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Ok I barely got any info from my surgeon. Everything I learned was thru my own research and what I've learned here. Never heard the subject of bandster hell or anything like that from my surgery center.

I have been one of the lucky few I guess to not be hungry since being banded. I'm on my 2nd fill now but probably could have done without another one. I'm just stalled. Didn't know that was gonna happen. I've been banded a month and a half. I'm gonna start working out 3x a day and trying to get to 1000 calories a day to see if that helps.

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I think I went into this knowing the first 4-6 weeks would be the hardest. Our bodies need to heal. Each of is is healing at a different rate. I know the band is a tool and it is NOT working at it's optimum yet. Focus on the yet. I may be fortunate that my surgeon starts with a slight fill at surgery. Or my healing body is behind and that is why I'm just not hungry right now. But I'm also not able to go back to work and activities and get things on my to do list done. One person in my support group said it took four months of fills before she got to the sweet spot!

Hang in there. This time won't last forever. Our bands will do what they're designed to do. We are in this for the long haul.

I know reading all the posts makes me realize how non-standard this operation is- how many variations in prep, info, surgery times and post-op guidelines there are. I like that we can share what is going well and what we struggle with and each of us can identify with others who are going thru similar issues. I'm not alone. Yeah!

I personally am doing well with my very restrictive pureed diet. (I'm very glad there is an end in sight however.) But the restrictions have forced me to think of food very functionally. I've been told that certain foods will cause harm until my body is healed. I think this is a good time to start working on those head hunger issues and start the changes that need to happen so that the band can be used as a tool to loose weight.

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I am so proud of myself, that I just have to share! One of my favorite things for Breakfast is a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera, with honey walnut cream cheese. I live in a suburban area where there is a Panera on every corner, but drive an hour or so into the middle of no where, and there are no Panera's within 30 miles. I bring in Bagels as a treat once a month or so, and everyone enjoys. Needless to say, I haven't brought bagels in for a while, so it's been over 2 months since I've had one. Today one of our sales reps brought a customer in, and he brought Panera bagels for all of us - and placed them in the open cube across from mine. Those bagels have been screaming at me all day and I am so proud to say that someone just took the last bagel - and I didn't even have a bite!!!! I feel so good about myself right now, as this is a huge victory for me in my journey! The first test is always the hardest. My coworkers think I've lost my mind, but now I know I can do it!

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Way to go, pugs!! You should be proud of yourself. It is hard to do but the reward will be worth it.

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Congratulations ! That is fantastic. As I started reading I had to check again because I thought I posted it . That is the same bagel and cream cheese that I always got. You can't beat Panera's and unfortunately we have one about 10 min away or less if no traffic. Someday I plan on getting one and of course figuring it in I just really have to wait and see if a bagel no matter how much it is chewed will go down. I don't ever want to go through another blocksad.gif

I am so proud of myself, that I just have to share! One of my favorite things for breakfast is a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera, with honey walnut cream cheese. I live in a suburban area where there is a Panera on every corner, but drive an hour or so into the middle of no where, and there are no Panera's within 30 miles. I bring in Bagels as a treat once a month or so, and everyone enjoys. Needless to say, I haven't brought bagels in for a while, so it's been over 2 months since I've had one. Today one of our sales reps brought a customer in, and he brought Panera bagels for all of us - and placed them in the open cube across from mine. Those bagels have been screaming at me all day and I am so proud to say that someone just took the last bagel - and I didn't even have a bite!!!! I feel so good about myself right now, as this is a huge victory for me in my journey! The first test is always the hardest. My coworkers think I've lost my mind, but now I know I can do it!

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You Rock! What an improvement and change to your past eating habits!

I am so proud of myself, that I just have to share! One of my favorite things for breakfast is a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera, with honey walnut cream cheese. I live in a suburban area where there is a Panera on every corner, but drive an hour or so into the middle of no where, and there are no Panera's within 30 miles. I bring in Bagels as a treat once a month or so, and everyone enjoys. Needless to say, I haven't brought bagels in for a while, so it's been over 2 months since I've had one. Today one of our sales reps brought a customer in, and he brought Panera bagels for all of us - and placed them in the open cube across from mine. Those bagels have been screaming at me all day and I am so proud to say that someone just took the last bagel - and I didn't even have a bite!!!! I feel so good about myself right now, as this is a huge victory for me in my journey! The first test is always the hardest. My coworkers think I've lost my mind, but now I know I can do it!

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Pugzs I feel your pain! I was banded on Sept 1st and am hungry when I wake up until I go to sleep. I was hoping that my first fill would help, but it hasn't. This past Weds I had 3cc's put into my 10cc band - NOTHING!! I don't feel any different and now I don't have another appointment until 11/30. I don't think I can stay this hungry for another 7 weeks! I'm trying not to eat too much, but it is a real struggle! I didn't think the band would be MAGIC but I did think it would help with my appetite while I dieted. Ugh!! This could take a while to find that sweet spot! I'm trying not to get discouraged but it's hard. I also feel like people are watching me and wondering why I am not losing weight. It's so uncomfortable!!! I really want this and I feel like it is taking FOREVER!!!

I did not think the band would do everything for me, and I did not expect to wake up from surgery thin. I did think it would make me less hungry, and would cause pain when I ate the wrong foods. I've been successful at not gaining - but I have been starving, and it has been hard. Only once have I felt "full" - and that was while I was still on full liquids. Other than that, I go to bed hungry, wake up hungry, and no matter what I eat in between, the only thing that changes is the degree of hunger that I feel. I'm eating the wrong things, and am eating too much, and I absolutely admit it. It's not the band's fault, it's mine. Right now, the only way I know I even have a band is when I feel pain in the port area, so I'm not getting any "help" from it right now at all.

I'm still hopeful that the band will make it easier some day, and I hope it's sooner rather than later. I know I have the 14cc band, and I have not had my first fill yet, so there is a lot of room in there to "shrink" the stoma and give me the "help" I'm looking for. I'm hoping that I get to the "sweet spot" soon, but I am in this for the long haul and don't intend to give up. If it takes a year to get there, then I'm still ahead of the game as long as I don't let myself gain.

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Hi Stacy

I have hibernated this week - I pulled a muscle from my ribs to my port area and it was extremely painful. The solution was doing NOTHING at all and just rest. I got rather frustrated with my doctor's office who didn't return phone calls for 4 days when I was in pain. Then they told me to start taking meds like motrin. I said I had liquid and she told me that I could take pills after 15 days after surgery. But their booklets said to crush my pills for the first 6 weeks. I have stopped taking pills because they taste so bad and no one bothered to tell me I could just swallow them.

The bad news I got really got me down. I am estranged from my 3 siblings who forged a power of attorney and used it to put my mother in a nursing home in Texas against her will. Mom revoked it with an attorney, walked out of the home, decided to come live with me in CA but my siblings filed court papers against mom and me and forced mom back to Texas against her will. They have now hidden her for 18 months and I haven't talked to mom or seen her since then. It's pathetic, I had a very bad attorney at the beginning and she really screwed me over. I have a good attorney now but it's too late, he has fought and fought and my siblings who lied about the whole thing and their lies are made into truth and my truth is like lies. Pathetic.

I've been to Texas 11 times in 18 months and it's never over seems like. My mother's birthday was Tuesday, her 2nd birthday I didn't get to see or talk to her, it's also been 2 Mother's days, 2 Christmas's, 2 Thanksgiving and 2 of my own Birthdays. If something happens to my mother and she dies, I may never get to see her because the corruption in the courts and my family has covered it all up. Many families have gone thru what I have experienced and their parent dies before they get to see them. I have hope in the Lord that He will make a way for me to be reunited with my mother and she with me. At least when I went to court in September I learned she was still alive.

So with all that and coupled with the pain at my port - I just chilled out this week. I have done really good on my foods but I was in a plateau for 2 weeks. Now I dropped 3 lbs. I just want to start having more energy to be able to exercise more. Guess that comes with time.

At least my wheezing is under control. I'm about to get really busy with my photography for Holiday and Santa Photos. Got a fashion photo shoot tomorrow with 12 models - all day long! Should be fun but I hope it doesn't wear me out. My clothes are starting to be really loose on me - so happy for that.

I would appreciate all the prayers I can get to help me get a breakthrough on this horrible ordeal with my mother. I could care less if I ever see my siblings again but for me, I can sleep good at night that I have done everything in my power to have helped my mother.

Thanks for the encouragement....I've been battling NOT going into that dark hole I went to a year ago. I am handling it better now that I did a year ago :)

Go you for staying away from the food. Sorry to hear you got bad news but you are handleing it great (food wise). My sister got really sick shortly after she was banded and told me the same thing.... Get to the Dr. quick. We have a stomach bug going around my work and people are dropping like flies. Scared to death to throw up. So afraid of band slippage. Keep up the good work!!!

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Hi Dawn and Jill

I had posted about stalling 2 weeks after surgery. I stayed at the same place for 2 weeks - it started when they said I could go on pureed foods. I'm told that our bodies are adjusting to foods again. So I kept doing the same thing. Then I have started on soft mashed foods but ya know, I decided to throw in a monkey wrench in the diet. 2 days I ate tuna on a small healthy piece of bread. Then I completely went off the carbs again.....I dropped 3 lbs in the last few days. So keep doing what you know to do and it will kick in.

