fear set in! Then this morning my mom made a comment about the bagel I was eating and how I will only be able to eat a mini. She then proceeded to tell me that her neighbor got the Lapband and started at size 18 and is now a 20!….It made me sooooo frustrated. I was prepared for the negative talk BUT it’s hard not to second guess your decision. My husband who was with me in both incidences and is also getting the lapband, said that he does not care what anybody says. He did not get swayed at all. So as I was getting dressed and was struggling to tie my sneakers I realized that this is the right decision for me. I ate plenty of Bagels in my lifetime it’s time for a change!

Then I remembered from a Dr. Robert Anthony book “Beyond Positive Thinking” he says fear is not tangible. You can’t go and get a bucket of fear. You create in your mind. Just a couple of his quotes that help me stay strong:

(1) “We fear the thing we want the most"

(2) “… don't listen to others who are coming from fear and living in negativity. If you do, you are using YOUR creative powers to help THEM manifest what they fear.”

(3) “You can think of this like launching a rocket. Let's call it your "Rocket of Desire". The launching power is feeling excited about having what you want. However, if after you launch your Rocket of Desire you say, "But I am not sure I can do this" or "I am not sure this will work out", you've taken your rocket that was moving with great speed toward your goal and you've cut back the power. The end result is your rocket went from soaring towards your goal to crashing into the ground. That's how your worries and fears push away the things you want. If you unconsciously send up other rockets based on your fears, you're cutting the power you sent to your Rocket of Desire.”

WOW!!! I was looking for support but just researching his quotes totally just motivated me. I am launching my “Rocket of Desire” full speed ahead!

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Well just as I was supporting you with your decision, last night I got a dose of negativity :-( I did not tell many people about this BUT the one friend that knows actually had the Lapband. We went out last night. She just got a fill a couple days ago so she was only able to eat 1/2 of a Soup just the broth and an Iced Tea. So in the middle of dinner, she starts telling me how hard it is...blah...blah...blah and I started to freak!!!! I actually started to think that maybe this surgery is not for me. I understand she is trying to make sure that I know what I am getting into. Fear set in! Then this morning my mom made a comment about the bagel I was eating and how I will only be able to eat a mini. She then proceeded to tell me that her neighbor got the Lapband and started at size 18 and is now a 20!….It made me sooooo frustrated. I was prepared for the negative talk BUT it's hard not to second guess your decision. My husband who was with me in both incidences and is also getting the lapband, said that he does not care what anybody says. He did not get swayed at all. So as I was getting dressed and was struggling to tie my sneakers I realized that this is the right decision for me. I ate plenty of Bagels in my lifetime it's time for a change!

Then I remembered from a Dr. Robert Anthony book "Beyond Positive Thinking" he says fear is not tangible. You can't go and get a bucket of fear. You create in your mind. Just a couple of his quotes that help me stay strong:

(1) "We fear the thing we want the most"

(2) "… don't listen to others who are coming from fear and living in negativity. If you do, you are using YOUR creative powers to help THEM manifest what they fear."

(3) "You can think of this like launching a rocket. Let's call it your "Rocket of Desire". The launching power is feeling excited about having what you want. However, if after you launch your Rocket of Desire you say, "But I am not sure I can do this" or "I am not sure this will work out", you've taken your rocket that was moving with great speed toward your goal and you've cut back the power. The end result is your rocket went from soaring towards your goal to crashing into the ground. That's how your worries and fears push away the things you want. If you unconsciously send up other rockets based on your fears, you're cutting the power you sent to your Rocket of Desire."

WOW!!! I was looking for support but just researching his quotes totally just motivated me. I am launching my "Rocket of Desire" full speed ahead!

Don't forget the most famous quote in History: (I BELIEVE IT IS...)

WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR, BUT FEAR ITSELF.. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt...

I think that says it all.

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Actually it is, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.:D

Don't forget the most famous quote in History: (I BELIEVE IT IS...)

WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR, BUT FEAR ITSELF.. President Franklin Delaware Roosevelt...

I think that says it all.

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I made the correction..

Thanks !

That's what I get for asking the husband .:lol::lol::lol::lol:

How r u doing anyway ?

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You could not have said it better! oh and i love all of the quotes! they are all very inspiring.

Well just as I was supporting you with your decision, last night I got a dose of negativity :-( I did not tell many people about this BUT the one friend that knows actually had the Lapband. We went out last night. She just got a fill a couple days ago so she was only able to eat 1/2 of a Soup just the broth and an Iced Tea. So in the middle of dinner, she starts telling me how hard it is...blah...blah...blah and I started to freak!!!! I actually started to think that maybe this surgery is not for me. I understand she is trying to make sure that I know what I am getting into. Fear set in! Then this morning my mom made a comment about the bagel I was eating and how I will only be able to eat a mini. She then proceeded to tell me that her neighbor got the Lapband and started at size 18 and is now a 20!….It made me sooooo frustrated. I was prepared for the negative talk BUT it's hard not to second guess your decision. My husband who was with me in both incidences and is also getting the lapband, said that he does not care what anybody says. He did not get swayed at all. So as I was getting dressed and was struggling to tie my sneakers I realized that this is the right decision for me. I ate plenty of Bagels in my lifetime it's time for a change!

Then I remembered from a Dr. Robert Anthony book "Beyond Positive Thinking" he says fear is not tangible. You can't go and get a bucket of fear. You create in your mind. Just a couple of his quotes that help me stay strong:

(1) "We fear the thing we want the most"

(2) "… don't listen to others who are coming from fear and living in negativity. If you do, you are using YOUR creative powers to help THEM manifest what they fear."

(3) "You can think of this like launching a rocket. Let's call it your "Rocket of Desire". The launching power is feeling excited about having what you want. However, if after you launch your Rocket of Desire you say, "But I am not sure I can do this" or "I am not sure this will work out", you've taken your rocket that was moving with great speed toward your goal and you've cut back the power. The end result is your rocket went from soaring towards your goal to crashing into the ground. That's how your worries and fears push away the things you want. If you unconsciously send up other rockets based on your fears, you're cutting the power you sent to your Rocket of Desire."

WOW!!! I was looking for support but just researching his quotes totally just motivated me. I am launching my "Rocket of Desire" full speed ahead!

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reading all of your post really makes me think i made a bad decision. but here is one thing that i dont know if i could ever change. EATING SLOWLY AND SMALL AMOUNTS. i have always been a fast eater and i dont know that i will be able to suceed at everything i am worried about. like Pasta, i have all different ethnics in my family and we love to eat different food from all around the world and i can not imagine NEVER being able to eat this kind of good food again. can ya'll tell me some of the worst things you have experienced? Maybe the Sleeve will be better for me but not sure what the surgery would be.

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reading all of your post really makes me think i made a bad decision. but here is one thing that i dont know if i could ever change. EATING SLOWLY AND SMALL AMOUNTS. i have always been a fast eater and i dont know that i will be able to suceed at everything i am worried about. like Pasta, i have all different ethnics in my family and we love to eat different food from all around the world and i can not imagine NEVER being able to eat this kind of good food again. can ya'll tell me some of the worst things you have experienced? Maybe the Sleeve will be better for me but not sure what the surgery would be.

I really didn't think that I'd be able to eat slow either but I've actually been doing it and I do it with a baby spoon. I too thought about all the what if's, but I'm so unhealthy, can't play with my kids, and can't enjoy my life. I had my surgery 10/19/11 and even though I still hurt (had a hiatal hernia repair too), I think I made the best decision of my life.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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