Nykee 13 Posted February 8, 2006 Today i woke up with the same kind of extreem restrcition that I had yesterday, but worse. Yesterday at noon I had one ounce of milk and burped and gurgles on it for hours. Today I didnt dare drink a thing, then I found I was gurgling and burping (on my saliva obviously) I got scared. (I dont want it to swell anymore!!!!) I felt I should try to NIP this swelling in the BUD. It was FINE, until my period started yesterday and it should be fine after. BUT NOt if I let it swell upon swell upon swell until Its gone too far. NOW, to get a slight unfil, would only cause more swelling and I would end up losing most my new fill anyway. So of course I dont want to do that. That already happened in November and I spent ALL THESE months NOT losing any weight and saving money to buy another fill. The way to NIP it in the Bud before it gets out of control... (in case I found my self choking and sliming and spitting on my own saliva, which is ABUSE of my band) Is to take antiinflamitories in huge doses. Seeings how I couldnt even sip Water.. I needed it intraveniously. this was around 2 pm today. I went to Urgent Care and I told them my story and I got a BIG ol DOSE by needle. Now I have a prescription for HUGE doses to take at night when I am open, to see if it helps the AM swelling!! JUST WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED!!!!! AND NEEDED! I WAS SO WORRIED.. I WANTED THIS SO BAD. I though NO one would ever listen, ever care enough.. The doctor was soooooooooo Nice.. He was totally interested, he felt for my port, he asked me a ton of questions, he was very thoughrough.. and SIMPLY, I COULD TELL.. HE CARED. HE wanted me to continue to have success on this thing and he knew I lost 70 pounds (he spoke to my primary care doctor) and He saw some dehydration in my mouth (how, I dunno..I mean some dryness, Not dehydration) and Anyway.. He said COME IN ANYTIME I NEED IT intraveniously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which obviously would be when I am having problems sipping anything.. Which shouldnt be a probelm once my period goes away. I HAVE BEEN SO LUCKY with this aftercare... SO lucky not to be judged and dismissed and not listened to.. SO lucky to have such caring and compassionate doctors.. MY FILL DOCTOR is like not even an hour away.. she just told me to NEVER not come in due to lack of funds if I need a fill.. TO NOT go all those months needed a fill.. she will work with me.. SHE also said if this fill OR any fill isnt enough and I decide I want another one within a week and a half or so.. SHE WILL GIVE ME MORE, NO charge! She also said if the lady who makes the appointments says there are no openings.. TELL her I am coming ANYWAY and JUST COME>. WOW WOW OWWO My own primary care doctor is new to all this, and he is so open to learning and working with me. (he is the one who told me to go to urgent care, cuz it was easier to get the IV that way instead of at his office) He has NEVER failed me.. EVEr Now this Doctor at the Urgent care.. He didnt know much, but so willing to listen and look things up and well .. YEAH.. WOW PLUS, remember in JUNE I had to go to the ER.. cuz I had choked for hours on pills after being filled in Mexicool. and they filled my with antiinflamitories (but it was too late for that) and they used a spinal neddlle and having NEVER done a unfill on a lapband before, they all rallied around and unfilled me.. (on the phone with Ortiz to guide them) ANYWAY I FEEEEL SO AMAZINGLY CARED FOR>. P.s .. It worked within hours.. WORKED TOO WELL.. LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia K. 0 Posted February 8, 2006 Nykee, that's wonderful. I'm so happy that you're having a great experience with your aftercare. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeenBand 7 Posted February 8, 2006 Hi Nykee, I know what it feels like when you finally get someone to listen and help you, compassionately. I was wondering if you think your too tight? May I ask how you became so dehydrated? (pre-bander here) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nykee 13 Posted February 8, 2006 I didnt become dehydrated at all... I meant he looked in my mouth and he say it was dry and I stated that becasue I was glad he even looked, he could of easily been one of those kind who thought I was full of shit and didnt even check to see.. I told him I had Soup ans plenty to eat the night before.. and it was only 2pm