Went to a dermatologist yesterday - she said she had gastric bypass 11 years ago - told me that our bodies have to adjust but make sure I'm drinking enough Water. That's one thing I can say I increased this week and I think it was the difference too.

I haven't gained any but I am at a dead stop...... I have been at 193 for a couple weeks now. I am being really good with my eating too and recording it on myfitnesspal every time I eat but still the scale has stopped. I get my first fill on Oct. 25th and I hope that makes a difference but I am still not eating big quantities regardless. I eat about 1/2 C of food each meal and 2-3 Snacks a day, usually yogurt or string cheese. I don't know but it seems to be fairly common at this point. I am just tired of 193 staring me in the face. Yesterday it was 193.0 and I was so mad I hadn't lost .02 because then I could have seem 192, lol. Eventually.

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Hi Dawn and Jill

I had posted about stalling 2 weeks after surgery. I stayed at the same place for 2 weeks - it started when they said I could go on pureed foods. I'm told that our bodies are adjusting to foods again. So I kept doing the same thing. Then I have started on soft mashed foods but ya know, I decided to throw in a monkey wrench in the diet. 2 days I ate tuna on a small healthy piece of bread. Then I completely went off the carbs again.....I dropped 3 lbs in the last few days. So keep doing what you know to do and it will kick in.

Went to a dermatologist yesterday - she said she had gastric bypass 11 years ago - told me that our bodies have to adjust but make sure I'm drinking enough Water. That's one thing I can say I increased this week and I think it was the difference too.

Thanks Marebeth! I just keep on truckin doing what I am supposed to be doing, eating good, getting my Protein in and I am able to get all my Protein in with food for the most part which I am happy about. Sorry about all that stuff with your siblings, I hope things at least smooth over so you can talk to your mom again. I have been drinking a lot of Water but I am hoping I will be able to get all the water in when I have some restriction. It is weird becuase I know I have the band but I don't feel like I have the band except I can feel the port a lot so I know it's there, lol.

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Oops forgot to say I was banded 9/19.

I've been experiencing some port area pain like other folks. My port is on my right-front side slightly below where the band of my bra stops but my incision is lower a few inches above my belly button. I had a little scare the other day b/c I noticed that my port incision was a dark pink and there was a colorless whelp shape around the incision. I called my surgeons office and they had me come in the next morning to check it out. Nurse said it's not infected but to keep an eye on it. Has anyone experience a whelp or hive shaped area around their port incision?

I had a little bump around a different incision that was itchy. It stopped a couple days after surgery though. I assumed it was the bandage irritating the skin. I was banded on 9/27 and i feel i have significant port pain also. Mine is not the incision, it's where the port is. I can see and feel my port because i just don't have a lot of tummy fat. I don't know if that's the problem but if it's not gone 3 weeks post op I'll call the doc. I cant really reach above my head or bend over without pain. Walking is painful because of the use of the Ab muscles which

moves the port.

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I will be having the surgery soon, and just finished all the pre-op procedures (weight mgmt, psychological, colonoscopy, etc.) I should be starting the pre-op diet soon and plan to stick to it ardently. Reading these posts helps me to know the good, bad, and ugly of all of this. I wasn't aware of the pain that so many describe. I have fears about how this will change my life. My problem is not so much hunger, but a love of good food. I don't think I will mind small portions, but I worry that I will be unhappy without food that is good. I am a gourmet cook, and dinners have been an important social realm for me. Can anyone refer me to cookbooks or links that describe how to alter recipes in order to make them "band-friendly"? Any sources for appropriate gourmet recipes?

I'm also worried about loose skin, as I am 70 years old which means that any elasticity that my skin ever had is not likely to be present any more? Any ideas of how to deal with this? I'm especially worried that my face will have sags to the point that I will be embarrassed. I need encouragement and information.



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I feel your pain marabeth trust me. I hope things get better for you soon!

As for me I've gained 1lb today and right now I just want to scream and quit!!!

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Hi, can you tell me how you posted your ticker to your signature? Thanks...Kathy

Wanna be, I did have the same thing. It does go away over time but yes try to be more careful about bending and moving to quickly. I had to take care of myself so I know that I over did it and I experienced the same thing. Ice does seem to help when I got the pain. Good luck :)

@ N.Estrada I think it's pretty safe to say we all go through a moment of "what have I done" and also that day 2 and 3 are the worst for everyone (at least that I have talked to) I remember by day 5 or 6 I was feeling sooooo much better and by day 8 I was almost back to normal. Move as much as you can (carefully) and as long as your trying to drink you'll be fine. Day 4 swelling starts to go down and it starts getting easier to swallow. Chin up hun. I'm 4 months out, down 60lbs, and extremely happy with my decision now.

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I got my ticker at myfitnesspal.com. Once you register and create it a URL will be given then you just add the URL to your signature on here!

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