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Confused....Need advice?

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So I am 6 weeks post band. For the last 2-3 weeks I haven't had any weight loss. I've been keeping my calories under 1000 and was exercising about 6 days a week. So this week I hadn't exercised at all, I was sick for half the week with a sinus infection and mother nature paid her monthly visit. So I jumped on the scale this morning and dropped a little over 2 lbs. What I'm wondering is was I working out too many days a week? What is the recommended days of week? Also how many calories should I be eating a day and what is the limit on carbs and fat grams per day? I was told at my last dietician appointment not to worry about calories but just to concentrate on Protein. Which I have been, but I also want to make sure I'm not ignoring fat and carb grams in the process. Any advice would help please and thank you!!!!

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I would really recommend that you follow what your dietician told you. When I went for my 2 week post op my doctor told me that I could only exercise for 30-45 mnutes, 5-6 days a week. NO more. He also told me that I was not to pick up anything over 20 pounds and recommended that I did NO weight training until after my 6 week post op appointment.

I was told to only have about 1000-1200 calories a day. That to make sure that I eat the Protein first at every meal and that each meal should have at least 10 grams of Protein in it. They really wanted me to eat at least 60 grams of protein a day.

I was also told that the 6 weeks post op is NOT for losing weight. PERIOD. This is a time of healing and that you really shouldn't be concentrating on the scales at all. It's only after you start with your fills that you should be seeing about a 1-3 lb weight loss a week. Since you just meet you 6 week post op mark, did you go in for your first fill?

As far as carbs that is different for each individual. The only reason I say this is because I am a diabetic and so my carb intake is going to be different for me due to my issues with diabetes. I try to limit my carbs per meal and per what my endocronologists tells me if my ideal amount. I do not see the dietician for this issue, but another specialist for my issues. However, the dietician at your doctors office should know how to answer this question for you. Call them and ask them and see what they say. Remember you've paid for this answers to these questions already. So what you forgot to get the answer when you were at the office. Call them back and get an answer today! If they say don't worry about it, then don't. If they gave you a number to watch for, then follow that rule. They are trying to do what is best to see you lose the weight and keep it off. They are the experts in this area, so call! Good luck :)

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I didn't forget to ask, I was told not to worry about it, just to worry about getting my Proteins in. As for exercise I was released to do as I please at my first follow up appointment or else I wouldn't have worked out. I haven't been in pain and I don't lift over 15lbs. I'm not one of those people who take it upon myself to self medicate. I came on this site to ask for advice and not to be belittled!!

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I would say watch the calories in terms if tracking. This happen to me and we figured though I was getting in Protein u gotta eat enough to burn. Working out 5-6 dys with only about 1000-1200 didn't work for me. Most athletes or fitness buffs, if u think about it need more calories especially if u burning about 500 or so during workouts. Hope this helps u. May not be your issue but for me figurEd out that was the problem. Also ihwd o change m exercise to jump start he weighloss. I took up running which made a tremendous difference

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Thank you so much. This was the type advice I was looking for. I just wasn't sure what I was doing wrong and just needed a little guidance. I'm just not sure how many fat grams I should be sticking around or carbs. I use my fitness pal and I try to get my Protein in, but it seems I'm always going over the alotted fat grams to get my protein in. I'm still on mushies so I don't have a lot of options. Thank you for your time and your positive feedback. So much appreciated!!!!

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I say don't worry bout fat grams. Nutritionist told me calories and carbs about 50 carbs per day. Let me just say the carb thing didn't work for me either. Small piece of fruit will take up carbs for the day:-(. I used lose it to track and as long as I was in cal budget and Protein I did fine. To be honest I don't even crave the carbs like I used to and please know I was a bread, rice and sugar junkie. This tracking can drive u crazy but it's necessary for your success. U sound like you're doing well. Also there will be weeks where there's no loss and then boom you lose 7-8 lbs. My doc says 4lbs loss per month is adequate even though we want more. I try and remind myself it took me 38 years to get at my heaviest, so reaching goal will have it's ups and down. Good luck to you and feel free to msg me if u have questions. I'm no expert but have learned from experience and others helping me

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I found it interesting that you thoughts my comments were belitting! You asked for the advice and I gave it, sorry that you didn't like what I said. I really only told you exactly what my doctor told me and I don't find that belitting in the least. I think you are forgetting the big picture here and that is this is a journey, not a race! The first six weeks are NOT for losing weight and here you are complaining that you're not losing and asking for advice. Pity you won't take the time to even call your doctor back and speak to them about your issues. It doen't seem like you want advice, it looks more like you want someone to agree with you.

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I really dont believe there are magic numbers and i dont believe a week is long enough to say something is or isnt working! Our bodies are not that predictable and virtually nobody will lose in a steady fashion, it comes in fits and starts and plateaus are part of that, not something you need to "solve" necessarily. Weight loss can really only be reliably measured over longer periods of time.

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Thank you NeeNee for answering my question. About how many days a week do you work out and for how long? You have been the only one who has answered my questions. Thank you for being so supportive. Maybe the next time I have a question, I will just direct message you instead entering it as a topic. You seem to be very knowledgeable. I really really appreciate your time.


I say don't worry bout fat grams. Nutritionist told me calories and carbs about 50 carbs per day. Let me just say the carb thing didn't work for me either. Small piece of fruit will take up carbs for the day:-(. I used lose it to track and as long as I was in cal budget and Protein I did fine. To be honest I don't even crave the carbs like I used to and please know I was a bread, rice and sugar junkie. This tracking can drive u crazy but it's necessary for your success. U sound like you're doing well. Also there will be weeks where there's no loss and then boom you lose 7-8 lbs. My doc says 4lbs loss per month is adequate even though we want more. I try and remind myself it took me 38 years to get at my heaviest, so reaching goal will have it's ups and down. Good luck to you and feel free to msg me if u have questions. I'm no expert but have learned from experience and others helping me

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I dont work out nearly as much as I should which is why I still have 30/40 ish lbs to lose. On average when I was at my best I was doing about 4 days per week 2-3 were running for about 30-40 minutes including wamup and cool down and the other day was like zumba which was an hr and I will tell you, Zumba class will burn some calories off you its a great workout to try. I have slowed down becasue I was driving my self nuts with the weighing etc. I have not wieghed in 3 months because of that. I have doc appt soon and its causiing me a little anxiety but my clothes fit. I was a 20/22 now im a 10/12 and down to a Med in shirts. My goal is size 8 on bottom and stay in Med shirts.

I do agree to for the most part with the other posts that its a process and it takes time and you should ask your doc. BUT to be honest the doc or the nurses arent just sitting there with a hotline for us to call. When I used to call I got quick answers b/c they are very very busy. Wouldnt get a lot of time til I came in for an appt. Also They tell you in general from dealing with other patients, not from experience. I do like this site to some degree b/c its from people who have been through it. Most of the stuff that really helped me came from actual banded people not my nutritionist, doc etc. My advice to you with this site: EAT THE meat AND SPIT OUT THE BONES if that makes since. My doc who did surgery didnt really care for these sites in general which is why he told me to be careful and take it with a grain of salt, b/c people can be misundersttod or a little rough when they misinterpret.

Try not to take the posts and comments of others to heart and remeber they dont know you. That the draw back to online blogging etc, sometimes there is misunderstanding on both sides. Anyway have a good evening

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Thank you and I appreciate your advice and honesty. I know this is not something that is going to happen overnight. I did ask these questions but was told not to worry about it right now. Which I wasn't a big fan of. I wasn't sure how often I should exercise. I've heard news reports to exercise a minimum of 3 times a week and lately I heard women over 40 should exercise 5 times a week. So as you can see, this is where it gets a little confusing. I have Zumba for my Wii but I haven't really gotten too much into it. I tried it when I first started exercising and found I wasn't coordinated enough lol. Now that I've loosened up a little I may try again. I understand what you mean taking others to heart. I have the tendency of letting others get under my skin easily, which makes me an easy target. I will take your advice whole heartedly when dealing with others in the future. I think I will just focus on the positive advice/comments and ignore the negative. Thank you and have a great day!!!

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There is no one recipe. Do whatever works for you. So many people think there is a "catch all" or one equation for success. This I believe is why diets fail us and why weightloss Is such big business.

You can have two people doing the exact same diet and exercise with different results. Also, muscle weighs more than fat. So during that time of no weightloss for you, you may have gained muscle and lost fat.

Congrats on your two pound loss and hope you continue to do well.

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Hello there OP!! I have the same issue. was banded 09/02. I dont know y people get defensive about those of us who stall and have a harder time losing. Im here for ya. We are in the same boat!

I was told by my surgeon that the healing period is about 2 weeks and that healing does not stall your weight loss and that a lot of surgeons tell their patients that so they go easy the first month and not freak out if they dont lose cause some people have bodies that take a while to kick start their way to weight loss.

I am a slow loser, but I use myfitnesspal to keep track of everything I eat. My surgeon does a low carb diet, which is what I have been doing for years. So no biggie. I was told to get no more than 1,000 cal per day. 50-60grams of Protein a day and less than 40g of carbs. For me and I hate this, but I have to calorie load every 7 days or so. So under 1,000 for 6 days then on the 7th day up it to 1,500. Then I lose weight. It works for me and it sucks cause this is what I had to do before I got the lapband and I thought the lapband would eliminate the yo-yo but apparently it was just wishful thinking.

I work out about 4 days a week. Cardio for about an hr 3 days and weights 3-4. I hate cardio. its boring! lol! I am trying to tone up a bit since I've lost a bit of weight. Also I work out intensly then take 3-4 days off every month. Usually it coincides with my menses. Especially if I do a lot of weights. A few days off lets your body catch up and then burns fat. I read that somewhere. I've done this for years.

Yes its totally unfair that some of us have to jump thru hoops just to lose weight. I just wanna eat good and work out and the weight come off, but for me thats not how it works and I envy the people who have it good. some people need motivation and cant get in the gym or wanna cheat on their diets. I love the gym and hate junk food, but my body is my enemy. I eat a great diet and I use to work out 7 days a week and the scale would move about 1-2 lbs every 2-3 weeks!! Its depressing.

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Wow you have great weight loss for how long you have been banded. Thank you for responding. I just didn't know what the typical calories, carb and fat gram intake a day. I was just trying to get suggestions to see where I'm at and if I have my fat and carb gram allowance set right in my fitness pal. I have been working out 3-4 days a week. I wasn't sure if I wasn't working out enough or not. My user name in my fitness pal is Lisalisa_67 if you want to add me. Thank you again for your advice it was very helpful =)

Hello there OP!! I have the same issue. was banded 09/02. I dont know y people get defensive about those of us who stall and have a harder time losing. Im here for ya. We are in the same boat!

I was told by my surgeon that the healing period is about 2 weeks and that healing does not stall your weight loss and that a lot of surgeons tell their patients that so they go easy the first month and not freak out if they dont lose cause some people have bodies that take a while to kick start their way to weight loss.

I am a slow loser, but I use myfitnesspal to keep track of everything I eat. My surgeon does a low carb diet, which is what I have been doing for years. So no biggie. I was told to get no more than 1,000 cal per day. 50-60grams of Protein a day and less than 40g of carbs. For me and I hate this, but I have to calorie load every 7 days or so. So under 1,000 for 6 days then on the 7th day up it to 1,500. Then I lose weight. It works for me and it sucks cause this is what I had to do before I got the lapband and I thought the lapband would eliminate the yo-yo but apparently it was just wishful thinking.

I work out about 4 days a week. Cardio for about an hr 3 days and weights 3-4. I hate cardio. its boring! lol! I am trying to tone up a bit since I've lost a bit of weight. Also I work out intensly then take 3-4 days off every month. Usually it coincides with my menses. Especially if I do a lot of weights. A few days off lets your body catch up and then burns fat. I read that somewhere. I've done this for years.

Yes its totally unfair that some of us have to jump thru hoops just to lose weight. I just wanna eat good and work out and the weight come off, but for me thats not how it works and I envy the people who have it good. some people need motivation and cant get in the gym or wanna cheat on their diets. I love the gym and hate junk food, but my body is my enemy. I eat a great diet and I use to work out 7 days a week and the scale would move about 1-2 lbs every 2-3 weeks!! Its depressing.

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Thank you for your encouragement and your advice. This is all kinda confusing and I know everyone different. I ask the drs and dieticians questions and their answers at times are vague. But I think you are right about the muscle vs weight, because I seem to had my loss when I took my week off.


There is no one recipe. Do whatever works for you. So many people think there is a "catch all" or one equation for success. This I believe is why diets fail us and why weightloss Is such big business.

You can have two people doing the exact same diet and exercise with different results. Also, muscle weighs more than fat. So during that time of no weightloss for you, you may have gained muscle and lost fat.

Congrats on your two pound loss and hope you continue to do well.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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