and I was NO where NEAR dehydrating but he said I was dry.. It gets that way when your not salivatating totally normally.. I didnt eat once for days 40 hours or drink ONE single thing and I choked up my saliva.. every few minutes and I still wasnt dehydrated.. So, I am not really affraid of that. I am too tight.. IN THE MORNING AND AFTERNOON... BUT I am NOT too tight at night. So.. IF I wasnt too tight in the mornings and afternoons, I would be too loose and eat all I could at night and the band would never work for me. SO... I HAVE to do something about MORNING tightness and I have.. THING IS..... I completely losened up.. tonight I ate a slice of pizza ALONG with 4 cups of milk. When your restricted well (tight).. MILK or drinks DO NOT push food through the band.. IT hurts like hell and makes it imppossible to eat at all.. I havent been able to eat a slice of pizza MUCH LESS be able to drink so much along side it.. IN like forever So OBVIOUSLY the antiinflamitory like REALLY REALLY loosened my stomach swelling ALOT.. I am almost too embarrasssed to do my food log, and its ALL BECAUSE OF THE steriods I got today (it was a steroid antiinflamitory) So..... NOW, I am confused,. I wanted this treatment so I could get a fill to curb the nighttime loseness... without being TOO TOO tight in the am BUt I think thats too risky.. this medicine isnt something to be messing with.. I am HOT as heck, I cant stop talking, I am up walking around, doing all this stuff for myself.. (I am kinda crippled) My kids are like "SIT DOWN" and I am like "shoot, I forgot" There are things I JUST DONT DO.... and havent done for years, yet I just been going for it all night like It was 10 years ago or something.. Its cuz it gives me a natural high, the natural high that comes with not feeling the pain in my back and neck.. and feeling freedom and mobility, BUT I am hurt and I will hurt myself if I move too much and I have already got in lots of trouble for doing too much, cuz Its ends up I will fall or herniate another disc.. lol ANYWAY... I am thinking LESS of a dose... IF I am too tight tomarrow (this does may last longer than 5 hours..) I will ask for half as much.. I dont know.. I am not a doctor.. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nykee 13 Posted February 8, 2006 I slept last night for a few hours and each time I woke up to go pee.. I was able to stop by the fridge and have some gupls of grape juice. Plus this morning arouns 7am when i got up, I have been able to gulp two cups of chocolate milk so far. OBVIOUSLY that Shot really really opened me up. Even before my last fill, before this fill and before my menstation.. I COULD NOT DO THAT EVER upon waking or in the middle of the night upon waking. This is a good thing, by the time it wears off, I will be off my period. (I didnt bleed all night but I had hella cramps, it should be all over by today) It has ran accross my mind that my stomach 'unswelled' SO much that my band has slipped oFF.. BUt that doesnt seem possible or realistic.. BUT its still a scare when I am sitting here able to eat.. I just know if I try to have some Soup (chunky kind) It will go down. IF I dont restrcit back within this day.. I am going to be real worried. I am NOT taking any extra prednisone like he prescribed me to do when I opened up.. The shot is ENOUGH! When I tighten back up.. What I am gonna do is take the prednisone at night starting at 40 ml, (he gave me 60mg a day to take) (I already have took 20 ml plenty of times (for my back, when I have plans to go out) and it never made a difference. I will see if this helps with morning restriction.. and If it does, and the side effects arent horrible.. I will go in for another fill. I will test this for atleast a month. I DONT know though, IF my primary care doctor will support 60 miligrams a day.. OR 60 everyother day.. OR whatever dose I find is good. HE only gives me 5mg a day, but thats cuz I was over 400 pounds and I had diabeties.. MAYBE my diabeties is better (GOTTA get the lab done,) DOUBT IT. But I have lost like 70 pounds or more and HE did prescribe me more prednisone to go on my weekend date last month.. If not, maybe I can continue to get it from that Urgent care Doctor. I PROMISE to monitor my blood sugars!!!! I guess it can make you suseptible to infection. IF I do this right, I will be in control of my weight loss. Right now, thats all I can do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites